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Everything posted by Triskan

  1. Yeah, I really hope we can preserve the Unsullied habitat, but sadly I fear it will be quite deserted this year... I really hope most of them will come back but somehow, I dont think it will be very active... That being said, even if just two / three of them came back, it would be enough to, once again, be privvy to their amazing speculations and reflexions ! So let's hope they'll gather once again for season 6 !
  2. Oh thanks ! Yeah, now I remember her from Supernatural (she was the sheriff assistant on the season 11 double-premiere), iZombie (just a case of the week role) and Continuum (The commissioner's daughter whom her father tried to make infiltrate Liber8) ! Thank you ! :)
  3. Guys, can anyone help me... I cant remember where I've seen the actress who plays Elliot's bride before (her character's name is Fen apparently)... I think it's on Orphan Black not sure at all...
  4. I loved it ! That was amazing !!! I really need to process a little bit more but it was everything I came to love about this show : fun, (very) dark, well-done character's arcs beats, amazing dialogue... Cant wait for next year !
  5. True, the argument that a stand-alone book / season should work in itself has regards, but I tend to think that tends to be false after a while with a growing universe. Sure at the beginning, you can have very solid one-standers when focusing on fewer locations and characters, but I think there comes a point when extending and laying a very deep world / universe full of different characters when it's logical there are times when the story needs to be adjusted to fit a greater scheme. And that being said, I still quite enjoyed season 5 ! In the end, pretty much like you, I didnt necessarly entirely enjoyed a whole arc, but among almost all of them, there were some really great bits. Trying to overview all the storylines to give you valid examples. The Wall : The whole beginning of the season was pretty strong. I think the show nailed the Jon and Stannis relationship (adapted and simplified for sure but still very well done!), Janos execution, the Stannis / Shireen was great both to give the characters some interraction and to talk about greyscale, Jon and Tormund dialogue in episode 5... Sure, episode 7 (despite featuring the massively under-used Ghost, which somehow is my biggest complaint of S5, even bigger than Dorne) was a let-down. Aemon's funerals was very esthetic but the rest of the episode could have turned out differently there, I admit. But then we had Hardhome... and Jon's return to Castle Black in episode 9 and I found that scene very good. Very silent and very atmospheric. So all in all, despite episode 7, I really loved what they did at the Wall. Sure, we lose a lot of character-building that lay to the mutiniy in the books, but I think they didnt took the worst road to build it up. Could have been more subtle, but the show is not the books, and storywise, I think what happened in the show was coherent with the characters. .... Oh, yeah, there was Ollie... forgot about Ollie... yeah, the character was poorly written. Although they've tried to do something interesting with his conflict, it turned out quite a weak plot point. Moving on to the other big arc of S5... Winterfell... Alfie Allen's performance. Enough said. ..... No, but actually, it's an interesting point here... I think we should manage to appreciate and most of all praise the show for the talents working at every level : costume, sets, make-up, editing, cinematography... and of course, acting-wise, and that alone makes me, in a way, love S5. Visually speaking and acting-wise, it was stunning. Anywyay, besides Alfie, I must say I kinda enjoy Iwan's performance (guilty pleasure here, cause I wont deny Ramsay could be written better in the show, but I could watch Iwan play him all day !). Michael McElhatton of course is a very strong point of the arc as well ! And, despite flaws and too much simplification in its writing, the Winterfell arc was esthetically and visually beautiful (that wedding scene !!!) so all in all I really liked it. What bothered me the most there : Brienne's arc (aka the worst story arc of the season). Now, let's mention the elephant in the room : Sansa. Well, actually here's a front where I wont say anything until I see S6... for me, all depends on how everything pays off next season, so no judgement here, just expectations. I'm gonna talk about the second half of Stannis arc here as well... and once again, it's tough to talk about it without the knowledge of the upcoming story. A lot depends on what will happen in S6... but for now I can say that despite not really liking the writing for his scenes in episode 7 and 8, I found Shireen's scene masterfully shot. The visuals, Kerry Ingram's performance (that last final scream is just too much to bear anytime I hear it), the pivotal moment for Selyse, and the cheering of Stannis from the people of