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Everything posted by SilverShadow

  1. Okay. So based on Shireen's fate and the eminent battle, my theory is (assuming Sansa escapes) is that a disillusioned Davos somehow hooks up with Sansa, Brienne, Pod, and maybe Theon, and Sansa is the one who orders him to find Bran and Rickon. That would make sense and be an easy substitute for Aegon, if that plot's being omitted.
  2. And...I wanna see Finding Neverland now. The projections and sets look awesome.
  3. Fun Home's performance was the first that really wowed me tonight. I'm familiar with the graphic novel, but the whole scene stood on its own. I'll definitely try and see it and listen to the cast recording ASAP. I have a lot of affection for Gigi but wasn't super-impressed with "The Night They Invented Champagne."
  4. Was inspired to start my own rewatch. Halfway through episode 2 my main thoughts are: Let Me Be Your Star is sill such a good sequence. Karen is not as bad as she'll get, but the seeds of terribleness are there. She's so affronted about the casting person taking the phone call, and she can't concentrate on her prep for five minutes without trying to segue-way into fucking her boyfriend. She also acts so annoyed at the dance practices, when she's the one messing up. UGH. Also Derek can shut up about "Marilyn never tried." The original plan for Ivy's background was clearly not famous mother, with the phone call about "Jimmy" getting into night school etc. But the retcon gave us Bernadette Peters, so I'll accept it. So far the show is rather vague on whether Derek actually expected Karen to like blow him or something during the late night 'work session.' The narrative seems to be trying to push Karen as the one who 'should' get the part, but they totally undermined themselves by giving Ivy two numbers in the pilot alone. And then by having Ivy initially get the part, she just builds up a lot more Marilyn cred and McPhee can't make up for it under her own power when she's the less seasoned performer to begin with. Leo and the adoption plot on the other hand are immediately terrible. They should have nixed the adoption the minute it went to series.
  5. I think the Incest charge is Lancel only. They have no proof she was screwing Jaime and I doubt she told Lancel. The rumors are out and about, but if they leave it at Lancel, Tommen keeps the throne.
  6. I'm really annoyed because the PS3 version has been unplayable for a lot of people, including myself, pretty much since episode 3 and they haven't fixed it yet. Luckily I bought both the PS3 and PC versions so I can still play, but it's ridiculous they haven't come up with a fix yet. I'm 99% percent sure they decided to ignore it until episode 4 was out and now they're scrambling. So, guesses on the traitor? Mine below.
  7. Wooh! Full performance of Wildling...I'll be in my bunk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gywGBuMUiI4
  8. Full sketch! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAiRvXnL6jE
  9. Not long term. But maybe enough to throw him off balance enough to make the wedding night less horrific. But there were other ways to work around it, if the writers had wanted to. For example, have Roose warn Ramsey not to do anything stupid, like so: Roose: Remember, treat the Stark girl gently. She's not one of your pets. Misuse her and you might well incite the entire North in open rebellion at the time we can least afford it. *super serious eye contact.* Don't disappoint me, Ramsey. This was something the writers actively chose to invent for the show. They wanted to include Sansa being raped as a plot point so they aligned events to make it happen. They could just as easily have done otherwise if that was the course they wanted to take.
  10. We'll have to agree to disagree. IMO the Sansa we saw at the end of the last season and early this season, who was able to emotionally manipulate the Lords of the Vale and was learning from Littlefinger's playbook, and in this episode smacked down Ramsey's girlfriend had grown beyond being a helpless damsel, and I'm upset the writers brought her back to that place when they could have spun her story so many other, more interesting ways.
  11. It came up in "Tiny". Leroy was asking the particulars as they were running and David rather exasperatedly says that David is not just his Storybrooke name but his "name-name." It's a cute scene.
  12. If Merlin in Once turns out to be basically Kami from Dragonball Z, I will laugh so hard. ETA: It turns out I misread 'this darkness' as 'his darkness'. Oh well.
