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Everything posted by albarino

  1. While I completely disagree with your assessment, this really is about Rinna. She'll be back on Twitter.
  2. I don't quite know what to make of this. She said she couldn't remember her childhood when she was 17. I was 17 as a Senior in High School; she doesn't remember being in High School at all? I'm not saying this didn't happen; I'm saying I find it odd, and if true, I think she needs some serious help. No snark.
  3. Thank you for sharing this; I don't do SM. Rinna has really come undone. I hope she gets the help she needs. Seems like she is in Kelly Bensimon territory here.
  4. Off to left field, I am sure you have your sources for this. You strike me as a very knowledgeable poster on this forum. I disagree with your assessment. As a parent weighing my own will (legal testament), I would never, ever consider my child's spouse when determining how to disburse my (meager) estate. The Hiltons had children. They partied. I believe they did the very best for them they knew how. I believe Paris was greatly affected by her journey to Montana (Idaho?). I also believe Kathy and Rick had consultants who recommended this course of action. In addition, I believe Rick took Mo under his wing when Mo was getting started and feelings were very hurt when Mo went his own way and took clients with him. Kathy is allowed her rant.
  5. No kidding, when I first saw Rinna, I thought of the "cat woman," namely the person who wants to look like a cat who has been on the Internet. Not a good look for either. I never understood why Dorit got a pass and LVP was vilified over puppy gate. No need to rehash this; if an adult with two children doesn't understand responsibility, well, I can't help them. But good for her, she sure knew her phone was important!
  6. So I was just reading a fairy tale and thought of you guys. You know, the one with the cunty stepmother. Wait, what?
  7. Avaleigh, I appreciate your thoughts on this. I have a bit of a different perspective and please allow me to share; I'm Kathy's age and also belong to a private club in Colorado which has a dress code. My guess is Kathy would not have gotten turned back. Private clubs aren't really that into pissing people off and she is no stranger to private clubs. Anyway, I'm a Kathyphile but I don't understand the conga line thing. *Kathy* Please call me, we can dance the night away. I can be FUN! I will not order tequila or talk about your family. Call me. Please!
  8. From Lassus (and I don't know why it didn't quote) "Kathy is giving off a lot of "I am an adult. You are a monkey clown." vibes in this conversation with Rinna." So much this! The comment that Kathy needed a mental health intervention made me raise my eyebrows. Perhaps Kathy does, I don't know but coming from a whacko like Rinna really says something. *Glass house* something? I'm trying to figure out Rinna's angle here.
  9. I haven't even seen this episode (not on here yet) but Kathy gets a pass from me. I don't have any other reason than just because and it also strikes me that nobody is ever held accountable for anything. So, if Erika and Rinna are on the left side of the aisle, I'm putting Kathy on the right side and taking her side. That works for me.
  10. I know nobody asked but I have a few observations on Aspen. I now live in Colorado and my husband and I visited last fall; we no longer ski but like to get a sense of perspective about many of the Colorado ski towns. Aspen is very small. The main drag is perhaps 6 blocks by 6 blocks? Easily walkable. We didn't stay in Diana's hotel; we stayed in an obviously refurbished HoJos or Holiday Inn on the main drag. It was completely fine and probably cost about $250/night. Once again, completely fine. The shopping was world-class. I remember the Ralph Lauren store. Don't remember the ski store or Kemo Sabe. I do remember walking past a store with (what I believe are) 50ish Birkins. Hmm. Pretty fancy. We had dinner in the middle of the downtown. My entree (quail) was about $55. This did not include anything else. Salad? More. A vegetable? More. You get the idea. The dinner was completely fine, I'm just adding some perspective. I was worried about what I was wearing to dinner and I think I wore a pair of black jeans with some sort of sweater to dinner. Probably white or gray. Turns out, the guy sitting across from me was wearing basketball shorts and sneakers. Trucker hat? Perhaps. Kathy has the right idea about not dressing up for Aspen. I'm not sure people dress up anymore for anything.
  11. I read through this thread and then watched the episode. Like many of you, I'm scratching my head wondering what really happened (as in, that was a lot of boring). So Erika temper tantrumed herself out of a confab and the next morning she was the injured party? Okay? Then Dorit had to stay with the precious flower because she had tears in her eyes? What would have happened if Diana had not been there to welcome Erika to her suite? These women are really exhausting. Erika, you aren't the injured party. Buck up and be a good guest. Rinna, it really would have been more honest to stick two middle fingers up to Kathy and yell "Fuck You. Fuck You and Your Product Placement." That was so incredibly, incredibly rude. Rinna really is tone deaf. I believe Dorit chose poorly. Kyle, her BFF was the host and had a weekend of planned activities. I guess I would consider them "work" activities. Dorit should have been with the others at Kemo Sabe. I notice nobody cared that Diana wasn't there. I also note that Mo should have shut up about it. Mo, nobody cares about your opinion, especially your wife. Crystal explaining her moral compass to Dorit was like me explaining dinner time to my cat. WE understand you Crystal but you're explaining something to a doggy dumper. She didn't take any responsibility for that and she sure isn't going to understand "victims" and Girardi Keese. It really is time to but this RH on hiatus.
