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Everything posted by albarino

  1. I wish they would have touched a little more on the Harvey Girls and that particular history--not sure where they would have gone with it--other than to tie it into a particular dish or something. I'd have to go back and rewatch but I somehow missed how you can mess up a nice cut of beef. Wasn't the criticism that it was too tough and chewy?
  2. I just caught this episode and came here to post that I did not see Jackie explain her statement saying black women cry wolf when describing their pain. I saw her cry and say it was a very difficult time in her life when her comment was rebroadcast. I did not see her explain why she said it in the first place and I missed the sincere apology. While we're at it, I did not like her dress or her hair. I think Jackie is sophisticated but her look at the reunion was not. I gave Toya the benefit of the doubt WRT the wine donation at the Med Gala. After hearing her explanation that the wine was comped to her to serve it at events just exactly like the Med Gala made me roll my eyes. Guess she still lives in those P.F. Flyers (or whatever those tennis shoes are called). This is a perfect example of money and class not going hand in hand. More to come for the reunion part 2.....
  3. Well, that was interesting. I guess they showed Damon's comment about Satan winning every time a couple gets divorced for a reason. When Heavenly started up at the Med Gala I kept wondering why doesn't Damon leave that prostitution whore? WRT the Gala, I could see both sides regarding the $1K contribution. It should have been discussed and settled well before that evening; NOT mentioned in welcoming comments. *Snort*. Do these professional even know how to act professionally?
  4. That was an uneventful episode. I think I only disliked Toya and Heavenly just a little bit this time. I can't figure Kema out. Is this an act? I mean he married a professional after all and yet she spends $150K (did I hear that correctly) and can't account for it? Sounds like a gambling problem or something like that. Based on the previews looks like we'll be back at it next week. That's okay. My Heavenly hate hasn't gone anywhere.
  5. I am enjoying the series and everyone's comments here. I didn't really know much about the women and the feud (well, I really didn't know anything about them) and I don't think I would have learned anything just watching the show. I'm reading Capote's Women and googling things you all discuss to bring me up to speed. As I said, I'm enjoying the series and learning about this particular feud. I appreciate the observation that there isn't much of a story there. The backstory is everything.
  6. Just caught the episode and am wondering about the role production played in selecting Hilton Head as the couples trip. I don't think Simone would have selected the location on her own and then kept it when Dr. Jackie hesitated. Then she and Curtis weren't going, and I thought okay, fair enough. But Heavenly not going? Really? That was too much and in the end they all showed up. What was that about? Production again? I rolled my eyes at Jackie's recitation of her daily "being on the hot seat." Guess she is just used to handling baby girls (or whatever she said). Heavenly needs to stop being her little bitch.
  7. Whoa, whoa, whoa!! Come sit right next to me; I'll buy the first round. Great observations! But remember, if your Daddy is the real head of the household, he doesn't even need to whisper it....
  8. Oh, also wanted to add the show ran the gamut of political correctness--Transgender? Check. Pro-choice? Check. Obesity and ozempic? Check. Black maternal/fetal health? Check. BTW, I would have liked to have seen the final PSA; I think I'll google it. I'm not saying I'm bothered by it or disagree on the points of view presented, I'm saying I noticed it. Back to obesity...Get on this scale and it calculates your age?!? BTW, I have one too and I'm "23" so bite me Dr. Jackie. [I don't take the calculations other than weight seriously] But why would a physician mention her "age" to a morbidly obese patient? Or WHO would do that? Dr. Jackie, you're losing me here.
  9. Did we ever hear a real answer as to why Toya doesn't plan a few more of these date nights? Like many of you, I a completely unsympathetic about Toya's plight. Can you imagine being taken to South Carolina and having to listen to some of the history of Charleston or Savannah on a horse drawn carriage? The nerve. I love Dr. Simone but I really don't care about her sons and their steps toward independence. Everybody keeps smiling so I assume all is well. Laughing at swankies comment above regarding Jackie and the Veep. Yep!
  10. The point about the boyfriend was we had some sort of explanation as to why Taylor was on our screen in the first place. Venita and Leva and the word "interesting" in the same sentence? Hmmm. Yeah, no. They're not interesting. I appear to be a Taylor apologist and I'm really not trying to be one but Taylor at least had a job at one point or another on the show. I do agree it is time to revamp the show and start with a major cast modification. I wish Charleston could once again be a main character; such a charming place.
  11. I see that is Olivia's only story line...Well, that and she can't keep a bra on in odd circumstances. Right or wrong, Taylor actually had a boyfriend on the cast. Olivia, not so much.
  12. Oh, Olivia, I feel sooo much better about you knowing Kathryn Dennis has your back. 🤮 Seriously, doesn't she have a publicist who can advise her on how to MAKE IT BIG?!? I would think being associated in any way with Kathryn would be an obvious unforced error.
  13. I really want to like Toya but she makes it so hard! Nothing Eugene does is ever good enough for her. Seriously, whaat does SHE bring to the marriage? Oh, Dr. Heavenly, please go away. Forever. That cackle drives me crazy.
  14. Oooh, Janelle. Way to characterize your ex-douch!!
  15. Okay Christine's mom--warrior speech on wedding day seems odd....
  16. What was the look/smirk about calling David their step dad? He is going to be the step dad.
  17. That was a fun trip! Not too much Ramona, and of course, what we got was a gracious plenty! She is completely self-unaware...Speaking of unaware, Sonja, she is the same, and not in a good way...but generally harmless.... I thought Dorinda started out a little spicy but she ended up to be an enjoyable voyager on this trip. Who thought I would end up liking her? I guess my dislike is on "pause." I thought Kelly made a mistake to go on this trip because she was pretty cray cray at times but she calmed down. Wonder what her ex thinks about being considered a deadbeat dad (and perhaps he is, I don't know). Lu seemed to be the adult in the room...She was very enjoyable to watch. All in all, I'd watch another girls trip with this cast.
  18. I have wanted to respond to you and Drivethroo and am sitting down to share my thoughts. Yes, I know it is NYE....My life is kinda boring. Drivethroo, my daughter agrees with you. She is an OB/GYN NP at a major health system in Nashville, TN. We talked about Dr. Jackie's comments and she was not nearly as sympathetic as I was. Her general comment is that women have enough trouble being taken seriously and her comments regarding pain management just set them back. So, I stand corrected. I really do believe Dr. Jackie wants us all to do better. Who would disagree with that? She perhaps (and I'm being nice) hasn't been the best spokesperson and I hope she has learned Bravo isn't the best stage for her message.
  19. Mere beat the love out of him? WTF?
  20. I laugh at these folks but if I really thought hard about it, I'd be crying. Kody really is that terrible......
  21. BEER and SKITTLES!!! Kidney Stab! too!!! And they say I don't have a life. 😀
  22. Uh oh, kidney stab...family doesn't care. Wait, Kody doesn't care.....Oh, blame...
  23. Schadenfreude is a delicious New Years Eve course!
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