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Everything posted by SnoGirl

  1. Hulu is airing commericals for B99 using the Backstreet Boys’ song “Backstreets Back” song and I was dying. I cant wait for this show to come back!
  2. I loved it. I watched all the episodes so spoilers abound: I’m torn bc I really wanted an adult series of Unfortunate Events, with the siblings trying to restart the VFD. But I loves the ending so now I don’t want them to touch it.
  3. Well if you’re like me, they do on Netflix 😂. I don’t have cable so I have to wait until the entire season shows up online. I will agree with you, I love this show. At the beginning, I wasnt super into it-mainly bc of Quentin. But all the characters have shown such growth. I hope next season has more of them together working to save Eliot. It’s going to be weird having Eliot not in the mix of trying to save everyone...
  4. Its interesting who they did the artwork on. The original Avengers and Thanos arent surprising, but Rocket and Nebula are. Makes me wonder if the rest of those who survived are barely in the film...
  5. Elizabeth and Norrington were my favorite too. I loved Norrington and felt that Pirates really dropped the ball with him. They should have had him on the Flying Dutchman with Will. I wish that Will and Elizabeth had tried to save him in later films. Done something for him. It should have been an easy fix too-Jones wasnt doing his job still at that point. They could have found Norrington in a boat. I liked that he was honorable and the good guy. I wrote some fanfics about Norrington and him taking over the Dutchman eventually. I dont mind that Norrington had feelings for Elizabeth either. He backed off too when he knew the score between Elizabeth and Will. I also felt for him in the second movie when he told the story about him and the storm while chasing Sparrow. I also never felt like the movies were Elizabeth’s story like they wanted them to be. I dont think they were expecting to blow up like they did, but it would have been nice if she had more than everyone’s love interest, did more than fainting as a distraction in the first movie. And her ending was not my favorite either. She goes from Pirate Queen to, keeper of Will’s heart on land? Being literally the only female role in a movie of pirates, she deserved an epic ending. Like freeing Will. Or something. Anything really.
  6. Dang, this is the last of the series. What book did we get to? They have to be combining books now right? I thought we had two more seasons left-is this season longer?
  7. Nasa is offering advice to Marvel on how to rescue Tony from Space. Somedays I really love the internet.
  8. I agree-which I wonder if Tony and Steve actual have moments of friendship that we get to see bc of Tony’s time in space. I think its the one deficit of these movies is that Steve and Tony never had those quiet moment of friendship-they just were always at odds with each other. They did say this movie was going to be three hours right? Finding out who got dusted. Everyone is sad. Getting Tony and Nebula to everyone else. Finding Hawkeye. Scott showing up at headquarters. Marvel. Stan Lee cameo. Figuring out a plan. Executing the plan and destroying Thanos. That is a lot of ground to cover. And hopefully filled with more fun surprises. I really hope they dont undo too much of past Avenger movies with stopping Thanos. If there’s a storyline I hate its the timeloop. I want deaths undone from Thanos, but I dont want previous choices and events to be undone.
  9. Omg. I didn’t know how much I wantes this until now. I want Pepper suited up. I was just coming here to update my theory. I watched the trailer again (and by again I mean five times) and I noticed it does say MISSING in red on the screen when Banner is looking at Peter, Shuri and Scott. Which makes sense. Wonder if M’Baku was like, “everyone got dusted, have to protect Wakanda” and teamed up with Shuri. Okoye was with everyone at the end, so I wonder why Shuri is missing, you know Okoye would have immediately went back to protect Wakanda but couldn’t find Shuri? I really want to see Hawkeye with the main players. He always seems to have his own side-story. I want him interacting with Cap, Tony, Banner and of course Natasha. I’ve loved their friendship since Budapest. I definitely want to see the spies fight together again. Actually, I’d love to see him with Okoye too. I think he would be impressed with her, even rib Natasha about who the better fighter is. I hope Valkyrie shows up to save Tony. She, Tony and Nebula would be a hoot. I think I might start an Avengers marathon....
  10. Hasn’t Tony used the term Endgame too? Talking about protecting the Earth from everything that is unknown in Space? If he has, maybe its poignant that Strange used Endgame and now its the title. Maybe Tony has the final key with his plan to protect Earth to help end the snappening??
  11. I wonder if Banner is talking to Shuri instead of her being gone. The only reason why I say that is because the Russo Brother’s Twitter Banner has everyone else who we know survives the Snappening-orginal Avengers, Scott, Nebula, Rocket, Captain Marvel, Rhodey, and Okoye. The two on the banner from Wakanda we didnt know but are on the banner are Shuri and M'Baku-which I thought meant they also survived. And in the picture-Shuri has on the Black Panther necklace. All hail the Queen! We don’t know about Wong’s survival either and he’s on the Twitter banner too. Sentimentally-Stan Lee is also on the banner. Which gives me hope for his final cameo. I think I might try to avoid spoilers. If this is one of the last movies with original Avengers, I think I want to be spoiler free. But damn, what a trailer.
  12. Dang, going on my wishlist! Its a start!
  13. I need “With her, a hero” with Marvel’s symbol on all the things. Shirts, stickers, lunch boxes. Marvel would be a fool not to. I teared up seeing that slogan, even though slightly different, again. I’m sure there are still twists, but man I feel like this trailer plus the last laid out the entire movie completely. I want it to be so good-I want more Lady Avengers. I want Marvel to acknowledge they need more lady filled movies. There’s a lot riding on this film. And Wonder Woman set a high bar.
  14. I loved this episode. I want to be friends with Hen, Chimney, and Athena in real life. I figured it was going to be terrible for Hen but seeing the hazing and how terrible they were to her broke my heart a bit. I love that she stood her ground and was going to do what was right no matter what her chief said. Sidebar-I know the nickname is Chimney, but I always think everyone is saying Chimmy.
  15. Wow. The news of his death literally took my breath away. I just always felt he had the inhuman abilities to be around forever.
  16. I LOVED that the girl from the Earthquake girl was back. I thought she and Buck had a spark in that episode, and I definitely thought they had it tonight. Bummed we didnt see Hen with her wife at the end-everyone else had a moment with their signficant others. I really liked tonight’s episode. I liked Buck’s growth. He recognized what a cad he was and wanted better for himself. Also liked that Chimmy told Maddie he was okay with them moving slow. I like their budding relationship, its sweet. I know Hewitt doesnt get a lot of love on this board, but she felt natural tonight, like she’s a good fit to the show’s puzzle.
  17. SnoGirl

