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Everything posted by sadie

  1. What Naomi is doing with Craig (beyond his looks) is baffling! She is stunning, ambitious, intelligent and speaks fluent French! Gah!!! Surely this tv persona her and Craig are showing us is manufactured because their pairing simply makes no sense. Run Naomi, run! Shep is simply gross at this point. What little looks he had are being eaten by booze. His personality makes me heave! Trav is equally gross only 20 years older. Grow up dude. Landon needs someone to teach her how to speak and discontinue that horrendous laugh, ugh. Whitneys comment about the only thing his mother and Craig had in common was breathing air made me laugh out loud and I'm stealing that line for my own use!!! I love Cameron's style. Girl always looks amazing! That said, the way she coddles Trav and Shep is puzzling. When her and Whit were on the phone with Shep and she told him"I'm proud of you." Wtf? Proud of what exactly? That he has a trust fund? Cuz talking skeezily behind her friends back about hooking up with her is the opposite of proud behavior? Kathryn makes me sad. She is stunning and photographs like a dream, she has access to society and could probably have had an amazing life but is just throwing g it away. Sad. I love this show!
  2. Thomas Thomas Thomas. You're playing this all wrong. What squandered potential if chasing tail is his game. Instead of being a sloppy drunk pervert, doesn't this guy realize he has the money and looks (if he cleaned up a bit) to totally pull off a cool George Clooney vibe. You know: sophisticated, mannered, RICH! This guy could have his pick, instead he just comes off as a has been old man. Makes me sad every time he's on my screen. Sigh.
  3. sadie

    S06.E15: East

    All I can think now every time Dwight sneaks up on someone is the gopher from Caddyshack. It's comical at this point how this guy has become some super stealth ninja and just keeps popping up whenever the plot calls for it. How do my CDB people go from, two episodes ago, a band of people who can pull off a mission of military precision to people just running after one another out in the open and not being aware of anything. The Glenn/Michionne "heads up there's danger behind you" motions were only missing a carton bubble over their heads with the words spelled out. It also occurred to me last night that our group only got involved in this Hilltop mess to get food because they've gotten so soft within Alexandria that they want easy access to their food. They've been scavenging for months (years?) but now all of a sudden they have to resort to murder to barter a trade so they can have apples. Morgan isn't right about much but he was right when he told Rick that Rick basically brought this problem on himself for large part. Alexandria has electricity, water and walls - they can't figure out how to feed themselves now?
  4. Here's my question: is Norma supposed to be a sympathetic character? While Vera acts the hell out of this role, I dislike Norma and sympathize with Norman. Do I have it backwards. He's mentally ill and she has done nothing to help,out of her own selfishness (disguised as love for Norman). Am I just reading it wrong??
  5. I've read all 8 pages here. What fun to have this show back. More Eileen please! I'm stealing her line "thanks......bitch" sheer perfection. On the dinner scene and comments about Yo's appearance. I was appalled . Their comments weren't coming from a place of concern and "oh my poor thing looks so ill". They were some of the most catty mean spirited digs I've witnessed coming from supposed cultured adults in a long time. I'm no Yo fan, but unless something is happening off screen we aren't privy to, Lisa V, Ken and Kyle were all simply being awful. It really turned my stomach. Yo is obviously going thru something, and the way they reveled in how bad she looked and why she couldn't throw some concealer on just shows how shallow and cruel these 3 are. If karma exists these 3 are do a big ole karma burger in their future.
  6. sadie