Meereen... but I still wait for next season to see if the sacrifice has any pay-off cause I'm not sure I'd be okay with Shireen's death only clearing the weather... as for Stannis death, well, yeah, it was a little quick and brief, but I think it will allow the show to move on more easily to more pressing matters next season and the visuals were great and his final scene with Brienne pretty well written. Shall I do Dorne now ? ... yeah, let's do Dorne now and get it over with. ^^ What did I liked there ? Hmmm... the Real Alcazar set, Alexander Siddig, Jessica Henwick (gimme more Nymeria show ! Dont care of the other, if there was to be only one Sand Snake to be relevant in the end, please, be it Nymeria ! ^^)... but yeah, all in all, only Brienne's arc is worst than Dorne... Okay, so other stuff I liked... let's go across the sea to Meereen... Ramin Djawadi... man, as much as I prefer direwolves over dragons, the fire and blood (and variants) theme is beautiful ! Just watch Drogon fly above the arena as the music is eerie and haunting and then he lands and.... that horn or whatever, you know... THAT souund... that sound when he burned Kraznys in Astapor and eats that running man just after landing in Daznak Pit... man, that gives me chills every time ! And then the music aint eerie anylonger but it's fire and blood ! And it's the perfect opportunity to praise Ramin Djawadi's entire score of work for the show cause the man rocks it all (and that Iron Born theme I'm so looking forward to hear again next season !). Well, apart from the music, I must admit, I kinda enjoyed Emilia Clarke's performance this season. Not her worst season by far, and I think I understand her take on Dany. Her scene in episode 8 with Tyrion/Peter is really amazing ! The entire dialogue is really strong and the actors nail it ! But then yeah, the threat of the Sons of the Harpy was lazy written. Not poorly, but lazy... they could have gone further with it and really offer something more meaty, cause in the end, the whole Meereen arc felt easy... but then again, like Sansa in Winterfell, it's a case of "let's wait S6 before judging", cause I really think all characters in Slaver's Bay (and the Dothraki Sea) are in position to deliver one hell of a story ! I have some doubts still on the Dothraki arc... I really hope Dany wins them by her wits and not just cause "duh, dragons !" but we'll see... Briefly gonna talk about Tyrion's travels here : Okay, not the best part of the season, although I have to admit the Valyria and stonemen visuals (and the dialogue of Tyrion and Jorah quoting lines of The Fall) were really stunning ! But apart from that and AAA's cameo it was again an arc that is destined to pay off next year, with Tyrion now in place and the greyscale now introduced in the story. Sailing on to Braavos... Man, the House of Black and White and Hall of Faces sets are gorgeous !!! And sadly, nothing much to say here... well, no... I really liked Arya's arrival in Braavos : her scene with the captain and meandering down the streets, and I found her killing of Trant to be one hell of a scene (writing, acting, make-up, visuals, editing... damn, that was a rivetting scene !). Visually speaking the final scene was quite something as well : the creepiness of the changing faces and the eyes turning blind was a very strong moment as well. Other than that, the middle of the season dragged a little bit, but I'll wait to see how Arya's arc in the House will end before deciding on the value of it all, and just savour the haunting creepiness of it all for now. So now, what remains ? Yeah... King's Landing only... Well, you know what... I dont have the courage to talk about KL right now... not that I didnt liked it or overly loved it, but I dont have a lot to say on the matter. I admit it's been a really long time since I havent read Cersei's chapters in Feast to really remember them and offer any thought on how it could have been handled better, but all in all, even if I found her downfall to be too easy (another example of lazy-writing), Lena Headey's performance managed to salvage it all and make it some damn compelling story arc (it helps she's surrounder by damn great actors as well !). But yeah, that's not the arc where I have the most to say to be fair. So all in all, from a visual and esthetic point of view I loved that season ! The actors are a huge part of what rivets me to the show each time I rewatch some scenes here or there as well and when it comes to the writing, well, I really enjoyed some of their decisions, I understood some of them in order to adapt the story and prepare the ground for the next season and there were also some noticeably gold moments of dialogue in there. But yeah, on many fronts, I think things could have been handled better....... but again, we dont know exactly how the story will turn out and when D&D say that when all is said and done we'll understand more of their choices and decisions, I trust them and I have faith in them to deliver a damn epic S6 ! :)
