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Everything posted by cassandle

  1. I've never had the desire to have a baby but seeing that man holding one made my cold heart soften a little--that was adorable. Although, a lot of the times when Raylan was playing with the baby I got the feeling it was Timothy Olyphant more than Raylan--he just looked too comfortable and goofy. Not a complaint though, because: seriously adorable. And Tim's line about Rachel saying "chasing our dicks" sounding strange was great too. Anytime there's a combination of Rachel/Tim/Raylan it's great. It makes me more annoyed by the lack of them in Season 5 though. That was brutal. I'm not usually squeamish but I had to watch that through my fingers. I really thought Ty was going to get killed by the end but very glad he survived for another episode. Between the tension and the killings and the banter this is turning into one of my favorite seasons. I'm still fairly bored by Ava (although I was glad something finally happened there--I've been complaining all season that she should have told Boyd the truth from the start) but for the most part it's been really good. Why are the even years' seasons so great?
  2. Dammit! :) I'll just lie to myself that I wouldn't have had a good view of the stage anyway and watching it online is much better.
  3. This is the con I went to and had I known about this, I would have gone that night. But I don't know if they ever made it on stage--judging by the talk I was overhearing the boys stayed backstage the whole time. But I could be wrong--I'd really rather not know what I missed. To anyone thinking about going I recommend it. If I had to do it over again I don't think I'd splurge for the priciest package though--all I got this time was the Jensen photo and the general admission. Maybe I'd get a Jared photo next time but probably not the whole weekend gold package. At least for the con in Phoenix there wasn't a whole lot going on other than photo taking and the Q&A with the boys. Other than that it was a lot of killing time in the hotel bar. But it was definitely worth the money for the photo with Jensen even though the whole thing happens SO FAST. It was hi, photo, thanks, next. And while other girls (because of course it was all girls) were braver and managed to talk a little to him I was way too shy and didn't want to be a pest. And it didn't help that he was seriously beautiful (whoever here told me it was like looking into the sun was spot on). So in my photo Jensen is smiling and crazy handsome while I look a little afraid and timid (but at least I'm not blinking or drooling or anything weird). And funnily I don't remember having my picture taken at all but I distinctly remember having my hand on his back and thinking that the flannel shirt he was wearing was weirdly scratchy and I wondered why he was wearing such an un-soft shirt. Why that was going through my mind when I was standing with Jensen Ackles' arm around me, I don't know. Anyhoo, other girls were getting all sorts of crazy poses out of him (and he seemed happy to oblige). He posed with one girl prom-style, another had a giant cherry pie with her, another was wearing black contacts, another had him pretend to punch her, and a lot of girls got bear hugs (and I'm very jealous of those girls). I also recommend picking who you go with wisely. I found out my coworker's wife was going so we planned to meet up. The Jensen photo was from 10:45-11:30 and she was so busy getting her hair and makeup done that morning she didn't get there until 11:25. Which I think added to my weird photo--I wasn't about to miss my photo waiting for her so I had to go in alone and nervous and it didn't help that I was anxious about her getting there in time. And then afterwards we hit the bar (where she drank a lot) and during the Q&A she kept saying how much she wanted to touch Jensen's face and how she was going to rush the stage and do it. So I basically had to babysit a drunk 41-year-old and keep her from causing a scene and getting thrown out. Still, I'll totally do it again next year. And maybe by then I'll have worked up enough courage for my Dean hug. By the way, parts of the Q&A were pretty damn funny. One bit in particular where Jensen was mimicking hoola-hooping while the band plays behind him is worth hunting down on youtube (I've tried to find it to post but my computer doesn't want to run videos for some reason). ETA: Here we go: Minute 4:37 is where the magic starts.
  4. Word. I personally don't think they did. Ava looked pretty far into that dinner she was making and she was so anxious to get it done before Boyd came home I doubt she'd stop for a quickie. Or if Boyd had caught Raylan coming from upstairs instead of the kitchen then maybe I'd buy it. IMO I think Rachel and Art (and probably Tim) are supposed to think Raylan was dumb enough to sleep with her again because that's a totally Raylan thing for him to do. This season it feels like Raylan is trying to be more by-the-book and no one's expecting it--like when Rachel was surprised he wanted to build the case against Boyd slowly. Although, Raylan didn't seem to want to tell Tim how he got Ava back on track.... Does Tim know Ava tried to run? His comment about Ava working for them again made it sound like he knew what happened but wouldn't he be obligated to tell Rachel?
