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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. Back to onion rings--is The Brick served anymore? Wasn't that the in thing years ago? I only had it twice and I don't see it on menus any more.
  2. Well, I can't eat most European chocolates..too strong/bitter. Only Euro milk chocolates are ok for me.
  3. I thought the hops were costing them points. So, they're not? Also, I cannot believe the Russian has the silver medal. What did I miss?
  4. I think I posted my liking this salad at Wendy's once before, but it's the Apple Pecan Salad. It is delicious! It's got red and green apples in it, crumbled blue cheese, craisins, pecans and grilled chicken in it and the dressing is Marzetti's Pomegranate Vinaigrette (I looked it up for the salad ingredients). It's my go-to meal when we're looking for a place to get a quick bite on a car trip.
  5. I don't know why Gabby returned to the O's. She already has the Gold Medal and all the acclaim. Heck, I don't understand why any of the repeaters return (Phelps, Ledecky, and then from way back in skating Brian Boitano, Katarina Witt). In a way, I wish there were no repeaters allowed. It's so hard to make it to the O's and to lose an opportunity because a gold medalist feels the urge to return (even though they have to qualify like everyone else), that must feel bad.
  6. Overall, I enjoyed the coverage of women's gymnastics altho' I must say, watching the live stream yesterday was The Best (no commercials, no excessive yakking--and, most importantly, respect for & full participation of the female commentator!) Just watched a tape of Flavia...she is such a cutie and really entertaining. She put some fun in the floor routine :>)
  7. What did it tell you? Don't I have a right to be a fan of Aly & wish she'd won the gold medal? I was a fan of hers 4 years ago and continued that appreciation of her talents at this Olympics. What's wrong with that? You make it sound evil.
  8. Yes, indeed! Wish the final outcome were reversed but happy for both girls. They were outstanding and they're both such good sportswomen.
  9. Me too. Aly's floor routine was wonderful. They're both great but I find myself pulling for Aly (maybe partly because of 2012's disappointment for her). Good grief - I don't know how all the parents can endure these competitions. I'd be a wreck!
  10. OK...at long last...gymnastics at practically 11 PM (sorta better late than never but still...). They are incredible! And the Chinese girls look about 10 years old.
  11. My guacamole has got to be smooth! No chunks, no lumps, & no mayo/sour cream, but yes to garlic, a bit of hot sauce, cilantro and lime juice. That's it, + tortilla chips :>)
  12. I guess I'm the only one here who likes the outfits worn by the USA team in the parade--especially the slacks and deck shoes. But I agree that Ralph Lauren went OTT with that awful logo of his (I won't wear any of his clothes that bear the logo). I didn't think of the Russian flag when I saw them wearing the t-shirts under the blazers. I think they need to find another designer, though. Enough of Ralph. But keep the deck shoes and the cool hats.
  13. Oh man...lobsters and oysters. I'm chartreuse with envy! Well my chicken salad with the mayo/sour cream and a bit of masala simmering sauce mixed in was delicious. And yesterday, I grilled (on my indoor grill pan) thawed chicken burgers from Trader Joe's and they were wonderful. I'm getting to be a Trader Joe's gal it seems.
  14. I should wait until after I've eaten it but I'm making chicken salad for supper and I'm going to put some Masala Simmering Sauce in it. They were serving this at Trader Joe's yesterday and it was delicious. I asked the staffer how it was made and the way she described it, it sounded like the typical mayo based chicken salad plus a little masala simmering sauce added. They put a tiny piece of naan in the little sample paper cup so I'm going to heat up some frozen naan.
  15. What in the world is bibimbap? I love the word but I keep seeing that word, in magazine & newspaper food articles, & for some reason, I can't figure out what it actually is. I've seen its ingredients but I can't, for some stupid reason, figure out what it actually is. Bibimbap :>)
  16. I just read an article about the nasty language being allowed on CNN. I think it started with Farid Z (his statement that DJT was a bullsh*t artist) but has continued with others. What the heck is going on these days? Do they think that because "we're cable" that they can get away with allowing such vile behavior?
  17. Funny! I'm from NY and someone from the midwest recently asked if I'm from Texas, that I have a "slight southern accent" (I don't think I do). Well, I'll have to watch for that show.
  18. I just read in the paper yesterday that the two sons were unavailable for questions (probably to explain dad's latest crazy statements) because they were off on a hunting trip. That made me cringe. Poor animals. Maybe one or two of the hunted animals will go after the boys!
  19. Beef stew and whipped potatoes for dinner last night. I know it's usually thought of as a cold weather meal but I felt we needed some good old stew for a change (vitamins, nutrients, and whatnot).
  20. While at Trader Joe's the other day, I noticed a display of watermelon spritz so I bought a 4-pack. Blech! I even squirted some lime juice in it--no improvement. But it sure looks pretty. Think I'll stick with Deer Park's plain sparkling water with a squirt of lime juice. Now something I did try that was excellent was Wegman's Cranberry Lime Frizzante...and I got a little crazy, rubbed the rim of the glass in lime juice and dipped it lightly into fine sea salt before pouring in the frizzante. Not bad at all :>)
  21. It's all good--we get to see Ina and her beautiful "barn" and gardens, and then we get to see Michael. So, I'm ready for new episodes. Bring 'em on!
  22. OK...it was the white dress with strange sleeves she wore to give her infamous speech.
  23. Hmmm...very interesting order from the IOC. IMO it's about time someone took on the Russians & their cheating ways, so I hope the ISU finds another locale for what was Cup of Russia. An interesting article about former Russian ice dancers running an academy outside Washington DC plus info' about a top team in juniors skating there. My only concern is I think these two need to move to Detroit or Ann Arbor and skate amongst the top ice dance competitors. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/olympics/move-over-detroit-this-dc-area-school-is-growing-ice-dancing-champions-too/2016/07/19/54cf08e0-4480-11e6-88d0-6adee48be8bc_story.html
  24. Wow - this heat is somethin' else! Decided not to cook on the stove (other than to reheat some roasted potatoes for leftover Spanish Roasted Potato Salad) and made a crabmeat salad. Hurry autumn :>)
  25. Yikes! She wore the Puffy Dress...and I didn't even realize it. Which night was this? (didn't really watch this charming gathering)
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