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Everything posted by tessaray

  1. I vote for Willow's DID name(s) to be tree varieties. At least that would be self-limiting, right? Let's see... Olive, Cherry, Silver (Aspen, Birch) - any others? Eta: I take back wanting Lulu to wake up. I'd forgotten that the way she was written was one of the reasons I stopped watching for years.
  2. I kept expecting a long hook, like the old vaudeville days.
  3. I was only 13 when Kent State happened but it was traumatic for students everywhere, I think. (I had a lot of older cousins though. And was taking some advanced classes, so I was probably more exposed.) Ohio - the photo montage is pretty much how I remember it. The idea that it could happen again makes me sick to my stomach.
  4. But they bonded over their dads being such great friends. /eyeroll
  5. Today was soapy. The first couple of days were so exposition-heavy, the characters didn't feel real. Honestly, they need to flesh out Bill a bit more (soon!) because I really need to know what about Hayley appeals to him. She seems similar to characters like Erica Kane (AMC) and Carly Benson (GH) who were scheming and insecure, thinking that belonging to an important family will make things right for them. But Hayley is less vixen-y and more needy. It's a little weird.
  6. Joss did say something about not having any experience and Brennan said they could train her. They want her to remain a student, too. But other than the athleticism, nothing else really applied. While I agree most of this story is bull, I do like they at least are doing something a bit different with Joss. It's too bad the implementation is painful to watch. I'm sure Scout is old enough to get that forcing Drew out of the family and forbidding him to use the Q name puts her in the middle, at best. Why wouldn't she assume she is part of that rejection? I don't understand how they can force this. He is Alan's son, he's not misrepresenting himself in any way.
  7. The 10,000th episode will be rerun on March 4th, 7:00 pm (Central).
  8. For those who could use a refresh on the cast of characters, you might want to keep @AnimeMania's post in the Anticipation thread handy.
  9. The model was Chelsea and her cousin is Kat, Nicole's daughter. She seemed fairly well-adjusted, like her mother. So far. 🙂
  10. I admire your passionate stand on these issues but between the calls for government cuts (remember the austerity days?), the never-ending zeal for tax cuts and the 2nd Amendment absolutists, there haven't been many ways to make needed changes. Biden did finally get the money for infrastructure but who knows if most of it will ever get where it's needed now? Democrats have been boxed in by the party of No for decades. Now it's insanely worse. If you have any ideas how to deal with the Burn.It.All.Down party, please share. Because it’s gotten to the point where it's hard to see anything other than despair at what's coming next.
  11. The gloves, the searching techniques, they can be taught. Brennan and the WSB now know Joss will kill if properly motivated. I do think Eden handled the aftermath pretty well, all things considered.
  12. I have a feeling this will be me after the first week or two. But with streaming, it still gets counted. The advantage BTG has is that it all will be new and shiny. The existing soaps are really tired.
  13. I listened to a lot of BF in the wilderness years but that dropped off when there were new episodes to watch. It would be nice if someone who is current with audio would recommend some titles. There are just too many now. I am looking forward to checking out the 9/Rose stories.
  14. I don't mind the secret child trope because it keeps soaps populated without the drawn out process of being born onscreen and eventual SORAS-ing. I'll even grant that BLQ being offscreen for long periods of time makes her a prime candidate. But Gio doesn't broaden the canvas, he's just a link in the closed Q/Corinthii ecosystem. Everyone already loves him. The lies are the only drama for Lois, Chase, Dante and Lulu. Now everyone will be mad at Lois but so what? She can always go back to Bensonhurst and life goes on. Imagine instead if BLQ's kid was Esme with an unknown kid at camp the father. That would be more dramatic and open up the canvas for another family to be introduced. (And Dante and Lois could still be complicit, if he went along with the lie he was the father.) On the minus side, Ace would be BLQ's grandchild. Of course, we don't need a Nina/Wiley repeat and there are some other drawbacks but this regime's incestuous-ness gives B&B a run for its money. (Hey, Kai is the right age too, though that might be too much for today's show.) It's probably too late for GH though. I've been complaining about this since Carly's father was dead-end Corbin Bernson and not the wastrel scion of a Kennedy-esque clan who liked to go to Florida for drugs and under-age girls. Sigh.
  15. My husband fathered a child as a teen, which he told me about when we were dating. If he had withheld the name of someone in our social circle it would have been emotionally devastating. It's just different. That's your spouse putting the other party's privacy above your intimate relationship. Right now Cody and Lois know the truth. And we know what a big mouth Cody has. And there is a real lie out there, that Dante and Brook Lynn were childhood friends only. And if they had dated a little it was no big deal because they never slept together. Lulu will be hurt too. But I expect Chase to be devastated. If he isn't, are we sure he's not a fully functioning android, programmed to be the perfect man? 🙂
  16. Thursday - life and long days on the set, with a side helping of shirtless guys. They're kinda stretching this out.
  17. I was thinking more about the arrogance of a hotshot surgeon than his personal issues. Though a lot of that could just be the actor. JT is insufferable on Y&R.
  18. It's quite common here too, to refer to kids as little monkeys. No one says you can't still do that. On the flip side, it doesn't hurt to know why doing so in mixed-race company could be a bad thing. I know from personal experience it can sting when finding out something you said or did was unintentionally racist. But it's better to know.
  19. @PRgal I get that it was done innocently. And I think Chinese Lunar** New Year looks like so much fun from down here in boring Iowa. But there is so much raw racism here in the US. If you could cut those NBA athletes a little slack too, it would go a long way. ** Thanks all for diplomatically showing me the correct term.
  20. But why should the Black athletes have just had to do research? Whoever arranged for that giveaway was tone-deaf, at minimum. Monkeys and ape images are at the heart of some of the most vile racist tropes in this country. It's bad stuff. And it's still going on. Those of us who aren't Black have the privilege of being oblivious to that kind of racism. The whole point of being "PC" is not conformity but not wanting to hurt others, even unintentionally. Btw, I love it when it's the Year of the Monkey. I have a thing for calligraphy and Asian art and some of my favorites are monkey-themed.
  21. Maybe she's a recent convert? They can be the worst. 🙂 At least they can ship her off to join Serena when/if they get tired of her. UO - I don't really mind her. Everyone goes on about her being Robin's daughter but Patrick was an arrogant @ss when he first came on. She's also made Gio bearable for some reason.
  22. The head of wardrobe said she channeled Diana Ross in dressing Anita Dupree. Somehow I can't imagine a diva like that lounging around in sweats. 🙂
  23. I wish more shows would go the movie route like Psych did.
  24. I'm not Black. I'm looking forward to BTG mainly because of Michele Val Jean. I like soaps but the writing on the existing shows is so crappy most of the time and the main reason I go from show to show - I watch until I can't take it anymore. Anyway, it looks like there are quite a few white characters, including soap vets Jon Lindstrom and Cady McClain. JL said in a clip that it was a different pov, being a minority character. (But hey, that's what actors of color deal with, fair is fair.) If it ends up being a Housewives or Dynasty kind of show after it settles in, it might be a little disappointing. I guess we'll see.
  25. Wednesday - fun with wardrobe and makeup. You can tell the cast and crew is really enjoying themselves. The production design was highlighted again and the attention to detail is mind-blowing. I will cry foul if BTG doesn't get all the Technical Emmys next year.
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