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Everything posted by morakot

  1. I am delighted that we did not have a lot of gross bloody monsters and instead were given creations that required a little thought. And I loved seeing Glenn get the giggles!
  2. The guy kept referring to Kathryn by her maiden name so I would assume it was before she and John were married and they were "on a break". Daphne bugs me. Bay has as much right to be upset about the sudden death of her father as Daphne has, if not more. Angelo was gone before Daphne could really remember him and Bay has not only lived with him for a summer but has made the effort to contact other members of her bio-family. Also, Daphne has no right to demand that Regina turn down Angelo's insurance money that could be shared by Angelo's two bio-daughters, Daphne and Regina herself. Daphne can refuse to take her share if she feels that strongly about it -- especially as she's gone off the idea of medical school anyway.
  3. I realized again this episode that Tank's plucked eyebrows still bug me. Bay's are more natural than his.
  4. She's there in his house for him at all times, has her daughter be there for him all the time too -- is it her fault that he doesn't talk to her and tell her his problems or secrets -- after all, she's there just for him!
  5. I had to go back to the beginning of the show to see what had happened to MacKenzie's hair. I could have sworn she had a short bob when she was at Universal Studios and then long hair at the judging. I guess she had just pinned it up loosely at the beginning.
  6. 300 people in a rural, farming area of about 78 square miles in late summer should be able to find or grow food sufficient to their needs. Even if some individuals do not have a garden, there must be abandoned gardens and farms belonging to the majority of the population who left town. Did no-one in the larger Chesters Mill community preserve anything? There would be no imported food like coffee, oranges or bananas, but that should be plenty. It's more than many a small self-sufficient medieval town would have had. (Of course, this is dependent on Joe's original estimate of a five mile radius and the center of the dome being in the middle of the woods. He is obviously not as brilliant as his science teacher.)
  7. And Wyatt is having to negotiate this relationship without any apparent other person to talk to. Brandon and Callie have siblings and multiple adults from whom they can get advice. Unless he's still bunking with Callie's juvie buddy, we don't see any part of Wyatt's support structure. His only reason for existence has turned into being a prop and chauffeur for Callie. Every other character (even sperm-donor Tim) has a life and interests off screen -- Wyatt doesn't, any more.
  8. This was the first episode where I noticed the replacement of US-friendly words for British. The doctor referenced the woman's underwear balled up in her purse (instead of pants or knickers) and the detective talked about women wearing pantyhose instead of stockings (rather than tights). I presume they must have just filmed these segments specifically for the US market as it would be odd otherwise.
  9. Toby's going to rent out his living room to Tank? So he'll have to go through Tankland to get to his own smaller bedroom -- what was he drinking all night?
  10. The writers obviously don't have a bible for this show but I'm feeling the need for something like one for myself. Wouldn't it be nice to have a wiki or something where we can record show canon somewhere. There are so many dropped plot points and changes (the changing size of the dome and its moving center is just one that irritates me) that it would be convenient to have in one place. (Unless something public already exists and you can point me to it?)
  11. That poor lake -- it's been poisoned by methane, had Fight Club's mother drowned in it, had the egg dropped in it, had Drownsie appear in it -- and then infected again. It went through a lot to avoid becoming a source of potable water.
  12. Lena is Brandon's mom but she's also his vice principal and he is a minor. Aren't teachers required to report abuse to the authorities as soon as they are informed of it? (Of course, that leads me to the need in general for Lena to observe boundaries in her treatment of the children as her children and as her students. I don't get that she does that. )
  13. Recently would be yesterday. Maybe the Dome is sending out fumes in the night that make people forget everything that happened the previous day?
  14. And the concierge patients can be cared for in their homes with private nurses.
  15. So Lake Methane is no longer polluted, right? So now they have a source of drinking water that doesn't rely on the ONE WELL in 79 square miles or on the metal water tower that was destroyed by the dome. And I liked how Jimmy and Barbie had matching cheekbone wounds in the first scenes. I only yelled "Oh COME ON!" six times while watching but that was because I had been spoiled beforehand. Are there people out there who are watching this seriously or are the ratings based on the many people who watch it to snark?
  16. And he shows his maturity by having a beard!
  17. As mentioned elsewhere, there is precedent for changing the title of a show (Yes, Minister became Yes, Prime Minister) so this could become POTUS instead of VEEP.
  18. I was a little disturbed at the repeated message that women don't know their own minds unless a man tells them. Miss Mardle has to be told by Mr Grove that first, her relationship with Florian is wrong, until he tells her it's right. Special snowflake has her fiancé refuse to listen to her choice because he has decided that she loves Henri and must go to him.
  19. I will miss almost everyone -- I can do without Meg -- but Bert was always a joy.
  20. So there were no negative repercussions of her breaking the secret? Or was it acceptable because she revealed her former role in the presence of the military?
  21. My first thought about Niko's piece was that it looked like a were-Chihuahua -- but then I got Stitch and couldn't get it out of my mind. Did he even consider making it somewhat Indonesian?
  22. It's been mentioned before but it's become more and more obvious how the family dynamic is like something out of Big Love -- the boundaries are almost invisible between each iteration of Pete's marriages. The children belong to all the mothers - as do the houses.
  23. I was pleasantly surprised by Rashaad's addition of the phoenix wings to his firefighter robot -- a lovely touch.
  24. Tank just always seems so very much older than Bay. I know in show terms, he's about a year older so it doesn't make sense. I think they worked best as friends. Bay was missing her brother as much as she was missing a boyfriend, and Tank worked better as that than as a love interest. I would like it if they could return to that. On the other hand, I am delighted with the return of EBay.
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