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Everything posted by SilverShadow

  1. I liked the show overall but it really bothered me that the effing doctors and board members in the opening scene seemed to never have heard of the ADA, which was violated in at least two or three ways. Yeah yeah drama, but the fact that it wasn't even brought up bugs.
  2. I love the little breather episodes. Mr. Satan was great. And Gohan trying to cook for Videl was precious. Poor Goku's in the doghouse for awhile. His reaction to getting spotted was great. I forgot my tractoooor aaaaah.
  3. I love the way Gohan and Videl's relationship develops. She starts off so cynical and disbelieving and he's just clueless about How To Teenager.
  4. I work in a library so I gasped out loud when the library staff person left two teenagers alone in the "rare book room." No. Just no.
  5. I'm loving "Season 3"/Infinity so far. I'm so excited for more Hotaru next week. She's my favorite non-Usagi senshi.
  6. I am super into Hades and Zelena and am surprised but not really upset about it. I now invite you to picture them performing this duet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GK-6Td9INxM
  7. There's definitely Kiss The Girl Touches, but the Italian-style music and the restaurant setting also made me think of "Bella Noche" from Lady and the Tramp. I loved it so much.
  8. Alex is kind of the worst. Like worse than the grilled lettuce hipsters. She gives not one fuck about Scarlett or John. I am ridiculously enjoying the demon baby. The concept is so hilariously demented. ...And as soon as we saw Liz and Tristan together I knew one of them was dying. RIP Grown Up Rufio. You were actually a little interesting and sympathetic this episode. I was so happy to see Murder House. My one major complaint of the show so far is I want more 20s flashbacks, but it looks like we'll get some next week.
  9. AN FYI When you get the Blu Ray you get access to DisneyMoviesAnywhere, or you can purchase separately, and there's a bunch of extra deleted scenes. Some of which are very sweet.
  10. I really like the 90s Merlin Miniseries with Sam Neal as Merlin and Helena Bonham Carter as Morgan.
  11. Not if you count the Jake and the Neverland Pirates films. Really it's just a bridge into the series. Disney does that a lot. Return of Jafar started as a pilot for the Aladdin series way back when, but then they decided to put it on video, it made all the money, and a tradition was born.
  12. It may be that they wanted to keep his return a surprise for the less hard-core fans, rather than a sign of disrespect.
  13. Disney also posted the first six minutes of the movie, including the villain kids' opening number (starting at 3:18): https://youtu.be/1Zm9D1tXWVs
  14. IIRC Howland Reed was at the Tower of Joy and coudl reveal any necessary information.
  15. In the meeting Also apparently after four months and three episodes Telltale is just now zeroing in on why the PS3 version is broken. Maybe I'll even get to play episode 6 on it right away.
  16. Descendents is out early on the Watch Disney Channel app. Thoughts in Spoilerbox. No specific plot spoilers, but I do discuss how I feel about certain actors and characters:
  17. I actually thought the Black Moon arc was far and away and improvement on the Dark Kingdom arc. It felt much more thematically cohesive and the writing seemed better. The senshi as a group still took a backseat to the Moon Royal Family, but when they were around it felt much more like there was a there there. I really hope we get the Death Busters and beyond.
  18. My Karen hate was in full force by the end of season 1 this rewatch. She's smug and entitled and I can't stand the scenes where everyone licks her boots. My favorite example is when she sings "Wolf" and they actually cut back to the Ivy version while trying to sell us on the idea that Karen is just as good. And then Derek and Eileen go on about how awesome she was in case we didn't get it. Oh! I forgot this last rewatch post, but I just don't buy the Ivy pill-popping despair leading her to get kicked out of Heaven on Earth. Ivy has to know that whoever gets Marilyn will need an understudy and that a name probably wouldn't stay with the show very long past the Tonys, so she might have a shot at being a replacement. Which isn't creating a role, but if so far she's been in the ensamble, it's still a big step up. Ugh. Also I forgot how much I like Nick. He's kinda pointless but I appreciate Angelica Houston having a boy toy.
  19. The difference in casting ages between Arthur and Gwen really rubs me the wrong way. "Mid 30s to early 40s" for him and "Mid 20s to Mid 30s" for her.
  20. So watching the Tonys last night, in Finding Neverland's performance, Kelsey Grammer's Captain Hook says,"A man who is not willing to fight for what he wants, gets what he deserves." Which is almost exactly the same as a Once!Hook quote. https://youtu.be/X-bl00nw3v0 Now I'm wondering if it's a line from the original book. Anyone recall?
  21. OMG yes. Putting the scroll on superspeed is jut a littttle disrespectful and in terrible taste.
  22. Anybody else think it was kinda gross that the show kept pimping "A Special Tribute From Josh Groban" and it was for the In Mermorium?
  23. I may see It Shoulda Been You, but only because I adore Sierra Boggess and will watch her do almost anything.
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