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Everything posted by Zahdii

  1. I've got to say, that's pretty good. If I didn't know ahead of time, I'd have to watch closely to figure out which one was the pro and which one was the talented amateur contestant.
  2. Welcome back after a two week break! Guests for the upcoming week: Mon 9/14 Bob Woodward, musical guest Luke Combs Tues 9/15 Guests: journalist Jacob Soboroff, musician Janelle Monáe Wed 9/16 Guests: Drew Barrymore Thur 9/17 Guests: Sarah Paulson Fri 9/18 ? Regarding the 9/14 episode: Stephen looks relaxed and happy, I think he enjoyed his time off. However, imo, a bit too much attention being paid to someone accidentally loading a dick pic. I guess when everything's Trump and Covid, etc. all the time, it's nice when something different shows up for a bit of a distraction. I was disappointed in the Bob Woodward interview. Nothing really new, and Woodward seemed tired and disengaged. Probably worn out from giving all those back to back interviews.
  3. When I was a teen, my older sister got married. She ordered wedding invitations on vellum paper, artfully torn edges, embossed boarders, script font in a thick black ink that looked like enamel. Very pretty and expensive. But she decided to add a personal note to the invitations in gold ink on each invitation, and address all the envelopes the same way. She wanted them to look fancy and memorable. So she bought a fountain pen and gold ink and started in. Her handwriting was pretty good, but writing in script on paper she wasn't used to, and using a medium she had no experience in? Didn't work out well. Lots of blobs of ink, problems with getting the ink to flow properly so all of the words started out with a lot of ink and very little at the end. Even getting even pressure on the paper was a problem. Sis and Mom started to get pretty upset. Sis, because she wanted everything perfect, and Mom because she was paying for all of this. Finally, a friend who was into calligraphy offered to do it as a wedding gift. I bet no one who got one of those invites even noticed the effort that went into getting those stupid invitations out. End result: Jeremy is still a pretentious ass, Jinger still thinks he's just the greatest and she's lucky to have landed him (and he agrees with her), both of them are still trying to live on social media and the largess of others, and the existing and future kid are still props, albeit ones they love.
  4. I keep getting texts from people wanting to buy my property. But the address they claim they are interested in might be a real address in my area, but certainly nothing I own. Sometimes they call me by a first name (not my own, nor the name of anyone I know), other times the text is more general. "I'm so and so and I'm interested in buying ### such and such street, my town." The names, numbers, and addresses are always different. The numbers they call from are always different. I don't respond to the texts, but I can't help but wonder what they're after.
  5. It's hard to know how to get rid of rats and mice in a nice way. When I was a kid, there was a mouse that lived behind the fridge. It got so bold that it came out during dinner time looking for crumbs that fell on the floor and only ran for safety when someone got too close. Mom put a snap trap in front of the place where the mouse always appeared but unfortunately it didn't take the bait right away. It was the night when one of my aunts was over for dinner when shit came down. Auntie saw the mousetrap. Mom explained about the mouse. Auntie was extremely clean and hated mice or insects in the house, but it turned out she also hated to see them get killed. So during dinner, she positioned herself nearest to the fridge and when the mouse appeared, she'd jump up and shoo it away. This happened a couple of times, and Auntie had to get closer each time before the mouse would run away. Finally, the mouse appeared again. I guess it decided that it should take the nearest source of food before the annoying human got too close. Snap! Right in front of Auntie, the mouse met its sudden demise. Auntie was pretty upset. She was even more horrified when Mom carried the trap outside to dump the body out for the cats to fight over. We had a more humane method (or it seemed so at the time) for dealing with mice on the back porch or the barn. Put out a 5 gallon bucket and put something smelly in it, set it near something that allowed the mice to climb up and jump in the bucket. They could get to the food, but not get back out again. Next morning, one of us kids would take it across the road to the field and let them go. It was weird to carry a bucket with a dozen mice jumping around and trying to climb out. But put the bucket down and tip it facing away from the road and they'd run away. Not sure how many survived, because they were suddenly in a new place, and a human was behind them shouting and stomping around to keep them running in the right direction. Factor in the barn cats learning early on to follow me across the road for a chance to catch a nice fat mouse that was disoriented and trying to hide behind the nearest blade of grass. But the mice had a chance.
