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Everything posted by sadie

  1. I really really hate that they have Nya hooking up on Tinder. It’s just gross, seems super careless in terms of safety and, I don’t know, it just makes me feel yuk. I hope they have something better for the actress to do soon. The portraits of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton got me totally in the feels. And while I think John Corbett is a good looking man, the tighty whitey scene just didn’t work. Although Carries outfit in that scene was to die for! My favorite part of SATC was always the clothes and the NYC house porn. That house off Grammercy Park, wow. If I win the Mega Millions that’s what I want.
  2. I’m so ready for the story to move on. I’ve been bored to tears.
  3. AJLT will forever remain in the same category as Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life. Everything I loved about both these series has been annihilated in the reboots. And just like the GG reboot, which I will never watch again, I won’t watch this again, even tho I watch both original series on a loop.
  4. I feel like I need to rewatch original SATC. I never thought Aiden was a bad guy, ever. And certainly not a “dirtbag? Wow that’s a stretch. Maybe I missed something, they just seemed mismatched, and while I don’t want to do the Big V. Aiden Who Is The Worse contest, I always thought Big was a jerk. So interesting that my memory remembers clearly I thought Big was a jerk and Aiden was an okay guy (just not the right guy for Carrie) speaks volumes on how I saw things in my younger years. Maybe rewatching now that I’m older might change that?
  5. Wouldn’t it have been a way better story if the REAL Miranda met up with Che. You know, the strong opinionated woman who had a point of view, direction and personality. I could see a Che responding to that type of person. Why did they feel they had to make Miranda needy, clingy, and basically flopping around like a teenage girl. Add in Che is written as a selfish person who seems to have no real interest in Miranda as a person. The fact that as soon as Che faced some difficulties instead of leaning on their partner, who they supposedly love, they tell Miranda they need time alone. This woman followed you across the country to support your dreams, is twisting herself into a pretzel for you and you can’t be bothered to have her around when life isn’t peachy for you. Does CN really think this is a beautiful coming out story. It reads more like an abusive one sided relationship, is that really what the intention was here?
  6. I’m 55 and I didn't realize going to a bar, meeting some random guy and taking him home and sleeping with him was still a thing? All I could think was “are these women crazy”. In todays world that is just so crazy dangerous and both women are lucky they didn’t get raped or assaulted. The fact that the show tried to play it off as sexually empowering was disturbing to me. Che, oh Che. I’m sorry but a 45 year old that still spends their nights getting stoned, playing video games and partying until 4am is beyond for me. Miranda calling Che a “night owl” made Che’s behavior sound much less infantile than how it read to me. And I dated an asshole once that did things like Che acting bothered they were accidentally woken up, if I coughed in the middle of the night he would sigh loudly to express his disgust that I woke him up. He was an asshole, Che is an asshole and it has NOTHING to do with them being binary. And The Americans is in my top 5 favorite shows of all time! The costumes were amazing and I would have totally gotten it if I had seen them at a party.
  7. Took me right back to my glorious youth. Andrew is truly a kind soul and I’m so glad they showed him for the true friend he was to George. I shed a bit of a tear at the end, it still makes me sad we lost George so young. He really was a talent. I know everyone says it about their childhood but there really will never be another time like the 80’s, if only I could go back and live it all again. This was nicely done! A great way to spend my Sunday afternoon.
  8. Che is simply not happening. Please show, make it stop. They have shown us nothing that makes me think these two characters would be together. Are we really supposed to believe a 40 something hip happening binary person would be attracted to needy, flighty almost 60 year old Miranda; they have zero chemistry and the fact that CN is so hell bent of this being the storyline makes not only Miranda look desperate but it also makes Cynthia Nixon look desperate. And throw Oliver Hudson into the mix and the level of unbelievability just ventured into sci-fi territory.
  9. What did I just watch? I was almost, almost on board, when Jocelyn suddenly became the big bad. I surmised a few eps back that she was the ultimate user but then the last ten minutes happened and just what a mess. So she just wanted to put him in his place so he always knows who is really in charge but she really loves him? What? Seriously? What? Finks commentary during the “showcase” was seriously the best thing in the entire series. Jocelyn’s strip tease for him was embarrassing. And who knew parading around in literal underwear was a fashion choice? That whole scene played out like a parody and I don’t think that was the intention. Depp-Rose certainly hit the genetic lottery but I hope this mess doesn’t define her whole career. Maybe after a long time and some therapy we will all be able to forget this mess.
