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Everything posted by SnoGirl

  1. So, I'm posting in here, because I am 99% sure the episode on Amazon Prime that's posted is 6.02 is really 6.03, even though its labeled 6.02 (I feel like Stiles right now). I read what everyone posted in the 6.02 thread and none of those things happened in the 6.02 I watched. Does your 6.02 start in Mr. Douglas' room with the pack's jr squad? Does anyone want spoilers for 6.03? I just don't want to post like crazy and spoil everything but I have so many questions because everything has skipped forward past the ending of 6.01.
  2. Yeah, something is wrong with Prime's episodes. So that makes more sense, but all those scenes I described are in the "previously scene" part at the beginning which is why I thought it was in 6.01. So, I was wrong, its my 6.02 that's wrong.
  3. So, I feel like I'm having memory issues, I watched this episode and then the next, I feel like I saw the ending but not the same ending as everyone else. I watch this show on Amazon Prime and the show ended with Lydia walking into the school talking about what she couldn't remember. I didn't see Malia highlight the word Styles or Lydia say "What the Hell is a Stiles?" line. Am I crazy, or was Prime missing scenes?
  4. Ugh. Julian as Alchemy? Put me in the bummed group. I was hoping for more for him than the puppet for the big bad (Hello Malfoy, different fandom, practically the same character). I like that they were able to bring Caitlyn back from the brink. I don't like her powers make her evil, I like when my villians make the choice to do the wrong thing. I guess she made the choice to not kill Barry, so there's that. I don't mind the sad Cisco arc. I miss geeky over-excited puppy Cisco, but I this storyline gives him some more depth. I wonder what its like at Cisco's apartment for both of them now...
  5. Is this show going to be a one-shot series? Does anyone know how many books they plan on covering? I love the flashes of the "eye" in the trailer. I loved the reveal of it in the books, so I can't wait to see the latter part of the series.
  6. SnoGirl

    Moana (2016)

    Thanks @dkb! Without revealing too much, are there any super scary parts? My cousin's kid is five, I just want to be prepared (he's whip smart but if a part is too scary, like the end of Tarzan or when the Jaguar attacks in Zootopia, he hides his face). I can't wait to see it!
  7. I was hesitant of this movie because Beauty and the Beast is hands-down my favorite Disney movie. Belle was a Disney Princess I could relate to, I was (and still am) a gigantic bookworm. The scene where she opens her eyes in the Beast's library is still my favorite and probably why I have so many bookshelves in my own house. After this trailer, I can't wait for this live-action. Beast looks much better than he did in the pictures that had been released. Really, I knew, Beast would kinda look ridiculous considering the mash-up of animals he's composed of. He looks better than I thought he would. I love that Emma Watson is Belle. Real life bookworm, and has played one of my other favorite characters Hermione. I'm disappointed in Gaston. He was a beefcake and Luke Evans is tiny. It might be a dumb complaint, but I was hoping for a guy that eats, you know, five dozen eggs and looked roughly the size of a barge.
  8. SnoGirl

    Moana (2016)