  6. WHY! Why post a picture where one of your small children has his finger stuck up his nose? That's just cruel to the child. The internet is forever, and someday that poor kid is going to find that online and be embarrassed. Would they post a picture where one or both of the parents were doing that? Give the kid a little dignity.
  7. True story here. Years ago, we were driving to a family dinner at a relatives home who lived 2 hours away. It was Easter, the kids had already gotten their Easter baskets and were taking them with us, partly to show them off, but mostly to use them for the Easter egg hunt. We stopped halfway there at a little roadside store because one of the kids had to go to the bathroom. I gave the oldest kids some money and told them to buy something for the three of them in exchange for using the bathroom. The kids went into the store, while we waited outside. We watched them buy a treat and then walk towards the bathroom. Suddenly, the youngest ran back to us and got in the car. We asked her what was wrong, but she didn't reply. She seemed excited, not scared, so we just let it play out. She found her candy and took out some foil wrapped gold 'coins'. I thought I knew what was going on. The older kids were standing in the store looking confused. Youngest ran back to the store and happily put her gold coins on the counter, chattering up a storm. The ladies working there were charmed, and all the kids went into the bathroom. When they got back, they piled into the car and we drove off, with the ladies smiling and waving. Turned out my youngest thought that you had to pay to use the bathroom, and she hadn't been given money to pay. So she thought that she would pay herself using her gold coins.
  8. Why? Nathan looks just fine on the whole. Maybe not considered handsome, but he doesn't need to wear a bag over his head to avoid scaring small children. I do hope that he sees a doctor to deal with his acne. In addition to getting deep scars on his face, it can't feel good to be carrying around all that pus. Doesn't seem healthy, and can be pretty hard emotionally.
  9. I saw a lot of good things in that video. Jill and Derick worked well to get Izz to school, they were upbeat and seemed genuinely excited for this big event. Izz was happy and looking forward to the new experience. I'm sure that his parents talking about it beforehand, explaining what was going to happen, presenting it as a good thing, going to the school with them when they signed him up, all contributed to having a good experience. Sam didn't really understand just what was happening, as a child of his age wouldn't, but he didn't appear to be upset at all. He'd been around when Izz was being prepped for school, and probably understood that his big brother was going to a place for a few hours a day, and it was a good thing. Big brother would come back again. Mom and Dad and Izzy were looking forward to it. He trusts that this is OK, so he's OK. He got Mom to himself for a time. The little bit of Jill's preschool seemed age appropriate and fun. Both parents (and Sam) went to pick Izz up and Jill mentioned that they didn't expect such a long wait and also said that she wished she'd brought something along for Sam to amuse himself while they waited. Izz seemed fine when he got in the car. Happy and confident, no sign that he'd had a bad day. There are some things I would have done differently if I'd inhabited Jill's body at that time, but nothing major. I might have filmed the night before but not posted it, kept it for just the family. The morning wakeup gave me mixed feelings. I liked how Jill didn't say anything when Izz woke up and promptly laid back down again and didn't insist he get up RIGHT NOW. It was cute. The cut to Sam sleeping right through it was cute. But when Izz woke up and didn't look at Jill and didn't ask why he had a camera in his face or seemed annoyed with it? It's because he always has a freakin' camera in his face. Jill, that's too much videoing your kids. But they didn't try to film other children at the school. One appeared in the background but was masked, so probably not a problem. Even the adults working there were wearing face masks and were filmed briefly and from a distance, and not forced to give an interview. On the whole, a pretty good video of Isreal's first day of school. Now Jill, on the issue of potty training Sam? Not necessary. Keep it off camera. Save it until later when you can casually announce that he's potty trained. Sure, talk privately among your family and friends about it, but the world at large shouldn't know about it. A few years from now you can talk about general stories about it, and don't specify which kid peed twice in the kitchen in the same spot on the same day. Even better if you, since you have a large number of strangers following you, say "This happened when someone I know was potty training their child, and this is how it was handled". I could post about potty training issues online because I'm anonymous and there's very little chance someone could trace it back to me or my kids or my friends and family's kids. But you're right out there, and if you name the day something happened, and which child it happened to, it's a whole other issue. You're doing better than your parents and other reality show people have done. Just go a step further and emulate someone who is more private with the personal things.
