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Everything posted by SnoGirl

  1. I forgor about the Icers! I was referring to after that when Mike was practically blown up trying to save Coulson from Hydra. The next time we saw him, it was when Skye was shot, and he had all sorts of new mechcanical body parts and gear from Hydra saving him. They reference the upgrades again later when Coulson, Fitz, and Hunter are with Ward and Agent 13. Coulson had called in Mike for help and Fitz asks about his upgrades. So Shield was helping Mike, so you would think they would have seen what Hydra did to him to save him from the explosion (btw, I only remember this bc I was rewatching AoS over my Spring Break). I am super freaked out now that Daisy is going to crack open thay coffin and there’s going to be a body-less nervous system or a pile or working organs. Lol. I dont get how exactly her powers work if she regenerated herself but also needed the life source of someone else but now its stuck in my head... I keep going back to the scenes in the previous episodes with the Gravitonium. Why would they refer back to Dr Hall and Ian Quinn? Are they just Easter Eggs? Or are we going to see a scene where Hall and Quinn fight to get out?
  2. One more thing. Are we thinking Davis is inhuman? Piper asked if he had told his story of survival from Aida to the group, and he said no. And then Piper brings it up again about how he cant “die.” Do you think they’re leading to a surprise, last minute reveal of powers or just referring to his luck?
  3. I’m quoting myself to bring up the mysterious actor who was in Elizabeth’s insta-video. I think it was Nathan now. Keeping the surprise of a powered up Talbot under wraps. I also wonder if he’s also the person Chloe was talking about in her insta-videos. She said on her last day of shooting, it was her, Gregg and someone she couldnt spoil. It was a big fight scene and she was going to be shooting all day. I bet its the final fight between Daisy and Talbot. Which also aligns with Deke showing us the clip of Daisy running somewhere on Earth before it fractures. I bet Coulson is already there with Talbot. I wonder if Coulson powers up with whatever Daisy has to help in this fight. I want to also clarify, I was really hoping for a Robby return (as a Daisy/Robbie shipper) or a comic book return back from the dead Tripp return to help with the fight as the secret person. You know, a fun way to bring back someone else before the end...especially since we’re referencing so many other things from season’s past. Luna did an interview saying he wasnt asked back, but I have seen Britt hanging out with Ming-na on Instagram so a girl can hope right??
  4. Well, that just happened. The group is definitely fracturing beyond repair. The writers have to be doing this on purpose. How ironic that they’re trying to save the world from fracturing and their own personal world is fracturing to pieces. The pieces Coulson is going to solve are definitely the team. They’re going to break the loop coming back together as a team... There is no WAY on this green Earth is Coulson will willingly put on the centipede tech. Why arent they looking up stuff about Mike? He had centipede tech. He was almost killed but brought back. Wouldnt they have, I dont know, scanned in his tech and have the specs?? I mean, wasnt it established that Mike was doing work for Coulson on the side...so they should have the tech on file, somewhere?? I’m so sad about Talbot. I don’t think there’s any coming back from this. His poor wife and son. So, is he the comic book villian? Comic book readers? Talbot is now Destroyer of Worlds though right? Its going to be him and Daisy fight to the death. I hope some of these background Shield agents survived. I like seeing Piper and Davis in the background, I hope we get more consistent agents who survive all this bad shit they go through. Plus, honestly, they need Lighthouse survivors.
  5. Is there a social worker on the boards that can explain how Amelia and Owen can move in AND take in the baby Mama? Dont get me wrong, I feel just AWFUL for the fifteen year old. Talk about pulling on heart strings. But I dont know if its legal (would that even be the right word?) for her to be under the same roof as her son’s foster parent. I actually dont mind the Me Too storyline. They’re all valid points, and I really like Mere and Jackson working together. I kinda hope Catherine puts them in charge of more things together.
