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Everything posted by cassandle

  1. These two are just adorable: http://www.indiewire.com/article/watch-the-stars-of-justified-will-take-you-to-the-finale-for-a-good-cause-dont-listen-to-the-other-guy-20150409
  2. To be fair Boyd did sort of try to talk that dude out of holding the snake and even his own sister didn't try to hard to stop him from doing something stupid. That being said, Boyd could have stopped him if he really wanted to. I keep going back to the pilot when Boyd shot the skinhead in the off chance that he was a fed. He had no qualms about killing that guy purely because he didn't like him and didn't quite trust him but if Boyd had waited a few minutes he would have learned from Devil that he was the racist asshole he was claiming to be. And he was perfectly willing to shoot Raylan in the pilot and at that point Raylan hadn't done anything to him yet but drag him in for a lineup and (rightfully) accuse him of shooting the skinhead and blowing up a church. I think Boyd was much more ruthless in the pilot and it seems like that's what they're circling back to in the past couple episodes.
  3. Ditto. I love seeing Tim on my screen but the more screen time he has the more chances he has to die. I was terrified that it was him rattling the doorknob and getting shot by Zachariah because I thought Boyd would be too obvious. I'm so tempted to search out spoilers just to put my mind at ease but I don't want to ruin it for myself either.
  4. I didn't think I could love Tim any more than I already do but his attitude towards Vasquez was great--so indifferent towards his little temper tantrum. Love. This has bugged me for a while.... Last season wasn't Raylan all set to go to Florida but Vasquez and Rachel made him stay to get Boyd? Or am I remembering that wrong? Either way, I agree, they really can't blame anyone but themselves. They've met Raylan before, they should have known exactly what he would do. I was willing to overlook that dumb decision when it looked like they were trying to go after Raylan too but that doesn't seem like it's the case anymore. I was really happy when Raylan gave up his Boyd hunt to save Bob because it felt like the old Raylan I loved was back. But then I realized he probably wouldn't have if Boyd hadn't disappeared. But still, he called it in instead of dumping Bob anonymously at the ER so I guess that's something? I can't fathom how they're going to pull off the finale. Not a whole lot actually happened this week and now they've got to tie up pretty much every single story line in an hour? It's going to be bonkers.
  5. It reruns on ION where I am (which I think has become a pretty standard channel around the country) but I haven't figured out when. It seems to be totally random but it's a nice little surprise when I'm bored and flipping through channels to find Nate wearing an awesome hat and Elliot beating the crap out of someone.
  6. A bottle opener makes sense--especially since he doesn't wear it anymore making it seem like he wasn't particular attached to it. (OT: the scene where he opens the beer bottle with the ring in "Tall Tales" I have to rewind over and over again every time I watch it--I don't know why but I love that random little detail.)
  7. Ditto. But sadly Vasquez will probably be just fine since he's always safely in the courthouse/office surrounded by marshals.
  8. I never thought it was a wedding ring but I like that idea. Although, it would probably be John's since it was pretty thick and big enough to fit Dean's manly finger. ETA: Thanks, Demented Daisy--I remember that now. So if it didn't work on Yellow Eyes it probably shouldn't have worked on Demon!Dean, but whatever you say, Writers.
  9. I can't remember...have we seen if holy water works on Demon!Dean or Cain? I'm just thinking way back to when Yellow Eyes was possessing John and when Sam sprinkled him with holy water it didn't do anything. Yellow Eyes said something like, "Did you think that would work on something like me?" I would imagine holy water wouldn't work on a Knight of Hell either but that hinges on the writers actually sticking to their old story lines which they're not particularly good at.
  10. I really liked this episode--after the last two blah ones it was nice to see something entertaining. Just a few thoughts... 42! Hee! Fake drunk Dean is adorable. I could have watched an entire hour of him hustling pool. And the way he mushed his hair up to look younger/douchier/drunker--whatever he was going for it was great. I have to admit it took me way too long to realize Dean was screwing around in Sam’s room. I thought he was scratching himself with his own toothbrush and was extremely disgusted before I realized what the hell he was doing. Then of course I was no longer disgusted and instead laughing my ass off. Bobby and Sam’s talk and the letter at the end both made me tear up. I have a huge soft spot for Jim Beaver and while I had gotten a little tired of Bobby by the time he was a ghost, I was okay with him in this one. That being said, it would have been nice if they could have brought John back instead. Sam’s hair didn’t bother me which is a miracle. Either it's looking better or I've grown used to it. The flash of Demon!Dean freaked me out momentarily--that was really nicely shot and acted. Dean and Crowley’s talk was nice too—I don’t know why but I didn’t mind the “Dr. Phil” talk. And finally, did Castiel have a new tie?