  10. I think that she brought someone with her that was sitting in the audience both times. Compare the woman sitting her left (our right) shoulder on the top photo with the one sitting on the opposite side on the bottom photo. Also, way back when Peoples Court still had Judge Wapner, a teen boy sued a slightly older teen girl for stabbing him in the stomach with a knife. They were approaching each other as the plaintiff walked up to a friends house and the defendant was leaving the house. She claimed she heard the boy call her a bitch so she stabbed him. He says he was walking with his friends and they were talking about something else entirely, so he was shocked when she started screaming at him while lunging forward and suddenly he was on the ground bleeding and in pain. He was in the hospital for several days and the surgery required to fix the wound gave him a long scar on his stomach. The blade must have gone in at an angle or maybe she twisted the knife when she got it in, but that smallish blade caused a lot of damage. Bitch was completely unrepentant. Judge Wapner foresaw a lot of trouble for her if she didn't get into counseling pronto. Some years later, maybe ten? Same woman being sued for attempting to stab the new girlfriend of one of her relatives. She was visiting a relative, older woman, maybe an aunt or grandmother. A man, probably a cousin brought his new girlfriend over and introduced her around. The older lady invited her to sit at the table so they could talk. Our stabber was there, sitting at the table and she had put her purse on the chair next to her. The girlfriend saw that the only chair available to her was the one with the purse so she picked it up and set it on the table. Stabby went nuts because no one touches her purse, and got out her knife! She was only prevented from doing real damage by the boyfriend. The plaintiff in that case was somewhat injured during the scuffle and wanted her attacker to pay. She said she stopped dating the boyfriend because he obviously knew what Stabby was like and not only failed to warn her of his violent relative, but actually introduced them, and seemed to think that it was somewhat her fault for touching an item that didn't belong to her. That's a minor faux pas, not a crime worthy of the death penalty. Obviously, Stabby lost both cases for the largest amount allowed at the time.
  11. Yeah, it happened. But nothing beats Michelle standing up on a parade float while nursing a kid who was completely covered with her Breast Friend contraption strapped on.
  12. Nickname. Many of us have them. The problem is that Jill is so fake that it's easy to think that she suddenly made it up when writing the post., so Samuel may or may not be surprised to find himself referred to as 'Sammy'. I shudder to think about what (and Kaley) is nicknamed at home.
  13. I think you're right. Someone says "We're not getting our message out. We need to get the attention of more people, make them visit us, save their poor souls. We need to grow our church, get new members. What can we do?" In the back of their minds they're counting up new converts, because converts give them bonus points with God. But there are probably very few people who just show up and start attending services, (except the Rods, and they're hella annoying). How to get more people to come? Do we really want more people to come, when they might be a drain on our resources like the Rods? Crap, we have to at least have the appearance of trying. They could lead by example, but that takes time and effort. How about they make up signs and stand by the road? Did the Rods make up the signs? I would have thought Jill would point that out if her hunky husband did it with his printing equipment. Maybe Jill's hunky (portly) husband did so, but she failed to mention it. So the big day comes. Jill sends some of her sons out to hold up signs and posts about it later. I doubt that the church got anyone to ask about their beliefs or visit the church later, or we would have heard about it. But the church could tell themselves that they were really trying hard to spread the word, and they were ignored or even flipped off a few times. Now they can gather together to tell each other that the world is in a bad state, how sad for those heathens. But remember, we tried and were rejected. It was really hard on our members who went out and exposed themselves to the evils of the world, but hey! Bonus points for us for trying! When we all find ourselves in heaven and we see those who spurned us trying and failing to gain admittance, we'll pray for them with a smirk on our face. We'll be thinking about the floorplan of our new heavenly abode, catching up with those who came before us, and exchanging stories of how life on earth was so hard. Those heathen assholes who didn't follow the plan will be shunted off the Hell. So sad for them, but yea for us!!!!
  14. Heh. In one of the pics where the bride and groom are alone in front of the gazebo, Allison is looking at the camera and Jeremiah is looking at her, but if you look down you can see he's standing on her foot. Her toes are clearly under his cowboy boot.
