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Everything posted by SnoGirl

  1. I think Jude Law is a pretty decent actor, I think if he knew about Dumbledore and Grindlewald, I think he would respect that. Obviously referring to his moment as playing Watson in the last batch of Sherlock Homes movies isnt the same thing as a Dumbledore/Grindlewald’s relationship, but I thought Law played that relationship with Downey’s Holmes really well. I think he could do a really great job as Dumbledore. Unfortunately, I don’t know if he has the same relationship with Johnny Depp.
  2. All of the Memes and tweets from the game tonight are killing me. As a Packers fan, Im going to leave this one right here ?
  3. Well, they finally confirmed that Coulson is dying. So now I’m wondering from what. I thought it was going to be mundane, but I wonder if he’s body is rejecting the Kree. Which makes me wonder if Daisy is going to have problems too. I liked what Coulson said before he shot Daisy. “May taught you to fight, I taught you to lead.” We’re definitely leading up to Director Johnson. We’ve come a long way from our pain in the ass hacker in the back of a van. Yikes Fitz. It looks like Darkside Leo is still influencing Fitz. I hope he pulls back a little bit. I dont mind him defending and scheming, but that was an offensive move I dont feel confortable about. Granted, it was a brilliant move, but definitely stomach churning that it was Fitz doing it. I’m kinda bummed about Deke. I really thought he was going to give up who his parents are, but they went for the I did like that Deke fullfilled his parent’s war. He was the one that sent the Agents back. It was a nice surprise that he made the self-sacrifice play. Steve Rogers would be proud. Sad Mack and Elena had such a rough time here at the end. I cant even imagine what poor Elena went through. Killed, brought back and used her blood to make inhumans. They were all her children, pieces and parts of her all over that Lighthouse. And they had to leave behind Flint. Ugh. That’s awful. Not my favorite season, but I did like a lot of character beats. If this is the last season, especially with Coulson having to die, I hope we get to see some fan favorites in the last part of this season.
  4. I agree. I’m only throwing YoYo’s name out there bc of how Kasius said her name when he sees her and Mack in the timeline we’re watching live. Really, there could be a lot of fun reveals. It could be the Professor who got sucked into the Gravitorium. It could be Reyes, he seems to bounce around dimensions, why not be captured by Kasius? Who knows all the powers the Ghost Rider has. I wish we would have gotten an Easter Egg with this storyline like facemask of The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen on display in one of Kasius’ rooms, or something of Jessica’s or Luke’s just sitting out to acknowledge the other shows without really actively referencing them.
  5. Gah. There’s starting to be too much hype. If its YoYo or Ward, I’m not going to be shocked. BTW, with the term “shocked” I immediately thought of Lincoln, but he’s on another show now right?
  6. Hahaha, I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought that. I was so damn distracting how tall she was. I teared up when we saw flashbacks of George, Derek and Callie. It was good use of the flashbacks. It was eerie knowing Bailey was seeing her life flash before her eyes and no one was helping her. I did not like being at a different hospital. I know it was for Drama! and to save some money on a bottle episode, but it was frustrating when Maggie and the Chief ended up there anyways. I hope Bailey becomes friends with the woman with a broken leg. We dont have to see them together, but it would be nice to see Bailey reference going out for drinks or trying something new with her.
  7. All those pictures look amazing! People are speculating that Beyoncé is either in the movie or is singing some songs on the soundtrack because of how she dressed for the Grammy’s. I think it would be a fun for a couple surprises in this movie knowing we’re not getting other Marvel Cameos. I cant wait to go see this. The last couple Marvel movies (Strange, Thor, Guardians) I waited to see but Im pretty sure I’ll be in on opening weekend for Black Panther. People are saying this is a movie you want to see with a crowd!
  8. That blond guy? Have we seen him before? This is the spoiler thread so spill away ? I always get overly happy when Nick Blood posts instagram pictures with actors from Agents of Shield bc I always hope that means he’ll be back. He just posted a pic with Iain at Disneyland. Fingers crossed that means we’ll see Hunter again soon!
