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Everything posted by SnoGirl

  1. Random thought, I really love the silver gem-stone like frame on the stage and that they keep changing its colors.
  2. Loved the montage. Loved that Wonder Woman appeared during the section about “dreaming.” Damn right.
  3. Ugh, I did mean Talbot. Lol, I have no idea why I typed that. Do you think we have these random aliens in Shield bases because they couldn’t get Patton to play a Koenig? Because as they were walking around the base, I was kinda disappointed it wasnt one of them. But then at the end happy, because the alien died pulling a Steve Rogers and jumping on the bomb. After sleeping on the episode, I’m kinda curious how Ruby got both of YoYo’s arms. Its not like she runs with her arms both in front of her at the same time....I hope the next episode has Fitz working on replacements. I wonder if he’s going to have issues designing something that has to withstand super sonic movements. YoYo has super speed AND robot arms? Can you imagine the things she’ll be able to do??
  4. Dang. They definitely “gotcha”-ed me a couple of times. Was super surprised (and disappointed) by Piper. I wish they had shown how desparate she was and that’s why she turned them in. I’m really interested to see what they do with her. Its like Ward 2.0 but she flipped back to Shield. Who predicted Deke making it through the time jump bc nice job! I thought it was enduring that he hugged the tree, and was proud of how close his opium den bar was to the real thing. I’m going to chalk up his naive way of paying on him being drunk not just on alcohol, but on his excitement on being on Earth. So now I want to know, where is Hunter and Robin and her mother? Wouldnt they still be in the LightHouse on a different floor? Bc this is going to become a glaring time traveling hole if they dont resolve it. Also, when we were behind the jogger, I was saying “man, is that Creel?!” I was delighted to be right. Wonder who else is going to be on the team...I hope its more characters from Shield’s past! And Taggert is still alive but in a coma! He must have one tough noggin.
  5. I think the best part of that entire Twitter exchange is RDJ’s Twitter picture. They havent started selling tickets for the May opening yet, have they? I used to work at a Movie Theater and they started seling tickets for big summer movies back in March when they could....
  6. It was in the first episode. I can’t remember the exact wording, but I think someone asked him if he had gotten into a fight and he told them it was a birthmark. I wonder what issue is going to drive Abby and Buck apart. Like, is the issue of having kids is what is going to drive Buck and Abby apart? Or does one want to get serious while the other doesnt. I would be super surprised if Abby and Buck were end game, but pleasantly surprised. How many shows have an older woman and younger man in a relationship? I like it. I wouldnt mind if Abby ended up with Bobby either.
  7. Err, crap? If they have Coulson and May kiss and then kill him off, I’m rioting. I still think they’re going to have Coulson take over the Ghost Rider mantle but now I’m concerned. What other ship is there? FitzSimmons is together (who, I hope if they ever get married they smash their names together for their last name). Mack and Elena are together. Unless its a surprise like Daisy and Robby, they have to be talking about May/Coulson.
  8. If you follow Ritter on Instagram, she’s been posting videos on the snapchat video part of it, she’s starting to post Jessica Jones videos. Im sure the videos are just teasers and not from the show, but I was surprised. I normally just check-in on her knitting videos so it was a fun twist.
  9. And the show highlights why I think bachelor/ette parties are super lame and never live up to their crazy high expectations. I did like the end of the show where Randall, Kevin and Toby came together, just as Beth and Kate took some steps together. I wasnt sure where the anniversary celebration story was going with thr Vegas party, but I like how it came together at the end. The show can do subtle if it really wants (instead of the emotional sledgehammer it normally does). Deja’s story kills me. I really thought no tears until I saw she was in the car.
  10. I’m watching this on Netflix, and the knitter/crocheter in me is dying because they totally have Addy wearing the Katniss Everdeen cowl under her sleeveless leather coat. I really want to know which pattern/maker they used because it looks like it has a hood and I have not seen a pattern like that. Out of all the ridiculous things on this show, I want to know whose house they ranksacked for Addy to find that and even moreso, why no one is fighting with knitting needles. Lol.
  11. Not unpopular. I liked Season 2 better too. There were some real consequences in Season 2 as well that I liked. However, Season 1 had some killer lines which I try to use whenever I can.
  12. Rey Kenobi has been my pet theory since they used both actor’s voices in The Force Awakens during her scene. And once again, having a Kenobi stop a Skywalker is also something that I would just love, I like when stories circle back to their origins. Plus, Kenobi was a fox. And human, there’s no way he was perfect 100% of the time.
  13. But at some point he wont be. Because he’s dead. If he did travel the the future, how did he do it? I’m guessing he waited with Hunter and Bobbi in the LightHouse with Robin before the shit hit the fans. Which makes you think where those two went when the Earth ripped. We never saw any signs of either of them in the future.
  14. Soooooo, Coulson is dying/will be the new Ghost Rider and Deke was pulled through the stone? Kinda wish Enoch was pulled through too so FitzSimmons could save him. I did like that an alien was part of the team. Would Deke also technically be an alien since he was not born on Earth? So, the problem I have with the Time Travel is...are we going to see Deke disappear when they save the Earth? Because technically would he exist if the Earth didnt rip apart? Another guy to fade out of Daisy’s life, this time literally? I have liked her and Robby the best so I really hope he returns before Agents end. Also, bummed the theories of “whose child is this” with Deke didnt pan out with anyone. Kinda bummed they picked another white actor with dark hair if he wasnt supposed to be the center of speculation that he could be a child of someone on the team. Missed opportunity of lots of avenues.
  15. Ugh, Shaun White, why do you have to ruin this? I dont follow snowboarding unless its Olympic Season. What a bummer.
  16. On the Olympic Website, there is a sport which does not have woman listed under it for the competitions, and that’s the Nordic Combined. It only has Men individual, sprint, and team and then a mixed event. I’m by no means an Olympic expert, I was just planning an activity for class and I noticed as I went through their website. I dont know if its a mistake or not... Also, a lot of the events have different competitions where they’re not the same for men and woman (mainly the length of the races are shorter for women, or how there’s no four woman team for Bobsled). So, not 100% equal. I dont mind the comment because woman athlete’s still have to deal with comments like “Ledecky, the Phelps of Woman’s Swimming,” or how Chloe Kim was called the “female Shaun White” last night. Can we be awesome without the comparison?
  17. Same here! I was excited and pumped for him, but as soon as they showed him with his parents, I completely lost it. Tears were pouring out. Something just gets me when you see kids with their parents. Wow. Olympics, you are just so much fun. So, think Shaun’s retiring? Winning gold at 31 is definitely a great way to go out. I’ll be sad to have an Olympics without him. I’m also 31, so there’s not a lot of games I’ve watched without him....
  18. SnoGirl

