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Everything posted by sadie

  1. I saw Bon Jovi open for Ratt in the 80’s so I’ve been on the ride the whole time. I thought this was a tad long, it could have been a bit shorter. At times I applauded his work ethic but at other times he kind of came off a bit douchey. I always thought he was the anti rock star rock star, I think not so much now. Like they say “never meet your idols”. I enjoyed this though, it was worth the watch.
  2. A glimpse into the writers room of Delicate: Writer#1: “okay okay, it’s like a coven and they wear these bird hats and they need babies and they’re evil because……..well they’re just evil” Writer#2: “yeah yeah, and we need a cheating husband, you know to confuse everyone and he’s bad, no he’s good, oh shit who cares and we’ll throw in a bunch of weird moody set pieces because that shit is just cool” Writer#3: “wait wait, we’re on the final ep and none of this really makes sense, how do we tie it all up” Writer#1: “with a chant and then the baby is real and the witches are banished, yeah that’s it, man we are good” Everyone pats themselves on the back, take their big bags of money and laugh all the way out of the room.
  3. They should have Leslie on DWTS. People would watch just to spite Gerry, I even might tune in.
  4. This this this! I kept waiting for all this to impact him to change, nope. The whole last ep with him listening to all the messages over and over. Ugh. So really this is about his mental illness, and not Martha’s. He just did too many stupid self destructive things, he followed her home and peered in her window - WHAT? Stuff like that just really lost me. I know we are to assume his rape just messed him up, of course it did, but DO something, get counseling, find a support group. Don’t latch onto an obviously mentally ill woman and then make bad choice after bad choice. I’m not victim blaming here but he did encourage Martha to some extent, he admits it in the last episode because he liked the attention. I just dont know how I feel about this show as a whole?
  5. Maybe I’m just a cynic but I think Gerry wanted to spend Teresa’s money traveling and having fun. When he realized it wasn’t going to be champagne wishes and caviar dreams he wanted out. It wasn’t a love match for him, it was a bank account dream. And I’m sorry but both these fools didn’t discuss ANY OF THIS before they ran down the aisle. C’mon? They were more concerned with picking out their Amazon gift registry and what dress she would wear rather than “where will we live” “who will fund our lifestyle”, “Will we continue to work”. They both have egg on their faces and it’s just sad that two supposedly mature people didn’t think 5 minutes beyond the fantastical wedding that ABC paid for. I have no sympathy for either.
  6. From the shallow end of the pool: Ellen used to be so pretty, what has she done to her face? And it’s not just aging, lots of aging actresses still look like themselves just older, this is something else? are they trying to make Mer so unpleasant we’ll be happy when they write her off and we won’t miss her. Nick should pack his bags, he can do way better than being treated like some incompetent babysitter. I was embarrassed for him. not a bad episode, they’ve been pretty unwatchable lately but maybe they’re finally finding their groove.
  7. I am hanging on by a very thin thread. It’s so bad but it’s like a car crash I can’t look away from. There is really no plot that I can discern?
  8. Why Asher why? I loved his character. I always say Asher is what they want Schmidt on Greys Anatomy to be but fail miserably. He might be my favorite character and they just had to kill him in the most depressing way possible. Boo. Charlie can just go away, the character is horrible and now she’s filed a complaint against Shawn and I’m guessing it will be a lot of strife only to get to Shawn learning a very special lesson. Blech. Sorry Charlie but something as serious as surgery doesn’t care you have Asperger’s and no you shouldn’t get a free pass. I hate this storyline so much.
  9. Well any hope the second half of the season would pick up is gone. Some people died spooky deaths, ohhhhh how scary, not. No real plot movement, Anna keeps hallucinating, no it’s real, no it’s in her head, no it’s real - yawn. Even for Murphy this is bad, and that’s saying something.
  10. I had to freeze frame it to see. And it took me a moment because she was now going by her “new” name. It takes a village hahahahahaha
  11. It was on the old invitation she found.
  12. Am I the only one watching? Not sure why I’m watching either. This episode was painful. Is Douglas supposed to be an idiot? Is Carol Burnett trying to camp it up or is the gap mouthed affect supposed to be dramatic, it’s hard to watch. I don’t like anyone except the Laura Dern character but even with her I don’t know if she’s good or bad. I knew she would end up being the one that Douglas dumped but the real mystery is why someone as smart as her would want a dolt like him to begin with. I guess I’m I the the end but wow, what a disappointment this is.
  13. I want to care, but just don’t. I know they’re trying to recreate the original magic with the new batch of interns, but the cast is too big, I can’t remember anyone’s name. The early days worked because the interns were central and everyone else was secondary. Now we have interns PLUS original cast and they have too many stories that get a few minutes each ep so we never get invested enough.
  14. I am just not connecting with any of these designs. A raised bed = a broken ankle when you get up in the middle of the night to pee. Ugh. The horrible wet room? The weird teeny tiny laundry closet with a combo washer/dryer? And an outdoor shower makes no sense on a third floor, I live on the beach, generally outdoor showers are to rinse off before going inside. A cold plunge tub? Yikes. And maybe it’s because they are getting the furniture from Wayfair but it all just looks so cheap to me.
  15. Was it just me or did everyone look haggard? I’m in until the end but the series is just a shadow of its former self and I struggle paying attention. The medical stories were meh, and like everyone else it was driving me crazy they didn’t flatten the car tires.
  16. sadie