  6. Well, after reading and seeing how its all being handled, I’m definitely being turned off by it all and have no desire to actually watch it anymore. I sometimes really hate when real life stuff leaks out about productions or actors/actresses bc its so hard to unsee or unhear. I want to watch a show to be entertained. And I’m an avid rewatcher. So when stuff comes out like this, I dont even want to go back and watch stuff before the fallout. Ugh. This show had such fun potential.
  7. Well, they still have to save Wolfgang right? So we know there will probably be some until they get him back.
  8. Omg. Ruth is a ridiculous mix of Cece and Schmidt, amd if we’re being honest a touch of Jess. Sadly, I kinda wish we had more loft babies at the same age to see what offsprings of the core roomies would be like. Speaking of babies, isnt Winston’s baby due any minute now??
  9. Gah. Any version of Snart is my favorite. I hope that Wentworth decides to comes back someday, Captain Cold has become my favorite DC character. I actually had to stop watching Legends, it just wasnt the same without him. I did love him as Barry’s equal. He never seemed like a team member, under Barry so to speak. It made me wish even more that he was permanentely on Team Flash....his goodbyes to Team Flash were sweet. The puns, oh I think I’ll miss them the most. I actually like Frost/Caitlyn’s split personality. I hope Caitlyn powers back up. I hate that all the males have special abilities and the ladies dont. Let’s spread the wealth, shall we?
  10. Yikes. I hope with whatever is going on,I hope at bare minimum they’re working towards keeping actors and stunt people safe. I’m really bummed about this story. I like the wacky, crazy, over the top stunts of the once a week “movie” we get with this show. And with the craziness that Hilarie Burton dealt with on OTH, you would think that if there were shenanigans on this set, she wouldnt have returned to the show.... Do Clayne and Damon really not get along? If that’s true, I’m also bummed out. Their actors really sell their banter-y relationship.
  11. Sooo, are we thinking they wiped out the Time Loop? Or is it still in motion? Robin said the World was going to be destroyed soon, but if Ruby was killed, was she the real Destroyer of Worlds so its done? Or does Fitz’s theory of time mean that the World is still going to bust open even though Ruby was killed? Coulson still has to die (according to future YoYo). Deke showed Daisy footage of her running in somewhere wearing her Quake outfit. She was by herself. Ugh, I hate loops. And Fitz’s theory is looming large.
  12. That was kinda dark. I also think it was a misdirect....Creel still has the gravitorium, there’s still 92% of it in the case. Me thinks the world still isnt saved. Plus, the time loop isnt right, right? Deke had footage of Daisy running somewhere by herself. Coulson is still alive. Fitz, Simmons, YoYo and May were no where near the lighthouse. Deke is assumably still around. The gravitorium has to get to the Lighthouse bc thats how they stablize the gravity while its in space. I did like that they were being proactive by making sure the Zephyr could fly in space. They should be hiding weapons everywhere. AND leaving themselves help like what happened in the past, how they failed, how to survive Kassius. Hated almost all the Deke fawning over Daisy stuff, except the lemon line. That I thought was kinda sweet, and I laughed as Mack and Coulson told him to leave the lemon on her bed for sure. But as a Daisy/Robbie shipper I still hope Dasiy/Deke goes no where. Plus, Daisy has her hands full with being in charge. Loved every May and Daisy scene. Loved that it was them against a bunch of Hydra goons and they kicked ass. If we’re moving towards next season, I hope we see Daisy and May as partners. They compliment each other well. Shit looks like its going to hit the fan next week. Too bad Daisy cant call in some friends to help *coughHunterBobbyMikePetersoncough* A girl can hope right...
  13. I thought she was referring to the Neuro guy, who now I can’t think of his name. I hope its not Matthew, I think thats totally not fair of April to chase after leaving him at the alter. Plus, Matthew is super vulerable with everything thats going on with him and Ruby.