  11. I'm convinced he probably will die and since I've been 100% wrong so far on who's getting killed that means he won't die. Except now I think he won't die which means he will…. Crap.
  12. I laughed so hard at "infirm". I'm going to miss this sort of dialogue so very much.
  13. I could have sworn that in the previews after last week's episode for this week's episode they showed Ava opening the bag to find the money wasn't really all there and freaking out. But now I'm thinking that the promo monkeys cut it so her freaking out about Gruber looked like she was freaking out over the non-money. In other words, yeah, I totally didn't think all the money was really in the bag either and I still have a hard time believing Avery really handed over 10 million.
  14. And this is why Tim is not allowed to die. Oh, me too. I didn't think Mikey would ever die and figured he and Wynn would ride off into the sunset together. That was one of the sadder deaths on the show for me. Amen. "Little shit" is the perfect description for him. I get that he has a job to do and that Raylan is exceedingly frustrating to deal with but just the fact that he's so sure Raylan helped Ava steal the money (and that he slept with her again) pisses me off to no end. Unlike the last time when he had photographs, he has no proof that Raylan did anything this time and is just assuming Raylan is a dirty cop instead of just an idiot when it comes to women. Either way, that was one of the grossest things I've seen on this show. I can handle the people blowing up all over the place but that dude was nasty. I agree--him killing Karl seemed like a very Boyd thing to do. In the pilot he killed the guy on the bridge, he let his skin-head henchmen get caught in a shoot-out with the marshals, when he was a preacher he let one of his "flock" take the fall for blowing up the meth lab and killing a CI, he shot Devil (letting Arlo take the fall) and Dewey and Johnny (I think?), and set Karl and Earl up to get caught. I think Jimmy and Colt were probably the only henchman Boyd really liked enough not to kill. Karl put a gun to his head and would have killed him so Boyd did what Boyd does and talked him out of it and then made him pay. That being said, Boyd is really pissing me off this season (like others have said) and I'm ready for him to die. And Ava. Even Raylan's being enough of an asshole for me not to care too much about him anymore.
  15. I'm pretty sure the words "Holy shit" came out of my mouth at least 2 dozen times. Followed closely with, "Please don't kill Tim." Seriously though: holy shit!
  16. Ha--when I typed "rappel" it looked totally wrong for some reason--like not-a-real-word wrong--so I "fixed" it to "repel". Anyhoo... Now I feel like going through the whole series again--I don't think I've done a proper marathon since the show ended.
  17. I think the family willed all their ancestors' stuff to the Catholic church as a whole and then somehow it made its way to that specific church. Not that that's a good explanation. Why wouldn't it have stayed in a church in Florence (Florence? Rome? Wherever.). What would have made more sense is to have had it be a Spanish church/nun (if they really wanted it to be ethnic for some reason) and have it take place in California or Texas or New Mexico...somewhere with Spanish missions. Then the heirlooms would have stayed in one place instead of being shipped to another country for some dumb reason and the nun being able to speak English would have been slightly more believable (but not really since it would be a couple hundred years before English-speakers were in that area...). I think I've officially given this plot more thought than the writers did.
