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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. I think he will choose Leslie. She’s not a favorite. I’m a Minnesotan too, and her bragging about dating Prince was like name dropping. Prince has his whole life known, we are very protective of his legacy here, no one has ever said oh hey he dated a Leslie and they were a thing and isn’t she amazing. There’s no proof. That was a million years ago (I’m her age) . I think she’s insincere and dishonest and I’m not liking her. But she’s the one Gerry has professed undying love to. Maybe she’s his person, but us Minnesotans are not kosher with her and her Prince brags. Her crying about not ever having anyone till death do they part…with her 2 ex husbands, doesn’t show well for her. I don’t know. My watch party of Minnesotans and I don’t buy what she’s trying to sell. We all feel she is so fake. . I just hope producers make Susan the next Golden Bachelorette.
  2. Rob and Corey are my favorite competitors ever. What a great team, full of joy. I’m a horse person, been around hay my whole life. Every person I’ve ever brought to the barn, when doing hay duty, has had a reaction. Sneezing, welts, etc. AL just needs to go. She and her dad are wasting this experience by being bitter and angry. What a waste. Her dad was about to die on those steps and all she could snap was “ COME ON DAD, LET’S GO DAD”. She’s really negative and I don’t respect people who don’t appreciate the beauty they see and experience.
  3. This abusive jerk Chris and his mom and future mother in law babying him at Love Bites. He disgusts me. Yelling mean insults at his fiancee, blaming anxiety. He’s so much like my ex…I hate him so much. I can’t believe his fiancée’s mom babies him, she needs to stick up for her daughter, she’s not what a mom should be. Narcissistic jerk, I’m glad the restaurant is closed. I hope Tess left him. Let me tell you how I really feel.
  4. I disagree with most, I think Claire was just assuming they’d do things together, like, you know, get on the plane together for their honeymoon. I think Cameron is a cold jerk. It’s not about helping or not helping, it’s about doing it together. He’s cold. No wonder he’s single. Claire shouldn’t have to ask him to wait for her. He should have that courtesy. If he was traveling with a friend, I bet he would have that courtesy.
  5. I’ve had nine laparoscopies for ovarian cysts. Nine. Doesn’t count the cysts that ruptured and didn’t need removal. I also had stage 4 endometriosis and a hysterectomy (abdominal) in 2009. She doesn’t want kids, I mean she hopefully wouldn’t want to make such a huge deal otherwise.
  6. He said the only reason he’s pretending to try is because he doesn’t want Robyn to be mad.
  7. Meri and “her truth”. As opposed to the real truth. Meri doesn’t have friends, she has staff. It’s about what they can do for her. Jen is jumping through hoops, shoveling, being the “yes man”. I….don't like Mykelti. I think she is dishonest and talks out of both sides of her mouth.
  8. Just watching now. It’s gotta be Leslie. And I didn’t like her at all until the hometown, weird huh. Now she’s my front runner for him. Faith: I am a horse person too, when she said her horse was buried there, it made me tear up.
  9. I’m still reeling that Kyle is actually working in a cabin rather than just bitching and gossiping. I can only believe that he’s on for tv drama because in real life he’d be fired.
  10. I like Clair(e?) and Cameron. I like Orion and hope Lauren doesn’t continue to condescend to him. Not a huge Emily fan, she’s not coming off as a warm person. Becca and Austin are cute but she’s maybe a little arrogant? Anyway, it’s early and as we all know, our first impressions via the editors are not necessarily how we will feel later in the show.
  11. AL is on my last nerve. “Come on dad” “let’s go dad” “hurry dad” ad nauseum. So bossy.
  12. I’m trying to figure out Sophie’s hair, she’s a beautiful girl but her hair appears to have been burned off with bleach. Rob? Has an ugly temper and seems to be such a jerk. And I don’t know if I believe that her family doesn’t help her financially…or maybe I do, looking at her poor hair. ( I too once burned mine off all the way to the scalp in patches, so I’m feeling for her.) I also think Gino quit his job as a control thing. He’s not bringing in money, so she can’t spend and he controls his savings. That and they are both good actors. Nikki looks like a Real Housewife. She does seem like a sweet person though, with her boy wonder, Andre-light.
  13. So many comments about Meri not filming with Leon. I SWEAR I read somewhere that Kodouche was disgusted by Leon’s transition. Twice. Yet everyone is saying that Meri should have filmed with them. Am I nuts? Did anyone else see that?
  14. I don’t get why Meri, who seems realistic and cynical and non trusting of the general public, can purport to act like she thinks there is hope. She seems smart and sharp, she’s built her LuLaNo business. She has got to be saying this for the show money. Right? I’ve never liked her but I like her independence.
  15. I thought the two ladies (not sure of their name but one has a super high pitched voice) were being disrespectful. The way they (mostly the one) were screaming and squealing and making faces and dropping fish…to me that was disrespectful and kind of “ugly American.” I get that it’s not fun to handle raw fish, but it’s part of the Vietnamese culture.
  16. I deleted last weeks show because it was all about the poop. This weeks show started with talking about the poop, deleted it too. It’s not cute and is not at all something I want to watch. So not appealing.
  17. So question. The opening scene of the guy getting ditched at the wedding. Was that before what we saw on the rest of the show? Or was it a future scene then they went back to the beginning?
  18. I don’t know any of these people other than the former Lulu. Note to show: ignoring others to focus on the dysfunction doesn’t endear us to anyone.
  19. One reply? I get it. I felt for the guy left at the altar but they didn’t show us what happened or offered any way to get emotionally attached. Boring.
  20. Very few responses. Kim is so angry and demanding all the time. She’s exhausting. I FF through Danielle and Yohan. Boring. Kenny and Armando are cute but you don’t let your future be decided on by a kid.
  21. Assholio is not funny or cute at a strip club. He’s mentally 10 years old. Jovi married wayyyy up yet still wants strippers. Ed is not cute.
  22. My God. Natalya is poison as is Kyle. No real world company would operate like this. Sandy is weak as usual. I’m so angry over Natalya being nasty with no consequences.
  23. I don’t know anyone but Lulu because it’s been focused on them. Then Kaleb (Caleb) comes along and gives away the farm, plus doesn’t take a flint….hes so immature and maybe hasn’t watched earlier seasons.
  24. I’m really liking Barry. I wish Peta had sped/jazzed up their dance a little bit. I bet he can do it.
  25. Kodouche bloviating about Meri’s racks of clothes in the truck like he is God. Meri in her TH seems rational but in the group scenes is dishonest. Ugh. Leaving her in a barndimonium with the forgotten cars and boxes? Please tell me she’s acting and not truly pandering and humiliating herself.
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