  9. I was looking at the article...is Dove Cameron wearing a shirt with the Zephyr on it?
  10. Agents of Shield Fans shocked by Kasius' Seer Nothing is really super spoiled in the article, just talking to the actors who place Mack and YoYo about who the Seer is (they don't tell us) and how shocked we'll be. If this is Ward, I'm going to flip a table. Please let it be Yo-Yo. Please let it be anyone else. If it's Ward, wouldn't it mean that he's alive, somewhere in the past time? Ugh, I just had a thought. What if its Hive?
  11. Right? If anyone comes back, I want it to be Robbie Reyes or Mike Peterson. Or if they want to keep the budget down, figure out a way to bring back Triplett since they obviously need another fighter since May is hurt. Have Reyes bring Trip back with him from somewhere. Boom, you’re welcome Agents of Shield writers. No more Ward.
  12. This episode kinda dragggggggggged on and on. I wanted to see some action but I felt like it was all build-up. Daisy’s fight with Sinara was quite the knock down drag out fight. I liked that Daisy struggled against the Kree without her powers. It highlighted how strong the Kree really are. Loved FitzSimmons chat about the time loop. I like that the writers are acknowledging the loop and that we’re going to have some issues resolving it. Does Fitz’s theory mean we dont have free will? There was a lot of Gravitorium tonight. I wonder if Daisy mixes with it that’s why she goes boom and rips the Earth. I wonder if thats how they beat Kasius, playing with the Gravitorium on the Lighthouse. I’m surprised they left people on Earth. All the Earth survivors went into the caves right? I think Kasius has old Yoyo. I wonder if over time bc she can move so fast, if she can time travel. She might be another key in cracking out of the time loop. I also was waiting for Robby to appear, all of Kasius’ “I am a GOD” speeches, I wanted Robby to pop in and say “I am a real God” and tear through him. I’m glad Tess has been un-fridged, but I dont trust her one bit. Zombies arent truly what they were right?
  13. No way. I’d have to see an article of proof on that one. How on earth would they bring him back? Not as an LMD right? Admittedly, I follow a bunch of Shield Agents Actors on Instagram. I dont know what the shooting schedules are but after the Framework series Chloe did post some Insta videos with Brett working out. It was fall-ish bc I remembering thinking “did she just spoil a Ward return???” I was just hoping it was two friends working out more than anything else...
  14. I was in middle school in 1998, and my family was around the same socio-economics as the Pearson’s. I was still making mixed tapes and recording the radio in 1998. I had CD’s too, but we didnt have the technology or the know how to make music tapes any other way. Have we seen a computer in their household?
  15. I think we’ll end up seeing a scene with Kevin at Jack’s gravestone. We havent seen it, and I’m assuming jts bc they were trying not to show his deathdate. I know. I was lamenting the fact that it was on Sunday, and wondering why Super Bowl couldnt be on Saturday, then we could stay up and watch it without working the next day. I loved the scene of the older woman watching Kevin. I loved how the woman kept joining in too.
  16. Same here. Why isnt the Super Bowl on a Saturday night again? I’ll be DVRing This is Us.
  17. I actually can’t wait for Jack’s death so we can finally move past Saint Jack. I wont mind seeing him in flashbacks but let’s move on from this mystery. I want to see the siblings and Rebecca heal and move on.
  18. Gah. I’m a rescue dog parent so the scenes with Toby pining over dogs online, Kate going to the shelter really got me. I had a similar experience as Kate, where I didnt think I could really do it, but here I am four years later with the best mutt on the planet. I started crying when she left Audio, and then I really started crying when it was clear she had brought him home. I’m so GLAD Kevin got his necklace back. I’m kinda irratated that he had to send her a letter to get it back, but I’m glad she did the right thing and returned it. I started crying again during this scene. My Mom and I usually spend This is Us sending texts about Jack “about to die” watch. When he threw the towel by the slow cooker, my phone exploded. Slow cooker fires are one of my biggest fears and that fire went up quick. I’ll be checking my fire alarms tonight...
