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Everything posted by morakot

  1. Sam Page was Kathryn's lawyer in Switched at Birth. I thought it was a Freeform/ABC Family reunion!
  2. Historically, Louis (who had great hair) wore it long and loose. Other courtiers followed him to the best of their ability. Those who could not, wore wigs. Louis eventually turned to a wig, I believe.
  3. When I saw this episode, I had just had a long exchange with a friend about the role of women in The Expanse so my opinion is different from what I've seen here. The Sleeping Beauty encounter between Miller and "Julie" was clearly (to me) an encounter between a man with a romantic dream about a fantasy character. He never actually knew her. She never knew him. He knew facts about her life and created a fantasy about the person she was in his mind. Meeting the protomolecule that had taken on her shape, he extended that fantasy attachment to what looked like her naked body. He had already rejected the live woman (his ex-wife and partner) in favor of the fantasy and he got to create a new relationship with someone who would never disappoint him. To me, it was a gorgeous scene of a predator absorbing her food -- in the same way she had absorbed the voices, memories, and shapes (the spy for example) of the hundreds of beings on Eros. He was never joining her as an equal, he was being absorbed by a greater being. It was a tragedy -- not a romance.
  4. Just started this and remembered why I stopped last time. Elizabeth Woodville is supposed to be this transcendent beauty with silver-gilt hair (presumably platinum blond) not red-haired with freckles (and not THAT beautiful). Also, cannot get over the fact that her dress has a zipper in the back and she's wearing a bra under it.
  5. Just finished Season 7 for the first time and now have to go back to the real life presidency and West Wing... I'd do a lot to have a Gary Stu president that looked like Jimmy Smits and could speak in complete sentences. Never liked Josh or Donna so the fact that they ended up together was deserved. I'm presuming Donna's absence from the Library scene at the start of Season 7 was because she was with the First Lady? Or because she and Josh had broken up -- after all, her office was about 4 times bigger than that of the COS... ;-) Anyway, I laughed and cried (a lot) and will go back and rewatch.
  6. You forget that Archie spent the summer satisfying Miss Grundy so he should have some experience in slowing down.
  7. I liked how the S-shape of the serpent repeats the S on Juggy's t-shirt in his flashback dream. Oh, and the Scoobie-Do reference at the beginning.
  8. It was clear that there was a camera and that the thumb drive held a copy of the recording. It was logical that the jacket was being held for blackmail purposes. Putting the thumb drive into the jacket pocket was less logical. Not being worried that the thumb drive was missing was also illogical.
  9. Who put the recording of Jason's murder on the thumbdrive? How did the thumbdrive get into Jason's pocket (and then into the lining)? Are we to assume that Joaquin or FP decided to put the jacket on and then put the thumb drive into the pocket while clearing up the murder? Why? Why not wear their own jackets and put the thumb drive into those pockets? Was there no concern when they lost track of the incriminating thumb drive that held their blackmail material when it got lost from the pocket of the victim's jacket? It makes NO sense that a random thumb drive in Jason's jacket would hold clues to his murder.
  10. I get what Ve was talking about when she described Tyler's gargoyle as almost Art Nouveau. The curving lines of the head piece were similar to those in French Art Nouveau.
  11. I prefer to watch SNL recorded or on time-delay -it means I can skip the dross.
  12. Maybe he'll be Archie's long lost uncle....
  13. Exactly! Long flowing hair would have been great--- appropriate and useful in dancing. I was imagining it as black on the outer areas with red beneath (that would show when dancing) and possibly some light filaments glowing in amongst the red.
  14. I don't know how Lena managed as an assistant vice principal responsible for tens if not hundreds of minors when she is so overwhelmed handling five teens at home.
  15. She may not have wanted him to change schools in the middle of high school (though that is exactly what Veronica did.)
  16. This: Can you imagine what the Blossoms' attic is like? Also this: I might have to cut someone, myself -- and I am way, way, way out of an appropriate age range.
  17. I live in Seattle, which is not at all as rainy as it's portrayed in this, and I don't understand how Linden's lips got so chapped. I never wear gloss or lipstick, and my lips are fine. :-)
  18. That apartment was HUGE -- and likely bigger than anything they had in China (and is free). And, considering it had rooms enough for Regina's boyfriend, his son, and Regina -- it had to be big enough for the three of them. (I'm a little concerned that Bay painted the wall in a temporary rental -- but, what the hey, she's not going back.... I AM glad that she made the effort t learn Mandarin though. She does always make the effort to learn and communicate in people's own languages.)
  19. Well he did hear about Peggy dying in the middle of the discussion so Steve was distracted. The whole "going into foreign countries" situation was never covered. They don't go through passport control (or carry passports as far as I can tell). It could be that they are basically in transit but governments would want to know who's coming into their countries. If it wasn't constructed as a way to stop Tony being a spoiled brat, the Accords could be adapted in a way that Steve could accept. I'm interested to see how he works with Black Panther.
  20. Who pays the Avengers now? If it's Stark Industries, I guess that means that they are Tony's employees, not necessarily his friends.
  21. Marvel owes me a movie about a day in the life of Steve Rogers - doing laundry, working out, spending time with friends who don't wear metal suits but who might have interesting conversations... He could even spend time with a kid from Queens...
  22. Plus Chris Evans has the best ROI in Hollywood -- he's cheaper than RDJ AND doesn't need his entire household (and furniture) moved to Atlanta for filming. Yes, scriggle, I'm bitter too.
  23. If I, like, never see a, like, dryland outfit made of neoprene, it will, like, be too soon.
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