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Everything posted by albarino

  1. Children's Hospital Los Angeles is a non-profit, private pediatric hospital under the leadership of a volunteer Board of Directors and Foundation Board of Trustees, consisting of community leaders and physicians. Non-profits have to make a profit or they don't exist.
  2. I'm very sorry for your loss. I"m sure it doesn't help but I think you must be pretty strong.
  3. Yes! I don't watch RHOA so I can't add anything there but I thought the whole set up was very bad. Kyle went out of her way to make Garcelle look bad but she only made herself look terrible. And I also have to add my own two cents.....Children's Hospitals are profitable health care operations. They aren't charity and they make money. Don't get me wrong; caring for children is noble. I hope the funds raised went to something good; do we know where the funds went? I would like to think the funds went to pay bad debts for patients, not golf tournaments for the execs. Given Kyle, you can never know.
  4. Please tell me Rinna is acting out because she knows she is GONE. She can take Erica and Kyle with her, those stupid fucks. Yeah, she's gone.
  5. Kyle, first rule of holes is when you and your family are in one, quit digging. And don't get me wrong, you're in a hole. Perhaps it is the "camera's? " 🙂 I'm still scratching my head over why Mauricio ducked out of the family lunch he was hosting to go to a USC game and nobody else thought it was strange. It wasn't a "come over and we'll order pizza" sort of deal. It was catered, had a bounce house and a tent/yurt set up. Then the host bales?!? I really do want to hear more about that rather than the ice diamond sculpture Denise had at her clam bake. Regardless, this last gotcha with Garcelle is too much. Kyle really is an ignorant asshole.
  6. Please share; most of us haven't lived in your neighborhood. I would be fascinated for you to educate us.
  7. Hmm, time will tell. No animus; I"m mostly an observer. I believe the pandemic has shown, in many cases, not all, that telework is a viable option. If so, why live in Manhattan? My experience (lived in a DC suburb and visited daughter often when she was at NYU) is that Manhattan is not a charming borough. I can't speak for the others. Lu's hat reminded me of the Senator's wife on The Birdcage (movie) when they were sneaking out of the gay bar. The hat was very similar. I love that movie and I loved her hat for that reason.
  8. Perhaps I misremembered this but I thought Garcelle, very lovingly, said something along the lines of....She met some great new friends and a few that weren't so great....With a beautiful smile on her face. My point is she never mentioned Kyle. I'm puzzled why you jumped to Garcelle insulting Kyle in public. Did I misremember? If I did, well, I'm the idiot, and apologies in advance. Regarding Garcelle and the charity payment...My husband and I lived apart for a few years due to our work situations (work in different states). I moved to a new condo (hubs helped) and he said he would update our utilities so I didn't second check on it. Guess what, I came home from work to my utilities being completely cut off. I had to ask the office manager if we lost electricity and she said nope. Hubs forgot to update our address to the utilities billing dept. This happens even when the person you love the most in this world forgets to contact the utilities to update an address. This can easily happen with a Kyle charity event. I like Garcelle and I give her every benefit of the doubt. I like Denise and I give her every benefit of the doubt. We aren't watching an episode of Perry Mason; this isn't a truth show. I never liked soap operas and this show has become one of them. Time to kill it.
  9. Do we know that? We saw Denise voicemail at Christmas-time that it was too time consuming to get from Malibu to LA so how about they get together over the holidays. I used to live in a DC suburb and pre-Christmas traffic was no joke. I think we all agree Denise mishandled the ride to Dorit's party. I think njbc made a great point; go into the hotel and dial her room. From the snippet we saw of the reunion, Garcelle seemed to be team Denise.
  10. I thought granola was something you ate. 🙂. Actually, I live in Colorado; we have a lot of granola types here.
  11. I'm neither a lawyer nor jurist;, I don't have to justify my thoughts because nobody cares about them. They have no impact on the real world. I'm team Denise. I don't care if she lied, slept with Brandi or didn't, talked trash or didn't. I'm team Denise. I'm also team Garcelle. Perhaps team Dorit. Well, I said it. Who is coming back? That is my question.
  12. Hmmm, I might read her book. I don't read much fiction anymore (prefer non-fiction) but I can make an exception to read a fictionalized account of her life. I have never liked her but I do wonder about her life arc; it is probably interesting.