  6. I really wished Major had time and opportunity to scratch Vaughn before getting arrested ! And it's a damn good thing he was on "optimist" brain, cause if not, he'd have likely made quite a fuss at the end there ! ^^ In other news, it's damn time for Clive (and likely his girlfriend as well) to learn the truth about zombies and I'm quite sure it will happen during the finale ! And on a completely less relevant matter, I'd really like Peyton and Ravi to get back together, but that's a story for another day (and another season ! ^^)
  7. Yeah, that's an interesting analysis. And, even though we havent read Winds yet and cant be sure of how "final-act-of-ASOS-like" it will be, and despite the show and books having differences, I am quite prepared for an epic season 6... I know I'm in the minority here, but I think we the material they had, and despite criticizing a lot some of its elements, I found S5 overall pretty solid. And, not necessarly the most popular opinion either, I really admire all the story-telling/adapting choices they've made in S4 and truly think it's the best of the show (but then again, it was really difficult to screw that one up, the source material - that final act of Storm is just epic as fuck), and I have a feeling S6 will be that again. So yeah, sure, the show has it flaws and I'm not blind to them (and I would have made different story-telling choices here or there) but I'm damn confident S6 will be spectacular ! Yeah, feels good to lighten the hype-fire again, cause among all the S5 negativity I see all around (and it's justified in some parts, but that forgeting all the good there was also in S5, and there was a lot of good !), I think we need to look a little bit more at the bright side of having two different mediums telling that story their own way ! Okay, then I admit there are a couple other shows out there I'm looking forward to see come back this month a little bit more than GoT (namely Orphan Black, 12 Monkeys and Penny Dreadful), but I'm confident S6 has the potential to blow our minds !
  8. Maybe I missed some info, but when has it been specified (or hinted) that Piper was double-crossing Brian ?
  9. Yeah Brian, you were totally right... Rebecca on NZT... it's not fair. Another fantastic episode ! Damn I love that show !
  10. Regarding the Big W, it took me a while to figure it out ! ^^ At first I though Sam was higher on Billie's priority list and I started wondering what could make him more important to be thrown into the Empty than Dean until I understood it was just a joke regarding his height and I felt stupid for not getting it immediatly ! ^^
  11. Well Q, you messed up ! Okay, emotions, pheromons and all that, but man, you're gonna regret it pretty soon ! I really hope Alice and Q will find a way to mend this cause I really like them as a couple ! (more that I would Penny / Al or Q / Margo tbh). Anyway, pheromons aside, there was a lot of really nice stuff this episode and the punchlines are still on fire !
  12. Well, I guess we'll have to go with that for an end at the story, cause it will probably not get renewed... well, I guess it was a decent conclusion (and a very good episode), although it's obvious they let many threads hanging for a follow-up... that will sadly never happen... unless Fox gives a second chance to the show which I would totally watch !
  13. Funny, for me it was obvious from half the episode (or so) that the nest was out of time and in the end, Rufus and Booby's symbol would just slow down and trap the Soul Eater but that it would be Sam and Dean, with the more elaborate symbol, to save everyone in the future of our world (but "all at once" in the nest).
  14. For the comfort in seing the body I took it as Sam (subtily) meaning that it's good to know it's him he saw dead and not Amara with all Dean's obsession with her.
  15. Man... I so love this show ! Each time they keep amazing be with all those clever tricks of editing, writing and directing ! I was so sure Piper was a goner during the episode, but I'm glad she lives to see another day ! Really liked the chemistry between her and Brian ! But well, now Sands (and so Morra) knows she's alive... things are still gonna heat up ! And Brian's dad continues to be an ass... somehow I can understand where he comes from but damn, he's really acting like a jerk ! And glad to see Rebecca's really moved by Brian's departure and continues to care about him after last episode's reveals.
  16. Every scene with Jack and Woodes continue to be an absolute hightlight ! That chemistry between them, that tensed mixture of understanding, rivalry and desire to prove the other wrong is amazing !
  17. Looking forward to Gracie getting the truth ! Otherwise, I really continue to appreciate this show... I've got the feeling that the more procedural aspects of it will fade away as time goes and longer / more interesting story arcs will take the forefront, so looking(lass..... sorry, that was lame) forward to that as well !
