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Everything posted by candall

  1. I'm disappointed that I'm not able to view the Wellington shot you posted, and jealous of both of you ordering from the HK menu. But I have a Wellington question. I'm almost sure that Beef Wellington used to have pate de fois gras instead of mushroom duxelles. I understand that we don't torture geese in that particular way anymore, but is there never, say, a chicken liver element? I thought the flaky pastry/rich liver/tenderloin combination was the traditional point.
  2. Okay, great, thanks. I was already iffy about giving five minutes of my life to DeSantis, but I'm definitely not up for Maher scoring shots off Biden's age. Bill's had five months to sharpen up. Is "Gee, that Biden guy sure is OLD!" really the best he can do?
  3. There have been enough episodes now for the guest chef to know how to pick which Titan for each round. In Round One, Bobby chooses ingredients more or less related to the guest's cooking style, so there's an advantage and you want to use it when you're going against Voltaggio. (The best of the three, edging out Brooke for risky creativity, IMHO.) In Round Three, you get to whip out your own ingredients, you've practiced what you're going to prepare--which is the only dish you have to cook--and the double point system can make up for whatever shortfall you have from the previous rounds. Save Tiffany for that round. (Tiffany's good, but she's not as experienced as Brooke or Voltaggio.) That leaves Brooke for Round Two. .
  4. I don't know, I thought the meltdown of the Pageant Queen team was interesting. We knew from the start that "Pageant Queens" were likely to be cast as the villains. But I thought it would be more cartoonish and this felt more or less unscripted. That one woman, Devi--who later said she'd been the one to bring the team together and had been the bestie to each of the others--unilaterally decided to go out and implement a strategy, i.e. forming alliances with other teams. And then, blammo, the other three were not at all okay with that. It wasn't the worst strategy in the world, and you could see how shocked she was when the other three united in their disapproval. "Wait a minute, what? But I'm the Queen Bee of the Queens! They just NOW voted me Prom Queen!" I thought it was somewhat poignant when she reflected that she'd never been in the outsider position before--that was some decent self-awareness you don't often catch in reality television. The other thing you don't often see is the loser stomping away muttering "Fuck you all, I am NEVER speaking to any of you again, no way, no how, I hope you all drown in that three-foot deep pond." Mmm, yeah! Speak out your feelings, sister. 😛
  5. WOW, did you see how close that competition was as they came down to the last dishes?! And then the two teams TIED and they had to arrange a tie-breaker!!!! [End severe sarcasm] I've seen this show 900 times and the numbers have been sooooo close about 900 times. But while my eyebrows were sky-high and my eyes were rolling, it did occur to me that Gordon does a fairly decent job of not making the judging too, too obvious in order to achieve that. P.S. Did they just sweep that beautiful too-sweet lobster into the garbage? You are on my list for the waste, sir.
  6. I was thinking, aww, it must be nice to have your mother available to rub your back and murmur soothingly when you need to just let it out and have a good cry in the Big Brother house. Too bad everyone can't be equally lucky. Which is why I'm so happy all the advantages of secretly having his MOTHER there, doing her best to help him win, didn't net Jared $750k. And all that nonsense about "Who will take care of Mama now?" was so misguided and embarrassing, it was hard to watch. What's next, show? Someone gets his mom and a secret cellphone so he can check the feeds? Pfft. . '
  7. One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble Not much between despair and ecstasy
  8. I bet Hannah is thinking about lighting a cig off her torch before Jeff snuffs it.
  9. Wow, Brandon is not Peachy's cup of man-tea. "Come on, Brandon! YOU WANTED SURVIVOR? YOU GOT IT!" Eek, are they in the Marines now?
  10. I believe that Kody looked blank when Janelle reminded of Savannah because he literally hadn't given her a passing thought in six weeks. I started thinking about what a tremendous responsibility it would be to keep birthdays and recitals and important dates straight for, what?, 16 kids, and I realized, OF COURSE Kody has never, ever, had to trouble himself with any of that. One wife or another has always handed him a wrapped gift or a card or a cellphone and pointed him toward whichever son or daughter was due to be congratulated. Dollars to doughnuts this is the first time in Savannah's life that Janelle didn't nudge Kody several times in advance, saying "Make sure you remember to give Savannah a call/hug/shoutout." Every year all the wives undoubtedly shop for all the children and write "To _______ From Dad" on the tags. Kody couldn't even clutter up his self-absorbed brain with buying a Christmas present for each of his wives (a much smaller number.) According to the show, he had to rummage in the bedroom for some old sweatshirt and hand it over, unwrapped, to Meri. "Here. Merry Christmas." Now, wouldn't that make you feel like a cherished beloved? Anyway, now there's only Robyn to keep all those kids from falling through the Kody cracks. She isn't going to do it--and I don't blame her--but will Kody step up and commit to remembering and recognizing the important dates for all his children? HAHAHAHA. I'm kidding.