  5. Yep, it's all our fault. We are horrible people (or "haters" I guess) who refused to put up with terrible writing, whisper-acting, and bad wigs. What were we thinking?! We should be ashamed of ourselves ;)
  6. Great episode but I agree with some of the others that the Ava thing is getting old (for yet another season). I'm not the least bit surprised about Limehouse and she shouldn't be either. She was reckless and stupid last week and deserves him turning on her. I don't know what she expected him to do--especially after she seemingly ditched Errol in the hardware store. I felt really bad for Choo Choo but felt even worse that he couldn't manage to be hit by a train (even though it's a dick move to kill yourself like that when the train engineer is likely to die too). And even creepy Ty garnered some sympathy from me when he was talking about how he didn't want to kill Choo Choo--Gilluhunt is great in this role and I hope he somehow sticks around for another few episodes. Tim, as always, was delightful. For some reason the line about Choo Choo hiding behind a coat rack still has me giggling. And I was terrified through the whole shootout that he was going to get hit. I'm sure my neighbors loved me yelling, "Don't you do it--don't you dare kill Tim!" at the TV. As happy as I am to see him every time he pops up on the screen I spend that time worried for his safety. I am hoping though that he's the one who kills Sea Bass. And Ty for that matter since Ty called him a dick a few weeks ago. Raylan can have Boyd, but let Tim get the rest of them (as long as he lives--seriously, show, don't you dare kill Tim.)
  7. I held it together all right until the Traveling Wilburys came on. Damn you, show, for making me feel things.
  8. Agreed, Season 1 Ava was boring to me because Raylan spent all his time trying to save her and Season 5 Ava was boring because of the whole prison thing. I miss the Ava that smacked Devil in the face with a cast iron frying pan. I've said it here before but I really expected Ava to make the deal with Raylan and then immediately tell Boyd so they could be in on it together, pull some con, and then escape into the sunset together. Instead she's just terrified all the time and it's making her do stupid things.
  9. Well crap--another episode I skipped and clearly shouldn't have. And yet, even knowing she dies, I still don't feel like dealing with any Katrina at all and probably won't bother watching it. But I really hope it gets renewed now so I can start over and pretend Season 2 never happened.
  10. Yeah, I expected some of Boyd's crew to be joining them for breakfast but I guess it was all for him. Maybe Ava was trying to make Boyd logy so he wouldn't be able to catch her as fast. I'd definitely need a nap after eating all that.
  11. I don't know if it's true or not but I've decided that the kid sucked because he was a glamour and not a real boy because, yeah, his line readings were terrible.
  12. I'm guessing it's a brothers-in-arms kind of relationship. Choo Choo may have been a pretty badass soldier before the shrapnel. Maybe they remember that version of him and are angry at what he turned into but too sentimental to let him go.
  13. I think the same thing watching him do his stunts. He and I are the same age and I can't fathom doing what he does considering I hurt myself by napping on the couch in a weird position. Him doing his own stunts makes JA that much more impressive (and by "impressive" I mean "hot" obviously).
  14. Tim does peek out the window when Rachel is checking on Albert, but I agree, it's silly to think Duffy had left so quickly. And they didn't even bother taking the equipment out of the room? That was weird too. If they had just left through the connecting door it probably wouldn't have been so awkward. Rachel's little patronizing face slap and Tim's fist bump were my favorite things last night. The fist bump and Tim's, "Thank you for your service," were both call backs to things he's done in the past which pleased me to no end. On one of the commentaries Graham Yost said women are Raylan's blind spot. Whether it's Lindsey or Winona or Ava he has a problem keeping his head when a beautiful woman is involved. There was a scene in Season 3, I think, when Raylan first moves into the bar after Winona left him and Ava visits and he kisses her the second she sits down. They did that to mirror their first meeting so it's not something new between the two of them. That being said, it bugged me too. I think he's being slightly nicer to Ava than in the start of the season, but he's still being kind of a dick. Yes, Ava belongs in prison for Delroy's murder and she should be grateful she's out, but barking orders at her and showing up in the hardware store in front of all of Harlan is not helpful and it's driving her to do stupid things like run away. Finally, I found it very unsettling that Avery could freak out Ty so much. Ty came in strong as such a scary/creepy guy it's hard to imagine someone out-threatening him--but boy, he looked scared last night. Love these villains.
