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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. Well, I just hope the media and others nip this in the bud by responding: "No, I/we don't know where you stand today on this issue. So, where DO you stand?" He'll probably never hold a press conference because he's afraid of the questions...he knows he can't handle them. The foreign correspondents will have a field day with him.
  2. I'd be afraid to put either bumper sticker on my car. The Republican party attracts the twisted & sick who think nothing of making death threats and destroying property.
  3. Last night I watched the Kennedy Center awards show and seeing President Obama sitting in the presidential box made me want to cry, knowing he (or another dignified person) won't be sitting there again. Instead we'll have Tweety, perched impatiently on his chair, perpetual pout on his face, bored out of his mind. I think I'm going to organize a group to go out for lunch on inauguration day so no one feels compelled to watch this idiot's delight sworn in.
  4. Thanks, chessiegal. I might just treat myself to it just because she's the only real deal on FN (in my opinion) and I love her style. My sister and I do that type of "gift exchange" for Xmas (and boy, did I go crazy with it this month, buying all kinds of gifts for me from "her").
  5. Well...I didn't get the new Ina cookbook for Christmas :>( Sheesh. And I'm #35 on the wait list at the library. Gimme a break, here... So, did anyone else get this cookbook for Xmas and what's new in it?
  6. What is sad today with the current sitcoms is that it's all ba-dump-bump + a stare at the other character. I went on a tour of Warner Brothers lot 2 years ago and ended up on the set of The Big Bang whatever. There was a script/dialogue sitting on a pedestal of sorts so I looked through it. It was all one liners complete with the character staring following his/her line (it actually called for a "stare"). This is what sitcoms have become...unfunny lines followed by The Stare.
  7. I LOVED Seinfeldia! Just loved it. I always wondered where those plotlines came from since some of them seemed so familiar. So all along they were raiding their writers' crazy life experiences (some of which a few of us have also dealt with) to come up with all those wonderful stories. That's why the writing was so good.
  8. Such a tool. Here he is, just a prez elect, not sworn in, and he's got China sending an armed ship out into the South China Sea. Just wait til this village idiot is in the oval office. It's going to be more than a bumpy night.
  9. That's the positive on seeing the cheese board over & over again. There are a lot of people who haven't seen all of her shows the way we have, so learning how to prepare a cheese board is a learning experience. I personally love the fruit platters & can watch her build them over & over again...doesn't bother me! Hers always look better than mine anyway but mine have improved thanks to Ina's artistry (especially adding the bunches of fresh mint or fresh basil to a platter of whatever...that really looks good, even on my platters!)
  10. I am really shocked re: Ed Schultz's 180 degree swivel. Anything for a buck, I guess.
  11. Yeah...so wake up, suckers. The Donald hoodwinked ya into voting for him. I used to have empathy for these people but not now. There was plenty of info' about DT on all the networks except for Faux News so if these suffering folks really wanted to check out Trump as a potential president, they had only to avail themselves of this news...the dumb u-know-whats. I heard from a neighbor that there was a tape of the Donald using racist comments and actually calling his own little boy a "retard"...and that the Dems tried to get this info' released but whoever had it was afraid to. Tom Arnold's name was mentioned. Was this fake news or for real?
  12. I don't bake often but I made this Cardamom Crumb Coffee Cake last Thursday and it is so delicious and light. Someone asked me if I'd used cake flour because it was so light but no, just Gold Medal all purpose. I think it's the buttermilk that makes it light and moist. It reminds me of a Swedish Spice Cake that my relatives bake but it's lighter. https://newengland.com/today/food/cardamom-crumb-coffee-cake/
  13. I wonder if the judges just don't like the look of Chock and Bates, the way Bates seems (IMO) to be trying to compensate for the big difference in height. I'm no expert in ice dance but I don't like watching them out there on the ice. V&M's free dance just about puts me to sleep. I miss the big skating of Davis & White. That's just my opinion.
  14. Thanks for the reminder! President Obama doesn't need to shoot off his mouth whenever he accomplishes something (unlike He Whose Name Will Not Be Uttered Today Cause It's Almost Christmas). And just looking at what Poland's going through makes me shudder. In the new year I intend to contact my local Democratic party HQ and ask what I can do (we have a gubernatorial + legislative campaign next year).
  15. Ina's recipe for regular chicken salad and Junior's recipe are similar and both are excellent. I haven't seen her recipe for curried chicken salad but I know it has to be good :>) I remember when curried chicken salad was all the rage, back in the 80's.
  16. How cozy is this: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/leak-reveals-rex-tillerson-is-director-of-bahamas-based-us-russian-oil-company/ar-AAlI9wJ?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp
  17. Yes--that's the one. Cracks me up every time I see it in the catalog. I just bought the Books t-shirt for my daughter and the Engineer one for son-in-law (so fitting!!)
  18. I have found that chopped currants are not too bad a substitute for raisins. A better sub is Craisins.
  19. Mondrianyone: there's a t-shirt at signals.com (a catalog that has the funniest sayings on t-shirts) that says something about how you react when you find out that what you thought were chocolate chips in cookies turn out to be the dreaded raisins. It's funny.
  20. What ever happened to that funny host, Ian? I stopped watching regularly when they no longer featured him and switched to a young woman who seemed (IMO) to be a bit self-absorbed.
  21. Something about hating beans which is just stupid, so that's out.) Maybe someone recited the Musical Fruit poem to them :>)
  22. For some reason, I've always been able to eat raisins from the box or chocolate covered raisins, even in Waldorf salad. But don't put them in something that will be baked--blech! Something happens to them in the baking process (no idea what that is but it's bad).
  23. We saw this film yesterday and it's still in my mind. That music (when he's walking through the snow to the convenience store) is a beautiful piece but I'll never hear it again w/o thinking of this film. I don't want to mention too much in case anyone hasn't seen it yet but I loved the beautiful snowy scenes of this New England town, complete with gorgeous colonial houses. To me, it was in stark contrast to the main character's life/mood. Now, I must add that seeing Casey Affleck in this role reminded me of his character in Gone Baby Gone (same way of talking, same accent). I haven't seen him in any other movies so I don't know if he can "stretch" into a completely different character. I thoroughly enjoyed Lucas Hedges and thought he did a great job with his role as nephew Patrick (and thank God for the occasional humorous dialogue!) I'll recommend the movie to most friends but did warn away a friend who has gone through a similar tragedy.
  24. Oh no...missed it again! When will it be repeated? I swannee, if I don't write a note to myself, I'll go sailing off to run errands.
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