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Everything posted by tessaray

  1. Monk was such a good show. Lucky you, seeing it for the first time. πŸ™‚
  2. That was how I felt through most of it. So much potential - so badly executed. ☺️ I could be persuaded to give it another go if word of mouth is better in S2.
  3. I'm okay with the Rosa mystery but I wish they had spent the first few episodes making me care more about Max and Liz as a couple. It just played out so strangely with Max looking like an obsessed stalker at times. Maybe the next episode will fix that but I feel like the writers took for granted that they could lay out all their other plots first and then get back to them whenever.
  4. And the detail is back for me, with the content choices at the top instead of the side again. Thank you!
  5. I try not to complain (too much) when layouts change but like the previous poster, I don't like the recent change to the Manage Followed Content. I found the extra info on last poster or topic extremely helpful. (The name and date of when a topic was created is wasted display space, IMO.)
  6. tessaray

    All Episodes Talk

    So, Kelsey Grammer seems to be dropping a lot of revival/reboot hints again. Not sure how I feel about it but I'd probably watch it anyway. https://parade.com/854277/lindsaylowe/happy-birthday-kelsey-grammer-is-a-frasier-reboot-actually-happening/
  7. Debuts March 18, 2019 The show, co-written by O.J. Simpson prosecutor Marcia Clark, centers on Maya Travis (Robin Tunney), an L.A. district attorney who suffers a devastating defeat when prosecuting an A-list actor for double murder. After laying low, she is lured back into the DA’s office after the same man is under suspicion for another murder eight years later. (Deadline) UPDATE: This topic has been spoiler tagged, as single topics will contain spoilers if posters are not up to date with the most current episode. True spoilers should still be hidden with spoiler tags.
  8. Jace is a lost cause. He's sad for a nano-second about mutant kids being targeted - until his creepy Purifier buddy gets killed by a mutant. While Reed sort of went overboard, the guy was trying to kill him and he wouldn't have stopped. When you're being hunted down by genocidal lunatics, you should just be polite and an honorable good sport? When the other guy has an assault weapon and SWAT teams for backup? I'm not really sure where this show goes from here. They seem to have written themselves into a corner. In particular, the Mutant Underground is pretty much non-existent and in no shape to fight a war. Mutants are beaten down and on the run - how do they figure into demand for a homeland when they have no power? What little is left is about to be obliterated if Reeva starts bringing down buildings full of innocent civilians. I have a soft spot for Marco and Lorna, so I'm glad they are reunited. I wish Andy had decided against leaving the Inner Circle though, the Strucker siblings are still creepy.
  9. I just figured someone on the other end was transcribing. But it was weird.
  10. K is for Roseanne's bad knee, which dominates S10.
  11. The expiration date was a clever twist and not something I saw coming, so that's a plus. And Grace is pregnant, so my Ben/Saanvi ship stays afloat a bit longer, also a plus. But if this season is a model for the next 4, I don't see myself coming back. The domestic drama and tiresome triangles are just too much to wade through for such a tiny bit of pay-off.
  12. The writing has studiously avoided the Frosts checking out Lorna, which is why I keep coming back to Esme deliberately avoiding it to protect Lorna. Though if true, them letting Sage die is pretty brutal.
  13. I was listening to Gretchen Rubin's Happier podcast a few days ago and they were discussing clutter and the endowment effect (which is the way your brain ascribes more value to something once you own it, making it harder to get rid of it). I'd heard of the effect before but this time I realized that it could be one reason KonMari works for so many is that the question of sparking joy kind of short circuits that whole mental process. It gently devalues the object in question because if something doesn't spark joy, why would we want to keep it? I have a laundry room clutter problem and it's funny, yesterday I was hanging up stuff from the dryer and my eyes were idly scanning the hanging rack, saying no joy, no joy, no joy... πŸ™‚ Which is a major shift from "ugh, I don't want to go through those clothes and decide what to keep".
  14. Thanks. Just wanted to add that I just accessed the site using a Chromebook and it did the same thing but in this case the browser was originally set at 125% and when I clicked it to 110%, it behaved the same as above. So it appears to just be reducing the zoom that activates the layout shift.
  15. I'm not sure why there isn't a new episode on 2/19 since the big 4 networks all have new shows. Even PBS is new but the CW is reruns.
  16. So, I've been defaulting to the Follows a lot of the time because I like being able to see when and who was the last poster but I'm trying to figure out why I can only see it now if I put my browser window at 90%. On Windows 7 it's the same with Chrome (latest), Firefox (kinda old) and Opera (latest). The first graphic is the 90% version. Note: I installed Ghostery (in Chrome/Firefox - Opera has it built in more or less) recently for the anti-tracking, so I see in IE it looks normal at 100%. Does that mean I need to choose?
  17. I'm willing to give Max the benefit of the doubt for a bit longer. We don't know how the aliens process emotions and the events of 10 years ago obviously ended in trauma for a lot of people. If humans can still be dealing with the fallout, why not the aliens too? That said, it can be a bit cringe-y to watch.
  18. My husband likes to explain what everyone is doing wrong (or right, on occasion) whenever I wander into the room when he's watching. It is fascinating, the logic underlying the games. If I ever got on the show, I'd forget all the strategy under the glare of the camera so I don't worry about. πŸ™‚
  19. This post is a test. But since you're here, the last thing I saw on my local PBS station was the Miami episode with the Calder mobile. It was pretty cool.
  20. All during the first season I was waiting for Jace to see the light and now I just hate the sight of him. Any episode he is in is sure to be an orgy of over the top violence. On this show, that's saying a lot. Poor Clarice indeed. I'm not sure what that swirl of purple was, though. Was it her body disintegrating? Is Esme protecting Lorna?
  21. Crap. Jace is back? I guess The Flash just moved up in the to-watch queue. I'm not ready to deal with Clarice's demise (I like her, dammit!) and Jace both.
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