  14. I wonder if the Chief was there bc someone told him how that female Captain feels about Andy. I wish they had made Andy’s attempt harder to see for us as the audience. It was so easy for us to see, it was hard to believe they couldnt see. I did like that she refused to leave a victim behind. I get why they yelled at Andy, bc as the Captain she has to make the hard calls. Although, I wonder what they would have said to Andy if she had returned without the victim... I liked that Vic finally said something. You would think a fear of fire might be a common occurence with Firefighters after some of the crazy fires they deal with. All the same, I like that they instantly came up with a plan to help her. I wish the cop would give Andy some space. Or slow down at least, he’s coming off clingy and I dont want him to be. Im rooting for him, so I wish he’s back off just a bit.
  15. Omg. This episode, I was lauging constantly. I loved that Mere was in charge (all hail the future chief of surgery) and that she taught Jo. She has really has come into her own. Although, she should have picked a sober someone to stay with all the high doctors. Loved Alex. We sure did get a lot of him today. Actually, I dont know how these actors got through this episode with a straight face. Everyone was hilarious. Jo trying to stay serious when she realized Bailey was high? Classic. Poor DeLuca, I felt really bad for him. I wonder if this had happened when the Fab Five were interns, who would have been the one to try and complete the contest high. Probably Izzie...lol. Not surprised they went with Avery sexually harassing women. Im really interested to see how it plays out. Im guessing Katherine is going to take the fall to protect Jackson.
  16. I thought Winston said “little lady” instead of the baby. Either way, I was dying. The Three Men and a Baby/Lady series are two of my favorite (yet ridiculous) movies I could rewatch whenever. If this season wasnt seven episodes long, I wish we’d see Nick, Winston and Schmidt on an adventure with Ruth. Loved the song at the end, I wonder how many times they had to do the scene with Ruth before they nailed it. Winston finally got to sing the song with someone! I laughed a lot this episode. I love when they just get to be ridiculous with each other. I wish that the girls hadnt been separated almost the whole show. I want to have lots of scenes with the core five together. Think we’ll see one last True American game before the end of the show?
  17. I love the idea of Joe’s Bar, just because in the early seasons, didn’t it almost become Alex’s bar when Joe got sick? Or at the very minimum, how close Alex and Joe at one point were. Plus, we could get an update on their little family. Didn’t Joe and his husband adopt twins?
  18. I kinda liked Owen reflecting on Matthew raising Ruby on his own and realizing maybe he doesnt need a significant other to do it. I especially like the Fostering move. There are hundreds of kids who need good homes. However, He is friends with Meredith though right? Because even though her children are phantom on this show, she’s doing that too. Maybe we’ll get a single parent’s club night out of it. Man, I did have some tears tonight. Kinnie’s story, Sam’s story, they got me. I hope they reached others too. Jo kills me. She is definitely a planner. Im going to predict the Harper Avery business is going to be about sexual harassment/sex. We’ve had current events this season, I think we’re about to see #metoo reflected on the show too...
  19. I’m surprised they didnt make enough considering the whole debacle with Rey and the lack of Females on the Star Wars merchandise. Even Leia didn’t make the cut. After The Force Awakens I was hunting for any female Star Wars shirt for myself and my nieces. Nada. After the mini-uproar, I can find Star Wars shirts with females on them, at least in kids size for my nieces. I’ve been disappointed in the lack of Black Panther Merchandise too. I want a Black Panther shirt with the ladies on it. Although I have seen Black Panther Dolls being held by little boys when I’ve been out and about. I was waiting to get my nails done and this little boy was sitting in the waiting area fighting invisible bad guys with his. Something as simple as a young boy playing with a doll definitely caused me to tear up.
  20. That line in the trailer was the first time I felt the actor had a “Solo” reaction. I definitely laughed hard. I LOVE that we have a “female” droid. I say that gender identification loosely (Can robots have genders? I know their voices help the audience identify them one way but they’re robots sooooo) but I was super pumped by that.
