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Everything posted by alexa

  1. I have mixed feelings about the episode. On the one hand I was shocked at how simple and tasteful the rooms were, but on the other hand they were so simple that I felt like in some ways I couldn't really tell that a designer did either room. Meaning the homeowners could have easily done their own rooms, and chosen some actual color if they wanted it. I am sure a lot of it for me is the white walls--I am over everything being white walls in home magazines the last year or so. I just find it boring. I did hate the blue chairs though...they were ugly. I also thought that the tissue paper technique only proved that Hildi likes to just simply ruin walls to some degree, as it didn't really add anything to the room, and in typical Hildi fashion created a future problem for the homeowners.
  2. Yeah, I think the show has jumped the ship. Noone cares about Kelly, and she is on too much. The petty concerns of Kristen's employees, as well as having their boyfriends on the show as if we care.... Honestly I mainly watch the scenes with Kristen and Jay, and forward through the rest.
  3. That is a good point. There are fewer inventions, and more fighting. I hadn’t really noticed until you said it.
  4. I think they are referring to Mac and the new girl having crush vibes. Bozer was talking about it to Riley quite a bit and saying how dangerous it was when Mac liked someone, meaning for things like dangerous missions. So far nothing has happened. It doesn’t bother me much. I like the new person okay, and it is normal for people to want a relationship at some point. Obv that might not work well in their business though. The rest of the episode was about saving some missing backpackers that got caught up in a scheme where a group kidnaps people to sell for labor. It was a good episode.
  5. Yeah, by nice I mainly meant he might appear that way based on a quick peek, but I agree with you. He did become a bit too much after all of his exposure.
  6. For me, and I can't speak for everyone, it is not hating Rupert, but more about Rupert burnout from when Survivor kept parading him out, and he also won some money from some popularity contest they had back then...it was just a lot of Rupert. So yes they are nice and pleasant, but I guess you have to have Rupert burnout to understand. I didn't mind him terribly this round since I had a long break from him, but I still won't miss him one bit. lol
  7. Couldn't agree more. Honestly, if I think to what I share with people, and it would usually be via text to my sisters because I don't do instagram or facebook in a sharing sort of way, I send them fun or interesting good moment pics. I don't stop my day to send them a text to say the mundane or frustrating parts of my day. Or when I would email my family when my son was younger to send pics, I would send cute pics or happy moment pics--they didn't really need me to send a diatribe about the ins and outs of having a young child. Most of them have all been there and know you have good and difficult moments. So I am not sure why Chelsea is expected to be different. What I will say is what I have learned from my times on social media, is if someone triggers you to the point that they annoy you so much, it is best to ignore and not follow what they say. It makes such a difference in your happiness levels. We all have these people that can trigger us. I think Chelsea does a great job of sharing with her fans without going overboard. She has a good and simple life (for the most part), enjoys parenting, and is showing off her kids. That is what many parents of young kids do. Just look anywhere on facebook/instagram.
  8. Oh gah, I can’t believe Chelsea shares positive moments in her life! That is just too much, omg. Just kidding, but she has happy moments to share, so why not share them? I don’t need her to go on social media and share all of the annoying things that occurred in her day, but I know she has those moments just like everyone else.
  9. I thought both rooms were just pretty ugly. Hildi's was too much of a cheap looking cave. There are so many ways to make those pictures pop without plastering them randomly on the walls. Other than the Africa history that couple has, I can't see why they liked it so much. She did so little to the rest of the room, and it just was not good in my opinion. Doug's room was just very plain, and an odd use of color. Overall it was much better than before, and I am glad he went kind of simple for a change, but I just didn't think any of the colors blended well. I loved the purple, but not with the blue like that. I just thought it looked weird and kind of like some random homeowner put that look together as their "before" photo.
  10. This was kind of an odd episode. The 2 separate stories were so very different, and I am also surprised they haven't figured out who has stole their data yet. I mean, this is TV, things are usually fixed quickly. lol.
  11. It makes me think of where I live--the group of people that hate our HOA so much that they want to be able to do whatever they want--this is the kind of place they would like to live. lol! They can all live together in a place like this and do their own thing.
