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Everything posted by Shangrilala

  1. The one part of the book that never made sense to me was how Gilead came into being given the sheer size of the US and the diversity of the population. The number of people that they would have had to have, when their movement and planning was underground, not just to pull off the coup, but to basically enslave American society into this new Gilead world order would have had to have been massive. And to think that so many people would have believed in this is what I find most horrifying. In many ways I wish Margaret Atwood would write a prequel to the book. We get glimpses in the story, we get some technicalities, but we don't get the how the belief system in society got to a point where this would gain enough traction. For example - they let go every single woman from the workforce and froze every single bank account in the same day. And while doing that, they dispatched the Gilead army to every workplace in America to ensure that everybody fell in line and nobody was disruptive. Think about the number of people that would be necessary to do such a thing. They didn't go town by town. It was all at once. How? Or perhaps I'm forgetting a part of the story, I probably haven't read the book in a good 10-12 years. Maybe this is where fiction and potential reality blur.
  2. I don't think Khloe and Caitlyn are ever going to be close, and I don't think that Khloe was ever that close with Bruce, no matter what the show would have us believe. Brice being in her life since she was 5 doesn't mean it was a close relationship.
  3. I mean...those pictures have to be enhanced, right? I just have a hard time believing that is her "real" butt. Sigh. Remember when she looked like this? This was even after having work done. And back then we were all saying - hey, stop having so much work done. Now look where we are.
  4. Can Kourtney PLEASE date someone her own age?
  5. Why on earth would they do that? It really bothers me that major publications still make mistakes like this. And here's the other thing - skin darkening aside, it is a really good cover photo of Kendall. Her eyes have expression, her face is strong, the lace works...it is a good shot. But that won't matter now because somebody at Vogue is a moron and it is only a matter of hours before people start screaming that it is Kendall's fault because she never should have accepted to begin and should have know better or something like that.
  6. Has she done something more with her mouth? Her lips are looking a bit like jack Nicholson as the joker.
  7. I had a friend once who was always super quiet and as a result got stepped all over as a kid, in high school, in college, etc. It wasn't until her late 20s that she realy found her voice. The problem? She thought that she could say whatever she wanted, however she wanted, to whomever she wanted - and it came with an air of entitlement. Like because she hadn't spoken up for so long, she now how the right to say anything and any way. Caitlyn's way of talking to everybody, especially her family, reminds me exactly of this friend. She wasn't herself for so long, she had no respected voice in the K-family, and now that she's Caitlyn, everybody just better move over. She is right, she is entitled, nobody else matters. The problem with that however is that it doesn't matter if you are transgender or not. Life doesn't work that way. How you express yourself MATTERS. Caitlyn doesn't seem to have any real concept of this. If she wants respect? It would serve her well to look at her interactions with people. Perhaps instead of saying Kris knew Kris knew, as example, it is as simple as saying "because of xyz, I thought Kris fully understood and knew." Same statement, same message. Nuance matters.
  8. Oh Caitlyn. I hope the book sale revenue is worth it. I'm not surprised about the 10%. We kind of knew that, and that she made money as executive producer. And weren't there a few episodes about the "Kris controls the money" issue where the girls were saying how messed up it was and then Kris saying she had to because Bruce spent money so carelessly and always had? The Caitlyn spin is just different than the Kris spin. I do think Bruce was pretty much cast aside...you see that in episode one of KUWTK. How could Kris have told her to bring Caitlyn out only when out of town? How did she know her name? Didn't Bruce say during the interview that he didnt know her name yet? Or was that just part of the lead up to the Vanity Fair reveal? And honestly, why do we have to hear about the sex life. These women are in their 60s. I don't need to know about their sex life. Or any of that. I mean....come on. They were married. They have 2 kids. We know they had sex. That's enough. And I can't help but notice the timing of these excerpts against the upcoming episode. What a complete and total coincidence!
  9. This is stupid. Sorry, but it is. I've made the joke after having a stomach virus that "hey, on the upside, I lost 5 pounds" or some such thing. People need to chill out.
  10. I wanted to pay attention to the video but the swollen duck lips on all of them kept distracting me.
  11. I think...that's the padded underwear that Kris Humphries alluded to. Her ass looks square and, well, padded. Plus in the side shot, you can see it.
