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Miss Dee

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Everything posted by Miss Dee

  1. I said on Reddit that he's probably tweeting too. "These fools are needed to deal with the crisis? Someone's playing a cosmic joke. #DemLegends"
  2. I do wonder if GRRM intends to use Jon's heritage very much at all. He may be going for some kind of "destiny because family = bullshit", that basically finding out he's a Targ is not going to change who Jon is or alter the trajectory of his life, any more than finding out she's not actually the heir is going to change Dany's. But of course it will be fleshed out a lot more if that's what GRRM is going for.
  3. I've decided in my headcanon that a drunken Pod comforts a drunken Brienne one cold lonely night in Winterfell and they hook up; next morning she's all, "...Jaime who??"
  4. I especially loved that Batiste played it in a minor key, as befitting the joke. That was amazingly quick and subtle.
  5. I'm out of lockstep with the general fandom these days on several things. First of all, while I'm not terribly into either Nate/Zari or Mona, the over-the-top handwringing about it in the fandom is so fucking out there compared to their actual offensiveness, I'm now rooting for both out of sheer orneriness. To me Nate/Zari are two people who are lonely and horny and latched on to one another. It isn't twu wuv and is not played as such. They have not forgotten about Zari's future-past. I did think most of my issues with Mona were not present in this episode and I liked her fine. I for one do not want Ray to conquer Hell with his peppiness. I want him to come out, but be completely broken. This is not because I hate the character - he's my second favourite - but because I think it's better story-telling. Logically, Hell is not an experience that a Ray Palmer should be equipped to deal with. And it creates a better story when he comes out if he's broken, torn between rage and despair - how does he deal with that? How does he overcome that? How does he find his way back to some semblance of the man he used to be? That's better than simply being so impervious it turned out the Devil got locked in with him instead of the other way around. My biggest fear with this one was of Mick fired because he didn't give a shit. I was relieved that Purcell played it as Mick grieving for Ray's loss and trying not to show it, even if it was mostly subtext.
  6. Arya always knew it wasn't in her to become a lord's wife. If she and Gendry were to sail west of Westeros on adventures, I think she'd be fine with shagging him while they're at it. But now it looks like he's responsible for Storm's End, and...that's not her.
  7. I found the theory that both "Ice" and "Fire" need to be dealt with intriguing. I don't want Dany to go mad and die - it's a shitty ending for her and the optics are awful. But what if it was more like Harry Potter being a Horcrux? If she and Jon realized she's the last bit of magic that needs to be excised from the world? Like if the dragons go mad and are uncontrollable, for instance, and Drogon can't be killed unless she dies because magic? That's probably something where Bran could play Captain Exposition for five minutes and explain the stuff in that theory for the audience to set it up. If that happened, Dany could realize she needs to die for the sake of the world, and maybe that it even has to be Jon who does it (prophecy or what have you), and basically pleads Jon to do it. That way her dying becomes more of a sacrifice, with Jon as the catalyst. Then maybe in her last moments could kind of be like the movie Gladiator, where she finds herself going to the house with the red door and Very Special Guest Star Jason Momoa and her son are there waiting for her. Not as satisfying as her becoming the benevolent Queen of Westeros, maybe, but I'd rather this show ended like Gladiator than Old Yeller.
  8. Okay, that article he,ps put some things I've noticed this season in perspective. I was starting to think I was seeing things.
  9. Holy-- she's a friggin' demigoddess in that picture. Like, if I was making a movie about the supernatural I'd throw in a part about an awesome and terrifying angelic being just so I could cast her in it.
  10. You need to watch Legends of Tomorrow's Season 4 mid-season finale episode, "Legends of To-meow-meow". Yes, it has a cat. And time travel. And gay kisses. And an Airwolf spoof. Oh - and puppets.
  11. So basically held their own. I think that's fantastic for a four-month hiatus.
  12. I was sold the minute I read, "GO [redacted] [redacted], HAIRCUT". Nice innovative way to play that off, Ray.
  13. I better get a "Dammit, Gary!" while he's in the Flash suit, if those writers want a "Demolishing the Fourth Wall" award.
  14. Schitt's Creek just had a lovely coming-out-to-the-parents episode. Well worth watching even if you don't normally keep up with the show.
  15. Holy Schitt, this was amazing. The set up: bang! Just got right into it. Trust Johnny to be the catalyst, LOL. Noah Reid broke my heart; he was so visceral in the panic and pain he was feeling and trying to keep it all under control. And this was maybe the best David Rose has ever looked as a character. Whatever self-centeredness he usually has, he definitely put it on the back burner tonight. Loved Patrick's parents. Loved how everyone worked to give Patrick that one moment of courage he so desperately needed. And such a clever way to do it, with the audience knowingeverything was going to be okay, even if he didn't. Most favourite subtle moment: David wiping away a tear when he realized the Brewers were fine with Patrick being gay.
  16. That's a 16-episode season for ya. 36 weeks without a new episode, i.e. roughly 8-9 months of the year.
  17. On a break or broken up: any guy who can stick his dick in another woman 24 hours later is not someone who screams "long-term partner potential", to me.
  18. Topic's not locked? Okay then - I am not spoiled, so I predict Ed the dog prevents Nygmobblepot from escaping.
  19. For those of you that were there: How did the interview with Dan Levy (Schitt's Creek) go? Or was that taped on a different night?
  20. Just as long as they meet somebody's mother in the first part.
  21. Jedidiah, the Amish Joker. His rumspringa kind of went off the rails.... I liked this episode a lot, but not enough Bruce for me. What we got was good though. Although they set it up in the best way they could, I wish the show hadn't felt the need to set up Barbara Gordon's lineage so strictly to canon. Jim/Babs is still hard to buy.
  22. It'd have to keep pace with Bruce's aging, though.
  23. "I still have no clue what they write about, but it works." I now picture Purcell reading each script and his only response is "....okay."
  24. Didn't we have a baby in the first season that was Robin? Doubt he'd be this old. But if this is a spoiler and not a speculation, I'd love to see the source.
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