  18. I agree with this wholeheartedly! John Rodgers is on every single one of them but the rest of the commentators switch up. Aldis Hodge is on quite a few, Beth Riesgraf is on a couple, I think (I mix up what I've heard on the old podcast with what's on the commentary--speaking of the podcast, it was hilarious too), Christian Kane is on a couple in S5 (maybe S4, but I can't remember off the top of my head), and a lot of directors and writers. Seriously--John Rodgers is hilarious and most of the commentators are really funny too. I can't tell you how many times I've binged through the series listening to only the commentary. I find it every bit as entertaining as the show itself. I think I would rank the seasons from favorite to least favorite (which is hard to say because I love them all): 3, 1, 2, 5, 4. As for 10 I would keep...hell, I can't even narrow it down to 20: 1. The Nigerian Job (1-1) 2. The Two-Horse Job (1-3) 3. The Bank Shot Job (1-5) 4. The Wedding Job (1-7) 5. The First David Job (1-12) 6. The Second David Job (1-13) 7. The Tap Out Job (2-2) 8. The Three Days of the Hunter Job (2-5) 9. The Two Live Crew Job (2-7) 10. The Iceman Job (2-8) 11. The Scheherazade Job (3-4) 12. The Studio Job (3-6) 13. The Gone Fishing Job (3-7) 14. The Rashomon Job (3-11) 15. The Ho, Ho, Ho Job (3-14) 16. The Big Bang Job (3-15) 17. The San Lorenzo Job (3-16) 18. The Long Way Down Job (4-1) 19. The Hot Potato Job (4-5) 20. The Carnival Job (4-6) 21. The Experimental Job (4-11) 22. The Last Dam Job (4-18) 23. The First Contact Job (5-3) 24. The D.B. Cooper Job (5-6) 25. The Rundown Job (5-10) 26. The Toy Job (5-14) 27. The Long Goodbye Job (5-15) Elliot is my favorite character (and one of my TV boyfriends) and I LOVE Christian Kane so any episode that gives him something fun to do (most of the ones above) are automatically a favorite in my book.
  19. That's funny because I spent last week re-watching Season 5--something I don't like doing because it makes me sad that it's over. And I will admit to tearing up at the end of the Long Goodbye Job. I remember being crushed when it originally aired because they had just announced Leverage got canceled. Yeah, Sophie can be a little princess-y but some of that attitude winds up being pretty funny--like when she makes fun of Hardison's van or has to repel with Parker. And she pairs really well with Elliot--that's one of my favorite combinations. The Real Fake Car Job (S5) has the two of them paired up and they're awesome together--I rewind their scenes over and over again. If you have Netflix I recommend watching the whole thing in order--it's fun to watch how each character changes over the course of 5 years.
  20. Seriously. I feel bad for TH to be walking around with that mop on his head. I'm hoping that through this tragedy he'll wind up the most redeemed and stable purely so he'll clean up and cut his hair. Has Mark been in Afghanistan or Iraq this whole time and came back on emergency leave or has he been working in the States--D.C. or somewhere closer? Something feels off with the way he was looking at Gwen in the hospital and it makes me think they had a thing on the side but not if he's been overseas for years.
  21. I think this bothers me more than anything else. Why on earth isn't it the wife's decision to say where her husband gets buried? Even if Barb were able to get him buried where she wants what's to stop Gwen from digging him up as soon as she's awake and moving him back? That's what I would do if I woke up from a freaking coma to find my crazy-ass MIL took it upon herself to bury my husband who I also just woke up to find out was dead.
  22. Ha! For a split second watching the video (and before I scrolled further down) I totally thought David Miscavige was Jacob Pitts and was momentarily disappointed that my TV boyfriend Tim Gutterson was a Scientologist.
  23. I would love if this were the reason Crowley's been sitting around hell all season doing nothing. I love Mark Sheppard but I'd rather see him pop up sporadically and actually do something than see him every week looking bored. But I can forgive Crowley's lacklusterness if he can turn it around into something dastardly and awesome.
  24. I finally got around to watching this episode just before the 4th one aired but I'm still on the fence about it. This has been my favorite thing so far. And I can't remember if it was this one or episode 4 since I watched them together but I liked him telling Barb and Gwen's parents that, yes, he gambled, but that was in the past and has nothing to do with the here and now. He's trying hard to be there for his family--moving, getting a job--and I liked that he stood up for himself. I wish he'd cut his hair, but other than that, Russ is the only character I like. Ha! Yes, to punching her in the face! I have ZERO sympathy for this woman. I don't know if we're supposed to hate her so much or if we're supposed to feel bad because her circumstances made her this way but I just can't bring myself to care.
  25. I'm still only watching it for Timothy Hutton. So far (and maybe this is just because I love the actor so much) his is still the only character I give a damn about. Was I the only one who was annoyed about the other son coming to talk to Russ while he was at work? Your dad moved to Modesto and managed to land himself a job (that he appears to be good at and enjoy) so he could stay and help out with his family and you want to come talk to him while he's working and probably get him in trouble? Wait until his shift is over, kid. ETA: It occurs to me that I watched both last week's and this week's episodes in a row and muddled the two together. Everything else I said belongs in the Episode 3 discussion so, moving it there....
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