  12. Interesting. Didn't Erika and Rinna also fall out at some point in time? I seem to remember this and wonder if it was due to the whole Erika bailing on Kyle without Rinna knowing about it. Along with all of you, I am so surprised Erika has played her hand so poorly. She had months to think about her approach when the show was on hiatus. Couldn't she at least say something like: "We know there were victims--these people were represented by Tom who won lawsuits on their behalf. With Tom's loss of mental functioning, we all learned there were irreguarlities in some of the firm's accounts and we have all been terribly affected. While I can't discuss the specifics but thankfully, with some forensic accounting and oversight by the courts, we can all come to an end to this mess Tom left us. Hopefully we will all be made whole." Our something like that. NOT, all I care about is ME.
  13. This was a dumb episode. Where to start? First, when hosting a dinner with waitstaff and a chef, it really isn't proper for the chef to call you in to dinner like it was your mom calling you in to the kitchen table. In general, you have an agreed timeframe for what should happen. Drinks/hors served for half an hour (or so) then sitting down to dinner. The front of the house and the back of the house communicate if something is off track. Second, if the furniture wasn't ready to be used for this group because it hadn't been re-glued, then it shouldn't have been used. If Patricia no longer had her big dining room table, then a cocktail party with heavy hors d'ouvres may have been the better choice. Third, with this bunch, why oh why, would you serve red wine so they could ruin a $45,000 sofa? Fourth, duck breast is meant to be served medium rare. If you, Patricia, don't like duck medium rare, why would you think your guests would like it medium rare? Go with quail or game hen. Not much to say about the ladies and their night out other than I'm not sure I even like any of them.
  14. From the page six article linked above (by ivygirl): "I have been accused of instigating the hateful and inexcusable cyber bullying of Garcelle’s son. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have stood for human rights my whole life. There is no place for hate in this world,” she wrote. [Diana] Really? Have you actually seen yourself on this show? Lord.
  15. So I just watched the latest episode and I swear I can't even remember what I saw. Let's see....A guy party, Toya and Eugene separately struggling with their lives, Anila and her mother in the car and she almost killed them (okay, I'm kidding about that but still), what else did I miss? Oh, Heavenly apologizing to Daddy about disobeying him. *Snort*. This was a snoozer.
  16. Please keep an open mind. No need to decide one way or the other right now. Perhaps you missed her on Summer House?
  17. From the Vulture recap, the author wrote Rinna's outfit on the plane was so loud, the cast of Coda could hear it. That is funny stuff. Oh, and Kyle, whom I used to like, you don't have to worry about bears in the winter in Aspen, ya dumb drag queen. They hibernate but I'm sure you know this because you've owned your house for three years.
  18. The show isn't on here yet--thanks for your comments--I'm going to give it a hard pass. I don't want to be upset; I'm going for the "entertained" vibe.
  19. Thank you for sharing; this is the sort of entertainment I would love to see on RHOBH.
  20. Ooooh, good one! I want this show to return to light, frothy entertainment. By this I mean Dorit fussing about being served white wine in a red wine glass and debates about champagne being served in a coupe glass versus a flute.
  21. Interesting! Thanks. I went back and watched it a second time (nobody said I was MENSA) and I think I was just so surprised Daddy reacted so strongly (for him). They left very abruptly... Your point about Contessa is also insightful. Her storylines really are all over the place, aren't they. I genuinely like her and you're right, she has very significant story "swings." Mastectomy, then getting a Public Health degree to be a future PHS Surgeon General, setting up a practice with your spouse, to now training to be in a fitness competition. It is a lot. But I did completely understand her umbrage at Heavenly's Youtube video and that whole falling out and then Daddy's outburst at the dinner. To me it was classic mansplaining when Daddy declared her disagreement with Heavenly was bullshit. I was completely with her when she repeated she had the same credentials as Daddy. He can't make her feel one way when she doesn't. I like this franchise and it is among my favorites aired on BRAVO. While I'm droning on, I thought the discussion of Toya and Eugene's son being accused of taking some sort of Xbox card was very interesting. They live in an upper class neighborhood and yet felt his son's race was the issue making him a suspect in the card's disappearance. That made me sad but I thought Eugene addressed it well.
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