  15. Did I miss something? Was there such a case where someone claimed that? I had a guy who came out of a bar and tried to do that to me. I had him arrested, and it turned out he was fresh out of jail and wasn't supposed to be in a bar or drink alcohol, so he went right back to jail. Maybe he was from Boston?
  16. Let's be clear here, I don't like Chris Soules. I wasn't impressed with him on TV, but my extreme dislike that turned into outright hatred evolved over time. At first, he seemed to seek attention but always came off as an ass. Then, he was involved in an accident where another man died. I've never read anything that suggests that the man who died was in anyway at fault. On the evening of April 24, 2017, at about 8 p.m., Kenneth (Kenny) Mosher was driving a tractor along a country road. This is farming country, and it's not unusual for farmers to drive equipment on the roads to get from one farm or field to another. Soules grew up in the area, and as he came from a farming family himself, he would have been familiar with slow going farm equipment on the roads. Soules was driving a pickup and rear ended the tractor driven by Mosher. Mosher was thrown free (farm equipment intended to primarily be used off road don't typically have seatbelts and airbags, etc) and both vehicles ended up in the ditch. As other nearby residents came to the scene, Soules called 911 at 8:20. He gave his name and the location of the accident and said he was rendering aid to the other driver (Mosher). Soules remained on scene until rescue personnel arrived, but left before authorities arrived. Someone in another pickup arrived and drove Soules off, leaving his truck behind. Police found containers of alcohol in and around Soules' truck. But instead of towing the truck, it was left alone and by the time the police showed up at Soules home the truck was there and Soules refused to come out until a court order was issued allowing the police to enter the home and take him by force if necessary. By this time it was 1:16 a.m., almost five hours later. Too late to charge Soules with DWI. Chris Soules had money and a media following to help him bond out of jail, and fight the charges until he was able to plead guilty to a conditional guilty plea of leaving the scene of an accident resulting in a serious injury. He got a suspended sentence, and paid a fine of not more than $6,250. Keep in mind that this asshole has a documented history of reckless driving, a previous DUI, and assult, most stemming from alcohol use. But he's complained that this latest accident has been hard for him. Apparently a lot of people don't like him that much and he's not invited to as many celebrity events as before. Poor baby. Now think of the man who died on April 24, 2017. Kenny Mosher was 66. He had a high school sweetheart, Nancy. He spent six years in the army, doing a tour of Vietnam, before returning home to his hometown, marrying Nancy, and starting a family. They had two sons, while Kenny worked at a factory and worked his farm, in sight of the Soules farm. Chris gave an interview where he said that he'd only met Kenny once, about a month before his death, but Chris said he'd grown up watching Kenny work his farm. It was probably interesting to see a man working on nights and weekends, while Soules belonged to a family that had a lot of hired employees to do the hard stuff and they only pitched in when necessary. After working at the factory for 28 years, Kenny retired from the factory and devoted himself to his family and farm. At the time of the accident, Kenny had three grandchildren that he was very close to. One evening, he was moving a tractor along a country road and Chris Soules rear ended him, resulting in Kenny's death. He had working lights and was in an area where farm vehicles were routinely traveling on roads while being transferred from one field or farm to another. Although the Soules lawyers at first claimed that Kenny might have been traveling dark, it was found that he was not. Chris Soules (or probably his family) eventually paid out $2.5 million to Kenny's family. They would all prefer it if everyone stopped bringing up Kenny Mosher and the unfortunate incident of 2017.
  17. Nutritionally, I think the real apple pie is better. The mock pie made with crackers is simply more carbs. A pie made with apples, you might get additional nutrients and fiber. Either way, you're going to use a lot of sugar and spices, not to mention the carbs and fat from the crust. For me, cakes, pies, and cookies are best used as an extra treat, not to be enjoyed on a daily basis. Don't think I'm a foodie, I still find myself making a lot of TV dinners or takeout. When the weather gets hot I refuse to heat up the oven in a house with poor insulation and no air conditioning. Sometimes it's pure laziness.
  18. Or, they are running out of D names they like. So maybe they reasoned "Let's give him another name we like but couldn't use because it doesn't start with D." It happens. My in-laws had a son that died shortly after birth. They'd planned on giving him a family name that was traditional for the first born son. But when their first was born and they were told he wouldn't survive, they gave that child another family name. My ex has the name that was intended for a different child, and that child was buried under the name that my husband would have been given, if both children had survived.
