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Everything posted by albarino

  1. I politely disagree with your post. You want these folks to speak out; I think that is your objection. They didn't speak out. Remember this is a forum about people in Charleston. Are they speaking out about BLM (and I think they agree with that) or are they speaking out about all of the senseless violence? I think shutting up is just about the best thing they can do to save the show. I guess I'm not sure what you want them to do? I'm also not sure what their political beliefs would be good?
  2. And I feel like everybody is overthinking all of this. We are watching reality TV fame Hos. No more and no less. I don't think I need to be psychoanalyzed about it; you've made your point several times. I'm not with you.
  3. Totally get it. We're now back to being mostly locked down here. I feel like if we have lived through this last 10 months, stay home and stay safe. I'm sorry you've missed important events for your family. We'll get through this. This website really is a Godsend. We can laugh at people without leaving home! Please keep taking care of yourself. Not a scientist but I think we'll be done with this by next spring. OT/I have lots of web distractions. How can we help you?
  4. Look, I don't care if she has now decided she is a lesbian (I might question why she thinks she needs to do this on TV but okay). She has 7 children, I only have one and worked full-time as an Air Force officer. With one child, my prime directive was to take care of the child. My husband was an Air Force pilot so he couldn't call in sick to take care of the kid. But I digress. I think she would be so much more authentic if we are shown how much she cares for her children. I get she has nannies; why aren't we seeing the meetings she has with them to discuss the children's schedules, after-school activities, etc.? I would think that after she felt abandoned during her upbringing, she would be very much more involved with her children. I don't think taking the kid to a make-up counter for filming is doing him many favors. Some adolescent behaviors are better explored off-camera.
  5. Wait, what? I've traveled all over the place. Went to visit a daughter in New Mexico in September, visited a brother in Phoenix in Oct. Take my temp every morning (so far so good), got my flu shot, etc. I think we all want to be safe, prudent citizens, but ya gotta live. We're now mostly locked down in Colorado and I'm old so no real worries staying home. As an 18 year old? Yep keggers and we would see you there.
  6. The quote function isn't working at the moment but I agree with those who think this iteration isn't working. I don't want Tams or Vicki back and I would prefer to see glamor and fun. Granted, COVID-19 isn't the time for that and I don't need to see people crying over paper towels and toilet paper. I thought the Debutante Ball footage was interesting. My thoughts. Are they still doing that? I guess I need to research the history but aren't we past this? You're presenting young women to Society? Hey, if COVID kills this, that is a postive outcome. These women aren't doing okay.
  7. Great point. I think Monique needs to find her own Grande Dame inner self. She isn't there yet but she'll get there.
  8. I think being overweight is an occupational hazard of being a chef. I don't really like Bobby Flay but I'm impressed he runs marathons. Actually, everybody on The Kitchen is of normal weight except Sunny and Alex. However, I think it is cruel for a parent to allow any child to become obese. Generally speaking, these children aren't shopping and cooking their own meals. It isn't healthy and sets up longer tern consequences. I think we can all agree on that.
  9. This is my first season of watching this and I am completely sucked in. I think the older kids need to leave Cairo and attend some sort of deprogramming program. Don't they have those for people leaving cults? I think it will take a while for them to learn the concept of "normal." Why does that one son want to be a model? If he never read magazines, does he understand a certain level of taste? What does the older one do? Speaking of taste, I'm glad the daughter was able to visit San Francisco but she has a deficit of taste as well. Don't get me wrong, I understand it, I hope she attends a community college and observes her peers. A course in American History would not be out of line either. I'm no mental health professional but will those kids ever be okay? I never watched the Duggars so I assume they are at least functioning adults. Regardless, those parents have left their children at such a deficit I'm not sure they can climb out of. I say sometimes (especially in these crazy times) that I am an observer of this culture but I don't always understand it. But my gift is I've been an observer/participant for over 60 years.
  10. I haven't been over here in a long time; no real reason. I've always thought Rhee's recipes were lifted from church cookbooks. I wouldn't mind having her pair up with some food bloggers with a healthier take on recipes. I've just made a couple of recipes on the Clean and Delicious webite by Dani Spies. They were pretty good and CLEAN. I also think she should credit some of the places she has been to and then tries to recreate them on her show. I'm thinking of the episode where she made milkshakes and then put something like a cupcake on the straw. She got that from a restaurant in Manhattan. I do want to give her credit for revitalizing Pawhuska (she probably owns everything in it) but I do have to say her products look terrible. Who wants vinyl wallpaper?
  11. Meh, the show is done. It had its funny, frilly run and we've all grown up. Nobody cares about the offspring in their suburban settings. It was a fun ride but we're done. Covid changed many things. It certainly changed my attitude about this stupid show..
