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Everything posted by Zahdii

  1. That's the truth. Mine were all over a week overdue, with the last one almost three weeks overdue. I learned after the first one to not announce my due date. People constantly asking why the baby wasn't here yet got really annoying. For the second I announced late and tried to tell people that the baby could come a couple weeks before or after the estimated delivery date. Same problem with people complaining "Why is this taking so long?" For the last, I announced late and simply said "Sometime in _____________."
  2. When I was in school a student wasn't allowed to eat in class unless they brought enough for everyone. Kids who ate in class (usually candy) either sat in the back and sneaked it when no one was looking, or asked to go to the bathroom and scarfed it down on the way. If caught, the student had the food confiscated by the the teacher and it was returned at the end of class. Apparently the teacher droid wasn't programmed for dealing with that sort of thing. So this kid is eating cookies and seems to be enjoying having the toddler want one and not sharing. I'm assuming that he didn't see the cookies fly over to Baby, and thought that Baby was able to reach over and take them while he was looking away. They're on a rough planet. Until recently, shrinking violets who asked nicely might have not fared well. Just because things are improving, the lessons of the past might have instilled in the kid that you don't share without a reason, like "If I give you this, what can you give me in return?" If someone was able to get what they want through stealth, you kind of had to admire them for it. Maybe in a few years, if Baby were once again dumped in a classroom and the kid next to him was eating something that looked interesting, the kid would tell Baby "I don't know if your species can eat these. They might make you sick. I'll put them up and when the guy you came with comes back, I'll ask him if it's OK to give you some." Right now Baby's at a point where he can understand basic language even if he's not speaking yet. He knows that some things are a no-no, but instead of throwing a fit, he's learned to be sneaky. He tries being cute and adorable, and when that doesn't work? Well, stealth it is. He's not any more of an asshole than any average human child in that stage of life. The problem is, Baby is not human. He's smarter than a human child at that stage of development, and he has the Force working for him. We don't know how his species develops. This is why it's imperative for Mando to find Baby's people, or at least people who know more of species. Until then, Mando really needs to have a diaper bag. Baby might be potty trained, but having a bag with foods that Baby craves is a good idea. Pack bone broth, meat, maybe a container of live food for treats. Add one of Mando's used capes as a comfort item or blankie. Approved toys, etc. A list of do's and don'ts for caregivers. As much as Mando wants to keep Baby with him at all times, he's had to leave Baby in the care of others in the last two episodes. Be prepared, Mando!
  3. He would disagree, while staring pensively off into the distance. He'll be wearing a strangely ill-fitting suit with his latest pocket square poking out and holding a thick leather-bound book. Behind him would be a tired Jinger cradling her belly and a bored Felicity staring at him in adoration, next to his desk with his fountain pen prominently displayed. The caption will read "Through hard work and the blessing of the Lord, I find that I am doing exceptionally well in school. I'm humbled that the Lord has given me the intelligence to absorb His teachings and possess the eloquence to pass that magnificent knowledge to others. I look forward to what the Lord has in store for me, secure in His love, and the support of my loving wife Jinger and my mentor John MacArthur." But if you could see his actual thoughts, they'd be "Look at ME! Aren't I handsome? Don't I dress well? Don't you want to be like me? (But you can't, because I'M the BEST!) God loves me more than you, neener neener! I'm just the bestest thing ever! I've got a pretty, submissive wife with some minor fame in certain quarters, and she's borne me one cute prop already and another due to arrive probably before you read this. The point is, I'M better than all of you, and I want you to know that and acknowledge it! Love me! Admire me! Copy me, although you'll fall short. SEND ME MONEY!!!! Oh, and praise the Lord."
  4. @AnimeMania, you've seen this episode? I can't find it on Disney+. All the other episodes shown so far are listed, but not this one.
  5. I'm sure that Jeremy only helps out when there's someone to photograph the event.
  6. I got no sound. Is it just me, or were the videos posted that way? Why does every child stop everything to give the camera a huge smile? The only people who do that in my world are kids who mug for the camera.
