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Everything posted by Shangrilala

  1. Haven't Rob and Chyna been together longer than the tabs/kardashians have led us to believe? Wasn't there an article or footage sometime back that said they had been together for a while and Rob kept it from his family, and Khloe walking in on them is how they got "outed?" Did I imagine that? I'll be honest, in addition to thinking this whole thing is incestuously messed up, I think Cyna is as big of a fame whore as the Kardashians. It wouldn't surprise me if she "forgot" to take her pill a few days. Nab a K - there's a lot of 0s attached to that dollar sign, whether it come her way in the form of a joint bank account, a E! paycheck, alimony or child support. And let's not forget appearances, tabloid photos, endorsement deals, and the potential spinoff, at least for a season before it tanks. Let's face it. Who really cared about her before she hit that? And she gets to give her loser ex a big fuck you while she's at it. Checkmate.
  2. Fidel aside, I kind of love that picture of Khloe on the staircase that everybody is making such a stink about. That said, it would look so much better with Kendall, the actual model, as the subject.
  3. And let's not forget the load of shit that comes with that "follow me girls!!!" mentality, because if you DON'T follow her, it will have nothing to do with your personal disagreement, personal disinterest, personal lifestyle, personal time, personal feelings, and everything to do with Caitlyn. That by not following her, you don't support her in her quest to be her true authentic self, you don't support her transgender journey, you don't support her choice, and therefore, you are a bad person.
  4. Khloe looked her best around the time of her wedding/newleywed period with Lamar. She looked relatively natural, relaxed and happy. Now I look at her and think she looks like she's in pain. She reminds me of Heidi Montag after her 10 surgeries. Plastic and uncomfortable, and rather than have GGG boobs, she's got a GGG ass.
  5. How sweet. Was it a family affair? Were North, Saint, Penelope, Mason and Reign there?
  6. I'd like to take a moment to say happy anniversary to the world. 10-years ago today, little Kimmie was first photographed with then-bestie Paris Hilton. It was the height of the Hilton mean-girls era, where they humiliated and mocked everybody who crossed her path - the poor ignorant cast members of The Simple Life, Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, and at the time Nicole Ritchie, who she had temporariy ditched as her BFF. Enter Kim. Remember that? Doesn't it seem like a lifetime ago? And our world has never been the same. Happy Fame-iversary! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/10-years-of-kim-kardashian_us_570ad83ae4b0885fb50d6530
  7. Not a fan of the laceup shoes as I think they look like North got her hands on a black sharpie and started coloring Aunt Kendall's legs, but other than that, she looks great.
  8. I work in NYC and never noticed. But then again, perhaps I wasn't looking for it. On a separate note, hi neighbor.
  9. I'm so confused by Paper Mag. I never heard of it until Kim did her break the internet thing. Is it like the Millennial version of the original Sassy magazine, back when it was still east coast based and still edgy and pushed the boundries (not to be confused with West Coast Sassy which became bubble gum fluff before it eventually folded)?
  10. I'm going to sound like such a prude, but I'm really looking forward to the day that the naked pendulum swings back towards modesty. Not a ton. We don't need to go back 1800s but I do firmly believe that there's something in between that's quite tasteful and still sexy. I'm going to sound like such a prude, but I'm really looking forward to the day that the naked pendulum swings back towards modesty. Not a ton. We don't need to go back 1800s but I do firmly believe that there's something in between that's quite tasteful and still sexy.
  11. Kylie's been pregnant for about 2 years now.
  12. So there's a saying "show me who you are with and I will tell you who you are." So, Kylie, who are you? And on a different note, does Kourtney vaccinate?
  13. I hate all this "true authentic self" crap. It is tired and a crutch for her having wasted her life. She's claiming that she never enjoyed the culture of Paris because she was Bruce? That's on her. She could have done that fully without raising any eyebrows. She could have gone out. Hell, given her family she could have gone to fashion week as a male celeb and in turn had her family go to the Olympics or some such thing. This "I can do anything or say anything because now I'm true and before I was repressed" is just code for being selfish.
  14. So something bad happened today. I did a google image search of Kim & Kanye - I was trying to find a picture of them smiling, trying to figure out when they stopped smiling and morphed into zombie people. Anyway, as I'm scrolling through the images, most of the headlines are about Kim's style change and red carpet pics. And as I'm scrolling I realize that the style that I really hate I'm suddenly viewing as attractive and fashion forward and trendsetting, etc. It's kind of like Orwellian "1984," Kardashian dogma where 2+2=5 and Kim+Kanye=fashion genius. Somebody please help me.
  15. I think I kind of love North. That video of her giving Kim the death stare in the car is all sorts of awesome.
  16. He does look good. I just wish he would dress in something other than sweatshirts and sweatpants. To be honest, they are probably adding 10 pounds too his frame because it is so bulky. He probably looks even better than the pictures are showing.
  17. Sadly I know many women (primarily younger than me) that would disagree with you and go back to the argument that feminism is about choices and if Kim chooses to objectify herself, then it's okay. But I think we can all confidently say that this is NOT what Gloria Steinham had in mind... And to keep her nude selfies in perspective in terms of accomplishments and relevancy...Yesterday, Kendall walked Elie Saab. Kim posted a naked selfie. Oh Kimmie... I personally think that Kim should put this naked sex-pot crap to rest and start to carve out a niche for herself as a brand ambassador for a cause that's meaningful to her. The Armenian Genocide could be one. Or perhaps it's more of an eye towards the current equality movement, with North and Saint in mind. Or, in memory of her father, esophogeal cancer. Or something. And I don't mean flash crap for one very special episode with the E! cameras following her. And I don't mean Caitlyn Jenner style with a whole tv show being formed around it to put the $ in her pocket. How impressed would you be if Kim took it upon herself to educate herself on a certain issue that mattered to her, got to know the community, made meaningful donations, led the way in participating in charity events around said cause...all without the E! cameras following her every move. It's not like she'd ever be fully undercover, that's impossible with her life, but she could do it and somewhat minimize the self-promotion. She'd earn herself some respect and legitimacy right there from a much more mature audience. At least she would from me. It was fun to keep up with the Kardashians when they were 24. Now it's depressing. The family is a mess and in a really bad place and it's completely overshadowing the series.
  18. Yikes. Something about the dior look is totally creepy/disturbing. Between the pale as a ghost face and neck, black lips, slick part, and dead eyes, I feel like she's straight of a creepy sci-fi horror movie.
  19. So Kylie Minogue is 47 years old. She had her first hit in 1988. Kylie Jenner was born 9 years later. I'd say that Kylie Minogue wins. Not to mention: "‘entertainment in the nature of providing information by means of a global computer network in the fields of entertainment, fashion and pop culture’." WTF does that even mean? That she's going to be Kylie, the snapchat star? Sometimes I hate social media. It makes everybody think they are so much more relevant and important than they really are.
  20. I'm thinking more of the coke filled orgy variety. I also think Rob probably witnessed plenty of sexual activity between them. Khloe isn't exactly modest about what she likes (rhinestone whip, anybody?) so I doubt that when it came to her own home she was discreet in any way.
  21. you can't have it both ways, sweetheart. You are not an actress who can legitimately request privacy for their private life. You signed away your private life the moment you signed that "reality" contract with E! I'm convinced it's something sexual, fueled by the drug use. The drug use alone and covering up wouldn't be enough to fuck up Rob as badly as it did and I don't think Khloe would refer to drug use by itself as "dark things."
  22. It is very cute. Kind of an updated Cher Horowitz look.
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