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  1. Oh gads 😩 this show has jumped
  2. Love Heather!!! She’s exactly perfect on this show and the only reason I tune in. Shannon too….But Noella? She’s a joke. Yuk
  3. That pic wasn’t that bad. Good grief people.
  4. Innocent till proven guilty is still ‘a thing’ in USA right…. Not sure there’s any hope for California anymore tho.
  5. Did the daughters on the time share episode waddle over from 1000 lb sisters? How the hell is this hideous weight ok and accepted in that country. No wonder people die when they get a cold. And the rest of us are supposed to ignore it. Maybe they were crying cuz that money was grocery money? WTF.
  6. I’m ff’ing through Ron and Betty, Armando and Ken, Molly and Cynthia…the episode was very short. Easier to delete every week.
  7. Too bad he’s not in Canada…. Here he’d get a pat on the head and a free ride on the taxpayers for years to come…. 🤬
  8. Hmmm I’m alone here, but I was thrilled to see the Dubrows back and not just so that wack job Kelly got the boot. Heather is somebody I’d love to hang with and the house porn. Wow. Her daughter is annoying tho
  9. Cannot stand Kenny and Armando or Angela and her cackle get them GONE!
  10. Taking K2 with D helps to ensure calcium stays out of the arteries and goes to bones etc
  11. THISx1000!! ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ Everybody’s so freaking afraid of kovid but obesity is a huge risk factor for THAT and also spreading it faster FFS - they all just continue to morph into blimps and slap on masks. What the hell!?
  12. The eyes on the mother of the dead 3 month old were so disturbing I could barely look at her. If anyone else is old enough to remember Linda Blair’s eyes before the priest arrived will recognize her in the evil eyes of Elke. Chilling and beyond terrified for this new baby on the way. Wtf is up with the guy impregnating her. Good grief man are you blind?
  13. Realized when looking at that Tolerance is highly overrated. 😫
  14. He’s. So. Done.
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