    S06.E05: Now

    Here's where this episode lost me. In AZ time just a day ago they were all so worried about a horde of walkers a FEW MILES away that they concocted a dangerous elaborate plan to lead them away. Fast forward one day, there is a huge growing horde PRESSING UP AGAINST THEIR PROTECTIVE WALL and everyone is just like "eh, let's just stand up here and watch them push our wall down because well there's a pantry to raid and random hook ups waiting to happen". It just makes no sense for the characters or the viewer. Shouldn't Rick be figuring out a way to thin the horde, lead them away with noise and why hasn't Aaron shared the info about this secret tunnel that could get them strategically on the other side of the horde to lead them away. It's like the writers took a vacation and the janitor had to spot fill an episode until the people that actually know what should be going on come back to get back to the actual characters. No one with any smarts is thinking, none of the actual strong characters are talking and it was maddening. This was probably the most frustrating episode to watch ever!
  7. About the music. Ugh. Whoever took over as music director should just quit. This show used to have amazing songs put to the drama. Like life altering, have to immediately find out how to get the song greatness. I remember hearing Damien Rice "9 Crimes" during season 3, when Burke kicks Christina out of the ER and it blew my mind at the time. Oh Greys of old, where have you gone?
  8. I have lost all sympathy for Alison. Ugh, where to start. She dresses like she is off to wash her car, pink bra straps hanging out of her shirt, short shorts. Why would she expect to be taken seriously. Then she starts telling her male boss some gross story about hooking up with a married man and how she was thinking what it would be like to be naked with him. Duh, Alison, people think you're a slut because you act like one. What she did to pore Cole was unforgivable. He's vulnerable and lonely and she thinks having sex with him is just okey dokey, never mind she is CHEATING on her current love of her life. But all that is no matter to poor Alison, she can't think five minutes in front of her own face. The showing up on Helens door step was just another sign of cluelessness. As someone going thru a divorce myself because of a cheating spouse that scene had me cheering for how Helen handled it. Her speech was spot on. Dear Alison and Noah, if they'll do,it with you , they'll do it to you. Which Alison proved five minutes later jumping into bed with Cole. I'm really enjoying this season, the added perspectives are really rounding the story out. And oh yeah, the detective can add my name to the list of people who want Scotty Lochert dead.
  9. Dear Whitney, he's just not that into you.
  10. I thought Kathyrnn's talking head was the most telling. I'm paraphrasing here but when she was complaining "Thomas said I would live in a mansion, he would get me a car and a lifestyle I so crave without working" . This explains 100% to me all the seething anger I get from her. She had that baby, not because she loved Thomas, but because she believed if she did she would be married and living the life. Now this doesn't excuse Thomas if he did promise those things ( I think he's a dirt bag) but WOW it expalins her fury. How sad she wasn't smart enough to do things in the proper order and insist they be married before she got pregnant. Her best bet now is child support but I think she is figuring out now that it won't make her rich enough to live an entitled life and she's pissed. What a mess they are.
  11. Wow! Kathyrnn is the most immature 23 year old I think I have ever witnessed. Just out of control awful. My God watching her "performance" at that party was so over the top cringeworthy. The flashbacks of when Thomas and her first started up was so telling. The look on his face of just pure lust was sadly obvious and to counter that with the look on his face now while sitting at the bar rubbing his head after losing the election and having Kathyrnn in his face were just Shakespearean. You could almost see the thought bubble of "what have I done to my life and I'm now tied to this crazy girl forever". I have zero sympathy for him but just a really sad real realty TV moment. Landon was right for once, just said at wrong time and place. Someone needs to pull Kathyrnn aside and say "look, you have two choices, leave this guy and only interact when needed for your child OR SHUT UP" the level of immaturity she displays every time she has an interaction with Thomas of running back to her friends and screeching about how he treats her, talks to her, doesn't value her is just beyond tiring. I truly think she has something wrong with her and/or is hopped up on something way more malevolent than some weed. Someone who cares about her needs to be honest with her.
