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Everything posted by Shangrilala

  1. 1) She's trying to look like Kylie. Which is sad because an 19 year old doing this is pathetic enough. 2) Whoever first said her lips look like a sphincter nailed it. Ugh. I need eye bleach for this.
  2. I'm so tired of neutrals. Go on Kim, wear hot pink. I double dog dare you.
  3. They said Dream was planned? These people are idiots. If you're going to lie, at least make it sort of believable.
  4. Those don't even look like her real nails - Lee press ons perhaps?
  5. I think I wore that exact outfit to a fraternity party back in 1995 except my boots were black. It looked sloppy back then and it looks sloppy on Kim now.
  6. Exactly my thoughts. They met in 2011. Tyga was about 22 when he "met" Kylie. He then suddenly reappeared when she was...17? 16? Just a couple of years later. And they tried to play it off as "they've all been friends, just kids around the neighborhood, Tyga has always been around," trying to make it sounds like this naturally evolved as a result of kids hanging out together. Tyga said the same "been friends for years" line. Just like a script. Except Tyga wasn't a "kid." He was a grown man. A young one. But in the eyes of the law, he was a legal adult and she was a minor. Not just about to turn 18. But a minor. Think about when you were 22. Did you want to be hanging around with 14/15 year olds? 16/17 year olds when you were 23/24 years old? Even if they were incredibly wealthy? No, not really. I remember that interview that Khloe gave, where she said that Kylie wasn't your typical teenager, that while the typical teenager will have cheerleading practice and have to do her homework, Kylie was flying in private jets to meet with fashion designers around the world, so some "exceptions" had to be made in her case, or some such thing. Actually, the exact opposite should have happened. BECAUSE she was flying in a private jet to meet designers all over the world, every attempt should have been made to keep her non-professional life as normal - and dare I say age appropriate - as possible. In other words, you don't let your 14 year old insecure teen daughter hang around a 22 year-old so called rising hip hop star who is in a relationship with a baby on the way.
  7. Just like a predator or a pimp. Kylie was...14? 15? He should be in prison.
  8. And Kendall continues to look gorgeous. That dress is amazing.
  9. What Khloe doesnt realize is that she is utterly unlikeable. She's too hard, too loud, too crass. There is no softness or joy left to her. On top of that, she butchered her looks to fit her personality. Rob and Chyna got the ratings because 1) people love a train wreck and 2) i think there are people who root for Rob. Or at least root to see him stick it to her family. There's nothing to root for with Khloe.
  10. I don't notice the lips on Kendall as much as i notice her eyes. She clearly had them done, it jumped right out at me. Thank you, Angelina for the leg pose. I think Kimmy did it soon after her. I don't remember the event but it was when she wore that navy blue gown, and I think it may have had pockets? It was one of the last normal dresses she wore and she looked really pretty. But I'm pretty sure she suck her leg out like Angie too. Kylie just looks gross.
  11. I'm so confused, are Kourtney and Scott back together? I read a couple of articles recently where they said that it was confirmed in December, but then I can't find anything confirming a thing. I don't know why but I always root for those two. On a separate note, I actually really like that photo of them on the plane wing. I'm not looking at any t&a, nobody looks looped out of their mind. Truth be told that if my husband and I had a chance to sit on the wing of a plane like that, we probably would, with a similar caption.
  12. My guess is that they are trying to humanize her. That's a brand as well. Or with Kris H. If you look at pictures of her from that trip in Bora Bora, her hair looks gorgeous. Beachy, wavy, some volume, etc. I don't know when stick straight hair became synonymous to sleek and sophisticated, but one day curls - real curls, none of this curling iron wave crap - will make a comeback! (she says as she looks at her own frizzy curls that are having a bit of a rough hair day)
  13. Where are they enjoying it? Not being snarky, just wondering if I've missed anything. I just think Kim's hair looks terrible that long. It looks so much healthier and fuller and prettier when it's shorter. Even just 6 inches shorter. That said, having a 3 year old and 5 year old, I never caved to the mom bun. I kept my hair down. It's not nearly as long as Kim's, but if a kid pulled on it, I removed them. If somebody got spit up in it, I washed it out. I figured that pregnancy had taken my body and boobs, it wasn't going to take my hair!
  14. I can't believe I'm going to say it, but that was a really sweet video. I don't know that I believe that Kim and Kanye are on the fritz. But if this is who they are while taking a "break" from the limelight, while recovering, then I say they should stay on that break and enjoy each other and their family. The one thing I couldn't tell was teh timing of the footage. There was clearly some post-robbery shots in there, but was there post Kanye meltdown? I think I saw a shot of him with the lighter hair in there?
  15. You could say that about any kind of donation. Car, food, monetary. There's a financial benefit for anybody. But I get your point. I'd be much more interested to know that Kristen or some Kardashian quietly spent every Tuesday night serving dinner at a soup kitchen or some such thing.
  16. I'm pretty sure it only works with catered events/restaurants and food that has been prepared but not actually put out or touched. A caterer might prepare 8 trays of penne but only use 6.5 The food rescue org can only take the 1 that hasn't been brought out. The remaining half tray would be tossed. I think.
  17. Nothing wrong with this at all. People donate the leftovers from their wedding and other catered large events all the time and there are food rescue organizations who manage this. Better than throwing it out.
  18. My neighbors daughter is a Kylie fan. She says she's the most down to earth and relateable of all of the kardashians. I honestly don't get why?
  19. I think this whole thing has been a scam from the beginning - they will get back together, they will get married in July, and in a year they will break up. Hello alimony and child support. If I put my tin foil hat on, i'd go as far to say that Tyga and Kylie split around the same time, and he goes back to Chyna. But that might also be wishful thinking.
  20. huh. I think in this case it might be angle and photoshop? I can't really tell.
  21. My god, that GIF is disturbing. Look at Kris's expression. A pimp and her goods. That's seriously fucked up. I actually feel kind of bad for Kim looking back on this GIF. If you remember, she didn't want to do playboy. Could we trace it all back to this moment?
  22. Picture it: the Trump family sitting formally up on the dais of the inauguration while Kanye performs Black Skinhead. I don't know why, somehow it's just not connecting for me.
  23. Kylie was also confident when she was a kid. Remember when Caitlyn suggested that Khloe lose weight before modeling for peta and Kylie jumping in and saying Khloe was perfectly beautiful the way she was? Or when Kourtney was in labor and Kylie was in the hospital all excited to become an aunt? she had sparkle when she was younger. it's a shame it's faded so much...
  24. Oh Khloe. Tawny Kitaen you are not.
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