    S01.E06: Home

    I get that this wasn’t a crime procedural. We were never going to find out what happened to Gus and this was a character study in grief. I like quiet shows like Tiny Beautiful Things, which was done well. This was not. Problem was with a very slow script, NK and Brian Tee had zero chemistry and a bunch of unlikable people behaving oddly. NK just wasn’t a fit here, and yes I know it shouldn’t have affected me but her face just looked so odd and like she had trouble moving her mouth and it just distracted the hell out of me. There was no one to root for, I think Clarke might have been the only good guy but we didn’t spend enough time with him to care. Hilary was awful, David was a creep and Mercy was just oddly depressed for reasons I still am not clear , millennial angst?
  17. You have no idea how badly I needed a laugh today. Coffee came out of my nose. Lol
  18. I’m hanging on until the end but it’s getting hard. It’s just misery everywhere we look. NK’s face continues to distract. I know this is a study in grief but I just don’t like any of the characters so feeling for their grief isn’t happening. It’s dark, both in theme, and how it’s shot, it’s just not working.
  19. I liked this ep. It moved at a good pace, the impending dread of knowing what was coming (it was obvious) was good. What made no sense was NK meets this girl for 10 minutes on the boat, then has one meal with her and let’s her walk off in a crowded market watching her young child (a child known for not behaving very well), no background checks or references just “here you go take my kid”. Sorry but the only person to blame here is her (not that I’m victim shaming but you know what I mean). NK’s character doesn’t seem to like being Gus’ mom as he appears difficult and she seems moderately depressed. Maybe some of her grief now is her knowing she shouldn’t have so quickly trusted this young girl.
  20. Very Big Little Lies vibe. It was enough that I’ll keep watching. Hoping ep 2 we get a little more. NK looks very odd to me, don’t know if it’s intentional, the scene at the end when they’re in the car and she doesn’t know if the ambulance is there for her family, her face just looked so odd that I was distracted and her “thank god” when she realized it was someone other than her family really rubbed me wrong, which I think was the intention. I can’t tell if the character is supposed to be unlikable or if we’re supposed to feel sorry for her. As someone who has had extreme tragedy I don’t get when people in these shows just act like aliens the whole time because something bad happened to them.
  21. Watched all three eps back to back. Unbelievable! I liked how they changed the narrative with each ep to make you start to draw your own conclusions and then you had to change course the more they revealed. Can’t believe what this poor woman endured, I’m glad she was vindicated. As usual I can’t believe these cops got off scot free, “burn the bitch” should have at least been enough for some disciplinary action.
  22. I did not like the first floor at all. The furnishings, the odd rooms, does anyone want to walk into your house and see a Foozball table? Huh? And why didn’t they show us the kitchen? Jasmines designs are usually weird but this one might be the worst?
  23. As someone that has had to clean up a hoard after someone died I think this mindset is so selfish. Why would you want people you love to have to do this?
  24. When you sign up for a televised reality show wedding you’re gonna get feedback. If I was going to be on national tv being watched by millions you better bet I would want to look well styled. There is no excuse for the getup they stuck Teresa in. If this was her hearts desire to wear this dress and the hair and the veil, someone should have had the decency to nicely talk her into something more flattering. They had a good canvas with her, she’s petite, thin and we’ve seen her look way better than this. What the heck happened?
  25. Jeff asked Reggie and his wife this question. They said it was the kids choice and they feel a safety being together and the other rooms were very far away from Mom and dad. I figured the kids weren’t comfortable in that humongous house being really far apart. I could see it. I’m sure as they get older they will want their own spaces.
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