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Everything posted by Triskan

  1. Just watched the episode, a very dark episode indeed, and surprisingly very funny ! I'm still wondering what happened to Fi (his wife) in the end... I really felt the show implied that Liam killed her, and it would be a coherent closure considering the fuckedupness of it all !
  2. I really cant see Brian's dad threats at the FBI and Naz ending in a good way... and I can see Sands popping up by his house next episode ! One other point I think will bite Brian and the FBI back : the man, ex-military reconverted in helping people in Brian's case that his dad contacted. Now that dude knows about NZT and I wouldnt be surprised to see him appear.
  3. Who could die, really, in the end, what relevant character could bite the dust ? Trying to make a list (not including Sam and Dean for obvious reasons) : Cas / Crowley : Naaah, I'd be truly surprised if one of them died. Cas is so infused in the mythology of the show, almost as much as the brothers, to die (even though he didnt do much this season so far). As for Crowley, his death could potentially set up hell in Hell, but I think the show would lose too much in getting rid of him. Rowena : Possibly. I know the character received quite the backlash from fans (even though I always loved her performance) and it could have influenced the writers, but again, I think the show would lose by killing her off. The character is still "new" and we havent explored her full potential yet. Lucifer / Michael / Gabriel / Adam : Nah, I dont think so, if any of them returns, it wont be to kill them straight off... although, this is Supernatural... Adam could die as soon as he steps out of the Cage, Michael could commit some final sacrifice as soon as he's able to... so who knows, but I think the most likely to die is... Metatron : It would be a sad and efficient ending to kill the Scribe of God at his lowest. Despite translating the tablets (which Kevin!ghost could do), I think, of all the relevant characters, he's the one who has the least to offer the plot. I'd be truly sad to see him go, as I've always loved that cynical asshole, but yeah, my two cents on him.
  4. I'd love that as well ! I think my main (and of only a few in the end, that season was awesome !) disapointment with series 9 is the underuse of Missy. I dont know what gave me the wrong idea that she'd be more present this run (maybe misunderstood hints from interviews and promos) but I expected a far greater presence from her this season. I hope she'll reappear in the finale ! I dont think we'll be getting Doctor / Missy adventures (I think Moffat will kick off series 10 with a brand new companion directly), but I really wish to see more of her in times to come ! On a totally different topic, I had no problem remembering who Rigsy was because Flatline is my favourite episode of last series (and I've followed the whole marketing campaign of this season, so I knew quite early he'd be back).
  5. Hey guys, even if I started to hang around here lately, I'm still quite new (both here and in the SPN fandom, I binge watched through all 9 seasons in the summer before season 10. So I'm only 2 years old in the fandom, in the end, but I sure am in !) ^^ Anyways, just wanted to try and speculate at how this season could go on : I think, as many mentionned, it safe to assume Sam's gonna try and sneak at (in ?) the Cage, probably with the assistance of Crowley. I definitly cant see that ending right and it will probably piss of Dean (who, meanwhile, would probably get closer and closer to Amara). I have this theory that Kevin will also show up as a guest for one of the episodes. Of all the dead main characters, he's the one I'd like to see back the most and it can totally be relevant with the tablets and all (I can see Sam and Dean trying to call his spirit to help them translate one of the tablets). Speaking of the tablets, I'm convinced at least one of them will be important to fight / understand the Darkness. I'd guess the Demon Tablet but I'd like it if it was the Angel one (that we know quite less about). Oh, and I also hope Metatron will show up again (I know I'm in the minority, but I adore the character !), and I'm sure he will, as well as Rowena. Both will be instrumental in how the season unfolds, I'm sure. I'm also not that convinced that the Darkness has truly evil goals in the end and exploiting, discovering her vision of the world is one of this season points I'm most invested in. Well... that post went quite in every directions, but damn, there is so much that can come into play this season ! With the likely return of Gabriel and the more than likely return of Lucifer (and what about Michael and Adam ? ... I think only Lucifer will manage out of the Cage in the end, but who knows). In any cases, loving this season so far ! I think my main nitpick would be the underusing of Cas... c'mon, give him more to do !
  6. Wooooow, that escalated quickly ! I mean, we knew something was boiling up from the start of the season, but I expected a few more episodes before all things heat up (although if it's a 10 episodes season it makes sense). Looking damn forward for next time ! And you go Jimmy ! Ha, he handled the PC jerks like a boss !
  7. Well, I thought it would be a much more boring filler episode... After six "plot building" episodes in a row, I can forgive them for that one which was better than expected (though definitly not on par with the previous six !)
