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Everything posted by CoyoteBlue

  1. CoyoteBlue

    Iris West

    I'm pretty sure being dragged to your likely death by an armed fugitive gives you the right to use deadly force.
  2. CoyoteBlue

    Iris West

    I've figured out what irritates the hell out of me about Iris's crusade. She reminds me of people who thought they had the right to out gay people, especially celebrities, because "their story would be inspirational to others and make a statement". When "The Streak" himself asks her to stop trying to out him, she should have stopped. She has no idea (and gives not one solitary fuck) how outing The Streak will affect his life, his job, his family. And she totally does not care. Does not give a shit. And for that, I kinda really dislike her, while still being able to admit that beyond that, she's an okay character. Also, WTF problem do these people have with headshots? Boyfriend takes body shots despite being close enough to not miss a headshot and Iris decides to pause instead of just lifting the gun and shooting him instantly. I admire your composure, girl, but next time, right in the head before he can react, yes?
  3. I swear, this is the best team chemistry since the show began. No one is the buffoon, everyone has quirks that they can tease each other about, but it's friendly and light, no energy-sucking drah-mah! hogging up all the storylines. Functional relationships! Abby isn't a child! Tony is competent! Tony and Tim don't grate on each other! Bishop isn't a special snowflake! Gibbs is Gibbs!
  4. I think avoidance of reality is right from their PoV, but as a plot device, I think this was supposed to help them both get over their traumas and at least get a solid foot in the door of healing / moving on. Severide, at least, looked sober and able to talk about Shay without going off the deep end again. And then the writers at least dissolved it once it served its purpose.
  5. Has Walter always had that horribly under-chin pube fuzz? God, it was distracting all of a sudden.
  6. THANK YOU, JESUS, SOMEONE SLAPPED DOWN GABBY! And it stuck! That move of hers during the call was total bullshit and her smug wasn't-I-clever look after Matt reprimanded her was even worse. [Also, that was why you closed off the Great Hall in Union Station during rush hour? We totally could have just been commuters trying to get to our damn track while you filmed that.)
  7. Forget one announcer, there were only like, two hallways - one hallway and a bathroom nook. There were more electronics in that charging installation than people in the airport. And yet one Skype session could replace the security system of the whole airport. (Holy crap, I was excited to see Jamie as Jake though!)
  8. Why is Strawberry Shortcake whoring herself out shilling "Happy Honda Days"?
  9. Santana and Blaine are POCs and look to have a big chunk of S6.
  10. I have to love the irony of this episode tonight when they're showing news teasers for a small plane that crashed in a Chicago residential area,,,,
  11. Bob did try to feed Teddy a veggie burger - Teddy immediately noticed it only tasted "burger-ISH" and cried betrayal.
  12. This was in VA, right? If she's not a licensed professional, she falls under good faith Samaritan law, which exists in VA (though apparently not all states).
  13. Clorox wipes ad where a woman comes home to her father getting a massage butt naked on her kitchen island. While the notion of grandpa's junk squashed onto her food preparation surface is bad enough, they then cut to a money shot of someone wiping up something up. Something that is just yellow enough to make you wonder if Gramps also stars in Depends ads....
  14. Same here. I was disappointed that they retconned Bernadette by having her act squeamish about it. This is the gal who has a delightfully dark and jaded view of infectious diseases. She'd probably agree.
  15. I don't think Stuart and Debbie are a couple - I think he's supposed to be stepping into the pseudo-incestuous son role that was Howard's. The humor is in Howard being disturbed by it but not realizing it was ten times creepier when he and his mom were doing it.
  16. Ugh, I'm starting to get tired of them using IQ like it's a seriously quantifiable thing and that all people with a certain IQ are exceptional at the same things. "Borderline" genius at 150? No, that's 10 points over the definition of genius, IIRC. And coining the phrase "enabled" (as the opposite of "mentally disabled". I suppose)? Pretentious enough? It's not a goddamn club that we all secretly join. My IQ does not make me a math or programming savant. It does not mean I am automatically a good or moral person that cherishes the Brotherhood of Really Smart Emotionally-Crippled People. In fact, a lot of them can annoy the fuck out of me. Mostly by being arrogant shits like Walter. Otherwise, I'm still liking the rest of the characters and how they're gelling and the chemistry. Definitely still watching and enjoying this one.
  17. CoyoteBlue

    Iris West

    Dear Iris, we know that it's just a prop, but for god sake's you did everything but hold that tray and remaining coffee upside down. C'mon.
  18. Nice ink, Agent Gallo! Walter is oddly the most messed up of them; he's just got tighter control so he fakes functional better. I'm enjoying this as long as I remember it's a cheeseathon and let the rest roll off.
  19. I feel so sorry for the girl that's supposed to be that douchebag's "perfect match".
  20. Yeah, I thought that, too, but the replay showed Romeo head-butting him from Adam's left, but across into his right eye. I was glad to see Romeo gone and due to his own issues, not something he could blame on someone else. His witch bs, trying to be all mystical and evil, was tiresome. You don't have to mess with people because you're a witch, Romeo, you do it because you're a dick.
  21. OH MY GOD, Sandhya,quit whining about how Poor You gets so horribly picked on! If you have immunity in a team challenge, you suck it the hell up and focus on contributing to the team's vision. Honestly, this is the season of the Emotionally Delicate Special Snowflakes - between her victim complex and Mousy Asian's cowering and weeping, I am so over them both.
  22. Sorry, as nice as Sandhya is, that dress looked like Grandma's old couch that her cats have been peeing on and clawing at for years. If that's what passes for a winning design, then really, just roll a die for a winner, Heidi, and don't try to bullshit a rationale for the choice.
  23. "Are you a woman with chronic feminine discomfort...down there?" Seriously, there's a subtle pause between 'discomfort' and 'down there' each time this is used. It's hard to tell exactly what they meant by "feminine discomfort", but in the end I'm left assuming it's post-menopausal dry vag cream.
  24. I think there was a similar case with cell phones where the seller was baiting and switching and the buyer was also refusing to return the goods because they thought the seller would just turn around and defraud someone else. Ethically a good idea, but the merchandise still belongs to the seller if they want their money back. You have to leave the comeuppance to karma - karma and the complaint dept of Amazon.
  25. I resent her implication that everyone with a mental illness would somehow be unreliable witnesses or act out in irrational manners. My depression and ADHD does not mean my testimony would be less valid than someone else's. And taking the medication means you're actually treating it, so there's even less reason to blame actions on mental illness.
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