  11. Uh oh. Less competition this week, more interpersonal strategizing. We already have the professional famewhore Challenge USA contestants losing their minds over alliances and strategy. Not to mention the Big Brother hamsters and the starving unfortunates who are getting their bones broken as they Fight [each other] to Survive, making Thursday night extra grim in post-SAG/AFTRA apocalypse reality tv. Can't you Buddy Gamers just stick with s'mores and bug juice and big puffy clobber sticks? .
  12. I'll take all those nasty white chocolate ones in the gold wrappers than no one else wants!
  13. I don't think Kennedy's error of dense cake was any more egregious than Grant's undercooked egg yolk raviolo. They all noted that both the pasta AND the egg yolk needed more cooking and then shrugged it away, while they were aghast at the texture of the cake. "Like a bagel!" They noted that the pork tenderloin was a bit simple for the circumstances and commented that rabbit as a competition protein is a risky proposition that they hadn't seen attempted before. To me, Kennedy's was the more creative menu, took more chances and used the more advanced techniques. I disagree that trout followed by rabbit is not a natural progression. But Grant surprised me with the sophistication of his sauces and it's nice that Mr. Bobblehead won the big reward in front of his adoring wife and little boy. Jennifer seemed to score a lot of points for being able to boil a lobster. And speaking of which, do you not have two seconds to give that creature a knife-chop to the brain before you drop him in to boil?
  14. They mentioned that the bag held the combined weight of all four people on the team. I guess they stuffed that duffel bag with gold bars.
  15. LOL, it was kind of refreshing and amusing that teams could choose to choke down some funky mac 'n cheese or strip down and sprint off to the finish line while the team of Chicago cops broke out a sweat trying to budge their (VERY) heavy bag an inch at a time. I assumed the trained Chicago professional cops would triumph in every task. And I think they may have expected that as well. You know, I'm looking forward to more Buddy Games.
  16. Catfish & hushpuppies were a delicious staple where I grew up, but on the East Coast, my catfish dinner arrived as a flat flabby slab sitting in a puddle of oily water. When I moved to Key West, catfish was universally regarded with distaste: "That fish eats shit." I like the flavor and texture of mackerel as sashimi. I'd give it a shot as a filet before I threw up my hands in disbelief. ETA Agree that "mackerel broth" is a bit of a tough nut to crack. : )
  17. I have to agree with Jose Garces that Jose Garces won.
  18. I'm sorry that this is about an earlier show, but I'm behind on my dvr and I have to say this: All the judges are APPALLED to see a mackerel prepared like a filet and I thought Joe might lean over and vomit when he saw that mackerel broth. But why? I even played it a second time and no one ever explained why it was so egregious for him to treat that fish that way. They just kept repeating: "You don't do it like this!" "I've never seen anyone do this!" "You can't make a broth out of a fish like this, [you idiot]!" Honestly, I still don't know the answer. His dish looked pretty serviceable to me. A teachable moment, wasted.
  19. Well, if Anne really did dream up that dish with the giant shrimp on top of succotash on the spur of the moment, it was a huge misstep. Why would anyone serve a shrimp that large, intact with head and shell, in a deep bowl where there is no place to discard the shell shards and that big googly-eye whiskery head? What were they supposed to do--lay that stuff on the table?
  20. Agree on all points. High five. I almost skipped it, because it looked stupid, but I was entertained and wound up getting a little bit invested in the various team themes. "The Derby Girls" are my Buddy Game spirit animals. I thought it was funny when one of them finished the naked race trying to cover her bits with her hands and the woman next to her was doing victory jumping jacks. Mainly, it was good-natured and fun and the people all seem inclined to be nice to each other, so far. I think those Pageant Queens may have a "villain" clause written into their contract. I was struck by the difference between this show and the lead-in show, Challenge USA. After watching the professional reality stars compete for ten minutes and gossip/strategize for the rest of the hour, Buddy Games was upbeat and refreshing. P.S. I'm sure the tall Philly guy cheated in the flag grab competition. He kept his head tilted back so far, you could tell he was peeking out the bottom of his blindfold. Then it was even more obvious when he darted forward and snatched the flag straight out of the Chicago cop's back pocket. Hey! No cheating in Buddy Games! I'm keeping my eye on you, beanstalk.
  21. How long until we get a 15-minute LAL chaser of Keke Wyatt's World?
  22. Hmmm. Extend my prison sentence or marry Savannah. Tough call.
  23. Well, now I have to rewind. I was mesmerized by his perm.
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