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Everything posted by Kbo

  1. I’m not a fan of the finished flip house. Too many different wood tones that didn’t go together. The vanity in the master bath didn’t go with anything. You could tell it wasn’t professionally designed. And I’m sorry, but why do they keep saying Erin is some great interior designer? When she worked on Michaelas house it was just chatychkes everywhere. To each their own, but to design a house so that it’s cohesive takes serious skill. I haven’t seen any evidence that she has that skill set. Zach and Whitney’s house looked much better when it was done. Made me nervous when those kids were taking walls out, though. Hope a professional determined they weren’t load-bearing.
  2. I used that exact gif a few minutes ago while informing my husband that the cat puked on the carpet. Both are equally repulsive.
  3. Personal pet peeve—when someone describes a c-section as the dr. “taking the baby”. I’ve known people who use that expression and it drives me nuts. Just no. Jana looked fabulous on the boat. Loved seeing her in shorts. Go, Jana! When they set off that confetti canon, all I could think was “oh, great, more mess for Jana to clean up”. I’d be so ticked if somebody set one of those things off in my house. If I was Jana, I’d “lose” the confetti canon.
  4. This is not for the faint of heart...you’ve been warned. Bedridden woman found with rotting legs crawling with maggots https://usat.ly/2FNtdMq The article mentions she’s obese and they needed special equipment to transport her. We’ve wondered what would happen to these folks if nobody was willing to take care of them, sadly here’s the answer. I hope she gets help, but sounds like she’s pretty far gone.
  5. She picked a flower off her dinner plate and stuck it in her hair? I’m just picturing all the other diners going WTF? Jill, stop bragging about your stupid date nights when your children look like they haven’t had a good meal in weeks. Selfish cow. Actually, that’s an insult to bovines.
  6. Dang it, they lured me into downloading the TLCGO app. Why can’t I quit these people?
  7. I couldn’t help laughing when Kendra said “I came in my clothes ready to get wet”. I’ll see myself to the prayer closet.
  8. It will be so surreal to see you enter this new season of life. Don’t forget, practice makes progress and progress makes babies! Oh wait...
  9. I was about to post the same thing. I feel like this whole show is heavily scripted. They want us to believe that a lawyer wouldn’t have drawn up medical powers of attorney for situations like that? If that’s true, he’s a lousy lawyer. Heck, if Mr Kbo and I go out of town I leave a signed permission form for medical treatment and all our insurance info, and I’m not a lawyer. It’s called common sense. I think the Melina thing was a complete set up and so is Joslyn. These people are not good enough actors to pull this off. So many of the events seem fake its hard to gauge if anything is real.
  10. All apologies to the guests, but I was dying laughing when the wind caught the petals and was pelting everybody on the left side of the aisle. Reminded me of something that would happen on The Office.
  11. It made me stabby when FT and his groomsmen were sitting around (I refuse to call them brosmen) and he had no idea when they were supposed to show up. Did he even take a shower? It looked like they were playing Xbox. Whoever said they have the maturity of 12 year old was spot on. It also chapped my hide when he acted like it was an imposition to do a first look. Miracle of miracles he got a woman to agree to marry him and he can’t stop acting like a dick for one day? Seriously? Agree with everyone else she should have worn the shrug Janelle bought her, it looked beautiful.
  12. I think in Karina's case, she knows that the second she starts walking her family is going to be pressuring her to get a job and take care of herself. I understand where the family is coming from, but I'm sure it's daunting to be virtually homebound and then be expected to leap right back into the world. A lot of these people have been using food to deal with anxiety/depression, yet we never hear of any attempts to use medication to help regulate that. Remember that one woman who ended up in the ER with a panic attack after the surgery (she thought she was having a heart attack)? Would it be too hard to regulate the dosage when they're losing weight so quickly? I truly hope these people are given more tools than we're shown. These people are addicts, yet they're just handed a diet and sent on their way. Would you tell an alcoholic to stop drinking for 30 days and if you do that, maybe you'll get some help?
  13. Don’t forget, that price included all those dusty, musty, stuff your grandmother wouldn’t want furnishings. Umbrellas hanging from the ceiling don’t come cheap, missy! While I think that part about Meri suggesting they buy the house for her Mom was producer driven, I think we got a real glimpse of Christine when she said Meri should get a smaller house. I love when the seething resentment seeps out! Poor Ysabel, hope it was her idea to share her struggle, and that she doesn’t have to have surgery. That x-ray looked awful.
  14. If I was that pregnant and my house looked like that, I would be freaking out. There’s crap everywhere! It makes me twitchy. At its not like it’s going to get easier to get finished when the baby arrives.
  15. My theory is that the producers watched all the footage of FT and realized that if they continue to focus on this jackhole there wouldn’t be any viewers left by the end of the season. They bribed Maddy and Caleb to come back so there’d be one SIL who doesn’t make people’s skin crawl. And it didn’t take much convincing because work is like, hard.
  16. I found the clip where he fell, Jill apparently was the first one lowered down:
  17. That picture breaks my heart, he looks so scared. And instead of comforting the poor kid MOTY films it. As a mother, I can’t wrap my head around it. When one of your kids gets hurt, you drop everything and help them. To stand to the side like that goes against every instinct. I don’t have words for how much I despise that hypocritical, cold-hearted excuse for a mother.
  18. Interesting that Joy mentioned that the Jingerlet is due about six months after their baby. So that would make a due date of late August, early September? Sounds like Jinger isn’t twelve weeks yet. And Joy stroking her stomach makes me want to slap her. Yes, we know you’re pregnant but this video is NOT ABOUT YOU.
  19. Is that what those are? Sorry, but those are unequivocally the ugliest men’s shoes I’ve ever seen. Perfect for Joshley, the human female repellent.
  20. When I think back to what a sweet baby she was, this video makes me so sad. Wasn’t she the one that Dolly Parton wanted to keep? I’ve never seen a child look so sad at their own birthday party. If there’s going to be any rebels, I think it will come from this generation of the kids. Their sister moms are gone, they barely know their parents, what do they have to lose?
  21. I’m in Spokane, so technically inland NW. Less rainy than western Washington. Lots of northwesterners here!
  22. This. Put it on at bedtime and your hands will be noticeably softer in the morning. I live in the Northwest and this stuff saves me in the winter.
  23. I was thinking the same thing. She looks like she’s in her thirties, and it’s not just the frumpy outfit (complete with mustard colored sweater). It’s sad.
  24. Maybe TLC picks up the tab when they’re flying for the show? I suppose technically they are the “talent”, such as it is.
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