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Everything posted by albarino

  1. I'm not even sure what this means. If Hannah were a full C-cup, would you like her more? Are you rooting for Kyle and Carl because you are offended at her physical traits she shows on TV? Carl might be the worst person in that house and I laugh when he gets the pass on evilness. But he is tall and good looking. No thumb looking pancake dick there! I think you are aware Ciara is an ICU nurse taking a summer break. Sloppy? After a year of 12 hour ICU shifts with many carted out with a sheet over their head, I don't care that her room is messy.
  2. I think I missed this discussion. I hope we can kindly disagree. I think we can agree Leah will never be Orthodox. Wearing a sweatshirt on RHONYC with racial overtones is talking about race. It just is. Eboni made the point she wanted to make. Good for her.
  3. "Jeremy was a master sergeant; he gets about 60% of his USAF salary, which is not a lot. I think we heard he also gets disability pay, although they have really downplayed that. " My suggestion is that people don't read too much into "disability pay." I can't speak to his rank or retirement but when you retire you list your medical conditions. I think I get 10% disability because I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis. This is an autoimmune condition not caused by the military. IIRC, you don't get more money with a disability, you get a tax break. Not an expert and could be completely off-base. There are lots of spouses who make much more/much less than their partner. Why would Jeremy have to keep up with D'Andra's lifestyle? They are married. I honestly do not understand the point you are making but I would like to. My brother is a house husband so I'm curious.
  4. From what we've seen, even Kam's own family mocks Kam. Her dog probably mocks Kam. I don't have a problem with Tiffany's contempt. I think it is de rigueur on Housewives shows.
  5. I think I would agree with you except Kam went on WWHL and demonstrated she is not intelligent. If you know this about yourself, you either laugh about it or don't go on WWHL. I missed the part where she equated Tiffany to a Thai sex worker (I read that upthread). Team Tiffany; I've never cared for knock-kneed Kam.
  6. Pot smoking?!? Still laughing. Why is he a better role model? He only got arrested a couple of times? We clearly disagree so I humbly give all of you the last word.
  7. Right?? If I’m picking a Summer House body to aspire to it’s Amanda all day. I'm still laughing about being called gross because I prefer to watch athletes rather than obese people on TV. Amanda is too hippy, she isn't attractive, and she has a stupid shit for a fiancee. At least she isn't wearing leggings and isn't 100 pounds overweight. Right???
  8. I beg to differ but it is either absolutely true or there are a lot of quack dentists out there. Dentists who worked for me told me this and when I asked why I had to have them review dental treatment plans from other civilian dentists (even the minor treatment plans), they said there were many quacks/gravy train billers out there. So I didn't hear it, I know it.
  9. Gross? Oh dear. Don't we pay pretty/in-shape people to sell us everything? Mascara, appliances, cars, etc.? Not to mention Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem and Whole 30, for example? I don't think anybody aspires to be overweight (other than sumo wrestlers) although 42% are in that category in the US. I personally appreciate athletes and always look forward to the Olympics. If that makes me gross, so be it. I do aspire to be as disciplined with food, exercise and rest as they are. And on that note, it is probably time to go for a run or swim because I appreciate Hannah's discipline to her sport. And yes, I consider herself a role model in that respect.
  10. Well, this is Primetimer and if you mean we want to belittle her, yes, yes we do. Wait, I can't speak for everyone, only me. If I complain about her, I am not applauding her and her food or demeanor. I am criticizing her.
  11. We can agree to disagree but I think it does make her a role model. She isn't morbidly or even just obese and 42% of our population is obese. That is a pretty big (ha ha) number! Was it Luke (the ghoster) who was suicidal? Didn't Ciarra say she visited him twice in MN? And they he ghosted her? Hmmm. I don't follow these people but watch this show to provide me some sense of moral superiority. It provides this in droves.
  12. I believe she probably took up tennis in elementary school. Are you suggesting she started playing tennis in high school? Regardless, I consider successful athletes to be role models in our culture. So do many others (hence football, baseball jerseys, etc.). I don't follow her on social media nor do I know her college background. Can you really blame her for saying mean things about her fellow Summer House participants? From what I see on the show, they are all shit heads.
  13. This is only me but I have lots of time to think (husband will be home tomorrow after three weeks away) so I am thinking about foods that may have been good for the movie challenge. I'm not a chef, I don't particularly like to cook but I don't miss a meal. For Drama, I've been thinking about the Greek (?) Comedy/Tragedy masks and think a sweet/sour sauce would be perfect. Perhaps with a spring roll to dip into it? Action? I keep going back to movement. Perhaps a lobster claw? Pinch. Pinch? Wings had already been done but could have worked. Humor and chicken had zero connection to me. Oooh, for humor, how about the Duff/Valerie challenge that is a play on food look-alikes? Something looking sweet which is a savory dish? That would be cute. You aren't doing fine dining with this challenge. Only takes me 24 hours to come up with something! Ha. Oooh, how about for horror, having a small chicken pot pie or mini muffin tin pie with chicken feet coming out of it? Or something served with a knife? Yes, I really have too much time on my hands! Just sorta fun to ponder.