  15. I'll be curious to see if the fact that Cain let himself be killed makes a difference to how the Mark responds. And since Dean wasn't giving it his all in the fight maybe he never crossed whatever line needed to be crossed to activate Evil!Dean. Although, if that's the case I'm not sure how the rest of the season would go--that might be a little anticlimactic.
  16. I was under the impression that Dean believed that if he killed Cain he would turn full-on evil and was looking for a way out. Not because he wanted to save Cain, but because he wanted to save himself.
  17. I really liked him on Psych and Deadwood and found him handsome (with blue eyes that women want to do cannonballs into) but never particularly hot. But tonight? Hoo boy. I don't know if it was the hair or the bad-assness or a combination of both but I will take more of that version of Timothy Omundson please.
  18. I know I'm repeating what others have said but... LOVE Jensen Ackles. Holy crap, that face when he was going up the steps to meet Cain? And when he stabbed him? It is not fair that that boy doesn’t have all the awards. LOVE Timothy Omundson and his fabulous hair and, no offense to Dean, was hoping throughout the fight he would live to come back again. And since this is Supernatural maybe he will. Thank you, Sam, for finally hugging your poor brother after ignoring my pleas to do so for years. Dean was so awesome I didn't even get bored by Rowena and Crowley’s B plot this time and was happy she read him the riot act for being a lame king of hell. I feel like watching the fight scene all over again.
  19. I lent out (and never got back) my Season 1 DVDs and I haven't bothered to get Season 5 so I'm not sure about those. Season 2 has deleted scenes, a gag reel, an "on the set" short, and a short about the Bennetts but no commentary. Seasons 3 and 4 have commentary for most of the episodes but not all (9 episodes on S3 and 10 on S4) and the same sort of set tours and other behind the scene shorts and gag reels. The commentary for those usually have writers and directors and oftentimes an actor (Timothy Olyphant does a couple and Walton Goggins, Patton Oswald, Jere Burns, Joelle Carter…no Jacob Pitts though (unless he's on S5 commentary)). I'm a giant commentary-watching nerd so even though I already had all of S4 (my favorite season) on iTunes I still bought the DVDs for the commentary--the best one IMO was on "Decoy" with TO and Patton Oswald together.
  20. And apparently TO is VERY involved in the writing too. I've been watching the commentary for season 3 and 4 and there's a lot of talk about how he will rewrite scenes to make them more Elmore-Leonard-like--and not just Raylan's scenes but more often than not it's other characters he's punching up. He and Goggins are super protective of their characters.
  21. Well, I thought I was officially done with this show but skimming through the comments there seem to be too many people here who liked this episode. Now I can't decide if I should watch it or not (and last week's episode that's still sitting in my DVR untouched). But I guess I should give it a try? Ugh. I'm not looking forward to getting pulled back in if everything's just gonna go to hell again next week.
  22. The more I watch the scene the more I think there was something cut--the conversation just doesn't make sense. Raylan: We’re upsettin’ you? You want us to leave? You can just tell us who bought your land. Tim: Records indicate LM Consolidated. Broker’s name turned out to be a fake. Raylan: Who was it, wanted their identity concealed? Dickie: Yes, you’re absolutely right, I’d be delighted to tell you why I sold it. Would you…like to-- Raylan: This ought to be good. Tim: I hope you made a tidy sum for your dumbassness Dickie: Drove a hard bargain, yeah, yeah, but I did, I managed to, I pushed her back, I did, and I ended up with a tidy sum. They go from asking Dickie who he sold it to, to Dickie saying he'd tell them why he sold it, to Tim calling him a dumbass for no particular reason. Did Dickie explain why he sold it--which had something to do with the feud--that makes Tim call his motives "dumbassness" but they cut it out? Otherwise, why would selling his land be dumb? What's he going to do with it in prison? I have officially spent too much time thinking about this.
  23. Fanwanking here but maybe Harlan County was his last stop and he already bought off the rest of Kentucky. Or it's really the Bennett land he's after since they already grew weed and he knows it's fertile--everyone else's land may be a bonus and he's so insistent on getting it because he just doesn't like being told 'no'.
  24. Can someone explain this part to me? I've watched it a couple times now and I still don't get it... When Raylan and Tim are talking to Dickie, Raylan asks him, "You were so hot to start a feud with me that had long since ended, you sold your ancestral land to Loretta McCready?" What does the Raylan/Dickie feud have to do with Dickie selling his land? Or how does selling his land restart the feud? If there are dots to connect from one thing to another I'm not seeing them. I feel like they hastily wrote something that didn't make sense just to bring Dickie back--or cut out part of the scene.
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