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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. I don't know. All the surgery center staff person said was that the blood test showed something that might indicate a kidney issue. This is a highly recommended surgery center so I believe they'll be careful. Yeah...I've heard about cats returning to the scene of the crime. That's why a new box spring and mattress will be required (+ a closed door to that room!!) Thanks for the information.
  2. I have a question for cat parents. Our 9 yr old rescue cat (adopted her 2 years ago; came from a decent home, elderly owner) will have dental surgery on the 16th (broken tooth, gingevitis, & another tooth that needs to go!). The surgical center folks did a blood test and the next day called us, said she's ok for surgery but they'll get a urine specimen on the 16th because the blood test indicated a possible issue with kidneys. Well...just today, in a guest bedroom that's been repainted and still needs a bit of work done, I looked at the bare mattress & noticed a big but faint stain. Smelled it & I know it's urine. A week ago she got accidentally locked in that room for several hours. She'd pooped on that mattress (guess she had to go!) but I didn't see any stain. So I think this stain is something new. If a cat is having a possible kidney issue, would (s)he not use the litter box but go on the mattress? She uses her litterbox. Mr. P914 says we can clean it but I say we need to buy a new mattress and that's what I'm going to do (and keep the door shut to this guest room).
  3. I made some type of breakfast pizza for supper last night, getting ideas from a recipe in a magazine: flatbread, fresh mozzarella, roasted red pepper strips, some kale, sauted baby bella mushrooms, sweet Italian chicken sausage, baked with sunny side eggs on top. Other than being tough to cut...it was quite tasty!
  4. I'm not surprised. It always sounded familiar (much like that silly song, "Be Kind To Your Webfooted Friends, cause a duck might be somebody's mother..." started out quite differently). One of my favorite ads is the one in which animals are riding in an SUV while "If you go out in the woods today..." is playing. Some ad folks are incredibly talented.
  5. Welll... this little ditty started out with very different lyrics back in the early 60's. "Do your boo*s hang low, can you tie them in a bow..." I only heard it sung amidst a gathering of girls (tweens & teens).
  6. Who am I to criticize tonight's panel when I only got 7 right? But, the heck with that. I can't remember ever seeing all 3 not knowing the answers so many times. I don't watch every night so I'm no expert observer, but did these 3 seem "off" to you regular Jeopardy viewers? OK...glad to see I wasn't imagining things.
  7. I wonder if she'll sneak in a recipe or two. And, hopefully, loads of photos, esp of their gardens plus their Paris & Manhatten apts. I still miss plopping down on the couch w/ a glass of wine, dinner bubbling away, to watch her 5:00 shows. That was pure bliss.
  8. Grilled marinated pork chops, scalloped potatoes, sliced tomatoes, red onions, sliced avocadoes, & mixed lettuces. A nice reward after taking our cat, Zoe, on a loooong trek for consult with dental vet. Dear kitty & Mama were equally stressin' until we got back home 😰
  9. annzeepark914

    Country Music

    Loved listening to Marty Stuart. And Hazel Smith... does anyone remember a movie show in which she'd introduce the movie, talk about who was featured in it, while hosting a celebrity in her kitchen? She'd also appear at the end of each commercial break, making a comment about the next segment of the movie. Hazel made the commercial breaks bearable...such a funny lady!
  10. Now, now...don't be too cruel to your baby brother. Gosh, I loved singing that song at the end of the Roy Rogers show back in the day. Today when I watch (for one or two minutes) those old reruns of the RR Show, I realize that only a kid could watch and love those stories. Dale could only be a bit independent, & there always had to be a goofball (Pat?) driving Nelly Belle. Yikes.
  11. Hmmm...Trader Joe's. Haven't been there in a while and need to go because last year at this time they had several cartons (sitting outside) of various sizes of squash and pumpkins for (I think) decorative purposes. That's what I did last year...had several small and medium size for decor on the front stoop and loved them, esp the green pumpkin! Gotta go back this week and see if I can score some more (plus some Guilt Free Mac & Cheese, and those wonderful plain pork tenderloins that are sooooo tender, and some San Francisco sourdough bread, and the gluten free chocolate cupcakes!) I don't need gluten free but they are so outstandingly delicious with that buttercream frosting.
  12. So, the Knierems are still out there, competing. I wonder...why? Yes, they have the artistic but they always screw up (one or the other or both) the jumps. Jumping *successfully* at the exact same time is a very major part of pairs and has been so for decades.
  13. Geez...I guess they're too young to get Buttermilk's owner, Dale Evans...even though I was yelling her name. Anyway, I didn't do too badly tonight. Got 15 of them altho' I'll admit that I was a bit slow on the Victoria & Albert. A new champion and he's likeable (but I still liked Jason, just don't care for these long term champions, week after week). I did not get the FJ. Loved getting "Wild Thing" and "Cheney" and Appomattox, and Clio Awards for ads. Fun achievements. My favorite "get" thought was The Cask of Amontillado (a tale that haunted me for a long time).
  14. Shrimp curry with basmati rice for dinner.
  15. Well, I guess this is the only good thing about Hardball these days. Chris doesn't do the chit chat with the next show's host (the other Chris). One thing I enjoyed was when he'd do his "Tell Me Something I don't Know" segment at the end of the show. I may have already mentioned that here a while back. But it would get me perked up and really excited - getting a head start on something big that was about to happen. Nowadays, I don't think I can handle such excitement - life during the Trump days has become too wild for me.
  16. Yup! This guy rules, IMO. Also. I saw that Mariah won Nebelhorne. Made me happy because here's another skater whose style is so beautiful that I could watch her skate for hours on end (and I sure miss seeing that type of skating these days).
  17. I just saw a good commercial. Ave Maria is playing while you see photos of kids doing noisy things (e.g., playing the drums, etc). Then, you see (probably) their dad, calmly sitting on a couch, wearing headphones, looking very serene. It's an ad for Prime/amazon.
  18. Have you tried Duncan Hines little cake mixes? Some stores have cut back on offering all of the different varieties. The chocolate cake is delicious.
  19. I just saw that Daisuke Takahashi is switching to ice dance! He & his partner will train in MI with Marina Zoueva. I'm so happy. I've always loved his skating & now he'll be competing in my current favorite discipline. Just like Nikita, Daisuke will probably be the eye catching member of the ice dancing duo.
  20. Hmmm...great minds move in the same channel (or something like that)! Tonight I made something similar using pappardelle, melted butter, Half & Half, parmesan, ground black pepper, garlic powder, a few dried red pepper flakes, and some fresh lemon juice.
  21. This is the first time I've actually enjoyed watching P/C skate. There was no angst, no hanging onto each other, etc. It was pure ice dance with their superb skating skills very obvious.
  22. After that Prime plane crash in Texas, I no longer request next day delivery. I also became concerned about the warehouse employees racing around, trying to get my orders found & shipped. There's *nothing* I need that fast!
  23. Good grief...had no idea it's gotten that bad. I thought there were two new guys changing things at MSNBC. Why haven't they given Matthews the hook? I've also noticed some of the annoying chitchat between show hosts, at the turn of the hour, has returned.
  24. annzeepark914

    Country Music

    Me too!! I was relieved that everything turned out ok for him 😊 Video & song were really good.
  25. I think I mentioned a week ago that it was odd how quiet he was early on in a game and someone suggested that he might be tired from the taping sessions going on all day. So maybe lack of unusual stamina needed for Jeopardy tapings got him in the end.
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