  12. Although I wouldn't normally approve of a post like Jeremy's, in this case I do because it made lol. Love to see people go after the jerk and have no fear.
  13. I couldn't tell from the end was this the last episode of the season or an episode that is to be continued? If it is the last episode of the season does that mean they are coming back? I thought it was pretty much determined this was the last season... That said, I hate when shows do stuff like this. I could care less who Martin ends up with at this point, so having Lisa move in just adds an annoyance to the show, not any value.
  14. I am chiming in a little late, but have read all of the comments, and in agreement with much of what has been said. I feel like with Ty's room, as someone else stated it was too close to the resort look that it was overdone. I think some of the elements without going overboard with the theme would have been much better. And of course they need furniture--just paint their furniture, Ty, ugh! I loved his room last year with the various colors sprinkled throughout the room, so he has it in him--this just seemed more like a Doug room to me than Ty. I will say, though, that the homeowner lady helping was really on my nerves--he wasn't doing anything super controversial, so be quiet and just help the neighbors change it up later. Enjoy the experience since nothing was actually being harmed or ruined in the room. The motorcycle room, I actually really liked the look of it. But I hate when they put major things on the wall, and to put the cheap wood on just kind of ruined the room. He could have done that art on the wall itself and it would have been so much better. I would want to remove the wood immediately if it were me. Otherwise I like the colors and the vibe of the room.
  15. This sums up my feelings as well. I was very unimpressed with the finale, found it very dull and boring to the point of why did I bother? I had been off and on this season, and there were a few enjoyable episodes, so I had hope that the finale would be good, and not based on which man will she pick. Once I knew that was the story, I kind of had doubts about the finale anyway, but the actual episode did not help. I would have preferred to see something more interactive with all of the cast. To me this seemed like a regular episode--one of the more boring ones.
  16. I also don’t like that this show started doing two houses, and they each get 10000, while TS gets only 2000. I mean if they can add an extra house for WYWO, they could add more money to TS.
  17. Do you mean in the episode where they were swimming from the hijacked boat? Her arm was shot--that is the reason she couldn't swim very well.
  18. Which guy was the gross guy that I won't even repeat what he said to Hannah on AFTR? Is he gone? I don't remember who it was but hoping he didn't last long.
  19. I wasn't paying much attention, but at the end they showed her holding the baby and the rescue squad was there. Of course the baby was totally clean and fresh and older looking. lol! and then there was an interaction with Martin and Lisa where she had accepted money from him.
  20. This is a woman with many children. What a great example she sets for them. Ugh.
  21. I agree. I liked the interaction of the other characters that occurred because of her storyline, but frankly Jordana was awful in this role, and her character sucked. I enjoyed having Magnum spend more time with his friends than usual, and bringing them all together.
  22. That is interesting. What is also interesting is that Jennie Garth has completely gone overboard doing something to her face. Go check out Tori’s Instagram. I almost didn’t recognize her. Makes me sad. She was so pretty and now she looks ridiculously fake. Tori is also getting criticized for showing her daughters eating muffins and declaring them healthy snacks. Lol. Oh Tori. You know better when it comes to social media. Well I hope something actually happens with these judgments this time.
  23. Totally agree. I didn't even hear the whole story about the firing, but I found it alarming that she would hire someone back with no question marks, and not tell the rest of them before her showing up to some cocktail party. And then for Kristen to accuse them of not being professional--omg, of course they were in shock, and it only made Kristen look completely unprofessional. It didn't help the rehired employee or the existing employees one bit. I can completely understand that feeling of being exposed to someone that treated you badly, and how that could cause you to get emotional and caught by surprise. There are some hurtful people in the workplace, and just because it is business doesn't mean you don't have feelings.
  24. Her "area" must hurt. Everything she wears is so snug. I can't even imagine how uncomfortable that must get.
  25. I can relate to Maci here. My son is right around the same age, and his pics this year practically make him look like a teenager. I am like, what on earth happened? lol. I have always liked Bentley--he is a good kid.
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