  7. A few years ago I knew a couple who got in a minor accident that resulted in body damage to both cars. However, neither driver was insured. In our state, if you're caught driving uninsured, your car is towed and you have to pay the towing fee to get it out. But you have to provide proof of insurance before you can drive it off the lot, otherwise, you have to tow it away. So, both drivers got insurance, got their cars, and drove them home. Neither owner could ask their insurance carrier to pay for the damages because the accident happened before they were insured. The at-fault couple had a faint hope that the owners of the other car would agree to each car owner pay for the repairs for their own car, because they all worked at the same place, both cars were old, and both couples were living paycheck to paycheck. Didn't happen. The owner of the other car got three estimates on what it would cost to repair the damage and sued for the lowest amount. They went to court and the at-fault couple lost, as expected. They were given 6 months to pay. As the guy was telling me about this, he said that once he heard that they were going to be sued, he and his wife started asking for extra shifts and doing odd jobs to start saving to pay for the repairs. They only let it go to court because it gave them an extra few weeks to save up money. Plus, they had to pay back the money they borrowed to get insurance and get their car back. The thing that really bothered them was the owner of the other car never got their car fixed, they got the money directly and then didn't use it on their car. Then he admitted that it was understandable because the other owner had three kids, whereas he and his wife were older and all of their kids had moved out. It was pretty fascinating to hear him seem to whine in one sentence and then admit that he understood what the other people were going through in the next. He even told me that the other people were behind on their rent and since they got a payout from him, they got to keep their house and not go homeless. Then he said something like "If they'd had insurance, it would have paid for the repairs. But then the insurance company would have come after me and my wife for the money they paid out to the other car. It sucks." You'd think at this point that this guy had come to terms with what happened, but then he said "Now we have to work extra hours to pay them, when if they'd worked extra hours they wouldn't have been driving around without insurance."
  8. I'm almost certain that at least once in the past, a team hired a taxi driver to drive to their location while they followed behind.
  9. Gummies are much harder to eat when they get cold. You have to hold them in your mouth to warm them up, and then your ice cream melts. I swore off on gummies when one of them latched onto a filling and pulled it out of my tooth, which exposed the nerve. Hurt like hell. Licorice is also bad for that sort of thing. One of my kids chomped down on a stick of licorice and when she pulled it away her tooth came with it. It would have fallen out later, as it was a baby tooth, but it freaked us all out as the tooth wasn't obviously coming loose at the time. Dentists abhor gummies and licorice. Too sticky and do you really want globs of sugar sticking to your teeth, causing cavities?
  10. Where does it say that that plate of cookies is for Josh only?
  11. One of my relatives went through a phase where everything needed to be documented on FB. At her worst, she posted at 11:00 at night and she said that her daughter stopped talking to her about her friends and what she was doing when away from home. It was worded in a way that made it seem like her daughter was out doing who knows what. Her daughter replied "Mom, I'm in the next room. Why don't you just ask me in person?" Her mom replied something about how she didn't realize her daughter was home, just answer the question. Her daughter posted back "I'm 12 years old and I have the same friends I've always had and when we hang out we do the same things we always do. Stop making everything a FB post."
  12. The only reasons I could think of to buy off of Cameo is if I knew someone who was a super fan of a celebrity and I wanted to send them a message. Or if I was a super fan and I wanted a celebrity to record something for my answering machine or cell phone, like George Takei did for Kevin on Community. "Hi, Kevin can't come to the phone. He's on a spaceship with me, George Takei. Please leave a message." Or a local business who wanted to use a celebrity voice on their commercials? Would that be allowed?
  13. What did they name this episode? Spiders on a Spaceship? I was disappointed that Baby kept stealing Mrs. Frogs eggs, but on the other hand he was allowed (at first) far too much access to what he obviously considered froggy caviar. While Mando and Mrs. F were belted up in the cockpit, the egg container and Baby were left unsecured in the back. The container wasn't locked so Baby was able to get in and eat several eggs, and when Mando discovered him in the act, he just told Baby to stop eating them and put the lid back on. Mando should have put a lock on it and taken the container to the Mom for safe keeping. Why didn't we get a shot of Frog Mama realizing that she had fewer potential polywogs than before? This was her last chance of carrying on the family line. I'd think she'd have been upset, and I kept thinking that seeing her distress would keep Baby from continuing to try to eat them. She obviously realized the danger Baby represented in the last scene, when she held the container protectively on her lap and held them even closer when she saw Baby looking at them. How did Frog Mama realize there were hot springs off in the distance when they were broken down on the snow planet? Why didn't she tell Mando she was going to take her eggs and soak in the water? Even Baby knew that was a bad idea, so he let Mando know. Not to mention her little hot tube soak brought the attention of hundreds of baby spiders and their mammoth mother. Good thing the X-wing pilots arrived at the last minute to save the day. When they told Mando that they weren't going to take him in for his part in the prison break because he saved the life of the human prison guard and locked up three other wanted criminals, I wondered if they were acting alone or if this was an official decision. I hope none of the little bloodsuckers who took over the back of the ship survived the purge and will appear later to cause trouble. The show wouldn't allow Baby or Mando to die at their fangs, but they are definitely not a species that should be allowed to populate another planet. Mando needs to take a giant can of Raid to the whole ship, or have some sort of cleansing procedure done as soon as possible.
