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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. That's awful. I've never heard of such a thing (but now I have). What a creep to inject his warped politics into his stories in such an evil way.
  2. annzeepark914


    Re: MTP Daily? I know one thing & that is that I'm always happy when Katy Tur fills in for Chuck. One talk show I've become very impressed with is Nicolle Wallace's Deadline White House. Good guests.
  3. Well, that's it for me. I have no use for ol' sad sack Williams. IMO, he should've been fired for telling lies, something a journalist/TV newsperson should never get away with. Don't they have any fresh face who could take over Hardball?
  4. I forgot to add the Scottolini books. The early books in the women's law firm series were really great, especially the scenes of Mary's parents and neighborhood. The last book I read featured Bennie meeting a state trooper up in the Scranton area. That's when I decided no more Scottolini for me. Why don't these authors create new amateur sleuths after their main characters solve about 10 mysteries? I mean, after solving 10 mysteries, you'd think the police dept would hire them.
  5. My mom used to say that to be funny. She also said, "That'll learn ya!" We loved it. I remember later on saying those nutty things in front of others and being gleefully corrected (and they wouldn't accept my explanations). I am so sick of hearing people starting sentences with the word "so". It started with comedians as a way to set up a joke but now way too many folks are using it. One more pet peeve: people saying, "nuke-u-lar". Did Jimmy Carter (a nuclear engineer) start that horrid mispronunciation? Before I sign off, I need to share another spelling (and dramatic pronunciation) for voila: waa-laa.
  6. annzeepark914


    @Kemper: Yes, a brief appearance where he could read his script & not have to worry about messing up. But you're right--he probably wouldn't take a job like that. If he's on vacation right now, he has to he going crazy what with all the stuff going on this week.
  7. annzeepark914


    So, where's Chris? It's been nice having a host the past week or so who lets his guests talk. These are the only times now that I watch Hardball. I can't take the name screw-ups and confusion any more. But I'm wondering what's going on.
  8. Joy had her own show on CNN (or was it HLN?) a few years ago. It was a great show and she'd always feature a panel of interesting in-the-know folks. I'd love to see her show resurrected.
  9. I tuned in as he was getting ready to put the mac & cheese in the oven. It looked good. What did you all think? Would you make it?
  10. Looks like I'm the only one here. Helloooo? What do you all think of Season 3? I noticed that tonight's episode had no silliness in it (thank goodness!) I'm wondering if the silly stuff was edited out recently due to complaints, or maybe because they had a bunch of issues (e g., getting supplies to the cabin, wrong windows delivered, getting rid of piano, etc). Ashley got her two trips shown which was nice. All in all, a good episode that reminded me of Season One.
  11. Chicken burgers on toasted rolls w/ lime aiole. Served w/ chips, and a tossed salad.
  12. I wonder if American skaters would be welcome. Chris Reed is accepted there *but* he has a Japanese partner (& is Japanese-American himself). The coaches there seem to train their skaters very well. What's their secret? Maybe they make them skate figures for the first 5 years! But gee, did we have so much underrotating back in the day? Just guessing here. I'm no expert.
  13. Yup - That's John Grisham. In the beginning I enjoyed reading the books but then it became like a formula. The only book of his that wasn't quite formula but dealt with lawyers (and imprisoned judges!) was The Brethren. Loved that one. Lilian Jackson Braun's The Cat Who series. It starts out great, then the main character moves "upstate" (I'm thinking this is in Michigan because some of the crazy town names sound familiar to my Michigander husband). It's still very good for quite a few books and then, after he moves into a big house, something went wrong with the writing. I think the author must've hired a ghostwriter. Awful dialogue and setting descriptions. MC Beaton's Agatha Raisin and Hamish MacBeth series were fun at the beginning. Then something similar to The Cat Who series happened. Awful writing. Not sufficient descriptions of where the characters were when they were speaking. Sue Grafton's alphabet series was good in the beginning but after a man shot at Kinsie while she was hiding in a garbage can, I couldn't take it any more. Whoops - forgot Dick Francis. I loved his books in the beginning (especially the one where that jockey had to fly a 747) but they became tired formula stories after a while and I quit. Plus, it was obvious someone else was writing the books in Mr. Francis's later years.
  14. "I've got a fever & the only Rx for it is more cowbell." That has got to be one of the funniest sketches. I read somewhere that Will had purposely found a way-too-small sweater so that it would start riding up his not so small stomach as he pranced around, playing the cow bell.
  15. @Moose135: I am so sad about your losing Denali. Whew - it's so wrenching being at the vet's the final time (was there with our Maine Coon cat 2 years ago). They're our "kids" and I can tell by the photos that she enjoyed her life and certainly loved you. Take care.
  16. I turned the show on last night, noticed he wasn't there, & wondered if he was getting checked out. You just know MSNBC has to have noticed.
  17. What's going on with MF and P? Were they like this when they were competing? I sure don't remember OTT sexy attire & all that OTT steaminess in their programs. Sure, they did a lot of romance-themed programs but nothing like what we're seeing from H/D (and the intense face to face angst from the French). How does one pronounce Gadbois?
  18. I wonder if I'm the only fan of Tim Kazurinsky. I'll never forget a short film featuring Tim as a hitchhiker, picked up by a sultry looking woman in a luxury car. She starts to put the moves on him & the last scene is of the car going off a cliff...one of those odd short films featured back in the 80's.
  19. When someone says, "How can that be?" I like to say, "Oh, it be". Thank you, Seinfeld writers.
  20. On a cold, overcast day, I decided chili would be good (& it was)...along w/ Fresh Tequila/lime Corn Chips from Whole Foods.
  21. The first time I ever saw synchronized skating was at the start of Nancy Kerrigan's first Halloween special. The show started, we heard music and all of a sudden all these ghoulish looking characters skated out onto the ice, identical costumes, and were skating in unison so fast. It was such an amazing sight that I've never forgotten it. Had no idea who/what they were until I saw a post about it the next day.
  22. I'm making Thai Peanut Chicken for Valentine's Day dinner but using my new crockpot. So I prepped everything tonight and tomorrow, before going out. I'll pour it in the crockpot, turn it to low, and hope it turns out delicious (if not, we'll have to order pizza or Chinese food). Anyone else staying home to avoid the crowds? At least the weather here is ok so the restaurants should do very well.
  23. Did no one tell H/D that they were moving from one letter under the ice to another a couple feet away in that so called "stationary" lift? Didn't they watch the tape of that lift taken from an overhead camera (unfortunately for them)? They obviously live in a different world, up there in their own stratosphere of winners. Re: the judges sending them a msg about their attitude? Doubt it (unless the msg was: even though you won GP Final & US Nationals, that doesn't mean we're going to overlook a major error + some other minor errors). I can't get over how impressed I was with Chock & Bates at Nationals. For one thing, he wasn't bent at the waist (which always drove me crazy). Somebody in Canada made some subtle changes and who knows, maybe that gave them a boost in confidence. I didn't see a difference in H/B, though. Maybe next season I will. Did anyone else see a change in H/B? I'm no expert so I may have missed it (but hey, that never stopped me from critique-ing🙂
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