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Everything posted by albarino

  1. She is too big to be a model and she is pretty ugly as well.My advice? Stay in school.
  2. Sorry, I think the daughter is fat, as in FAT. As in chub-chub. But that is okay, just keep thinking you're model material. Snort.
  3. I politely disagree. The disappointment has been the other women. I don't want to hear "mom-shaming" and I don't want to hear another thing about the Brandi business yet we can't escape it. This has nothing to do with Denise; it has everything to do with the other women.
  4. YES. 2020 has been a terrible year and the last thing I was to see are people being mean (and I'm also looking at you Below Deck Med). I can see why the season has been shorter than normal. The whole "own it," tell the "truth" mentality has been done to death. I don't need anybody to own anything; I want to see Rome and the women having fun in Rome. Period. Stop the Denise pile-on already.
  5. I"m glad I didn't watch the show last night. Like many of you, I appreciated the locales, etc., but on Tuesday nights, I'm now watching 90 Day Fiancee. I get to see exotic locales on that show and I don't have to watch the rat crew.
  6. I'm going to post this now WRT men shouldn't be involved in the women's business. I say, jump in men. What are you scared of, ladies? Their superior intellect or strength will beat you down? *Snort*. But then I remind myself none of these folks work in the real world. I can't imagine having a spirited workplace debate and then saying, you're a man and you're being mean to me. Wah. BTW, I think Aaron is a complete ass but I wouldn't be scared to talk with him. Erica and Aaron made their conversations adversarial which never helps friendships but if men are on the show, they're allowed to express opinions. My opinion, of course.
  7. I believe he started it. I believe they went back to Moldova and he started acting like some sort of alpha male. Liz is right to check him on his house husband status. Hubs and I are mostly retired but I have a part-time job that pays the mortgage; if he discounted me that way, I would be happily single since I can support myself and it is my (and my husband's) choice to stay married. My take is he turned on Libby and she isn't having it. Libs, go home with your kid and family. This clearly isn't a nice opportunity bond with your husband's family. Have you noticed he hates you? Go home. Let him work to afford the plane ticket back to FL. Go Home.
  8. I don't need people to throw things at me but I would like to think about Garcelle's friends being on this show. Sutton's as well. She seems wealthy and nice (don't throw things, please). I'd like to get back to the 'Lives of the Rich and Fabulous" sort of vibe. For whatever reason, and there are many of them, this show needs a complete retool. I know Jerry called for a return of Brandi....If that happens, I am 90 Fiancee junkie all the way. There are no faux relationships there. Ha Ha.
  9. Like many of you, based on this season's storyline, I'm really ready to wrap it up and I hope they continue to shake up the cast. Teddi can stay if they get rid of Rinna and Kyle. We never need to see Kyle, Kim or Brandi ever again. Same with Rinna and her homely children. Waiting in the lobby for Dorit was ridiculous. How about this? Gang, we're going to restaurant x and we're leaving at 7:30 PM. If you aren't in the lobby, we'll meet you there. Then go to the restaurant and enjoy your meal. The end.
  10. As a poster above mentioned, what about alcohol? Hmmm, being passed out is okay since we see this every charter but meds? A hard no? Anyways, they apparently wanted to get rid of Hannah (and I'm not a huge fan) but this is too much. Joao, STFU; you're lucky you didn't get sued or something. Rot in hell.
  11. YES! I was scratching my head about LV food and LV night. I don't know what that means. I believe Hannah thought it was bar/finger food yet they were serving a meal. Is this game night (Hannah's interpretation) high end finger food? Hard boiled quail eggs with a little sour cream and roe on top, steak tartare and chicken pops they served on The Kitchen this weekend. Endive with something vegan? Or was this supposed to be something more of a high-end sit-down meal? Manchego/jamon finger food, gazpacho, monk fish/filet (or pork tenderloin--they are delicious in Spain), flan? How about this? If you don't know what the guests want, wait for it, ASK THEM. Or, hey Sandy, I don't know what this means, could you ask them what they are thinking, pretty please? Kiko was not perfect but he didn't have the vision for this dinner and he didn't know how to make nachos. He was a good guy; did you hire him Cap'n Sandy? Hmmm? Didn't you vet him, you idiot?!?
  12. Great point! Once again, those table decorations look like ass. They are tacky, tacky, tacky and don't belong on a "super yacht." Sorry, they don't, Bugsy. My credentials? Other than having eyes, in school I was a waitress at a five star resort and in later life, my husband was a diplomat. But the decorations are a good advertisement for The Dollar Store. Cap'n Sandy? You are a complete piece of shit. Complete. Malia? If your professionalism is the most important aspect of your career, why are you on this shit show? Hmm, think about it. People now hate you but you do you, you sanctimonious ass. This season is turning into crap before our eyes.