  12. Whitney being a douche aside, I found it interesting in his talking head that Craig basically said "I'm ticked at Whitney for saying something to my parents, if he was worried he could have come to me directly and I would have listened". But we all know Shep did try to come to him directly and he blew him off and ignored his input. So while Whitney did what he did out of evil intent, I do think Craig's parents are the only ones he will listen to so maybe it was for the best.
  13. Did they really have no other story ideas than to kill off a major character by the worlds most incompetent, uncaring and negligent medical team ever????? This was the most frustrating part of this dumb storyline (minus what everyone else has said about the geography problems, mysterious lack of Bluetooth in a $100k car, and no trauma help unit in a metropolitan area) was that this team of people who attended medical school in the 1920's (CT scan anyone) and was so callous about human life I wanted to strangle them (two hour later Doctor with his "whateva people I was having dinner and well, what the hell I'm only a freaking neurosurgeon on Tuesdays". I'm just exhausted. I've read five better storyline options on this thread alone that would have worked. Sigh.
  14. B doesn't bother me, most of what she says does make me chuckle, the rest I just ignore - it's escape television , I just want a few laughs. Maybe it's because B is snarky and my sense of humor tends to go that way. On the bar scene I thnik B handled it pretty smoothly. Had someone done that to me I'm not sure I would have been as cool about it. She didn't make a scene, she waited for the one party inviter to come to her, she addressed it one on one in a fairly friendly way, got Lu to acknowledge it was kind of crappy of her, B accepted apology and joined the group with no fan fare. B does a lot of odd things but this wasn't one of them IMO.
  15. I keep trying to figure out Landon's accent and now I'm starting to think it's more of a speech impediment than an accent. The more I listen to her it's almost like she can't move her mouth to properly enunciate? Anyone else getting that vibe?
  16. Huck (or Yuck as I now call him) needs to take Jake out because Jake is a killer? This is the same Huck that only an episode ago slit an innocent woman's throat , while his White Hat Colleague looked on, not because she was a bad guy but because she was messing up his "get his family back" plan. Shonda, if you are reading this : please make some sense of these characters, we the viewers have memory spans longer than an hour (unlike the dopes at Pope & Company ". I can't be invested in these dumb characters pursuits because their motivations and morale superiority make no sense. STOP FOR GODS SAKE AND GIVE ME BACK THE SEASON 1 AWESOMENESS THAT MADE ME LOVE THIS SHOW. I beg of you!!!! Rant. Over.
  17. I kept trying to focus on what was being said and kept getting so distracted by what Brandi has done to her face. For all her flaws, at least onSeason 1 she was a beautiful woman. Why has she done this to herself, it was CatLady bad. Tragic.
  18. I agree Kathyrnn is a bit delusional but part of that is Thomas' fault. If he would say to her " I don't love you, I don't respect you, I dont want to live with you or marry you. I love our daughter and will support you both but the rest is never going to happen" I think she would get it. Instead he is shacking up with her and in my opinion sending her mixed messages. She's immature, of course she's going to read between the lines to hear what she wants, shes 22 for gosh sake. I expect him to finally be the adult here and stop leading her on with the absence of his honesty. Meaning he isn't outright lying to her but he also isn't being forthright. I think he likes 24/7 access to his daughter, which he knows he won't have if they move out so he is stringing the situation along. It's actually heartbreaking to watch.
  19. I just dislike Thomas more and more. He acts like this 20 year old outsmarted him and now he's stuck. Dude you are a 50 something year old man who couldn't keep his hands off a stupid young girl and now he is going to torment, disrespect and antagonize her. What a great guy indeed. If he were truly a man he would have said to her, once pregnant, that he had no intention dope settling down, would take care of her and his baby financially and then work to have as good a situation as it could have been. To watch him and Whitney disparage her, make fun of her and basically treat her like crap turns my stomach. And I am no Kathyrnn fan, I think she is very immature, but I could have figured that out 5 minutes after meeting her and would have never slept with her. Thomas is a mean drunk and well, just mean. I hope he gets what's coming to him. And man-child Whitney can just disappear right now with his "model girlfriend ". Just bleach! Sorry auto correct "just blech" yuk!
  20. sadie

