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She wouldn’t dare. Robyn taking a backseat would likely be the best and most appropriate thing to do, but she probably won’t allow it. She’ll pretend and act as if she was there from day one and deserves equal consideration in all matters. And that her kids, who probably won’t be that impacted, are grieving the loss just as much as the others. What’s ironic is that I can totally see Christine and Meri, who actually were there with Garrison from the beginning, respectfully stepping back and letting the focus be on Janelle, Kody, and the most affected of the kids. Not Robyn. And Kody probably, I hope this isn’t true for all of their sakes, will go along with it.
This times a bajillion! Yes, Xander and Jack did have a great bromance once, but him throwing that away when he KNEW Gwen was screwing over Jack’s family killed the friendship (as far as I’m concerned) forever. Wish the show didn’t have them hug/reconcile in today’s episode just because it’s Christmas so scenes have to be sweet and sappy- unearned at that. I agree with this. The Jack/Xander friendship was different and interesting at the beginning, but it’s a stretch for me at this point. The “oh well, Jack used to do bad things too,” which seems to be the main reasoning for them being friends, only goes so far for me. It’s wonderful if you’re a fan of Xander and his characterization, but there’s nothing in it for Jack. It’s always about something regarding Xander and his feelings. It also doesn’t help that Xander comes off as indifferent at best to anyone important to Jack other than the nasty retcon. It’s too one-sided for my taste. It always was.
Steve, Kayla, and least of all Roman did not experience the loss and grief of Abigail on the same level or to the same degree of Chad, JJ, Jack, and Jennifer. They can see the situation with a clearer perspective. It’s not their child, wife, or sister. Chad and JJ don’t owe anyone, least of all the person who deliberately and cruelly manipulated their grief, any grace if they aren’t ready. Yeah, they absolutely know what Clyde is capable of and Cat used that against them didn’t she. So what that she had an excuse? That doesn’t make what Chad and JJ are experiencing any less painful. They don’t need to be concerned about acknowledging anything to Cat. They can be selfish with her in having to grieve their loss all over again. Reasons or not, she did them wrong. Them giving her grace and consideration of her situation certainly shouldn’t be their priority or concern at the moment. Maybe when they deal with, again, their happiness and joy at having their wife and sister back after losing her to a brutal murder snatched away they can reconsider their anger, and likely will, but now? They are entitled to feel however they want. Maybe it’s not nice or perfectly rational. Understandable? Absolutely.
Yeah, I’m also fine with his and Chad’s reactions at this point. Why do they need to care about someone’s else’s mother when they’re having to grieve their loss all over again? That grief is fresh once again, they may not have the ability at this moment to care, I certainly don’t, about Cat and the new insta-family’s new mother. Someone they loved is still dead. That has to be a major blow to have to go through that twice. It’s not their responsibility to feel sorry for her. It won’t be wrong for Jack and Jennifer to also not immediately focus on her and feelings. Would it be nice if they did, sure. But there’s nothing wrong with their anger at the moment. I hate how those who are the injured parties are expected to instantly forgive and forget just because the perpetrator, good reason or not, is sorry. That doesn’t erase what the person they hurt went through. It was the same with Gwen. Cat knew what she was doing. It was worth it for her, so take the consequences that come from that. Maybe in time everyone will come around and understand. Give it some time.
They actually did. A scene at least. Someone with better searching skills than me may be able to find it, but their scene involved some sort of pool party or something that Belle, Carrie, Austin, Sami, baby Will, etc. were all attending. Carrie arrived and saw Austin interacting with Sami and Will and Belle came up and was typical teen snotty with her about Sami. I distinctly remember Belle referring to Carrie as “sis” but I don’t think she was being very sincere, instead just acknowledging that John and Marlena always, rightfully so, viewed Carrie as their daughter in every way.
I really hope JJ is there when Jack and Jennifer come back. Especially with MR’s Jennifer. The last time he was with them if I’m not mistaken was Abigail’s funeral and there wasn’t really a lot of time spent with J&J and their remaining child. If I recall Jack was being a jerk and got upset with JJ for daring not to care about the nasty retcon Gwen. So hopefully there’s some scenes with the three of them.
