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Everything posted by Triskan

  1. Wow, the show is really getting some backlash ! Personally I enjoy it ! As a guilty pleasure for now, sure, but still with hope that it will slowly take better roads.
  2. Damn, that Danish song is stuck in my head : "Member which way we're going ?" "Ooooh, I member !"
  3. Well, I really liked that latest episode and truly enjoy the show. There were some nice lines of dialogue : "We grow fast.", the dialogue at the table between the siblings, and some other interesting character development. Yeah, I'm really starting to get invested in the characters, so looking forward to next week !
  4. Quite loved the introduction of the British hunting way, adds to the world and I'd love the show to go more international than just US based. It would bring in something fresh, in my opinion. Not that the show is in dire need of it, though, the show is in amazing shape as it is ! And the stuff with Mary coming back was handled pretty well. They did something quite tragic and poetic with coming back to life 30 years later, it wasnt too much handled, just enough to make it work with few words and some really nice musical cues. Really looking forward to what will happen this season ! It starts on a very solid pilot !
  5. Yeah, I admit I never thought Geralt would be so important to a main storyline.
  6. Well, still in after three episodes ! Quite a tense episode, and even though the small-mind-closed-community characters were a bit cliché - but after all, never been to North-America, so dont know maybe it wasnt that far-fetched and it's likely a lot of people would deadly-turn to religion in days such as this - but I really liked it. Looking forward to see that continue !
  7. Sad Toby Rackham didnt get a lot of time to talk during the panel but it was awesome watching them all talk about the show, and you could feel the real love they all have for the story ! The Facebook chat video is great as well ! And that trailer... man, this is gonna be so awesome !
  8. Well, I for one really enjoyed the pilot of Aftermath ! Nothing revolutionary but there still were some really neat stuff and I'm curious to see where it will go ! So count me in !
  9. Well, now that they know Vanessa's blood unvamps the vamps, I'm pretty sure the doctor is gonna be healed and become a part of the gang.
  10. Wow, as always it's tough to form any coherent thought after the nervosity and febrility of an episode of The Last Ship... Loved that Takehaya was the one to take out Peng ! Man, the last two episodes will be intense as fuck ! (as always !)
  11. And I'm still here wondering who the hell sneaked back from the alternate reality last episode... (One ?) Overall, enjoyable episode. Anyone doubting Roger Cross is a tremendous actor ? :D The man's fantastic in everything he's in !
  12. Who's in favor of injecting Pawter's body with green plasma and see if it ressurects her ? I am !
  13. KInda liked it for a first episode... I mean, I trust SyFy these days and definitly curious to see where all that will go !
  14. Oh Johnny, Johnny, you're definitly in a hard place... The story is getting quite intricated and dense, and I'm loving it, although not sure I understand it all, but that's probably on purpose. The whole Sixes storyline is quite confusing but I think I managed to follow all the fantasy-science-tech stuff and it was pretty well thought. I hope Sabine will be back ! Her story was indeed quite heartbreaking and I wish to see more of her (which is something I wouldnt have said a few episodes ago !) As for the wall and the Oldtown arc, yeah, dark clouds on the horizon there as well ! I wonder if somehow the two arcs are not more connected that we may think now...
  15. Well, Dav, time to go find back some good ol' condoms... shame the asteroid was destroyed, I'm sure San must have had a couple of them.
  16. That dinner scene was one of the funniest thing in a long time !
  17. Cant form any cohesive thought ! That was a blast ! That whole season has been nothing but stellar ! Okay, I'm probably biaised towards the show and will never be able to criticize it, but damn, after all, arent the shows that make us forget all will to diss and nitpick the best ones ?
  18. Well, there's sure blood to be washed away here... waw... .... Damn, only Jennifer is alive in the 2044 timeline at Titan... something tells me that one (timeline) aint gonna survive long... I mean, the show's just reduced to Cole - Cassie - Jennifer - the Witness for the finale ! (sure, there will be other returning more minor character and surprises but still)... cant see season 3 without Katarina, Ramse, Deacon and co... Gaaaaah, cant wait for next week ! Come on, bring on the time-travel machine !
  19. So glad Pawter's back in the fold ! Really digging the character and her dynamic with Johnny !
  20. Pretty solid return to what have been a surprisingly great season 1 (especially the latest episodes !) Looking forward to sail the stars again with that gang ! Anyhow, I also look forward to see Pawter back, I really liked her and her dynamic with John (more than the glimpses we had of his dynamic with Clara).
  21. HYENA !!!! That's my 12 Monkeys war cry now !
  22. Well, the ranting topics at Westeros.org are always hilarious to read (or infuriating, but better have some distance on that front !), but in the end, for me, it was a damn amazing season ! Sure, I have my complaints here or there, but all in all, it was really well built, exploiting the well-established character dynamics to the fullest, visually stunning and damn entertaining !
  23. I wonder... will next season's credits only be Westeros ? Very likely in my opinion... unless they give a sideline story to Daario, or Jorah (though I'm still convinced he'll show up at the Citadel, I was really expecting him to be in the library in the finale), but otherwise (and with Arya back in Westeros), there is no reason to go to Essos now.
  24. Somehow, I'm sad Rachel ended up being the villain for next season. I would have loved to see her join Clone Club, but still, looking forward to see where she will go from here ! Btw, guys, I'm confused about the cure : some of you (and people on the internet) say that Cosima managed to smuggle it from Rachel, but I dont remember any indication of that... I must have missed a bit (I knew she was planning on getting it back before Rachel stabbed Susan but I thought that the stabbing forced her to abort the mission and run away without it). Yeah, would have been nice to have a check-up on Mark and Gracie this season. Anyways, glad we got Ira, I like him ! Loved his little moment with Kira : "You had a brother with a scar." "I'm nothing like my brothers." Indeed Ira you are, though I wonder what you are capable of when pushed to your limits...
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