  10. OMG! This scene was so over the top exaggerated ridiculous! We get it, we get it, these guys are sooooo cool that they’re doing bong hits in their car. It was a scene right out of Fast Times at Ridgemont High minus the charm and good writing. Really HBO? So so bad.
  11. Please tell me someone is gonna beat the crap out of Tedros in the finale or I’m gonna be pissed. The kitchen scene and Tedros karate kid moves was pure comedy. I know I’m giving these people a lot of credit but this ep maybe made me think the final ep will be Jocelyn kicking Tedros to the curb and saying “thanks for the music”, she then hops a plane with her seemingly nice ex boyfriend, getting a couple of hits, and the final scene is Tedros living under a bridge somewhere alone because everyone figured out what a fake ass user he is. That’s the only interpretation I have of her calling the ex and having sex with him under Tedros’ nose. The ultimate “I'm in charge here, not you, and long after you’re gone I’m still the true star here and you’re a nobody “. Tedros thinks he been the user but Jocelyn is the ultimate user. It’s either that or Tedros just gets shot, I’m okay with it either way.
  12. I believe it was when he was still young. He remembers his dad being shot. This episode really creeped me out. That all those tapes were out hiding in plain site was masterful and while I knew the mom was kind of “off” the reveal was terrifying. There were a LOT of tapes, imagine having to live with that knowledge for the rest of your life. I love a good horror story and the fact that “old” technology held the answers was nicely weaved into the Black Mirror universe.
  13. Why didn’t they come up with a safety word so the wife would know for sure whether it was Cliff and not David? It would have made a good moment for the wife to realize David was saying he was Cliff and her realization that he was lying and about to do her harm? And good call CMFRAN? Why didn't they send the droids to space to work one whole day a week?
  14. How many bad cliches can one cram into an hour of television? Just when I think this show can’t get worse, well, here we are. I feel dirty just watching this poor girl get abused. The Weekends character, in addition to being a horribly written character, also can’t act which just compounds the awful. This is almost playing like a bad SNL skit at this point. I’m gonna go to the end as it’s only 5 eps, but gosh what awful thing is left. We’ve already had him going down on her in an open convertible, dressing room sex, him wiping his hands on some expensive clothes in said fitting room, him firing any man that dares comes near her, him making her disclose her deepest pains and then using that on her, her incompetent managers. Ugh. At one point I thought he was gonna have her throw the hair brush in the fire as a way to let go of her past, nope, he just picked up beating her where her dead mother left off. I can only imagine the final scene of this mess will be a mass suicide.
  15. I think this episode had a glimpse of what could have been an interesting story. Distressed pop has been meets a Svengali that invades her life when most vulnerable and he builds her career back up but at a price as he takes over her life. Problem is The Weekend has none of the charisma needed (whoever said Jared Leto was spot on!) and the overly ick sex scenes make it cringey. I think Depp Rose shows some potential as her anxiety ridden video shoot literally gave me anxiety but then it just delves into stupid and they lose any good will they built up. And how much side and under boob do we really need?
  16. What the frack did I just watch? Other than the nice couple that had the misfortune of living across the street from Natalia, there wasn’t a decent human in the bunch. Michael clearly has severe psychological issues, Jacob seemed to be not telling the whole truth, Kristine apparently only wanted to adopt so she had someone to abuse, and while I do t think Natalia was not an adult when they got her I’m not convinced she is a complete victim here either; or maybe Natalia thought once adopted she could terrorize these people only to find they were more deranged than she was. What a cluster and we still don't know the truth. Ugh, why did I watch this?