    The Star Wars Saga

    I for one, would love to see a black female lead in Star Wars. Actually bring on ALL types of diversity to Star Wars. It literally makes no sense to me to not see diversity in space considering how diverse our planet is. I was seriously bummed that Lupita Nyong’o wasn’t a character who wasnt CGI. First, backtrack, I was bummed that Daisy was the only new female when they first talked about The Force Awakens. Then, when the females were added, I was bummed about Lupita’s character being CGI. I want diversity! I hope these new Star Wars movies have more, but with how Lilly White most of the main characters are on Game of Thrones, Im not holding out much hope. I do love Kelly Marie Tran. And Im so glad she was a character. Come on Disney. Do better.
  19. Im really confused what your point is. First you talk about how its not empowering for a woman to be a fighter. Then you switch to how men don’t look up to men who fight on tv shows but literally refer to every male action movie figure who are known for their fight movies. Then to how you hope young women have someone else to look up to than women who fight? I’m trying not to be offended by your points, but I think this is the last time I’m responding to them. I know woman’s value, and in a genre where men have been fight men for years, I’m excited for a show where women are not only valued for their intellect, but their ability to be the big damn heroes. I’m bringing this thread back on topic. I actually want to see Director Johnson. At this point, I think its been earned. I dont think May wants it, and Gemma would be a great second in command. And Elena would be top notch at leading the inhumans, she practically did it in space. I actually hope they have all the ladies in charge. Man, that would just rock.
  20. Representation matters. I think its super empowering to see Chloe, Ming Na, Adrianne, and Natalia kicking ass and taking names. Do I think someone who weighs 120 pounds and is trained to fight could take down a grown man? Hell YAS I do. Let’s break this stereotype that women are helpless, or can’t take a man. Maybe not throw them like rag dolls, but do some damage? Yes. If you know how to fight, you can hold your own. I think of Ming Na, who is 55 and has been doing a lot of her own stunts, whenever I run at the gym. If she can fight, I sure can run another half mile. And I have a lot of respect for stunt people, female or male. I love action movies/tv shows. I know it wouldnt be possible without them. Plus, the 12 and 13 year olds I work with talk about Daisy, May, Gemma and Elena all the time. They are blown away by them. These are the same girls who talk about Leia, Rey, Uhura, Hermione, Luna and Wonder Woman with the same regard. I’ll say it again. Representation matters. Plus, if you’re questioning the ladies(and making kinda a sexist remark), don’t leave out Coulson, Hunter, and Fitz. Because they’re tiny and I can hardly believe they could take anyone alone in a fight without help. Even Ward and Tripp weren’t huge guys. In fact, the only male I could literally see doing any damage is Mack. That’s why this is a super hero show. Watching people do the impossible. This show has always been about the underdogs, the unrepresented. If you can’t get behind that, maybe this show isnt for you. By the way, those links are the ladies talking about doing their own stunts. They might not do everything, but they definitely do a lot.
  21. I dont know about the curling scandal, but apparently a Canadian and Russian got into it in a cafeteria. Im guessing it had to do with the Russians doping. And in true Canadian form, they already (vaguely) apologized for the fight.
  22. I was shocked Red took Gold! He was in eleventh place before that run. Talk about showing some grit and laying it all out there. I hope some of our other younger athletes relax a bit now that someone from the USA broke through the medal barrier and have fun too.
  23. I liked that we were all in the past this episode. It was a nice break from the Big Three grieving in the present day. Even since Kevin said he was always on the outside, odd child out I cannot help but notice it. He was constantly on the outside of hugs, standing furthest from Rebecca. I applaud/cringe they’re continuously putting him as the odd child in the past. I’m not surprised they dropped the price on the car for Jack. I bought a new car, and without meaning to I had to take a moment bc the car I wanted was just outside my limit. My face gets real splotchy when I cry. I hid the tears, but the guys all knew I had been crying. The manager instantly dropped the price to below what I was hoping to pay. I know people say take “guys” car shopping, but those tears definitely worked in my favor. I hate that Jack never says no to Kate. He is setting Rebecca to be at odds with Kate. I also understand Kate’s guilt. My “superbowl” is a day in May, and even though its only been seven years (unlike Kate’s twenty) I still feel guilty I didnt walk into a friend’s room five minutes earlier. Guilt is an awful, powerful thing.
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