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Everything posted by tessaray

  1. Which is actually in character for Jason, so I can't complain on that front. But SM and SB are not the strongest actors on their own. Together? Not looking forward to that. But who knows? Maybe it will work. 🤷‍♀️
  2. What would make more sense is that all her assets were frozen due to Nik going full Cassadine and hiring shady lawyers to get his life and his money back. But that would take a halfway decent recast and writers who were up to the task. Also, doesn't she have any dirty Jerome money stashed away?
  3. So, basically a mini mid-life crisis? Understandable. I wish him well and hope he makes lots of money offscreen, gives up acting and lives HEA.
  4. I don't have an opinion on Emma yet but she deserves a little time to settle in. But I agree with other comments that they need a bad boy thrown into the mix. (Maybe Isaiah has a younger brother?) It's weird that the current crop of kids is so wholesome. In real life that would be great but on a soap full of messed up parents?
  5. Do we know what exactly Brennan is going to do with Valentin once he finds him? They've been partners and rivals. I can't imagine the WSB wants any of their past going public. Side note: I wish JPS would either stay or go. Valentin isn't so compelling a character that I'm grateful for the times he's on and I don't usually miss him when he's gone.
  6. I'm only halfway thru but surprisingly, I'm liking it too. It's different enough that it's more like a theatrical version vs. the high brow director's cut. 🙂
  7. Just Disney+ in the US.
  8. I saw the existing trailer on NCIS last night, which surprised me a little. But in a good way.
  9. The passport is the least problematic - for adults they are issued for 10 years, so she very well could have a current one. But everything else, yeah. They don't have to be realistic but a line here or there would help a lot. How hard would it be to have Lulu tell Laura thanks and she'll pay her back? Or even have a pill bottle in her purse?
  10. Aww... poor Trev. But yay! for Anita getting a great new job. Not too much of a plot but I'm a fan of episodes where the slow path or the long way around plays a part.
  11. The timing at least is insanely stupid. There is so much going on with Lulu awake, Lucky back, mysterious deaths at GH, newfound Scorpios, double adultery at the Q mansion - all stories that could use some layers and longer scenes. Instead we get yet another retcon shoehorned in. I'd ask why but we all know why. They want to keep Gio and the most boring couple in daytime needs some drama that doesn't require them to actually do anything dramatic. Eta: I'm truly glad that GH is pretty watchable right now. If Gio is the price, it isn't the worst thing this show has ever done.
  12. So, Jason's potential pairings are Robin's sister or Robin's mother? I'd almost rather see him with Carly.
  13. Well, who would have thought? The show decided to throw its critics a bone and acknowledge Willow's issues. (Thanks, lurking intern, whoever you are.) Other than that, the stuff that should have been cute or dramatic fell flat for me. Jordan was better fully clothed making faces at Drew yesterday than naked, wrapped in a towel trapped with Isaiah in the steam room. (OTOH, he did look remarkably fit. 🙂) Jason/Sasha and Jason/Tracy felt like filler. Drew/Curtis was underwhelming, they both are annoying. And Joss running into Cam and Gretchen on their way out of town - all I could think was that means no more Webber/Spencer family scenes. Boo.
  14. Not too long ago Molly and TJ mentioned being together 10 years. They started dating as teenagers - 15 or 16? So mid to late twenties would be canon, if they ever stuck to anything specifically mentioned onscreen.
  15. I didn't even recognize Karla Mosley. She was never very energetic her last few years on B&B. It appears they totally wasted her.
  16. I'm not sure who the character is who cleared the desk with the putter but she's now my favorite. 🙂
  17. I wondered who the guy was. I was looking down at my phone, so only caught a quick glimpse. So, did Sidwell figure out Holly took one diamond from his bag of rocks or is he just stalking her family for fun? Yawn. (Though I am a little ticked off, hasn't Sasha been thru enough?)
  18. She said possession was 9/10ths of the law (re custody). A normal saying but yeah, not a great look for her.
  19. I thought Dex had story potential away from Joss but if they are clearing the decks he's obviously low-hanging fruit. I'm sorry EH lost his job though. That's never fun. It figures that now Michael is on the way out, he does something interesting like letting Willow and the kids go. It has to be the most mature thing he's done in ages ever? I'm dreading Lulu finding out that Anna shot Charlotte. (Which Dante just had the perfect opportunity to bring up.) Like the scene with Nina, it will only remind me of why the character needed a rest in the first place.
  20. No one remembers Rory? Not that she was into him as much as he was into her but it was a shock at the time.
  21. Because it's not like he's rabid about attorney-client privilege or anything. (Still bitter about how easily he gave up Nina.)
  22. It would be very Laura to have all of Lulu's things in storage. And to have sent her assistant to Target for a prepaid cell. But Lulu really should be physically fragile. I get that she's spunky but sheesh. They could have at least written a few weeks of pt. I was disappointed today - I so wanted to see the look on her face when she heard about Nina and Sonny. 🙂
  23. It kinda looked like it. I don't actually like Jex but they make for easy FF material and I appreciate that.
  24. While I hate that Cyrus is really guilty, my theory is that he's BSC and keeping Lulu in a coma, moving her to SC is due to his mommy and Laura issues. (Lulu being a Laura substitute. ) Killing Sam is just anger at her potentially helping Lulu to escape his clutches? 🤷‍♀️ I don't know... it makes as much sense as anything else.
  25. I've never seen more than 2 or 3 minutes myself but evidently people can be very passionate about various spokespeople and products. (There used to be forums here for Shopping Channels - it could get very fractious.) If certain viewers liked old Lois, I can see them boycotting fake-sounding Lois.
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