  21. I watch the actor's accounts a lot right now for spoilers on instagram, and on Elizabeth's from last night, she was recording on set when someone jumped off the camera and said "you can't show me!" It was a male's voice but it was too dark to see. To which Elizabeth laughed, flipped the camera back to her and Natalia and they both shouted "spoilers." Elizabeth and Chloe had been Instagraming all day also showing Fitz, Agent Davis, Piper and Elena. They said it had been a 13 hour day together so Im assuming they shot with just each other. Ming-Na spoiled BJ Britt's return last season on Instagram when suddenly he showed up in all her videos around the time they were taping The Framework, so I'm guessing between one of them(including Chloe or Jeff), someone is going to spoil something. I did not recognize the voice. It was probably Brett Dalton. I'm just kidding, it did not sound like him at all.
  22. I thought they forgot about the professor. Wasn't the last scene of that episode the Gravitonium making a shape? I always thought he was supposed to be the big bad at the end of the season but then Captain American's Winter Soldier happened. I think a lot of the show was dictated to the writers. A lot of Thor stuff, Winter Soldier really affected the show.
  23. Thanks! So we've can probably assume Hale/Ruby are officially second tier villains to Dr Hall/Graviton. I'm going to double-down on FitzSimmons and Daisy having to team up to take him down. Dr Hall was Daisy's first undercover work. Dr Hall taught FitzSimmons. The original babies of Shield taking on the big bad, I like it. Not that I want this show canceled, but if it was, it would have been a fantastic surprise if they had gotten RDJ or another Avenger to pop in for the final finale. I remember reading interviews when Agents of Shield first started of the movie actors saying they would guest on AoS if asked.
  24. I like that idea too. Because the team is really fractured and they’re all searching out answers to their own agendas. Robin said Coulson figures out all the pieces. Now, its really bothering me. Do you think we have all the pieces yet? 1) Gravitonium is either alive or has the memories from Dr Hall. By the way, I cannot believe they’re pulling from season one for this. I looked it up, this starts in episode THREE. Anyways, we know at some point the Gravitonium ends up in the Lighthouse because it is used as the way to give the Lighthouse gravity in the future. Is Gravitonium a villian in the Marvel comics? 2) Whitehall wants to make a Destroyer of Worlds-makes no sense but hey, lets destroy the planet you live on. FitzSimmons and YoYo go after the machine. Also three of the four people we see in the future still alive. I’m assuming that the machine does work, and falls back into Hydra’s hands. Or someone’s hands. 3) Creel is a test subject-Im assuming to see what the Gravitonium does to a person. But we saw with Quinn. You’re absorbed. 4) Deke showed us footage of Daisy running into some place before the earth fractured while they were in his space “bar”-She was wearing her Quake outfit, wasnt she? So, we can assume the good guys get the machine, Hydra comes after it, Earth fractures? I wonder when the break in the time loop happens, if our heroes will know? Something like Deke disappearing. Ive been kinda wondering if the solution to our problem we’ve already seen. What if to solve the fracture Fitz needs to build something similar to how he built the thing for the crack to another world, and Daisy needs to use her powers to seal it. They would have to bridge their fracture somehow. I also wonder if breaking the time loop sends our heroes back to the cafe they started this whole mess at. If someone dies, would they be there at the cafe? And if its back to the cafe, that also means Hale is going to be right there to scoop them up. Out of the fire, back into Hydra. Or would they have their memories? It would be curious if they didnt bc that would mean Fitz is a ticking time bomb of split personalities. Or, would they just keep moving from that moment on of the break of the time loop?
  25. I wonder if they just dont have the money for the actor Nick Blood bc there is no way Hunter would willingly sit this out. Especially since he knew Fitz was tracking down the rest of the Agents, if Daisy just appeared Hunter would be gearing up to help. He is practically as loyal as Fitz is to those he loves. Its a real bummer he cant be involved. I think Deke is playing the long game, of making friends and allies. He knows he’s not well liked. Everyone made it super clear in space what they think of him. I think he’s grasping at straws, trying to make those human connections. He had (some) power and influence in space, and now he has next to none. He’s also the grandson of FitzSimmons, and I’m sure he’s gathered how liked they were and how much his mother spoke of them. I think he’s trying to gain some ground while learning about his grandparents.
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