    I am so excited for this movie, especially since Lin-Manuel Miranda was one of the song writers for the movie. I am in love with his zeal for life. Combined with Mark Mancina who worked on one of my favorite soundtracks of Tarzen, and Opetaia Tavita Foa‘i, who seemed very protective and wanted to put the Polynesian culture at the forefront of Moana, I feel this might be one of the best soundtracks Disney has put forth in a long time (I was horribly disappointed in Brave, but Bear McCready has remedied it with Outlander). I'm hoping to take my Cousin's kids to it over Thanksgiving break, it looks just fantastic.
  9. I'm from Wisconsin, and it sounds like there are still people waiting in lines to vote. Cross your fingers.
  10. I really thought this whole episode was going to come down to her father's death because of the breaking glass in the ad for Ginny. And I kinda wish she had spoken up, or Amelia had and pointed out that yes, Ginny was breaking the glass ceiling for Women in Baseball but it might not be the most appropriate considering her past. Speaking of her past, this is the first episode we haven't seen flashbacks to Ginny's past right? I know the whole episode was a flashback, but it wasn't flashing back to when she was a teen. They could slow down on them, I definitely didnt miss them. Anyone know how old Ginny is? She's definitely at least 21 because she drinks but I'm confused on the timeline. She didn't go to college, but she's not 18. Did she spend three years in the minors? I hope Mike chooses to be single for awhile, and I hope Amelia doesn't fall back into his bed. Mike and Amelia were idiots this episode about Ginny. Amelia even pointed out that Ginny was upset with her and Mike but yet she went over in the hoodie, and Mike mentioned the panic attack. That being said, I hope Ginny tells Mike about her breakdown. I think he needs to know whats going on so he can be a good friend in the storm. That was totally Angie from Agent Carter as the waitress friend. I hope she comes back, Ginny needs a friend. She watched out for Ginny all night, she seems like good people.
  11. I loved Cisco's apartment. Can we please go back and see more of his place, I'm so jealous. What a fun apartment. Oh man, I think I might have a crack ship, I can't unimagine Caitlyn and Snark? Which sucks, because I'm a Captain Canary fan. But I really want to see these two cold fools marvel over their frosty skills. Oh Julian Malfoy. I really hope you're not the bad guy, it would be nice if Barry had a muggle friend who didnt know (but I really thought Barry was going to tell him at the end).
  12. I want this just to see Harvey be flabbergasted at Barry's speed, I imagine he'd be a lot like Diggle. And Gordon saying "Well that's new." I couldn't ever see Barry being on Fox, but it would be cool to see some Gotham players on The Flash! If we ever get Snart back, I'd like him to be in awe of Caitlyn's "cold" powers....with him being at loss for words and the smart-ass comment from Heatwave. Come on crossover, don't let me down.
  13. I know this is probably unpopular, but I feel awful for Daisy. She is just drowning in grief. Too bad Andrew is gone, she really needs to talk to someone. Talk about a crazy contrast to another super hero show. Its interesting to see Fitz, a scientist, quarterbacking the opt when on Legends of Tomorrow, their scientist really fumbled the opt when left in charge. I don't think its a stretch for Fitz to be the eyes in the sky, when he does have some experience with opts when he was on his own searching for Simmons. I wish Bobby and Hunter would be back instead of the nameless Agents we keep seeing. You know Bobby would have said they could have taken the prisoners instead of running. Is there a reason why we didn't see Daisy quake? Was it because of her arms?
  14. That's why I was kinda bummed that Fitz's head injury seemed to magically disappear. It would be nice if every once and awhile he struggled to find his words. Not that I wanted him to struggle, but to recognize the consequences of Ward's actions and Hydra's grab for power would be a novel idea.
  15. So....Snart is the damsel in this episode?
  16. I got rid of cable, so I'll be checking here to see who eats wood tonight. I really hope TPTB pull the world's biggest fakeout and nothing as it seems for The Walking Dead. However, I don't hold out much hope for tonight....
  17. You would think they would promote Cold considering what happened to him on Legends last season. I know they assume if you watch one show, you watch all three but I would be kinda ticked if I only watch Legends and found out one character was appearing and no one promoted it. I don't watch all three (I'm not a fan of Arrow, but I read the forums so I know what's going on). If it was supposed to be a surprise, I wish they had keep him out of the promo pictures. But I guess we can't have it all.
  18. So, Cold isn't appearing in Legends until episode 8.....but
  19. I loved the jump out the window because it was Roger who did it. I don't think he's lost a step, I think he might have gained one being Rigg's partner. I don't mind how Riggs is acting, personally I think a lot of people can relate, myself included, and for some people it takes some time to heal. Maybe not the crazy stunts but the anger, saddness, and irrational reactions I totally can relate to. I can't even imagine what Riggs is going to be like on the anniversary of her death. If I was Roger, I'd have that date locked down in my memory.
  20. What was the Snart mention? I liked the storyline between Nate and his Grandfather. I think its fun knowing that his Grandfather knew that someday his Grandson would get his dogtags. What was Rex's powers? I was so confused by Reverse Flash's comment of them meeting and fighting several times, did I miss when Rex used his power in the past two episodes? I'm sure I'm not the only one frustrated by Reverse Flash messing with the timeline, but I kinda wonder if Cisco is going to create something for the Legends to monitor changes in the timeline, so they're not caught off guard. Its not like Nate has everything in time written in his journal they can check.
  21. I'm glad its just not me anymore! Seriously, its Draco without the daddy issues. He has Meta issues now ;)
  22. I'm kinda bummed out, my tv service cut-out the last 20 minutes of the show, ending on Roger being caught on the tripwire, ironically enough. I thought the show was pulling a fast one with the blackout screen when I realized it was just Fox that was out. I am looking forward to watching the end of the show. The beginning was great. I'm all about finding out more about Riggs beyond his wife passing away.
  23. Ugh. I know that's exactly what's going to happen. Wasn't there an interview where the wording was "whatever version of Cold it happens to be?" However, I'm still hoping for Big Damn Hero Cold.
  24. I liked the teaser trailer for the first Guardians movie first. However, I'm still excited for the next installment. Love the poster!
  25. This is what I don't like about time-travel stories. Which Snart are we seeing? Bc if he was snatched by Eobard Thawne before 2016, isn't it going to mess up Legends' timeline? Or did Barry already mess it up? Or is this Leonard who pulled the plug on the Oculus (my hope). Can I predict that its the last Cold, and is playing double agent and will be the linch pin in defeating the Legion of Doom while meanwhile causing angst for the Legends crew who don't know its their Cold and not a different one from a different timeline.
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