  12. I don't get why Kanye being medicated is constantly stated as a negative. If he has any mental disorders, then he should be medicated. And it can take a while to find the right balance of meds. That's not a bad thing. That's what is healthy for him. The jewelry is about 1000x better than the fashion. But I'm clearly not Kanye's clientele. Actually I'm not sure who is. If I'm going to spend 10,000 on a gold necklace, it will be Cartier. Not Kanye West.
  13. She won't get more than 1 season.
  14. One last thought. When I watched this ad I didnt think about BLM protests, police brutality, the arrests, etc. But do you know which protest march I did think of? The women's march on Washington. I'm not sure if anybody else was there, but this was a watered down / commercialized version of that experience. People were generally in good moods and feeling empowered. You had people dancing, music playing, etc, almost like it had a bit of a festival feel. Because the march route filled up, instead protesters took to the street so you might have passed people dining at outdoor restaurants if it hadn't been January. I hate to say it, but it wasn't a particularly diverse crowd. And...the police presence was there in the streets of Washington and quite frankly, they were friendly and in a good mood. I probably could have handed one of them a Pepsi, no problem. I don't think that Pepsi would solve the problems of the world, but I could have handed one over. It was a very festive march. Yes, people were there for serious reasons. But it was nothing like the black lives matter protests. I cant help but wonder if the creative's behind this had that in mind when they came up with this.
  15. I had forgotten that Cindy Crawford ad. Truth is, Kendall could have pulled something like that off much better than this stupid protest ad. The other striking thing....Cindy Crawford had some meat on her bones. Can the modeling industry watch this and then encourage their models to eat please?
  16. I'm sorry, but -- lol. At least somebody in the Kardashian empire has a sense of humor. Granted I don't knoe anybody who would actually buy it but there are a lot of klassy people out there so I guess you never know.
  17. Shangrilala


    I'm appalled at how USA gymnastics is responding to this sex abuse scandal. Blanket PR statements, probably issued by their crisis management firm they hired just for this. I understand that they can't say too much due to pending litigation, but honestly....this approach is doing them no favors. They basically look (are?) heartless.
  18. I wouldn't mind the blunt cut or middle part if she would allow her hair to have a little more body. I think her hair looks best when she lets the natural wave come through. But, this is still 100% improved.
  19. Ugh. So Khloe found him in a sleazy motel with another woman. Doing cocaine and god knows what else. I actually feel kind of terrible for her. Living with that and witnessing that must have been horrible.
  20. Ugh. No she is not. What an odd choice for Marilyn. She looks like she is playing dress up, pretend models.
  21. I haven't seen the episode yet, but I wanted to respond to this statement because it really bothers me as well. I think you have a few factors at play here" 1) You have a reality star/family that people genuinely hate. For plenty of reasons. 2) Then you combine that with Kardashian overload in the media, which I think makes us desensitized to them. (Example: "See pics of Kim & Kanye's date night!" (who cares, I hate them) "Kourtney goes shopping in the hamptons!" (who cares, we hate them) "Kendall walks fashion week!" (who cares, I hate them) "Kim gets robbed at gunpoint!" (who cares, I hate them) "Scott & Kourtney spend the night together!" (who cares, I hate them). ) 3) Then you have us, the customer, who are used to immediate access to information and therefore, that's how information is shared. If I remember correctly, when the story first broke, it was "Kim K robbed." Well, that could mean one of her homes, or a hotel, or something -- without any context. Then it became "held at gunpoint." Then you found out more details. In so many ways it was treated as a tabloid story (because she has made herself a fixture in the tabloids), and the information was all over the place, so it made the story, the situation, Kim and everything less sympathetic. Combo those thing together and it becomes harder to see her as a legitimate victim of a crime, which psychologically, will have an impact for a long time to come, as opposed to a character in a show we watch every week. Just my unofficial analysis. I remember reading one in-depth article - if I remember correctly it started with the French police, getting the call about a high profile victim, and them immediately knowing that it was not fake, it was not for press, etc. They immediately had an idea of who had pulled it off. Then it covered the gang, the problems they've caused in france, etc. If I remember correctly, it really removed "Kim" from it. And when you read it, it was like reading an entirely different story. It was about the crime and Kim as a victim of crime. Not "Kim Gets Robbed! Find Out How She's Coping!"
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