  12. Agree to disagree. We had eggplants for crying out loud.
  13. YES! The egg white BS is BS. I have traveled a bit and would never order some sort of egg dish via room service. Perhaps quiche. How would you think your egg dishes would show up after being cooked 15-20 minutes beforehand and then showing up to your room? OJ, fruit and yogurt parfaits are okay for this. Shannon did not have a good episode. Not even getting started on her vow renewal lecture. Bossa opined this may be her last season. I used to like her quirkiness but I don't think I would miss her.
  14. I agree and thank you. I think everybody and their brother has weighed in on the fight and we all have a misunderstanding of the word "provoked." I'm not ready to restart the conversation; I would prefer to let it go. I like this franchise and I don't want to see it go the way of BH where every episode is arguing about something stupid every minute.
  15. Well, I'm 62 but I look at Robyn and think she is young, youthful, and attractive. What I don't look at her and think is she is a role model for STEM careers! Good lord, hire a reputable accountant!
  16. I am over these women. I don't care about the fight anymore; we've all opined. When the fight broke out didn't Gizelle clutch her pearls saying black women are better than this? Perhaps I am mis-remembering. Fast forward to the stupid dominatrix party. Same thing. Aren't black women better than this? Aren't white women? Aren't Asian women? I am seriously offended AMERICAN women behaved like this in a foreign country. OFFENDED.
  17. Who would want to fly across the Atlantic to have some sort of stupid dominatrix party at their hotel as their last dinner in Portugal? I was embarrassed for the wait staff. Why not go bar hopping and then out to dinner? I just can't with these people.
  18. I like this RH iteration so far. I'm still trying to figure out who is who but I definitely know Mary. She wants to send her son to boarding school for his senior year of high school? Oh yeah, that is a fantastic idea on so very many levels. (I'd insert a thumbs up here if I knew how). It will be interesting to see how the ex-communicated woman plays out (can't remember names--see above). I would think that being ex-communication would be a HUGE deal in SLC and yet they didn't move.
  19. Read the whiff of Katherine mentioning the cheating rumor caused Cameron to bow out along with Naomi and Chelsea (can't quite remember her name). I thought Cameron was wise to limit her interaction with Katherine because I have a relationship with a mentally ill sister. Trust me, you can't win. Katherine thought this was the way to stick it to Cam and brought up the cheating rumor. Bravo aired it (for whatever reason). Makes me hate Katherine and Bravo.
  20. I don't understand this sentiment. I was an Air Force brat who later joined the Air Force. "Where are you from?" is a completely normal question. Charleston is an urban community; why would anybody expect somebody who lives in Charleston to almost automatically be from Charleston? Completely unrelated, my husband and I visited Charleston a few years ago. We found it quite charming and, wow, they know how to do grits.
  21. 2020 has been a lot to take but I think you add a lot to these forums and enjoy our company. We enjoy yours. We're good. Take a few deep breaths and I hope you feel calmer soon.
  22. I believe some of Katherine's weight gain is due to the medication she takes for her mental health disorder(s). I am not a mental health professional but I"m a representative payee for a sister receiving Social Security Disability Income due to her mental health issues and she tells me some of her weight gain comes from the meds she is prescribed. I do think it is ill-advised for her to drink while on her meds and I note she is the poster child for making poor decisions. The problem is she has two kids who need her. I really don't like or respect her.
  23. Completely agree. Ari isn't quite alone as a young woman in a completely foreign culture. The secret is that most capitals have International or American Women's clubs. Addis Ababa: https://www.facebook.com/International-Womens-Club-of-Addis-Ababa-508024936005797/ Why isn't she meeting people at the club? Seoul has one and I'm sure there are these clubs in India.
  24. Yes, LET IT GO!!!! Nobody cares. As a product of a "broken home" I think it IS sad. While I understand there are joint custody arrangements, three kids to a room based on gender is kinda fucked up. Where do they put their stuff? Where do they go to study, etc.? This is more like a summer two-week scout camp arrangement. I think if I were the kids, I'd be pretty miserable. Too much, too soon forced togetherness. I guess I've been thinking a little too much about this (too close to home) and her job is to take care of her kids. Not her boyfriend and his kids. Seriously, date your boyfriend, sleep with your boyfriend but keep your young kids outside of this particular arrangement. This isn't fun and exciting for them. This is their world falling apart and Mommy chooses a guy and kids over them. Now that is a definition of "sad" I can get behind. Well, we know she has poor judgment (DUI) and this is another manifestation of it. I really, really feel sorry for her kids.
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