  18. And I'm still here, wondering what he meant by "that Aeron chapter will surprise you"... Cause that's what he said when he offered the audience the choice between reading Arianne and Aeron... saying the first was more or less eventless and the second was like... out of the blue... Damn... even if I prefer Arianne as a character (who wouldnt ?), I really would have picked the Damphair one... he's not a character I'm bashing as much as other. Sure, the guy's a total moron, but I dont read Asoiaf to read about "nice people" I'd like to hang around with, and there must be a reason why the Damphair is a PoV character and I cant wait to find out which one in Winds !
  19. Well, my immediate reaction is : "Damn, this show truly never fails to enchant, surprise and delight me every week !" Okay, it's less and less a surprise every week, and even though there are still some flaws here and there (or some wrong directing and editing choices), I'm really invested in the story ! And damn it's fun ! So many great lines this episode !
  20. Shimpy, I'm curious... I know you disliked almost anything Iron Island related, but I do wonder what you think of Euron. Were you sensible to his charismatic madness ? I know, for me, he was a delight to read about. Sure, he's a rotten egg, perhaps one of the most rotten of them all, but damn, that man has that bloody rock-star vibe (I know I'm repeating myself here). He's what Daario lamentably fails to be. And I'm amazed at how much Martin was able to concieve such a character. He's coherent in the end, in his twisted way and in that dark world. But he's not just the rock-star, he's more than that, he's also the mad scientist, the crazy traveller, he sailed the world more than probably every other man alive, he has gathered idols and tales from civilizations that have never heard of each other, he has discovered treasures and land unknown to any (probably)... man, if there was one "Planetos" character I'd like to read the mémoires or travel journals, it's Euron Bloody-Crows-Eye Greyjoy ! And written in his mad twisted way, it could be one hell of a reading ! ^^ Anyway, I know I'm extrapolating a lot on what few we know of the character, but I really found him fascinating to read about and was a big part of what I enjoyed, in the end, not on first reading, the Iron Islands chapters.
  21. It was intense as hell and as always !!!!!! That show is wonderful ! I'll try to come up with a more constructive post in times to come ! Now, I'm too much like... woaaaaah !!
  22. This show is really fun and sometimes proves it can go further... I'm really sticking with it but hope for a little bit less of procedurals (less one episode investigations more long term narrative !)
  23. Depends on what scale we're referring... In terms of gripping narrative and development (what I like from a character) as opposed to "being a fundamentaly good human being" I'd say my top 3 is : - Theon. - Sandor. - Jaime. When it comes to the "human being" side, it actually comes down to Davos only... and for some aspects, Asha (she must be awesomely fun to hang around with !) but she has also a lot of "nooooo thanks" traits as well, so... Tyrion would be fun as a drinking buddy, but beyond that, not so much... I guess Cersei could be entertaining in her own way, but well... let's not dwell there (and I didnt even think of any sexual interpretation when I first started that sentence !). Oberyn and many people from Dorne sound like great guys to hang around with as well... Arianne and the Sand Snakes arent a bunch of rotten eggs in the end... Quentyn is definitly a kind guy (poor mud... he wasnt the fire Daenrys required...) Then I should also make a list for my favourite minor (or even very very minor) characters, those small appearance that do make an impact : Val, Wyman Manderly Tristifer Botley, Tormund, Daemon Sand, Tyene.... to name just a few... Impossible to rank but deserving a mention for most intriguing character, there comes Melisandre in all her fiery red ! Then, when it comes to major PoV characters, if I had to give a top 5 it would go as : - Theon. - Jon. - Asha. - Cersei (she's so batshit it's hilarious !) - Arya. But all, in all, very difficult to make lists... in the end every character is deserving of some kind of mention (in whatever way... yeah, even Ramsay, here goes the "paradoxaly most infuriating and unsufferable but strangely mesmerizing character of them all" award !) ^^
  24. With the tattoo, Penny can only do astral projection, travel just with his mind, which is safer and what the other teacher was advising him to do (and it still requires some training).. Here, he litteraly and physically travelled, way more dangerous.
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