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Everything posted by cassandle

  1. Possessed Marlena was the first thing I thought of when I read the description--that was such an awesomely bonkers story line. Although I would have put her on Supernatural purely because Jensen Ackles played Eric Brady on Days of Our Lives and I can't believe they haven't done that stunt-casting yet.
  2. For some reason I've been thinking about this a lot (it's been a slow day) and isn't Ohhhhhhndrea "cheating" by using her grandmother's address to go to that school? That just seems like a wasted opportunity of judginess for a tool like Brandon not to point out.
  3. My 9th grade science teacher graded on the curve and one of my classmates had a photographic memory and would literally write out her answers straight from the text book and ruin it for those of us who may have answered correctly but not as completely. So dumb. Anyhoo...Brandon sucks.
  4. Truer words were never spoken. I'm going to be very sad when this marathon is over.
  5. Since Hugh Laurie appeared I've been trying to figure out if Tom James has some ulterior motives or not. Sometimes he seems like he's secretly evil but since watching HL on Veep I've remembered how much I love him so I've been rewatching House and since House is pretty devious my judgement may be clouded. Either way, if they keep Hugh Laurie around I don't care what happens plot-wise.
  6. I need to track down the episode of Unsolved Mysteries that they did about my hometown back in 1990. It was pretty much the only big crime we ever had since the lawless Old West days and when the episode aired we had viewing parties because everyone was obsessed with it. Weirdly I've never seen that episode again even though I used to watch the reruns constantly but I think I know what I'll be doing at work today instead of working....
  7. I think FDR had that needlepointed onto throw pillows to give out at the Yalta Conference. I can't believe how much of these episodes I remember considering I haven't watched them since I was about seven.
  8. I started tearing up when he showed all the clips I remembered watching in junior high/high school, started sniffling when he introduced his family, started crying when he talked about the open-heart surgery, and started full-on sobbing when the Foo Fighters began to play. I thought I had cried a lot during Colbert's last show but that didn't compare to the snotty, weepy mess I was last night. That was rough.
  9. Yep, I'll admit to crying too. Annoying storyline aside, those boys are good at making my cold, black heart feel things. And kudos to the makeup people because Dean/Jensen looked wrecked in the beginning. I thought maybe JA had stayed up all night drinking just to look that red-eyed and miserable. Other than that I thought it was a pretty meh finale--not the worst but not the best. When the Darkness popped up I was more worried about the Impala than I was for humanity. I don't think that's what the writers intended. Still, I'll be around next season--I'll be around till the bitter end.
  10. Argh--my internet was out all night and waiting to comment was killing me.... This is exactly what I was going to say in defense of Dean. All he saw was a guy standing over a pile of gasoline-soaked books with other members of his murderous family. And if the kid really was a bad guy he might have made the same "I'm not like my family" argument just to save himself from getting killed. Granted, Dean could have spent a little more time considering the kid's fate but as far as I could tell he had no real reason to believe the kid was telling the truth. Maybe the kid should have killed his cousins and run off on his own before Dean even got there--he had the opportunity to leave. That being said, I was really expecting Dean to see the photo of Mary and not kill the kid. Or that the burning of the photo is what would make Dean kill the kid. Or that the photo would be the reason he didn't kill Cas. I don't understand why they bothered making a deal about the photo if nothing was going to come of it. I guess the writers were just trying to manipulate the viewers? And if that's the case, they suck (more than usual).
  11. Agreed. As much as this show can piss me off with the writing and plot holes and angst overload I know I'll watch it till the bitter end because I really love these actors. I'll be very sad in the future when Jared and Jensen aren't acting opposite each other anymore.
  12. I was trying to figure this out too--and was pretty irritated the whole time he wasn't saving her. I don't remember Castiel losing his zapping powers at all but I'm guessing that happened in an episode I wasn't paying much attention to... Dean's affection is the main reason I care about Charlie dying. I found her okay in some episodes and grating in others so I don't really care that they killed her except for the fact that it hurts Dean and now there will be even more guilt being laid on Sam. Yawn.