    S02.E07: Haunted

    Christopher as Wolverine was genius. He was ADORABLE. I do wish there had been more creepiness in this episode-last year’s Halloween episode was more fun than this one.
  18. SnoGirl

    MLB Thread

    I wish I could have taken off to go to Chicago today-I am SO EXCITED for the Brew Crew. I’ll admit, I was crying today when they caught the third out. I’m in my thirties so I’m too young for the Wallbangers Crew, and I was at the Wildcard game they won last time they made it this close to the dance. I love baseball so much. This October is sweet! ??
  19. Okay. The Nagini piece is cool(and according to Rowling, always has been part of the story), but bummed that eventually she gets horacruxed and is Voldemort’s pet. I’m not a fan that this movie series has a lot of white characters and not a lot of characters of color, decides to have servitude happen to one of its few characters of color. It’s not a great look (but either is Grindlewald’s two-toned eye color Johnny Depp). I hate all the Neville giphs on Twitter right now of him beheading Nagini. I wish the casting director would hire more actors of color for these films. We’re going around the world-be better at this. I am excited for Newt and Tina-her tying up Newt’s brother (for assumedly jerk behavior) was fantastic. Jacob and Queenie were blink and you miss them, I’m slightly concerned about why Queenie is bawling in the trailer. Also, loving not seeing a lot of Fantastic Beasts. I’m hoping for some fun reveals. Is Credence creating the Lion animal Obscural? Anyone have Fantastic Beasts to check If the beasts we’re seeing are in there?
  20. Damn. I got goosebumps watching that. I totally want Titus as Ursula now.
  21. I hope like crazy that Rainbow Rowell has been holding back on a movie is bc she’s waiting for producers who will make a movie with an actual chunky female lead and a half Vietnamese lead (I’m looking at you Love, Simon. Katherine Langford is not chunky like Leah was written in the books). And I’m also hoping because of Black Panther, Crazy Rich Asians and To all the Boys I’ve Loved, a true version of Eleanor and Park will be coming soon. I love Eleanor and Park.
  22. I was rewatching and I hope in the next movie we see Shuri or the Science Bros offering Nebula some upgrades. I bet Banner would be intrigued by her being so, robotic (is that even right?). I think it would be nice that someone other than Gamora is nice to her. In fact, I hope we see Nebula meeting other Avengers, especially Nat, Okoye, and possibly Valkryie. It could be an interesting coversation between Nat and Nebula, they both have a lot of red in their ledgers. Or an offhand comment when Banner finally gets his Hulk on for her to say to Nat “I get why you like him.” I wonder if Nakia survived the Snappening. I know they didnt think Black Panther was going to be such a hit, but I would love if they did some reshoots to have her helping out.
  23. I loved it! Super cute, and the high school students actually looked like high school students. I hope they do more movies, if this is a book series, I definitely want more sequels. One bummer was I was watching with captions, and there were lots of glaring omissions from what characters were saying compared to what they captioned on screen. To the point where I turned it into a game of watch for mistakes. The biggest issues came during fights, the fast talking and whole sentences were just not even captioned well.
  24. This really frustrates me. I have no problem with a summer show. I have no problem with another season. But it makes me mad that the Snappening didn’t happen on the show. They should have gone for it, or Movie Marvel should have filled them in that is was happening. My favorite episodes, hands-down were the episodes after Shield fell. And we were blindsided by it-so its not the secret getting out. We all know Marvel Disney is just rolling in money. Its ridiculous this separation of tv and movies. My favorite scenes in Marvel are crossovers. They might not want to crossover movie to tv-but come on. I wonder if Disney had their own platform like Netflix if they would be more willing to acknowledge the other medias their storys are on.
  25. Well. Chris might have gotten his job back, but staffers are quitting the Talking Dead in response to it. Here’s the article talking about people quitting, including an excutive producer. To be a fly on the wall at AMC....
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