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Everything posted by morakot

  1. I'm presuming the Southside High School is in the southern part of Riverdale -- why aren't those parents at the all-Riverside meeting at the Town Hall? Isn't Josie's mother the mayor of ALL of Riverside? I assume if they closed SHS down, everyone there would move to the Riverside HS because the all-Riverside mayor would not leave half the teenagers in the town to wander around uneducated. Perhaps Josie could point this out to her mother... That would bring her into the main story without having to sing. My thought about Toni and her antipathy to Betty was that Toni saw Betty as a brainless, empty-headed white cheerleader who could not possibly have anything relevant to add to the case. I thought Betty did well in avoiding conflict or possessiveness of Jughead. She was being remarkably mature. I like Toni, she's bright and mostly sensible. There is no reason -- other than DRAMA -- why she could be friends with Betty, Jughead, and Kevin. Maybe when they're all in one school...
  2. Multiple comments Kenya's coat fabric was neither a print nor a tweed. The close-ups clearly showed it was a bulky fiber knit. I quite liked the fit of it but did not get how the outfit underneath went with the coat. Margarita's coat was lovely. Yes, it was a camel coat but it flowed, had a pale blue trim to it and the curve on the back hem made it different from other camel coats. (And Liris wore it like a queen.) The dress was a mistake. The fur was upside down. I know she wanted the effect of fur around the neck and face but it was distracting to see and would have been distracting to ear. (You would have to brush upwards to remove a crumb for instance.) I once bought a short, sleeveless, backless, knit black mohair dress on sale that ended up being impossible to wear. If the weather or room was warm enough to wear something sleeveless and backless, the mohair would make me way too hot. If it was cold, I had to cover up my extremities. There was a reason it was so cheap. Leather vs fur - my philosophy is that if you are killing an animal, you need to use all of it. Some fur, like some leather, is part of that nose to tail use. Rabbits are a cheap, easily bred source of animal protein in many countries (yes, they are cute looking and sometimes are pets AND they are also considered pests). I accept the use of rabbit fur in the same way that I accept cow leather or pigskin.
  3. I'm mostly concerned by the fact that he does seem (potentially dangerously) unhinged to people around him - and in this episode, is apparently violent to random strangers. It's a small town but people do trust him to a disturbing degree. Also, if this is part of God's plan for the world, and he is the only enlightened human on the planet, why is Kevin still in this small, minimally diverse town?
  4. Just rewatched episode 1 and, FWIW, the Wendimoor part of the episode is narrated by what sounds like a young boy playing.
  5. It's still winter. The river is still frozen if I recall correctly. It's about a week or two from the shooting at Pop's, isn't it?
  6. In light of the fact that an underage teen is courting sexual assault and statutory rape in a town being stalked by a sin-punishing serial killer, I think Betty did the right thing. She'd already tried to speak to Kevin directly and the next thing was to go to someone in authority (who also happened to be his father). Yes, I know Kevin has a harder time in school than the jocks and cheerleaders. Does he have a harder time trying to have a romantic relationship than, say, Ethel, who is not conventionally pretty or popular?
  7. Kevin is very much "the only gay in the village", isn't he? (Not entirely safe for work) And, as someone mentioned a few posts up, he had a public relationship with Joaquin until about a week ago in show time, didn't he? There's got to be some other gays of his age or near in the town -- there are certainly plenty wandering around in the woods "night jogging". I'm sure there's a thrill in cruising, but it can't be safe - or romantic - or even that comfortable, but what do I know - I'm female, straight, and old. Someone also mentioned a gay bar in the town -- he's underage.
  8. I kept thinking that Margarita's concept would have worked better with an obi holding it all together rather than a corset.
  9. You know what would help Archie keep the house safe? Actually locking the front and back doors. Jughead and Reggie both came into the house and surprised Archie.
  10. Zoey is living on campus during the semester, isn't she and was just home for the concert? AFAIK, they only have one guestroom in the house (that Ruby uses) and the guesthouse where Dre's father lives so the only place a guest can stay is on the couch or in a child's room... Hey, where did Johan stay? Zoey did not have a sexual relationship with the guy, as far as I could tell, and seemed to consider it equivalent to having a girlfriend stay over. That would be why she didn't mention it to anyone (though, yes, even a girlfriend over night should be introduced to her family....)
  11. I'm assuming that Danny's relationship with drugs and alcohol was certainly exacerbated by the beat-down he got from his father after Danny abandoned his little sister to drown but, going by Kevin and Meg, and possibly Robert, there was certainly a basis of alcohol dependency in the family. John certainly behaves like the adult child of alcoholics in his role of caretaker of the family, and of the town. He's been the only adult in the family since he was 14 if not earlier. Danny was not above using his family - taking money from John and his wife early in their marriage so he could go to culinary school and then dropping out, for example. He learned manipulation and emotional blackmail from his parents and was never above using it on his family members.