  19. I do too. Daisy’s always been an act first actions be damned Agent. I always thought that came from her training from Ward and her loyalty to her family. To be honest, if I had her powers, I’d be charging up too. I could see how YoYo could fail in an uprising, how long would it take for an alien to notice her bounce-back pattern? But Daisy? I think she could have terrifyingly destructive. I actually wonder if she could have accidentally killed herself by blowing a hole in the Lighthouse and being sucked out into space. I dont know why people are holding Deke accountable to our Moral rules. He was born into a dystopia. Its literally kill or be killed. He never knew a somewhat just Earth. Do I think what he did was shitty? Yep. Would I like to say I would try to have some sort of moral compass in his type of situation? Who knows. I would like to think I would. I do think in his own twisted way, Deke was trying to help Daisy find Gemma and protect the rest of the Lighthouse (and his Framework Den). Do I wish Tess hadnt been space fridged? Yep. I would choose her over Deke any day. However, Deke isnt a character I hate, just one that’s boring. He reminds me of bland Ward.
  20. Please let it be set in the 90s! We have some great 80s shows, but this would be fantastic if they left it in the 90s. Unless they’re going to be the kids of the original Ducks or something of that sort. Can Bombay at least make an appearance? I’m already hooked, I hope its a good show. Lol.
  21. This is the problem with time travel and loops. I wish this had been an alternative universe story. You’re right, my theory doesnt work bc of the loops. My thinking was: 1)travel back in time with Flint before the earth ripping happens 2)Flint rips Earth. Sets in motion the storyline BUT. Would Flint cease to exist if he travels back in time? If they leave him behind, would the Earth still rip? And would our heroes then relive the Earth ripping know what they need to change? And the loop still doesnt work because we need the original earth destruction for it to set things in motion. And now my brain hurts. I still think Deke is a Hunter/Bobby offspring. But how did Robin get on the plane with May, FitzSimmons and other random Agents of Shield? Did something happen to Hunter that he wasnt on the plane with them?
  22. Im kinda concerned about Flint. He can control rocks. The Earth is one massive rock. I’m starting to think maybe the simplest explanation is what happened, Flint destroys the Earth, not Daisy. Im assuming like everyone else, Flint puts the Monolith back together and they bring him with bc there’s no way YoYo and Mack can leave behind another child. Something happens, and Flint snaps. Mack and Daisy try to stop him. I liked the idea that Robin screwed with the timeline. She’s the reason why they were snatched out of the dinner. Maybe her power isnt seeing the past and future, maybe its that she disrupts timelines. Powers that are needed rather than random? If time is fixed, they needed something to disrupt it.
  23. I loved everything that was Jo. I’ve always really liked her, and I’m glad everyone was supportive. I did want to see a scene of someone telling Bailey about Jo’s ex. I wanted it to be Jo. I dont know which scene I liked better. Alex trying to find Jo and his relief when she said she was safe in Mere’s gallery. Mere telling Jo she believed her story. Jo talking to the fiancé and her body language saying everything Jo was saying was true. I’m kinda frustrated about the hit and run. Alex is screwed, I really hope they have a story proving their innocence than we went straight home. They should have gone to Mere’s after that shift. They should have gotten drunk at Joe’s after that shift.
  24. I wish this show was playing the long con, or pulling a Leverage. I think they missed a real opportunity this episode to show how smart Team Flash was. In the moment when Iris and Barry spoke in the courtroom, I wish they pulled a flashback to when Iris and Barry got the knife and have them put together how DeVoe was going to frame Barry. We could see a moment where they tell Captain Sighn about their plan and that Barry is the Flash. He doesnt like it but he agrees. We see Team Flash plotting together. They dont know why DeVoe wants Barry in jail, but they begrudgingly decide its the best plan. Cecile offers to be his lawyer, knowing she has to do a shitty job to convince DeVoe they dont know whats going on. We flashfoward to Iris comforting Barry and promises him to keep him up to date in jail. They kiss, and Barry sits back down. I hate in a team of super smart people, they are constantly playing defense, except occasionally Cisco with the suits. I know the Thinker is super smart, but come on. They need a criminal on the team who thinks in more shades of gray than Team Flash. Maybe they could gain some ground faster with the big bads. Arent they supposed to use that machine fighting the Thinker? Why havent they played with it yet? Man I really hope Iris throws down. I want her to take down the Thinker more than I want Barry to.
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