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Everything posted by alexa

  1. I liked Carter’s room. I found it liveable and fun. I liked the other room too, but I felt like the curtains should have been a different color.
  2. I can’t really agree with that because the majority of the designers are trustworthy and do a great job. Hildi doesn’t care and chooses things that are outside of what anyone wants. I don’t think it is the homeowners fault if they get assigned to her instead of someone they could trust enough to see their idea through. She is a subpar designer and shouldn’t be designing anything.
  3. I can’t ever feel bad for Hildi. She has ruined too many homes by doing things to their walls, etc. And it makes no sense to put fur on the wall. The rooms were much better having her ideas nixed. It is about time. Honestly they should not have brought her back.
  4. Yea, no R Kelly! I enjoyed the episode overall. I guess that they are trying to close up the MacGyver dad story.
  5. That is a really good point about the kids. I was thinking that she could have done this and kept it private, and she would be like the many other people that have done this kind of thing, but of course this is Kail so nothing is private. But she does have kids, and who wants their mom having pics like this on the internet? That is simply awkward.
  6. I assume you are making fun at the fact that Kimmel gets his info from Reality Steve... because that is how Kimmel gets them. 🙂
  7. I think they are pretty cute too. I think a lot of it is how happy they are--they are cute, but when you add the genuine happiness, it makes them even more beautiful.
  8. I agree. I had forgotten to mention I found this storyline odd, especially that it closed so quickly and away from the audience view.
  9. I saw Fred Savage's name too, and looked it up. It said he had directed an episode several years back as well, I think. As for Murray and Erica, I think the issue was that she wanted to go to an out of state school instead of in state, thus costing much more. Plus she wanted to go for fine arts or whatever, related to her music, which I think he was opposed to. I could be wrong, but I think it had to do with her choices, and not college in general.
  10. I usually feel this way most seasons until they start to narrow down to fewer people.
  11. I guess it was so bad on Erica, I didn't realize that was what she was copying. I get it now, lol! Rachel's looked much better than that 🙂
  12. Agreed. I kept wondering why they had Erica's hair so awful when everyone else's was normal. Erica's hair in Goldberg's is pretty much fine for any decade, so I am not sure if they were trying to make a joke of her being a suburban wife or something? Lainey's hair hasn't changed much, not so sure why Erica's was so odd.
  13. For me this was another great episode. I am really loving the flow of the episodes, the use of the characters, and definitely love that they are figuring out how to balance Magnum and Katsumoto's roles in the storyline. Honestly, this is probably my favorite show right now.
  14. I watch this off and on. I just think it could be better without the sappy message about teachers and students at the end every time. I think they can do the school theme but branch out in some other ways.
  15. For me it wasn't the whole season, it was that they ruined the finale for me by dragging it out for 3 long episodes. I was over it at episode one of the finale last week, this week was pure torture to get through. The rest of the season I thought he did a pretty good job, and I liked some of the girls. Had they had a normal finale where Cassie left, he dumped the other girls quickly, and then he went back to her all in one episode, I would have been game for all of that.
  16. I am pretty sure it was Rachel that had the major issue with Peter not wanting to get married yet, not that she wanted to pursue with him but she couldn't because of his lack of interest in marriage. She was kind of high and mighty about how the guys should treat her, and her expectations, in my opinion. Colton got to do this because there were really no options. When things went south with Cassie, but he had basically admitted she was the one he wanted, he couldn't really choose the others at that point. Other bachelors have not proposed... there is Jesse and Brad, and I think Charlie didn't propose.
  17. After seeing this multi night finale--what, 3 nights?.... I realize there are some definite pros to the regular formula. As cheesy and awful as the normal process is for the Bachelor in the finale, it is far more interesting than watching Colton chase Cassie for 3 nights (and listen to them have whatever they call a conversation). If this show had one person at the end every time like this, I don't think the show would have lasted even more than one season. On the one hand, in the real life world, it is nice to see him choose one and go for it, but on a TV show there is no entertainment value. I just don't know why ABC thought that would be remotely interesting, especially since they know Cassie apparently cannot carry a conversation. I am so relieved the whole thing is over. Perhaps if they had put it all in one night it would have been okay, but 3 nights was far too much. Now I think Hannah B might be okay.... she is slightly interesting, and perhaps she will get one of those actual good relationships like Ashley, Des, and some of the others. I think sometimes it is the people you least suspect that manage to do it right.
  18. The twitter comments are funny. Saying things like I see you Bachelor, having the song “Making love out of nothing at all”. Describes the whole season. Things like that.
  19. Do you think either of them know who air supply is? Lol
  20. They do know they have dragged out the most boring finale to a Bachelor series ever? Seriously words cannot describe how little I care now.
  21. Well and if she is into him, what is so stressful? She is the only one left, she doesn’t have to get engaged, and she on a free trip. She is very immature. No way this will work out. This makes Arie and his bride look like a serious couple. Lol
  22. I just don't get why they dragged this out so much (other than they are being the normal idiots they are and think we find all of this interesting). Honestly, they could have easily done this last episode, and it would have been far more interesting to me. To drag out Cassie, then the wandering off, then the other two girls, and then apparently people spoke at the end of this episode? I don't know, I fell asleep. If they want to suck the life out of the show and really make me not care about Colton and if he ends up with Cassie, they have accomplished that.
  23. I found an update online that they will show the episode next week, and then there is a bit of a break for the upcoming basketball games.
  24. Yes, that sucks. I really do not care about this interview. Will they show the episode next week or skip it? I can’t tell from the online articles.
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