  13. I can't stand him and wonder why she and her family put up with him. He seems to decree lots of things people put up with such as the timing of the second wedding. My thought is they need to leave, not have the second wedding and leave him in Moldova. Everybody seems to be quite unhappy. Don't get me wrong, our marriage has certainly suffered a few rough patches but neither of us were yelling Fuck YOU to our in-laws. I think that is a line that cannot be uncrossed.
  14. 1. Interesting potty-training technique. I hope it works for them. [My kid is old so I don't follow the latest on this] 2. I've never heard of a one-year anniversary party and a poster upthread thought it would be a good idea if you had a small wedding this year. I agree. Cash bar? NO. Just NO. Offer Prosecco, wine and beer. Cash bar for those who want to do tequila shots (but likely a different RH franchise). 3. I really don't know what to think about all of the but grabbing accusations last year aimed at Michael--they were probably true but what do I know? This episode? I saw lots of but grabbing. I'd have to go back and look but I think Candace was one of the perps. She wasn't the only one. Hmmm. How does that work?
  15. Interesting, I haven't heard that before. I'm still reading through the this thread and I'm of two minds about Ramona bringing up Leah's diagnosed mental health condition. I think the whole mental health parity act happened in 2016 or 2017? I'm not sure it is relevant in this conversation but I wish people (all of the HWs I watch) would be more respectful with each other. It doesn't take a mental health professional to know something is wrong with Leah, and for that matter, Sonja and Dorinda.
  16. I believed this as well; being sheepish that she is ordering pasta with blah, blah, blah but no garlic please. Can't quite remember the order but I believe this is a basis for European distain for Americans. Please don't get me wrong, I don't think the feeling is now but Ogden Nash had a poem about Americans ordering coffee with their meal. I'd need to look it up for exact references. This was an anti-climactic episode for me; we know Brandi's revelations would come out. If Brandi's allegations were true, she is a "Kiss and Tell" who deserves to be slut-shamed for the rest of her life. The wah, wah, was things Denise (ALLEGEDLY) said about the other women? That bothers them? Did EJ think she would be voted Miss Congeniality? No. She created the Ice Queen persona. EJ, it worked. Can't be mad. Teddi, did she say she is her Dad's shadow? Uh, how did you get on TV? Perhaps at the beginning that was her claim but people know her on her own now and can make their own judgements. Can I qualify the statement but nothing to be hurt about. Seriously, what is wrong with an acknowledgement that my Dad got me here and I'm thankful; I'm on my own now. Can't remember who she also called out. Kyle? Rinna? She could have said it is true. Probably is. Hope Denise gets her 4 million without having to show up ever again. Long story longer, I'd enjoy a show with Denise, Garcelle and Sutton as the main characters. The others can be friends of. I don't care about them; I'll read them in People Magazine and then their obituaries.
  17. I think they live in Manhattan, Brooklyn, perhaps? I don't exactly know. Tom Wolfe wrote a book and described UES women as "social x-rays." Daughter went to NYU so we visited several times; I saw those social x-rays. Holy Cow! I felt fat (5'9, 135 lbs)! Seriously! Living in NYC with a wealthy and famous mom has its challenges, I'm sure. She has the blessing of visiting all of the great things NYC has to offer. We disagree on what being overweight means emotionally for a kid who is obese; I really do wish her the best until they figure it out. I don't wish her any ill-will but her mom isn't making it any easier on her. Okay, not saying anything else about it. Back to Alex, I guess she is now a semi-regular on The Kitchen. I like her and let's see how it all works out for us. I have very, very clearly been watching too many of the Real Housewives but I hope she and GZ don't "out-superior" the others because I do enjoy them all and think they have a nice vibe. I enjoy the rise of the food culture and Food Network very much and seeing their home kitchens has been quite a joy.
  18. Please let this show die. PLEASE! Seriously, nobody cares anymore.
  19. Nope. Not buying what you're selling. Alex's daughter is obese. She isn't pudgy, she is obese. That is why I feel it is nicer to keep her off of TV. Look, Alex is obese but she is an adult and I guess it goes with the profession. [I dislike Bobby Flay but I do respect he keeps his weight in check]. I think we'll disagree all day long and I've said my bit. I dislike seeing obese people on cooking shows, including their kids, and I'll call them out all day long about it. Off to trash other TV shows.....
  20. Alex's daughter is 12 and obese. I have no idea about her mental acuity but I assume she is of average intelligence. Her obesity is her mom's fault, of course. She isn't driving herself through McDonald's drive up windows (and if she lives in Manhattan, highly unlikely); I just hate seeing obese children on TV because it is their parents' fault.
  21. Alex needs to keep her kid off of the show for obvious reasons. A friend thought her fiancée was her son.......
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