  12. And nobody mentioned that Nolan had been found in a shelter for homeless youth by the detective? That doesn't seem as if the $5000 a month was spent on putting a roof over his head....
  13. Watching Season 2 and realized I had to come back to this. The Rayburn kids were all minors at this stage. Why were they being interviewed without an adult advisor being present?
  14. And previously, using your own clothes as a pattern when you're in the workroom: Not cheating. We have an agreement at work to take a problem to the person who can solve it, rather than stand around and vent or gossip about it. (Points further deducted for talking about the problem within earshot of the person who caused it in a language that person does not understand.) As for cheating and breaking the rules, all rules on PR are flexible and bendy. It's been suggested elsewhere that it would be wonderful if we the viewers got to hear what the rules are for the competition and for each challenge. As it is, we end up with situations where Tim has one idea about the criteria for a challenge and the judges have completely different ideas. I would bet the general rules for the competition are equally as vague. I, personally, was not impressed by Michael's winning design. I've never been a fan of the tumor style of avant garde fashion but it's been around for a long time., at least since the 1980's. See this vintage Comme des Garcons dress (which looked very familiar to me...) It looks okay-ish on absolutely sticklike models - I can't see how well it would translate to the more child-like proportions of a Shoppie doll unless it's a straightforward disco jumpsuit. As for his behavior in Cheat-a-lago, it would be unlikely that he would see Shawn or Claire go into a bathroom at the residence with a pair of pants and a tape measure. I understood the rooms are single gender only. He would only know that by hearsay from one of the women. I don't deny that the twins were annoying and lacking in inspirations and should have been auf-ed weeks ago. I think they were kept for maximum drama and removed with maximum drama -- much of it stirred up and encouraged by producers and by other attention-seeking designers in the group.
  15. Not only was the operation on the freeway, in bright sunlight, it was also on the hot hood of a car above a hot engine...
  16. A couple or more comments and an anecdote: I seem to remember on a previous season (were they doing menswear?) when one or more designers used what they were currently wearing to create a pattern for their garment (was it a pair of pants or a button-down shirt?). I don't remember the details but it was certainly not considered cheating. If Margarita had had a problem with Claire's design, it would have been appropriate to ask her about it - calmly -- instead of bitching about her behind her back and behind a language barrier. Yes, it is rude to talk about someone else in a language they don't understand. I'm sure many of you talk about the people around you when you are in a country where English is not the main language. You probably conduct most of your conversations in English. I've lived in countries where expats don't even try to learn the local language. However.... I was born in Thailand and I learned to speak Thai (and English) when I learned to talk. After college I was an instructor at an English language business college in Bangkok. Instructors taught in English and we were encouraged to hold all conversations in English. I don't look Thai and most of my students assumed I didn't understand Thai. My favorite thing was to ride down from class in the elevator with students bitching about how mean I was (I didn't think everyone deserved an A and I expected people to do their own work and not copy from others). When I left the elevator, I turned and thanked everyone (in Thai) for their contribution to my development. Their faces were hysterically funny... The moral of this story is not to assume that you are not understood. More people than you know speak Spanish, Vietnamese, Mandarin, German, and English even if they don't look like it.
  17. First, thank you, thank you, thank you! for the written recaps! They make such a difference! Second, I do like Brandon's designs. This one in particular is something I would have loved to wear in my late teens and twenties when I was a lot thinner than I am today. At that time I didn't have much of a cleavage so the side boob and loose back would have appealed. I'm less keen on the trailing straps in general but I liked the strapping on the back and (what looked to me like) the silk he used for the main dress. Definitely a summer look with sleeves you could pull up.
  18. And then, with an $11,000 first class ticket that she's not going to use, Kat doesn't even offer her it to her true love -- or ask the flight attendant if Adena can be upgraded to her empty seat.
  19. I could be wrong but I got the impression from the conversation between Carrie and Stef that Carrie was trying to ask to be stopped. If Stef had said "No, you're not going to something that is likely to be dangerous and/or cause you to be arrested (again)", I can see Carrie complaining about it but being happy to have had an excuse not to be there.
  20. Immigration (controlling entry of people) would have stopped Adena not Customs (controlling entry of goods) -- unless her suitcase was entirely made of pot and filled with heroin.
  21. I grew up in the UK and both saw the ads and used the product, and it was always Persil with an emphasis on the first syllable. So, yes, to me, it sounds wrong.
  22. After watching this, I thought the best ending is for Liza to end up the head of a new publishing company - smart books for smart ladies -- and on her own. With the confidence she would get from this, she would be far too good for Charles or even Josh. (Yes, I do have a soft spot for Josh but he is very young. I can never look at Charles without thinking "he doesn't know how to pronounce Persil".)
  23. But Charles doesn't know that Liza is almost his age. In his mind, she's still the pert young office girl who's almost 20 years younger than him. What would you feel if he was hitting on Kelsey? If he knows she's older, would that change his feelings for her? Or would he have his fantasy shattered?
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