  13. EW already has two interviewers out about the final scene. One from Bryan Cogman and one from Sophie Turner.
  14. But again, if the writers really wanted to, they could have done it without Sansa actually having to be physically brutalized. They could have Ramsey gleefully telling Theon his plans before he acts and Theon warning Sansa.THere was nothing that said they had to take this route.
  15. URGH. I was so hoping Sansa would be able to play Ramsey, so at least the wedding night would be easier for her. It was so simple to write it to that too. When Ramsey all blah blah honesty Sansa should have chimed in, "Well if we're being honest, your little friend Myranda came to me today. She told me you did XYZ. I think she was trying to scare me." "So you didn't believe her?" "I believed every word. It just didn't scare me. " Then she could have spun a story about everything she went through in King's Landing and lied that she was the one who killed Joffrey and deliberately framed Tyrion for it. She could still have had the revelation that she needed to GTFO without the wedding night being so traumatic.
  16. Cross-posting here and in the Mr. Squirrels thread since it's relevant to both. In an interview Will Friedle revealed that part of the reason he hasn't done much on-screen acting since BMW is that he's been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks since his early twenties. It sounds like he's managing it, and was able to film three GMW episodes this season. A fan also posted a youtube video about it and worked to get a hashtag #ProudofWill trending on twitter the night Mr. Squirells aired. I think it's really awesome that he was able to talk about it, and that so many people were willing to share their support.
  17. Cross-posting here and in the media thread since it's relevant to both. In an interview Will Friedle revealed that part of the reason he hasn't done much on-screen acting since BMW is that he's been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks since his early twenties. It sounds like he's managing it, and was able to film three GMW episodes this season. A fan also posted a youtube video about it and worked to get a hashtag #ProudofWill trending on twitter the night Mr. Squirells aired. I think it's really awesome that he was able to talk about it, and that so many people were willing to share their support
  18. I've been digging through a bunch of these on ION, through Season 4. My favorites of the ones I've seen: Season 1: A Time to Hate Fly Away The Letter The Boy in the Box Season 2: Factory Girls Daniela Wishing Season 3: Detention Debut Willkommen Beautiful Little Fool Season 4: Baby Blues Saving Sammy Fireflies Forever Blue The Goodbye Room
  19. [self-deleted a bunch of stuff, cause I thought this was the book talk thread.] I do think the show is ramping up the hints to Jon's possible parentage, especially with Jon walking through the door right as Aemon says "a Targaryan alone in the world".
  20. It'd be really interesting if the dagger corrupted Emma in the opposite way it did Rumple. Rumple was ultimately a selfish cowardly person and the dagger exacerbated that. So what if with Emma, the dagger instead turned her selflessness up to eleven. She's going to make damn sure everyone gets their happy endings, regardless of the cost to her own soul. Villains threatening her loved ones? She kills them without flinching. Interpersonal conflicts-a few poofed memories and people literally don't remember why they're angry at each other. Etc. That's the ultimate extreme of course, and I'd love a lot of build to it. Just little protective actions with minimal magic that get bigger and more morally messed up as the half-season goes on.
  21. If Emma gets a Keyblade I will take back any and all criticism (okay most) that I have directed at the show.
  22. Evil Queen Snow was wonderful. She had this air of barely restrained crazy menace, until it starts to look through then FIRE AND BLOOD, that's very different from Lana's more controlled portrayal. I loved when she had her council and was discussing the importance of teamwork and leadership like an overly earnest middle manager and then WHAM heart crush.
  23. If Lily's father was a dragon I'm betting he's Merlin. In the Sword and the Stone movie he and Madam Mim could both shapeshift-and Mim shifted into a dragon. I was mostly happy with this episode, aside from the Regina stuff. I loved how Evil!Snow was basically crazy and applying things through a lens of twisted morality versus Regina's pride and anger. I love Emma so much. But I think in trying to save her family she's done the worst thing she could do for herself. Depriving herself of human connection may only make her go dark faster.
  24. God damn it. Taking it to the episode thread! Later guys!
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