Brittney is past done with Tammy and good for her. And good for Amanda for making an attempt to separate herself a little from the dysfunctional dynamics with her siblings. Yeah, it might not work out, but at least she’s trying to do something different. Chris and Amy acting like she was wrong for *gasp* not being with the family on Christmas was ridiculous. But back to Brittney, Amy talked about SHE had once lived with Chris and Brittney and that she and Brittney didn’t get along, so Brittney must be beyond tired of having to deal with the overgrown babies that are Amy and Tammy. Chris guilted Brittney before about how he would do the same for her family, but I would bet he’s never had to deal with her family like she has to his. Everyone has their limits. Both Amy and Tammy continue to be completely delusional. Amy talking about not liking how Brittney would come behind her and clean what she already cleaned? Yeah, we’ve seen what you think clean is Amy. Brittney was likely absolutely correct to go behind you. And then Tammy wistfully bemoans that she wanted to bring Caleb back to Amanda’s house and start a family with him. Really Tammy? In a house that wasn’t yours? That you probably weren’t even paying rent for? So entitled and so stupid.
Seriously, GTF over yourself Tammy. And also? Cease and desist with the neck rolling as well. So much big talk for someone who has been dependent on so many other people for so long. You don’t like Amanda’s house? GTFO and get your own home. But where’s she going when she can’t even drive? She’s saying the right things lately and appears to have matured, but that old, nasty personality is still there not far under the surface. Amanda isn’t blameless and is abrasive, but she’s absolutely right to be tired of coddling Tammy. Brittany (this is the most I’ve heard her speak!) is certainly over Tammy. Good for her. Chris was terribly rude to her in that house. Then Tammy turns on the tears. FFS. She’s such a whiny crybaby. Amy too. It’s all Amanda’s fault. She, Misty (who Tammy also has beef with apparently), and Chris are all just big meanies to poor Tammy and Amy. The crying over the food with Amanda? So ridiculous. I don’t know all the history, but it seems like the older three have done a lot for Amy and Tammy and haven’t got much back. The two of them are always the victims. Everyone else is always doing something to them. They need to grow up. Chris is a better person than me because I would have long been done. You can still be family and let them be responsible for their own lives.
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Yeah, she came off as if she was just looking for an excuse to end it. I don’t think she was truly ready to be separated from or in conflict with her family, so the first thing he did wrong, she was ready to pounce and blow up and call it all off. I don’t think she expected him to actually move and go against his family. If she didn’t want to go through with the relationship, she should have just said so. She was totally back to doing exactly what Daddy said at the end. Good luck with that. It hasn’t worked for her so far. I don’t know, but his explanation sounded reasonable to me. A random woman DM’d through his social media, not that he had given anyone his number to text. Regardless, her suddenly screaming at him “You a thug” and “You a hoe” rubbed me the wrong way. It came off as very performative and not genuine to me. That’s not language she likely normally uses and was throwing out at him specifically. I side-eyed her for that.
