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Everything posted by morakot

  1. I suppose, for Ken, it was miles better than being stuck in a cab for all that time. He could have let her have Rapunzel for company though. (Unless, Rapunzel ended up with Dirk and became the agency dog... or went to live with the cops in Bergsberg.)
  2. Maybe sexual harassers should be sentenced to have Mary (or a wise crone equivalent with them 24/7 for a month). A disapproving look might really help. (Probably more than going to a spa in the desert.)
  3. It's a shame he was such a crass idiot, because I liked Johnny (FAR more than Paul). I particularly liked his respectful relationship with Mary Berry. (Though, to be fair, Paul behaves better with Mary too.)
  4. I suppose Paul is okay as it was a consensual affair - but he still makes me cringe.
  5. Doesn't Rosa's sister live in Southern California and is married to a retired closet magnate? ;-)
  6. Jane was there too. She would have made sure of the cat requirements. It's an adult cat, so it most likely came from a shelter who would make sure they were prepared.
  7. Maybe it's his affect, but I don't think Brandon was arrogant. I think he was misled and set up to have a dramatic loss.
  8. I like Johnny, despise Paul, and don't know either of the hosts. We'll see...
  9. At this point, Spiros is coming across like the creepy taxi driver who hits on tourists -- while having a wife and children. It's not a good look.
  10. I seem to remember Betty's dad saying to her how much he missed working on cars with her. (Please don't tell me I dreamed this...)
  11. Isn't Trevor Melody's younger brother? Then again, this IS Riverdale so I guess dating your brother could work... ;-)
  12. This whole strap discussion reminds me of an episode in fashion history. The early 20th century designer Paul Poiret developed the hobble skirt -- a long, tight, skirt that showed off the form but limited a woman's stride. It was universally hated. A few years later, he put his models in Turkish style pants and took them out to a public event. The models were yelled at for wearing men's clothing. A crowd of women tried to chase them -- but were hampered by the hobble skirts they were wearing.... Fashion changes. If it's something you want to wear, you deal with it.
  13. Personally, I don't think Brandon was being smug. He seems to be restrained in displaying his emotions, especially during the competition, which, in my opinion, made both his smiling and laughing on Tim's visit, and the tears at the finale, seem shocking. I like his style and he does have, and will continue to have, a market. I liked the way he manipulated upholstery cottons and leather but I do agree that he could have shown at least a couple of other colorways. I would have loved to have seen one or two pieces in a saturated color. He did say, and I could see, that the layers could have been easily interchanged, and I do like that in a piece. There's nothing like blowing your budget on a statement piece that you can only wear once. All in all, I think he'll be more than fine. Exuberance in color and sympathy for the hurricane pushed Margarita forward but as I really dislike her as a person, I'm glad she didn't win. I think her bitching in Spanish right in front of Claire was the last straw for me. Kentaro's been hit and miss for me. I feel that, while he is talented, he's pretty much a dilettante who flits from one creative interest to another and may get bored again soon. Ayana's ballgown was spectacular -- and I loved her headwraps. I wish she had talked about the birch tree inspiration for the shredded pants. That was so much more evocative to me than just shredded jeans and would have given more meaning to what could have seemed drab colors. I'm not recording, nor will I watch the reunion show.
  14. I doubt there will be a Barchie (yes, I know it's part of the comics). To me it seems that Riverdale Betty has lost her girlhood crush on Archie but still sees him as a brother. She's certainly much more worried that Jughead will be harmed than if any danger comes to Archie. Archie is fully able to get into danger from his own foolish decisions.
  15. I thought from Toni and Jughead's conversation the night after she stayed over clearly inferred that Jug (and probably Betty) are virgins. It was "a PG makeout session" on the couch and I assumed she stayed in FP's room in the trailer.
  16. Yes, she was. At home, in private, with other women or male family members, you can be more casually (or less modestly) dressed.
  17. It was nice to see Brandon be smiling, laughing, and happy on Tim's visit.
  18. As the first time I ever saw Scott Michael Foster was in his underwear and a cowboy hat in Greek, I had to call up the many scenes in that series when he was naked/half naked... As I remember, he was at, or near, the smoothness that Nathaniel shows. That doesn't mean he depilates or shaves before a scene, just that it's been pretty consistent.
  19. They've shown the friendship -- AFAIK it was referenced when Josie joined the River Vixens.
  20. Brandon's clothes remind me of what I was wearing in the '70's, and not just the androgynous flowing hippy clothes, but also much of the Laura Ashley milkmaid chic. These had unusual reveals of skin (lower back, sides,) under flowing, comfortable, easy construction in natural fabrics. I too like browsing the home décor sections for fabrics -- that's where you can find all cotton fabrics with some body. I wish Ayana had mentioned the birch tree inspiration for the shredding on the pants -- that was what really made me see her shredding in a way that was beautiful. I think modest - or high coverage - wear has a market beyond the religious aspect. Many people in sunny places want to protect themselves from the sun. Just Iook at the expanding market for the burkini on beaches all over the world. (I have a Goth friend who would never expose her skin outdoors. She carries a parasol everywhere.) So too much Miami fashion?
  21. For the most part, I am loving this show! It is completely over the top and they all know it, but it still makes some internal sense. A few other comments: - Betty was specifically told by Black Hood not to tell her mother, father, Jughead, Veronica, or the sheriff about his calls or demands, and threatened to kill the people she loved if she did talk to them. For whatever reason, Archie was NOT included in that list so she took advantage of the loophole and told Archie. Archie COULD have told any of the other people as he was not under BH's threats. - It felt like watching Pretty Little Liars and A in this episode. The only difference is that I am confident the BH story will be complete by the season's end at the very earliest and will not drag on and on and on and on.... - I understood why Betty didn't break up directly with Jughead; it would have been too painful for them both and it would be a lot easier to walk it back if she could say Archie misunderstood or took it too far. In spite of that, my heart hurts for Bughead, and I'm still mad at Toni for taking advantage of a boy in the first throes of a breaking heart. (I keep telling myself to remember what happens to the rebound girl.) - I am shocked that the Pussycat Girls (except for V) did not have a single line of spoken dialog in this episode. They could have been speaking at the party, they could have been yelling at Nick St Claire, they could have been consoling their cheer caption, Cheryl. As a multi, I don't have that much of a racial axe to grind, but this really did seem deliberate. - Finally, Southside is now officially SoDale! So is the other end of town NoDale?
  22. Padded brown envelopes like these often have a pre-glued strip under a removable piece of plastic. No licking involved.
  23. From 1918 to 1944, the legal school-leaving age in England was 14. Many teens went into jobs (such as domestic help) or apprenticeships. Higher class girls might go to finishing school or travel abroad before coming out into the marriage market at 17 or so.
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