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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. annzeepark914

    Country Music

    Oh wow! I *love* this song. And I remember watching this performance back in the 90's. I think it was on PBS, a special about women in country music. A couple years ago we went to MCC's concert at Wolf Trap. Unfortunately, she didn't sing this song. Every song was so incredibly depressing. I just about crawled out of there that night. Thanks for this video!!
  2. I'd love to see Katy take over Hardball or MTP Daily, but I doubt she would right now.
  3. Well, there *is* a funny way of saying voila that my sister picked up in some blog last year: waa-laa. We got such a kick out of it that we use it all the time.
  4. I didn't care for him from the moment I first read about him, before he started playing for the Nationals. What you see now are the real Nats. If Bryce wasn't yakking about wearing a WS ring, then sports writers from all over were stupidly predicting, during *spring training* that the Nats were going to the WS (most of us rolled our eyes). This past spring the team didn't have to be bothered by any of that nonsense. Just making it this far is really fun!
  5. Ina's Italian Wedding Soup for supper.
  6. And include the change edge spiral which is not an easy thing to do. Michelle's change edge spiral was gorgeous (Sasha's? the cameras never focused on her skate!)
  7. I've loved the Nats ever since they came to DC (their arrival reminded me so much of the opening scene of Major League). This is now so incredible. Makes me wonder what the originals are doing/thinking (including my favorites Nick Johnson, John Patterson, Chad Cordero, Brian Schneider, Jamey Carroll, Brad Wilkerson). We were there the night Ryan Zimmerman made his debut. Love that guy. Sorry for rambling...I'm just so verklempt!
  8. Good God almighty! That's horrible. That's a thousand times worse than my nightmare from one drug I took (sinclair??) I was being chased by a gang, ran up to a rowhouse door, pounded & pounded but no one opened the door & I woke up out of breath, terrified. My sister got nightmares from it too. Some drugs do more damage than treat/cure an ailment.
  9. And I got cystic fibrosis because I worked for the fdn. The clues were a mixed bag. Some were super easy and some were the great unknown for me.
  10. Wow...big surprise at the end due to her wager. She was leading throughout the whole game. She looked stunned.
  11. Since I can't stand CM any more, I haven't been watching Hardball. But I agree. Things are too hot right now for the host of a talk show like HB to be absent.
  12. Good luck with augmentin & cefdnir, the only drugs on my "cannot take!" list. Thank God for probiotics 😊
  13. What a horrid day, esp finding the doe, suffering after being hit. How could someone be so cruel, leaving her like that? Thanks so much for staying with her & calling animal control. May your kindness to her be returned to you in some helpful way.
  14. Got 11 again...but only in DJ. I could not get *anything* in Jeopardy. No idea what FJ answer was.
  15. And on the show, Suzanne fixed him up with Mary Jo (after she dated him briefly).
  16. Chicken Milanese tenders, egg noodles w/ butter, Parmesan & lemon juice, and a platter of mixed greens, sliced onions, & sliced tomatoes w/ vinaigrette.
  17. I saw this movie yesterday and 3/4 of the way through was bored (although I loved and truly miss the PBS series). I know I'm in the minority here but I never really cared for the Tom the Chauffeur/Irish rebel character and felt the actor always delivered his lines in a stilted manner. His story with the "maid" was predictable and schmaltzy. As someone else here stated, when Julian writes the next movie, he needs to have some assistance. The next movie also needs to include some more of the history of the times. That's what made DA on TV so fascinating (and not a soap opera)...it wove in actual history, brought WWI to life. The two characters I thought had aged were Thomas, of course, and Isobel's husband (didn't even recognize him at first). Isobel looked so pretty and youthful...no longer matronly. The best scenes IMO were at the start, with the old train cranking up, and the old royal mail truck driving up to that magnificent house/castle/manor with the beautiful DA music playing.
  18. I made Swedish meatballs, potato salad and tossed salad for supper tonight. Haven't made those meatballs in a long time.
  19. I only got 10 correct answers. No FJ. Glad I wasn't a contestant who has to preface the answer with "what is"...I'd really be in trouble.
  20. I just wonder where the motivation to train day after day comes from among all the ladies who don't have quads. Why bother showing up at a competition if you don't have quads or quints (or whatever 5 spin jumps are called)?
  21. I was too lazy to open this email, so thanks for the tip. I love getting my Prime discounts at WF. Now, if only WF would get rid of those flimsy cartons at the buffets that one has to fold together. Bring back the thin cardboard containers & lids that won't leak!
  22. I'm the opposite. I always want them to move. So many of the houses are too small, don't have a garage, have issues that can't be fixed, etc. And, IMO, the snarky spouse/partner is the one who wants to stay. I stopped watching the entire show a while back. Now I watch until the construction starts & find something else to do until the big reveal and decision. I wonder if this show is kaput now (seems to be only reruns, nothing new)?
  23. Jon Stewart said that Chicago deep dish pizza is really "pizza casserole".
  24. Magicdog: I realize things may have changed at work as your post was over a year ago but if things are still the same, you might want to start looking for a new job. It sounds like she's setting you up for a dismissal. I've heard of this happening before several times (co-worker gets promotion then tries to get rid of certain former associates). Sunnybebe... according to Sylvia Browne, there's no such thing as coincidence. We get messages via dreams sometimes. So you just may have been given a tip about your mom's friend but either you misinterpreted it or the msg got messed up somehow.
  25. Oh boy...that co-worker sounds awful. Switching to a baby voice is creepy--even if she were a teenager! What is it with males and remotes? Now, clutching it in their hands is something they've done since toddler days (I noticed our grandson *always* holding some small toy). But, why the need to change channels so much? Just hit the mute button during commercials...sooo easy to do. Men truly are from Mars (as we say in Venus ☺)
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