  13. I didn't find him creepy either--at first. I rewatched parts of it last night and was surprised by how different it was than what I remembered. Dean jumping into the car wasn't as jokey/funny as I had thought and the vampire nest scene was darker than I remembered. I don't know if it's because I was reading comments all day and that changed my perspective or if I was so exhausted the first time I watched it I only saw what I wanted to see. Either way, it plays differently for me now. Weird. The Speed 2: Cruise Control line, however, was still just as hilarious :)
  14. Hell yeah he is. I spend about 30% of each episode exclaiming to myself, "Holy crap he's handsome! No one should be that good looking!" I think this is a big part of what I've liked most about the past few episodes. Dean smiling, having fun kililng things (albeit slightly creepy ramped-up killing fun), drumming on the steering wheel to his music, lightheartedly screwing around with Sam (e.g. messing with his stuff while he's away and surprising him in the car), etc. I miss frequently-cheerful Dean. Even if it's the MOC making him a little manic and killy I'll take it just to see that smile. Meh, screw exams. I have a TON of work I'm supposed to be doing right now but I'm here reading and posting about how handsome JA is--it's so much more fun that boring old responsibilities ;)
  15. That's why I was wondering if she was in a trance or something because she was so "meh" about it. I fully admit to LOVING that song and to singing along when it came on :) It didn't bother me either. I was trying to figure out if it looked better or if I've just gotten used to it/given up. I almost didn't watch last night because I worked late and was exhausted but then I remembered Benny was supposed to be in it so I forced myself to stay up and watch the recording. Glad I did. I'd be pretty happy if there was a few episodes of Dean in Purgatory if it meant seeing (real) Benny again. And we'd hopefully get some great fight scenes (loved the tiny one we got last night). I've always felt a little bad for Dean when he left Purgatory and had to deal with the guilt and angst of killing/hunting in the real world. On the other hand, I really don't want to see Dean die (again) because I'm a sap and it would make me sad. But if the writers/directors keep doing what they've been doing lately I'm hopeful that whatever the outcome is, it'll be good. Fingers crossed.
  16. And another question, what made the girl knock a hole in the wall in the first place? Was it calling to her or did she just decide to destroy her family's house for no good reason? And is Dean not considering suicide purely because the MOC won't let him do it, or because he's stronger than that regardless of the MOC? I wasn't sure what the show was trying to imply. I really liked this episode. The fancy camera tricks that bugged me last week worked really well this time I thought…going back and forth from the present to the past and from purgatory to real life--nicely done, Supernatural. My only real quibble is Rowena calling Dean "dim". Dear show, please stop referring to Dean as dumb. Oh, and the Speed 2: Cruise Control had me laughing for a good long time. Dean, you're adorable.
  17. I just realized after reading the comments about Boon's shot that the way Raylan wears his hat was a (probably unintentional) callback to the pilot too. When he first meets Boyd, Boyd comments to Devil on how well Raylan wears his hat--all casual, not down on his ears like Devil. I never gave too much thought about how TO wore his Stetson (except to think that he looked really crazy handsome in it) but it's funny to see it actually became a plot point.
  18. Like Tim saying, "I love this shit--this shit makes me hard"? Someone needs to make these happen.
  19. The only one I got right was Wynn--I was pretty sure he'd live and the surfing in Fiji bit was just icing on the cake. And thank you, writers and creators of Justified for not killing my beloved Tim. I won't have to burn all my DVDs in a grief-stricken rage.
  20. I read that somewhere else earlier today and now I've begrudgingly changed my opinion on the new hat. But I think I was more worried about the cowboy hat getting shot than I was about Raylan :) I'd love to have him saying, "Hell-o, Raylan," in that way he does. I'd want people to call me all the time if it meant hearing that.
  21. Dean did dump holy oil in the fire so he had least had an inkling that regular fire wouldn't work. That being said, he should have been a little surprised that it worked. And has Dean never met Sam? Of course Sam didn't burn the book! How about you tell Charlie, who might actually do what you say, to burn the book and let Sam take on the supernaturally-ramped-up bad guy? I had a super crappy day too but for some reason my bad day made me get all weepy when Dean was arguing about not using the book :) All in all I really liked this episode--and if I had one complaint (and I do love to complain) it's that the camera work/editing was jarring. I liked it for the flashback 'Behind Blue Eyes' bit (and why has it taken this long for them to use that song?) but the rest of the time it felt like film stuck in a projector or something. I'm not crazy about fancy camera moves/special effects when it takes you out of the moment and makes you realize you're watching a TV show.
  22. I thought in the last (?) episode that it was Wynn who Ava called, promising him the money if he could get her out. That's why he knew how many duffle bags needed to fit in his van--I don't think anyone else told him how Markham had been transporting the cash so I assumed it had to be her. If that's the case, that was the ONLY thing I guess right about the finale. Me too. The other one made him look like a "cowboy marshal"--Boon's made him look like my grandpa in the 1940s. There aren't too many other actors out there who could have made me tear up like those two did. I was not expecting to get emotional over it but--damn, that was hard. It's insane that those two (not to mention the show itself) aren't getting showered with awards. Amen! Preferably a leading man role so he gets more screen time. As much as I loved this season, S4 is still my favorite because it's chock-full of Tim ;)
  23. Boy there was a lot of dust in my apartment during the last scene *sniff*. My mind is reeling too much to be very coherent but... 1. LOVE that Tim lived. 2. Hate that Raylan started wearing Boon's hat--I thought the style looked ridiculous on him. Damn I'm going to miss this show.
  24. I generally don't care one way or another about Jeff Goldblum but I lost all interest in CI when he was in and Goren was out. I loved that crazy, library-card-carrying giant. And Eames was seriously the best. I'd take that partnership over Benson and Stabler any day.
  25. Even if I were to win (so very unlikely) I don't think I could bring myself to go because if, God forbid, Tim Gutterson dies I would rather watch that in the privacy of my own home where I can scream at the TV and bawl my little eyes out without anyone knowing I'm a crazy person.
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