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Miss Dee

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Everything posted by Miss Dee

  1. Not to spoil you, but I think you will find the 3rd season a bit more palatable in that regard than the 2nd one.
  2. Hey, if y'all are sick of dark and gritty superhero TV shows: ya gotta watch Legends. I never leave an episode without tears streaming down my face from cry-laughing. It is a big blue shining light in a dark and gritty and so often hopeless world. (Um, except for the first season. We don't talk about the first season.)
  3. If this isn't the setup for classic M*A*S*H-type shenanigans, I don't know what is.
  4. I love the Arrowverse shows, but you're right that Legends is the only one who does what it sets out to do consistently well. (I'm guessing that's an UO judging from the ratings, although its online fanbase is passionately in love with it for the most part.) I think Black Lightning is probably better than Legends in quality, though, even though I don't like it quite as much. It is serious with funny moments, has great characterization and semi-sensible plotting, and tackles the reality of being black in a white world in a very real way despite the superhero trappings. I think anyone who liked Luke Cage for the latter would enjoy BL.
  5. Don't know if it was mentioned earlier, but I just discovered David Rose and his boyfriend [redacted] in Season 3 of Schitt's Creek, and I'm utterly enchanted. One of the slowest and sweetest developments of a relationship I've ever seen on TV.
  6. Agree with every word. You don't see many m/m couples on TV anyway - maybe it's just the shows I watch, I don't know - but almost every single one is either middle-aged men in a comfortable relationship or young guys having hot hookups. I've NEVER seen one where the guys are fairly young, getting to know each other and doing as slow a dance as this one. I'm utterly enchanted! And I loved the sleepover with David and Stevie a few episodes back. I loved how excited she was for this opportunity with Patrick. I loved the dialogue in the diner. That's exactly how I josh with my husband and friends alike - the chemistry was just oozing and yet completely natural. Patrick's self-consciousness about David opening his gift in front of Steve, and David's face when he realized Stevie was right and it *was* a sentimental gift (and a really intimate one at that)... Honestly, this is the sweetest romance I've seen on TV in ages. Join the club!
  7. I think the Legends went to a time before the Queen showed off her corgis, if you get my drift, and so prevented Charlie from playing that prank.
  8. I have to point out: Mick's assessment of people in ties = statistically more likely to be regular liars is an interesting one. He's not *completely* wrong. Not as muck Mick/Ray interaction as I would have liked, but far more than we've gotten in a long time and I enjoyed it.
  9. Oh that is TOTALLY the textual explanation for it - I wasn't breaking out the party hats to celebrate a future SteelAtom romance plot. But the subtext: Nate totally got "hard" while holding a naked Ray, which sends two messages from the writers: 1) We know SteelAtom is a popular crackship with you lot - so because we love you, Merry Christmas. 2) Homoeroticism is just one more trope we're willing to play with, because it ain't no big deal.
  10. I just loved that a naked Ray was in Nate's arms... And Nate got hard steeled up... And there was nary a hint of gay panic anywhere to behold.
  11. ...so there's got to be a musical episode coming up besides Ep 3. Right??
  12. That's an interesting take, @beth005. Would you be interested in elaborating a bit? I enjoy that sort of discussion very much. (We can take it to another tbread if need be - is there a "Weighty Matters" type thread for in-depth discussion?)
  13. They got him in a costume! I mean, he kept the tie, but still....
  14. So those ratings are good for 3+ days? They almost doubled.
  15. My husband doesn't watch this show but happened to see the beginning when Anne walked into the school with her shorn head. His comment was to pretend to ring a bell and yell "Shame! SHAAAMME!" (AM really did look a bit like Cersei with that haircut!) I really liked this episode! The pantomime was hilarious precisely because I live in small town Atlantic Canada, and - yeah, I've seen that type of home-grown comedy before. I was dreadfully afraid we would tragically lose Cole when he fell off that ladder, as there is no equivalent to him in the books. (Maybe Teddy Kent from the Emily series....if I squint. Hard.) I also appreciate the show finding a way to include Sebastian, and I hope he sticks around Avonlea. A couple of things I missed: Anne's blue dinner dress wasn't the same one as was in the window, right? And do we know who the old guy is who donated the shovel? Marilla's face tearing up with relief and pride after Matthew said his part gave me the warmest glow I've gotten yet from this season. I have some thoughts about Anne and Gilbert, but I'm waiting until the entire season airs to voice them.
  16. Eh, costumes always look like ass in BTS pictures and fantastic on screen. Not judging until I get the full effect. The bromance between Gustin and Amell is ?.
  17. I always thought Atkinson had the sexiest voice. This interview did not change my mind.
  18. Mo Ryan just tweeted to tell people to watch Legends. Word is getting out....
  19. Re. ConstantGreen: I thought we *did* get confirmation 1 - Gary said "I wish" to the question of whether or not John made him squeal. 2 - Gary asked for John's confirmation that "that thing we did" did not, in fact, constitute him losing his virginity and John confirmed that it did not. The "thing" was left unsaid but was accompanied by an interesting hand gesture. 3 - As they left the unicorn, John pht his arm around Gary and said (basically), "Now, aboht this virginity status of yours...." I thought it was pretty clear sexy results were happening between them, even though nothing was blatant. That's so sad. They deserve more. I was hoping the critical reviews urging people to watch might make a difference. Not that I think they're in danger of cancellation yet, but it might justify keeping the budget down and that's unfortunate.
  20. It would be a good source of tension. Nate's always had an ambivalent relationship with his father, and it being because his military alpha-dad was overprotective and a bit condescending (from Nate's POV) about his disability would be a logical source that ties into the history of the character.
  21. Yet it doesn't feel old-fashioned. It doesn't feel like watching a classic cheesy syndicated action-adventure show like the ones mentioned in that article. It feels fresh and new and unique.
  22. A few links for everyone. This show is starting to hit the zeitgeist, I have a feeling. From Paste: "ICYMI: DC's Legends of Tomorrow Is Such an Old-School Action Show, It Must’ve Traveled Through Time" (Slight spoilers) From EW: "7 things to know about DC's Legends of Tomorrow season 4" From the AV Club: "Praise Beebo, the Legends of Tomorrow are back at last"
  23. That does sound like the potentiality for a brotastic disaster all right. (Brotaster?)
  24. Yeah, they've really stepped up the viral advertising. I don't think they realized until the Cult of Beebo just how much fans adore this kooky little show for its very kookiness. The pride the actors have displayed lately is very evident of that.
  25. So that trailer scene of Ray running with the dog must be from this episode, right? Ray is convinced the assassin is masquerading as the Queen's corgi, and tries to dognap it? Which is why Mick thinks he's completely lost the plot?
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