Eh. The Season 1 finale was way better than this one. The ending of Season 1 with Rhaenyra getting the news about Luke being murdered and her reaction was a much more powerful end to a season than pointless and useless Alicent staring off into nothing. The Alicent and Rhaenyra scene went on far too long. I really wish the show would let. It. Go. They’ve been enemies far longer than friends. I can’t believe that was necessary. Rhaenyra should have had a follow-up conversation with her freaking husband and Prince Consort about I don’t know, the fact that FOUR of their children were sent away, or Rhaenyra being attacked on Dragonstone, the new dragon riders, or other important matters. But instead, delusional Alicent who somehow thinks she can control Aegon to get him to bend the knee wants to play innocent victim. She still takes no responsibility for anything she did that set all this motion. Nothing was accomplished there. Nothing. The writers are stupidly stuck on pushing that so-called relationship. Stop trying to make fetch happen. What is Rhaenyra still tearing up over her for? She didn’t show that much emotion when her three youngest sons had to be sent away after just losing Lucerys. Let it gooooo. The Lannister scenes also went on too long and were too many. All of that wasn’t needed to achieve the purpose of getting the triarchy as an alliance for the Greens. Of course more time will probably be spent on a useless and graphic sex scene between Tyland and his captain 🙄. That time would have been better spent on other characters and made more of an impact. The Ulf stuff is old now. Jace was right to be pissed. Ulf was sitting in the Queen’s chair and being completely disrespectful. You don’t act like that going into and being welcomed into anyone’s home, let alone the Queen’s. Ser Simon Strong’s less subtle humorous moments were far better than the more obvious attempts at funny with Ulf and Tyland. His face in the background when Daemon kneeled to Rhaenyra and declared her queen (which he’s done twice now in two consecutive season finales, so no more “Daemon wants to be king and push Rhaenyra aside” stories please) and the slow clapping when Daemon started rallying the troops was hilarious. If Sunfyre isn’t dead and Aegon doesn’t know or feel it, then it shows how he doesn’t have as strong a bond with his dragon as other Targaryens. The show has shown multiple times how connected Rhaenyra is with Syrax. When Rhaenyra is in pain, Syrax reacts the same. It was shown earlier is episode 1 when she found Luke’s remains and last season when she was in labor. Daemon as well has been shown to have an especially strong bond with his dragon. I did like Helaena telling Aemond to kick rocks. Pretty underwhelming overall.
Kudos to Nate’s mother for being very careful and diplomatic in her words when talking about Emalee. You can tell she’s trying to be fair to both Emalee and Nate, but I don’t think she cares for Emalee’s behavior either. Take note Kayleigh and mom. There is a more productive, empathetic, and mature way to express feelings without being bitchy and mean.
Exactly. None of the parents are any better than the others. So Kayleigh and her mother can STFU. Bekki rates slightly better with me personally because at least she isn’t constantly talking shit about them every time the subject comes up.
She just thinks she’s the cutest thing ever. Her little “eh” at her mother saying she hadn’t cleaned because she’s just worked three 12-hour shifts was infuriating. I also don’t like the constant shade they keep throwing at Bekki. It doesn’t make them look any better than what they are claiming about her. She hasn’t “earned” the right to be in the delivery room? How does one do that exactly? STFU. If you don’t want her there, and Kayleigh has every right to say no if that’s how she feels, just say so. She’s such a princess where all have to bow down to her. I may have missed it, but I don’t see what Bekki has done that’s any worse than any of the other parents. A lot of the parenting here of these teens leaves a lot to be desired. There’s really not much she can do to help until the baby gets there.
One small correction/addition: The Targaryens were the only family whose dragons in addition to the actual humans escaped the Doom of old Valyria. Some of the other families survived, like the Velaryons, but the Targaryens were the only one with dragons. But yes, the Targaryens and the Velaryons are related. The mother of the original conquerors, Aegon, Visenya, and Rhaenys, was a Velaryon. One of their children/grandchildren married a Velaryon. Not sure where Corlys descends from, but Addam, even though not the son of Rhaenys has some Targaryen blood from somewhere. Laena and Laenor, though Velaryons, were Targaryen on both sides, though not as much as someone like Daemon or Rhaenyra.
Or, the Greens just could have not usurped Rhaenyra’s throne. Simple. Why is it always on Rhaenyra, and no one else, to do the perfect thing? It doesn’t matter anyway. The fact is that she could have done this, and everything else, perfectly and the Otto and Alicent would have found some reason, any reason to usurp her. They were planning to usurp her before she had any children. It didn’t matter what she did. Rhaenyra and Laenor tried to conceive a child. What else was she supposed to do? She was set up to fail. Viserys forced her to marry Laenor, knowing Laenor’s preferences, because he wanted to smooth over tensions with the Velaryons after he passed over Laenor for Alicent. Daemon wanted to marry her and he sent him into exile. Their children, as seen in the ones they eventually have, would have had the right hair color. Alicent and Otto would have taken issue with that or found something else Rhaenyra did or didn’t do to make them seem in the right to usurp her throne.