  14. You're right, Jeremy wouldn't think that. I was just playing around.
  15. I thought he looked like some guy driving along, paying attention to the road, and the person in the passenger seat decided to take a picture. I don't see that, but the video is hilarious!
  16. Dear me, how will Jeremy play this out? "Oh yes, I understand now. Jinger and I both grew up with real Christmas trees, so I didn't consider other options. As we live in sunny California right now while I'm studying and working for Master's Seminary, we can certainly get a real tree and keep it alive during the Christmas season. The Bible never mentions plastic trees, so we're definitely avoiding that! I understand if you need an extra boost to your spirits during these trying times, but is a plastic monstrosity really the way to go? If you really want a tree that will last over several weeks, perhaps you could consider a living tree that is grown in a pot and can be planted after Christmas in another location. (Unspoken thought) I need to check this out. I could have a potted tree, and get more points from my followers for taking it out later on and planting it in the woods. We've had fires, surely the Devil's work and not climate change, but the forest needs to recover. Makes me look good. I could take the family out and take pictures of me doing our bit to replant! I could dress like a stylish lumberjack! I could wear a flannel shirt that matches my eyes, jeans, and hiking boots! I'd look so manly! Have Jinger and the props wear matching outfits. Take a Bible, Jinger could take a shot of me praying over the tree. Should I go with selfies or a photographer? Maybe have someone tag along to take a video? If I did that, I could look somber and talk to the camera about the horrible devastation and lives lost. Were they saved? We'll never know, but we're praying for them. For those left behind, we're doing our part to repair the damage by planting a tree as a visible reminder that we at Grace Community Church are ready to help you. Join us, let us save you. Masks not required, but bring your checkbook."
  17. That's right, Jessa. Get her used to the idea of having babies when she's still a child. If you have your way she'll be sister-momming it in just a few years. This isn't something that would worry me in other families. Kids just playing with dolls. They weren't expected to take care of the new baby. But the Duggars do everything differently. I'll add that I think this is a crock. That child didn't put down a fur rug on a chair placed in the middle of the room, then crawl up on it with two baby dolls. Mama set this whole thing up.
  18. Re: Duggars 'working' at a Food Bank: The way I heard it, they walked into the food bank with bags of groceries and waited while one of their producers drove up. Then they loaded up the groceries (which were returned later off camera). But while that was happening, another car drove up with a couple in it. Thinking it was a drive-up service, they got in line behind the producers car and some Duggars told them to open the trunk and they put some groceries in, then shut the trunk. As soon as the producer drove off a crew member told the people in the second car to go park "over there". The other couple was confused and wondered if they'd been given someone else's groceries by mistake, so they parked where they were told to and someone came up to them and asked them to open the trunk again. The couple was sure now that there'd been a mistake, so they opened the trunk and waited for someone to ask them what kind of food they could use, how big their family was, etc. They were pretty much ignored as the Duggars loaded up and drove off, and the crew started packing up their equipment. Eventually, someone from the crew told them that they had just finished shooting a segment for a TV show, and people who really needed help should go into the building and talk to the real food bank workers. Again, this is just what I heard a long time ago, so take it with a grain of salt.
  19. As quoted from the movie Twister: He really is in love with himself. I thought it was just a summer thing. Yeah, right. He's such a twit.
  20. No need to cover up an early baby. Everyone knows the first baby can come at anytime. The rest take nine months.
  21. @emma675 When I was in the hospital after giving birth, I told one of the nurses that I dreaded having my inlaws visit because when talking to my MIL on the phone, she gave every indication of coming in and expecting to sit holding the baby for the next six hours until it was time for her to go home. The nurse told me they'd tell any visitors that the doctor had decreed I wasn't allowed visitors, or only had a set limit on the amount of time they could stay. Tell your doctor and the nurses that you don't want visitors, and they'll make it happen. If Covid restrictions are released, tell everyone your doctor has advised/forbidden visitors at home for whatever amount of time you prefer.
  22. I was a teen when the heavy 'Brooke Shields' eyebrows got to be the new thing. I was very happy to finally have something that I naturally had become fashionable! Now I'm too old to care. BTW, I wouldn't be surprised if thicker eyebrows are back in fashion (or 'on trend') because of Covid. A lot of people can't afford to spend money on the truly unimportant things just to fit in. Others might want to show that they're being responsible about social distancing. But in Gingers case, a little tweezing couldn't hurt.
  23. Who won a war with the Australian military? Emu's? Please don't make me look this up.
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