  14. I do not disagree with your many posts regarding the Pioneer Woman but I must disagree with your "COTTAGE CHEESE" comment. My Mom had a lasagna recipe from an Italian family and it called for cottage cheese. My mom even told me at an early age to use cottage cheese; the other cheeses were less satisfactory (this coming from the Garagulia family). Regardless, I think Italian food is quite boring and lasagna takes way, way too many hours to make. Go get Stouffers and then ride your bike or something. Your point of view is clear, so is mine. I admire her saving a town. I do not discount your opinion. I don't have a strong opinion on kids or cousins having some leniency in the courts. *Cough*. Hunter. *Cough* ETA: The cottage cheese tip was given to my mother in 1963? when our families met. Since I was too young to shop, I have no idea if ricotta or marscapone were available in Omaha, NE, for example. Boston, probably when they met. Regardless, we're blessed with a rich food landscape!
  15. Is Hannah being called out because of things she has said on her Podcast regarding her housemates? I can't quite figure out the "Gang up" but if it keeps the others out of the hot seat, I can see that. Danielle, you're nobody and nobody cares about you. Please go away. Carl, yes, you are mature, tall male and you have always been honorable. With a really great job! Get a real one and Please go away. Lindsay, yes, you are quite the professional who carries your reasonable and calm demeanor to your personal life. You're a shrew who will chase anybody away who cares about you. Please go away. Kyle, you are an immature asshole. Please continue your mullet ways and peeing outside. Good luck Lover Boy! Please go away. Amanda, you're engaged to a dolt. I'm wishing you the best but please go away. Luke, Luke, Luke. You are pathetic. YOU.JUST.ARE. Ghosting your friend? Please go away. The other two can stay. Edited: I'm sure these folks will grow up; they just seem too old to be so immature. I AM giving Hannah a pass. No question. From what I gather, she was a highly successful athlete with a Coach/Father and that must have its own baggage. Regardless, I consider her athletic background to be a major winner and she can say Fuck Off to every other member of that stupid house. At least she worked really hard for a very long time.
  16. I am the first to admit I can be a little obtuse but what did chicken have to do with humor/comedy? I think I would have done something with pop rocks if I could find it in Whole Foods. Brother Luck (remember him?) had a dish with pop rocks in one of his restaurants that I liked and thought it was fun. But I do think there should have been more conversation about the eatability of some of the dishes at a Drive In. I was thinking about the Romance course and I thought the milkshake was perfect. My first thought was something with chocolate but what can you do at a Drive In? Unrelated, but ribs? At a Drive In? No (for me). I think that part of the critique was missing.
  17. Well, I'm trying to shrug off my obvious "gut" & weight gain. I'm 62, so no pregnancy, and I'm now trying to run more. Damned COVID weight gain!
  18. I give Brandi a bit of a pass on her pregnancy. She may have spotted a bit and having been told she was peri-menopausal, she was just, "Meh?" I think we are saying the same thing but it reads differently? South Fork is a pop Mecca and not the Pieta but does not deserve to be defiled by the guests. I think we are in violent agreement.
  19. Look, South Fork isn't a museum to me. I would characterize it as a pop culture tourist attraction but Kary and Brandy were completely rude. It wasn't as if Kary took a hammer to the Pieta and I wonder if she has developed some self-awareness after this season? I hope she gets the help she obviously needs. I liked seeing the husbands at South Fork at the finale. Well done.
  20. It kind of is. For example, physicians have general standards of practice they follow, dentists do not. They are all over the map. They are quacks in that regard.
  21. I was laughing thinking about pacifiers at age 4 (I'm not a Pediatrician) and thought they should just give her cigarettes. Talk about soothing! Only a joke, as an ex-smoker, I think I would have preferred a pacifier! Or Lala's bottles!
  22. I missed this. Lordy. I think this is the nicest thing I can say. I'm flabbergasted if this is true.
  23. The least successful episode was the one with Lala. Does anybody like her? No? I didn't think so. Did the other guest say she was on Pitch Perfect? I didn't recognize her but if so, they should have had her sing. I still love seeing LVP's property. Perhaps more on that and less on Lala would be a more winning formula. I would have too go back and rewatch the Lala episode but they didn't focus as much on the food (IMHO). Please, focus on the food!
  24. Inheritance is a tricky thing when parents divorce. My mom died first and inherited the wealth from her family. My step-dad threw away the will leaving the estate intestate and his kids then inherited everything. As a kid, I knew where the will was in the filing cabinet and it was pretty simple. Spouse gets everything and then kids get everything. *Because I knew where everything was, I knew where the copy of the will was in the filing cabinet. Copies don't count but one can read them.* I hope my step-dad rots in hell. Back to Dallas, I don't understand her story as she tells it. There was an original will and then a subsequent will and the estate went to court and the original will was ruled valid? As in D'Andra inherited everything? *Scratching head* Among the mysteries is why D'Andra would want to make amends with her step-family. At this point, it is water under the bridge. My advice to her is to just keep moving on with her life.
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