  8. Wanted to react at this (as I scroll down the posts) : Liv doesnt know about Peyton and Blaine meeting... so far. But really looking forward to see how that will play out ! (And I want Ravi and Peyton back together... I'm not really a "shipping" person, but damn, I think they're great together !)
  9. Just thought of something : now Crowley knows there is some kind of connection between Dean and Amara. I can see that coming into play later (like revealing it to Sam for example).
  10. Well, judging by most comments here, I appear to be in the minority that adored the episode ! I mean I loved everything about it ! From Metatron's cynical speeches to the tension building up between Dean and Amara. Yeah, I can see why some people may be disturbed by the song and the age gap, but it didnt struck me at all. After all, SHE IS quite older, and she's gonna look older very soon. I think it was a nice move by the writers to have her experience the world as a growing kid, it will offer her a vision and experience of it that can define the character in series to come. And beyond that, everything was gold for me in this episode. Getting the Demon Tablet back (wonder how that will pay off), Crowley going through patherhood and a surprising honesty with Amara, Metatron's struggles, confirmation that Sam's visions are coming from the cage (Lucifer shall be back !), the God sister reveal (I liked it, personally), Crowley getting screwed over (I love Mark Sheppard, I could watch him act all day !)... Anyway, next week looks like a damn filler, but after those 6 episodes in a row (even though I enjoyed "Baby" quite less that other people), I can forgive it.
  11. There is one But that's later ! Yeah, I really look forward to her reaction to Euron ! He makes quite a big entrance in the books ! A real showman at the Kingsmoot, truly. That's what I truly enjoy about the character, he's what Daario tries to be but fails. He's the ultimate rock-star of Westeros ! And he fascinates me : he claims to have sailed quite the whole world ! If he has a journal of his journeys, damn, that some stuff I'd love to read about ! And the Silence must be stuffed with items and wonders from so many places ! ... Oh, and yeah, he's freaking insane, sure, but I think he must be the biggest traveler alive at that point of the story, so I'd love to know more about him ! EDIT : well, shimpy beat me there so removing the spoilers ! ^^
  12. Well, I for one really like the next two Iron Born chapters ! And that's even after disliking their first two at first read ! But the second one ahead of you especially is for me among the top chapters of Feast ! ;)
  13. I know what you mean, but on reread, Feast fearures quite its share of really strong moments ! Give a shout when you read the next Sam chapter ! ;)
  14. Wooow, those teased "10 minutes of Capaldi being awesome" were not lies ! What an epic scene it was !
  15. Well, in any cases, he had his own material since he poisoned his blade against the Mountain. Anyway, looking forward to read your progress through Feast, since there will be so much "new material" for you in it !
  16. I personally thought it was a nice thing the show went some darker territories this episode. I dont think we'll get that tone every week, but here and there, it's totally welcome, and despite the darkness, there were some amazingly funny moments in it !
  17. Well, even though these characters have a less significant role, there are two other women PoV that you'll encounter this book ! ;) I hope you'll find them interesting ! For those wondering who I'm taking about (or shimpy if you want to discover some PoV ahead) : .
  18. Yep, that's it ! My main issue with the Sand Snakes is Tyene : in the books she's that fair blonde blue-eyed innocent looking girl, which contrasts a lot with the darker tones of Dornish people, and I wished they kept her looks, because I adore the (even though cheesy) image of that deadly woman that looks so frail and innocent ! Well... when I mean "main issue", I mean "main issue" with the casting... as for the writing choices, I have a lot of other issues, but I trust they can redeem themselves with their portrayal next season. Well, I for one dont share that opinion at all... ^^ Everyone's here bashing the Iron-Born PoV, but for me, it's Brienne's chapters that are really a chore to read ! But I hope you'll enjoy them !
  19. Okay, okay, sorry for that bit that is totally out of topic but today the BBC announced that they'll make a TV adapation of "His Dark Materials"... I just cant contain my excitement and I want to scream the new around ! Looking forward for the opening of a thread for this here at PreviouslyTV ! Back to Asoiaf... I'm really wondering what shimpy's reaction to will be !
  20. It's only on my second reading that I truly liked the Iron Born chapters. There's actually quite a lot of interesting tidbits about their culture in those. Truth be told, even if for the most part, they're a bunch of brutal retarted (in the "living in the past" sense) bunch, they're also the most progressive of the 7K on some aspect. And you'll meet someone or something (not saying more than that) epic in these chapters ! ;)
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