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Everything posted by alexa

  1. alexa


    All of these things with Sophia make me think of the song "Fancy" by Reba McEntire, where the mom gets the child into her type of work to make them money. Funny, but not funny.
  2. I am really loving this show. I have pretty much liked all episodes after the first couple (they were fine but still getting into a groove). The last couple episodes have definitely been even better. I like all of the actors/characters, the mix of storylines, the improvements in the relationships over time, etc.
  3. But I think it is only wearing thin, if you don't like it. I don't mind it most of the time as they usually have other storylines at the same time. The Perfect Strangers was just a small bit, it was really more about them learning to spend better quality time with their cousin, imo.
  4. Each show has its rhythm and typical scenarios, and for this show it is to use 80s subject matter to show the storyline. I think at this point it is to be expected it could be about a movie or tv show or a game, etc, etc... It is fine not to like that, but that is really what the show has been doing for a long while. I think it is easiest to expect it. Just like with Schooled--I can expect some silly, sappy message about the life of teachers and students (and this is why I am considering not watching anymore--it gets a little unrealistic)
  5. But that is the whole point of this show--to show things based on his real life. That is why a lot of people that watch it like it.
  6. I think they should have shortened the Cassie drama, and moved on to what he says to Hannah G, etc. To drag this out was just plain boring. And I don't care. It is not like anyone is thinking, oh what love story will come out of this? I can't wait to find out! No, everyone knows there is no love story--even if he connects with Cassie or someone later on, it won't last based on what we have seen. That was truly a boring episode, and it wasn't necessary to show all of it.
  7. I didn't see the episode, but fixing the A/C upstairs could mean a whole system. I am not sure if they use heat pumps there (they do both the heat and cooling of the house), but for 2 story houses, people often have more than one depending on the size of the house. So if that is the case, and they need a whole new heat pump for upstairs, those cost a good 5000k plus to replace. So I wouldn't jump to conclusions. Most people would not just be using an air conditioning window unit where he lives--you would want a good cooling system.
  8. Wow, I hardly recognized her...I would have never known it was her.
  9. Agree with everything except I am not a huge fan of Schooled 🙂 I keep trying that show but am tempted to stop watching... this week's episode was a little better.
  10. I was not a fan of this episode really at all. I thought the guest from Ukraine/Russia (can't remember) was clearly not very friendly from the start. So though the kids acted stupid, it wasn't like he was putting in any effort. And the grandpa didn't hang out with them at all, or try to help the time with him go any better. I also didn't like how insulting he was to the kids--he knows what they are like and that they are generally good. I didn't understand the lack of love in this situation. None of it made sense to me. As for Bev, I know she is insufferable, but I got the sense that she was having good relationships with the women. I thought it was strange how they made her so awful all of the sudden, because they never would have been friends if that is all that had been happening. And then at the end for her to be so nice after the earlier behavior, again, not really getting it.
  11. That is exactly what makes me dislike her so much--it is one thing to be human and have problems, but to ignore them and flash your money around on things that normal people with less debt cannot afford just pisses me off. The other thing is that even though 88K and 220K are a lot of money for most people, if you factor in what they spend, the cost of their housing, etc, the fact that their public debt like that is fairly small shows how little money they have. What I mean is, if they live like they do and at the same time can't afford to pay 88K, then they must not have any money (most people in their situation would be in debt upwards to a million, etc). Because if they had any normal income for their area and their professions, they should be able to pay that (and not owe it in the first place). Call me petty, but I am hoping the 90210 show isn't as popular as she thinks it will be. As a viewer I find it slightly interesting, but less so because of her involvement. Lastly I am so tired of them describing the show as "heightened versions" -- as if that is something we all talk about regularly. Could they not find a better way to describe the show?
  12. The Janelle thread keeps taking off in different directions, that I think I am in the wrong place....
  13. I really like that they have a nice, but simple home, and are focused on things they really want, such as the land/country, etc. So much better than Kail that upgrades for no real reason and doesn't have an ounce of taste anyway. I think the outside matches the inside--it looks about like a 2000 sq foot house, which is decent sized but not huge for today's standards. I think Chelsea and Cole bought smart... You can tell they will love this house and land and it isn't just a temporary home.
  14. I agree...it is like we saw the real Cassie at home with her family, and there isn't much there. She is a sweet girl, but she isn't very mature or good at communication.
  15. I thought it was a good episode, though I will say I prefer episodes that end on a happy note. I like a clean wrap up versus something alluding to future problems. That said, this show relies on the characters and their workplace so I am sure they will all be fine and work it out. Lol But I did really like the working relationship between the new character and Mac. Her seriousness is an asset to missions, but she is also a nice person. Unless she is the one causing their new issues. 🙂
  16. So she moved from the bed to the floor, and now the baby can crawl over the unclean surface instead. She would have been better off staying in bed!
  17. She looks sweet, and I am glad he won't be a bachelor on TV again! lol
  18. I totally agree. I can't even imagine what my father would have said and done in a situation like this--let's just say, I think I would have needed to do the modified visit with very limited, specifically chosen, family members! lol.
  19. Can I be shallow and just say that I wish Jordana Brewster, the actress would put on a little weight? She used to look so much better in her soap opera days.... She has been too skinny for a long time, and it distracts me when she is acting. I think partly because she is very pretty, but much less so with being so thin in her face.
  20. But she wasn't Mac's girlfriend so that is why I thought you meant the girl from Africa. But yes the blonde girl was gone quickly--they did show a video of her in a hospital to send her off of the show.
  21. I think that is what annoys me about her so much. She is so delusional, and hides 3/4 of what is really happening in her life, and pretends we all don't know about it. No rational person would be completely, obviously broke, being supported by their mom, and then go on to say things like, I want more children, or I am on vacation every month, etc. She is really not very bright at all. I hope her kids see right through her. I think they actually have a ration of hope with Dean as he has moments of real life clarity, but not Tori.
  22. This is the Janelle thread. I am confused, and why is Chelsea being on some drug coming up? I must have missed something.
  23. So Tayisha just said they guessed who the girls that left were talking about. So she basically heard nothing and knows nothing but made up some story based on speculation? That kind of sucks. Caelynn basically knows she made it up from that statement.
  24. That is funny, and a good point. I had a twin bed until I was an adult as well. I think there was a short time I might have had a queen, but that was just because of the bedroom I switched to after a sibling moved out. Plus many people do not have room for a larger bed and kids items in the bedroom as well. My son would have no room at all if his bed were larger. (I do not have an extra family room, den, playroom, etc, lol! everything goes in his room in an organized fashion)
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