  19. Loved Steve's hair tonight. Don't ever grease it down again, Steve. Great interview with Tom Hanks. I was most fascinated by his story of getting Covid 19, what it was like for both he and his wife (same disease, but different symptoms). And why am I not surprised that he's donating his plasma to help other people? Oh yeah, it's Tom freakin' Hanks!
  20. Nah, no spiders, thankfully. Or dead people, again, thankfully.
  21. To be honest, when you're steering a personal craft you have to be constantly looking around. There are no lines or markings to indicate lanes, so people pretty much go where they want to go, and if you don't want to hit anyone or be hit, you spend a lot of time swiveling your head. Most experienced boaters stand when moving at speed so they can see better, even though most boats have a drivers seat. But if you're just pulling out from the dock, you're moving at a slow speed for safety's sake, and if there aren't a lot of boats moving around (only an idiot drives at speed near the docks), some people sit until they're clear of the area. If you see a boat tooling around at a high speed and the driver is sitting, stay away from them. Their field of vision is reduced and they might plow into people being towed behind a boat on inflatable water toys. Not all states require a boating license to steer a boat, and those that do have different requirements to get that license. Some states simply require the owner to pay a nominal fee, others require the owner to go through a boaters safety course, but don't require the owner to actually complete an on-water safety test. It's pretty much the wild west when someone takes their personal craft out on the water. My husband bought a Bayliner and I don't recall if he had to get a license to drive it. But he let me and the kids take the helm at times and we definitely didn't have a license to drive it. For me, he told me about the rules of the road and for the kids, he was standing right there behind them. The kids were never allowed to drive at a speed more than just putting along, and he either had a hand on the wheel or his hands were hovering nearby to take control if needed. I will admit that there was a time when I was annoyed with him and he complained that I was driving too cautiously when I was towing him behind on an inflatable. I revved up the speed and gave him quite a ride until he put his arm up to signal he was done. I may have deliberately drove over the wake of a passing boat, which made for a bumpy ride. But back to Jeremy and Prop. He clearly has one of his hands on the wheel and the boat is close to shore. He's probably pulling away from the dock. If he has any brains at all (and I don't think he's stupid, but deluded about his own intelligence and other things), but he was clearly able to take control if needed. What I don't like is the lack of a flotation vest. Even if you're trying your best to be safe, you can't account for some asshole who doesn't do the same. If the adults want to think that they're invincible, that's on them. But if there's an accident and a toddler is thrown into the water, they need to be wearing something that will not only keep them afloat, but also keep their mouth above water. My husband and I would put our kids in a pool to make sure they worked before we went out on the lake. Good thing, too, because the 'life vest' for our toddler turned out to actually push her face in the water. We burned it rather than let some other family find out the hard way that it didn't work.
  22. Cute baby. Does she have the Duggar hairline?
  23. Don't be mean to Prop. Kids go through all sorts of stages as they're growing and Felicity isn't as cute as she once was, but that can change in an instant. Neither of her parents are really unfortunate looking, so on the surface I don't think she'll ever be considered plain or ugly. Her biggest problem is with her parents. They keep putting those stupid overly large bows on her head and constantly photographing her in set up situations that make them look good. They should stop with the bows, she doesn't have enough hair to compete with the unnessary decorations they foist on her. Little girl has some cute curls. Let them shine. They might go away later, so accentuate them now. Use cute little barrets to keep her hair out of her face. If her hair won't cooperate, cut off some hair around her face so she can see (and be seen), and let it go. But most importantly, and I'm talking to J&J here, STOP USING YOUR CHILD AS A PROP! Let the poor kid grow up without being used by you to advertise your money making scheme of the moment and let her be a kid. If you have to lean on your kid(s) to make money, you're doing it wrong. The role of a parent should be to raise their children to become fully functioning adults who have a healthy sense of who they are, what they want to do with their lives, and have the means to make that happen. It doesn't stop there. Parents should also instill in their children boundaries. Don't let people take advantage of them, and don't take advantage of others. How to ask for help and how to give it. Empathy instead of indifference or superiority. Jinger might not know any better, but Jeremy should.
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