    S05.E13: Forget

    I'm not sure anyone else has said this, so I will. Upon seconded viewing of the ep and the scene where Rick kisses what's her name on the cheek. It occurred to me- is Rick pushing the boundaries with her to see if she will go along as in he knows they are using Jesse as bait and he wants to test his theory that these people are not what they seem. We've alrady gotten a glimpse from jesse's husband. The first time Rick encountered him he seemed menacing, then at the cocktail party he is all "come by my office for a friendly check up". Part of why I'm loving this story arc is I can't fully tell on either side what is really going on, both CDB and the A's. I'm looking for clues on both sides. Even Rick at the end touching the wall with the walkers on the other side, we could be misreading it and all it means is he knows what's really on the other side of the wall where the A's are oblivious. And could the W stand for Worker? Maybe our friendly A's used people to build their wall and the killed or excited them. Perhaps that is their dirty little secret?
  21. The manic breakdown scene was so so spot on. From the rage, to the paranoia, to the sheer frustration you could feel from him. I have a bipolar in my family and this rang completely on point. I just love how this show takes me from a laugh to a tear in such a short time. All the actors are brilliant ( and I normally loathe Terrance Howard). Next Wednesday can't come quick enough.
  22. Didn't mean to diminish anyone else's experience. Was more trying to make the point that my perception of Kyle (and it is only my perception) is that her sisters issues appear to be more about her than Kim. When Kim was telling Lisa R the whole bit about "no one thinks about MY pain, what I go thru at night", it seems to me Kyle reads from the same playbook. Kim's addiction is about her more than Kim. ( again my personal observation). I totally understand everyone reacts differently to these thing , but in the moment I read Kyles behavior to be more about Kyle. YMMV
  23. Watching the scene of Kyle tripping over herself to get to her mind altered sister tells me she is either the most uneducated person on dealing with an addict or just a camera whore. The level of hysteria and panic she displays during that whole scene is painful. I've dealt with several alcoholics and addicts in my time and I learned fairly quickly that when they poke at you, like Kim did with the "thanks" comment is a plea for attention in their altered state. I have such a hard time believing that Kyle is that daft that, after all these years, she hasn't learned that confronting someone when they are using is pointless. The previous poster who said, for Kyle, this is all about Kyle, not Kim. No matter how much she claims she was just concerned about her sister. Not to say living with a loved one who is an addict is easy, it isn't. But Kuyle loses credibility with me when she does this. She should know by now if Kim is going to use, she's going to use, period. It is insincere for her to go on and on with this martyr act. When Kim poked her the only response should have been "bye, talk to you tomorrow, hope you feel better" the screechy reaction like she was some 15 year old whose boyfriend just broke up with her theatrics bothered me more than Kim's behavior, Kim is an addict I don't expect much, but Kyle for Gods sake, get a hold of your own emotions and reactions. Sheesh.
  24. While previous to this season, I knew who Eileen and Lisa r were, I am now and forever a rabid fan. It can't be said enough - Lisa R handled that limo ride from hell like a TOTAL BALLER - Pro All The Way! OMG I just want to watch that scene and her talking heads on a loop over and over and over! Brilliant! Eileen reacted to the madness at her house like a true lady. Bravo needs to double their pay and keep them interacting with these low class loons forever and ever! This is the most entertaing this show has been for seasons and Lisa V could learn a thing or two from both of them! Kim - I have no words. Kyle - the next time your sister antagonizes you, shrug your shoulders and let her walk. Brandi - just no, get off my tv. Yolanda- you are too simple to hate.
  25. At this point I'm convinced the writers are just messing with us all. The whole Max storyline has gone beyond ridiculous, the way his parents indulge him is so beyond bizarre I can't fathom why else intelligent people would write this in this manner. Maybe the person who dies at the series end is Max. His over indulged self shoves the wrong person and they push him out into the non-magical street where drivers are actually allowed to drive without Kristina yelling at them and giving them the side eye, and he gets hit by a car and dies. At his funeral we are given a memory montage of every bad behavior his parents indulged and we literally see a light bulb go on over their heads. Ahhhh one can only dream.
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