  17. Well, that happened. I knew the end was gonna be terrible but even I couldn’t have imagined it would be this bad. So, at the end of the day Alison was just so distraught that she wasn’t the “star” and was only an “extra” and simply couldn’t bear not being the center of the world. So she has a tantrum about her non-centrality to the world, has anger sex, runs off for a I’ll advised swim and slips and dies. Everyone we thought was evil were just fuzzy bunnies with entirely reasonable reasons they did shitty things but the one shitty thing none of them did was kill Allison. And I have to call bullshit on her death, I’ve watched enough crime tv to know that the ME can tell the difference between your head hitting something (the rock she fell on) and being hit in the head. Her death would have been deemed accidental, that is unless their theory was someone pushed her off that cliff. College boy didn’t appear to choke her hard enough to leave a mark. And so now irritating sister Chloe is totally cool and no longer tortured that her sister is dead cuz being murdered and dead is way more tortuous than accidentally dead. Because it isn’t about her grief her sister is dead but how she dies that really mattered. Ugh. I want my 8 hours back.
  18. So ultimately did Shiv decide she had more power as the wife of the CEO than the sister? I felt like that last scene was her residing herself to that fact, she had two choices and choosing Tom was the less awful of the two. Both choices sucked. Watching Tom slide into his new power was kind of chilling for me, for the first time he came across as calm and powerful vs insecure and desperate. I kind of want to know if he becomes just as awful as Logan in his own way, absolute power corrupts absolutely doesn’t it. Kendall isn’t long for this world. Roman may come out of this okay and Connor was the MVP for me.
  19. Well that was disturbing. I only knew of what he did peripherally, what a sick f@ck. How in the world did he only get 15 years and that Mom got 33!? There are a lot of freaks out in the world apparently. Does anyone know if any of these poor children he victimized sued his estate? His poor wife. I never liked him and never got why everyone fawned all over him. I can only hope he’s getting beat up a lot in prison.
  20. I watched this and the Hulu version. This was sub par compared to that one IMO. I didn’t find Candy very compelling and they made Betty out to be a horrible person that almost deserved what she got. The men’s motivations were cloudy. I get maybe Elizabeth Olsen didn’t want to actually replicate what Candy really looked like, but her over glamorous look took me out of the story. I hated Lily Rabe’s “Betty” and I normally love her work. I still can’t believe this woman was found not guilty. If it wasn’t true I would call foul on the writers. I found the epilogue very sad. It seems like all these people were messed up. Allan was just a very weak man, he shipped his kids off after Betty’s death, he’s almost as much of a villain as Candy. Don Crowders end was very sad. Eh, I didn’t hate this version but it left a lot to be desired.
  21. I’m going to finish this to the end but not sure why. Have they actively tried to make Allison and Emily unlikable for some larger point? I really don’t understand Allison’s obsession with Edwin, why is she trying so hard to prove something to some random resort employee while on a whole 5 day vacation? And I don’t see why everyone is so drawn to her “amazingness ”? Emily is lucky anyone on the planet still talks to her. She’s horrible. I get we’re supposed to understand her deep burning grief and that she MUST know what happened to her sister but it just all rings false to me. Eh, maybe they’ll stick the landing on the final ep (but I doubt it).
  22. Hate watching at this point. I’m only hanging in hoping we find out who the killer is, if they leave that unanswered I’m gonna be very upset.
  23. That was depressing. Nothing new but again reminds us what fame combined with a drug problem and limited emotional intelligence can bring. I hate when adult females allow themselves to be infantalized, I cringed hearing the bodyguard call her “baby girl”. None of these people cared about her. Stern was a sleeze. They really did Burkhead a disservice, I think we can all see he is not exploiting this child, I shudder to think if Stern had gotten custody. Sad but her mother dying was tragic but probably the best thing that could have happened, although you would think Burkhead could have gotten custody anyway. She really had a charisma early on, and maybe if she hadn’t gotten those bowling balls put on her chest if she would not have become a drug addict. If nothing else these docs make me appreciate my little ordinary life.
  24. This is the crown jewel in the Bridgerton world. The story, the characters, the locale, the costumes were just perfect. I liked the focus on the older women, put the other Bridgertons to shame and frankly made those series seem silly. This had such a depth. And I cried like a baby at the end. Brimsley dancing alone at the end, I lost it. I hope they don’t try and do a second season, I think this was just 6 episodes of perfection.
  25. My love for Rob Lowe continues, this is just charming and funny and the interplay between him and the son is great. I don’t know if his son has acted before but he’s a natural. Every character is just dead pan funny. I’m trying not to bing all of these at once. Well done Netflix!
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