  13. I am not sure I can articulate how bothered I am by this video. I consider it aberrant behavior. I'm about Rinna's weight and physique (genetics and I like to work out) but I would never, ever, once consider her actions as okay or acceptable. M family has mental health issues we deal with and I would put Rinna's issues right up there. She should be emulating good behavior because she has been raised right, made a success of her life and probably has an extremely health bank account. This is just disturbing. Grandma doing crotch-shots. These people get what they deserve.
  14. Lord, that video is something else! NO it didn't make Amelia anorexic, it made her ashamed that her mom does this trash. Hmmm, I thought Harry liked a big bush. Didn't see it.
  15. Thanks for your response; I always enjoy conversations with all y'all (I lived in Louisiana for a few years). With Sonja, I always go back to her role on Scary Island where she was the sole voice of reason (at least that is how I remember it). That is why I like her; she had some smarts about her and I really wish we could see more of that side of her. Please don't get me wrong; she has been completely wacky. Water pills causing dementia or whatever we witnessed? I absolutely don't believe it. So, that is why I want Sonja to stay. I've never felt any love for Lu or Ramona. They strike me as insufferable. Let's see what happens next!
  16. We should probably start a betting pool. None, one, two or three are gone....My guess is that Sonja stays and Ramona leaves. Ramona got her wish when she said she would quit or something to Production at her birthday party? Seriously, I have no idea but it is fun to speculate. Lu seems to have redeemed herself (and I never thought I would type that). I keep checking back to see the latest....
  17. I deleted that part of my post as I thought it was inappropriate in hindsight. My apologies. I don't really follow Hollywood all that much, and as I get older, I realize I don't know half the the people I read about in People magazine when I visit my hairdresser. I know Denise Richards about as much as I know Charlie Sheen; it would never occur to me to consider him an A list celebrity and her a B list celebrity. My opinion. We disagree on Amelia Rinna and that is fine. I'm glad she isn't my daughter so none of this really matters except her mother has chosen to make her an issue. I would have a problem with my daughter if she verbalized she wanted a coworker of mine to fuck off but Amelia doesn't have anything going on in her life. She has some failures behind her but I imagine the pressure is intense with LR as her mother. Could you imagine growing up with a mom screaming "OWN IT" every time you got a B or C on a report card?!?. Lordy.
  18. I Agree with you and also feel the same about the black franchises--RHOA and RHOP.
  19. Yes, that is exactly the same. I had never heard of Denise before this show and Charlie. Teddy was an A-Lister since she was born. 🙂. Or not.
  20. Good riddance. I hope she gets the help she desperately needs.
  21. ^^^^This^^^^ I also note Denise has three daughters (one is non-verbal but doesn't mean she can't hear) and we've seen one on camera saying she didn't have a problem with the threesome talk. The other two? Who knows. Bringing Brandi and Kim back will kill the franchise for me. In fact, Bravo is sorta killing Bravo for me. That makes me sad.
  22. So I was riding my bike on the trainer this afternoon and thought I would watch this after seeing everybody's comments on this episode. Oh Lord, What was this? I am still confused as to why we have to have Brandi and Kim. They are garbage. Have we agreed this is Kyle's doing with: a) Hopes to take Denise (a fan favorite) out, or b) Deflects attention away from her marriage? I'm still not right with Maurecio not showing up to an event he hosted (catered/bounce house, etc.) to go to a game? Yeah, everything is great there. We've all said white lies and sometimes have been caught in them. MOVE ON. This is the best you've got Bravo WRT RHOBH? Seriously? No, SERIOUSLY?!? Well, I've learned my lesson; I'll keep reading your thoughts but these episodes are completely stupid. I mean I know these shows aren't extra credit for AP Chemistry classes but Jesus. Brandi?!? Kim?!?
  23. Oh Lord, this does not belong on RHOBH. Lisa, teach your kid some class.....Model your parenting style after Garcelle, for example. I think she is a great mother. Amelia, with all due respect, what have you done other than fail at modeling, flunk out of college, move back home, and demand a two bedroom condo with a doorman for your next digs? That is pretty impressive for a 19 YO. She should really stay off of social media; you do yourself no favors and keep reminding the public of how ignorant you really are. Rich parents or not.
  24. Lordy, I'm so glad I didn't tune in for this. 90 Day Fiancee shows are becoming so much more attractive to me. I have zero doubt anybody at Bravo cares but the number of their shows in the ash heap for me are approaching those I continue to watch. I'll continue to read the comment on this board so thank you to those who keep posting! I wish Hannah well and it sounds like she was the adult in the room about her being let go.
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